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This is a collection of notes taken from the calculus course given by Prof. Michael Bronstein at USI. Students are free to download the notes and contribute to add content and correct mistakes.

The notes have been written in LaTeX. A pdf can be generated by compiling notes.tex.

PDF files can be downloaded here.


notes.cpp is a program written in c++ that generates more concise notes from notes.tex.

To run the program, execute from terminal ./notes notes.tex.

The program will generate three new files:

  • notes_definitions.tex: notes with definitions and theorems, without proofs and examples.
  • notes_proofs.tex: notes with definitions, theorems and their proofs. No examples.
  • notes_examples.tex: notes with definitions, theorems and examples. No proofs.


If you want to contribute, then contact me and I will add you to the collaborators list, or just send me a pull request.

Editing calculus_notes.tex

To increase code readability, instead of writing long mathematical code, write \newcommands and use those already defined. \newcommands should be defined on top of the .tex document. To write definitions, theorems, remarks, proof, ... it is better to use the provided environments (e.g. \begin{theorem} ... \end{theorem}.


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