예제 #1
파일: aac.c 프로젝트: Tomwi/FeOSMusic
 * Input	:	Filename
 * Output	: 	1 if succesful 0 if not
int openFile(const char * name)
	readOff = readBuf;
	if((fp = fopen(name, "rb"))) {
		if(strstr(name, ".aac") || strstr(name, ".AAC")) {
			dec_state  = DEC_AAC;
			if((decoder = AACInitDecoder())) {
				if(fill_readBuffer(readBuf, &readOff, READ_BUF_SIZE, &dataLeft) == READ_BUF_SIZE) {
					int ret = 0;
					int bitOffset = 0, bitsAvail = dataLeft << 3;
						ret = UnpackADIFHeader((AACDecInfo*)decoder, &readOff, &bitOffset, &bitsAvail);
						ret = UnpackADTSHeader((AACDecInfo*)decoder, &readOff, &bitOffset, &bitsAvail);
					if(!ret) {
						AACGetLastFrameInfo(decoder, &inf);
						readOff = readBuf;
						dataLeft = READ_BUF_SIZE;
						return 1;
		} else {
			dec_state = DEC_MP4;
			mp4cb.user_data = fp;
			if((infile = mp4ff_open_read(&mp4cb))) {
				if ((track = findAudioTrack(infile)) >= 0) {
					/* Decoder failed to initialize */
					if((decoder = AACInitDecoder())) {
						/* Decoder should be updated to decode raw blocks in the mp4
						 * IMPORTANT:
						 * mp4ff_get_channel_count will return the wrong value for mono in this state
						inf.sampRateCore = mp4ff_get_sample_rate(infile, track);
						samples = mp4ff_num_samples(infile, track);

						A)object type
						B)frequency index
						C)channel configuration
						D)bit: frame length flag
						E)bit: dependsOnCoreCoder
						F)bit: extensionFlag

						unsigned char * config_buf;
						unsigned int config_bufSize;
						mp4ff_get_decoder_config(infile, track, &config_buf, &config_bufSize);
						inf.profile =  AAC_PROFILE_LC;
						inf.nChans 	= (config_buf[1] >> 3) & 0xF;
						if(!AACSetRawBlockParams(decoder, 0, &inf))
							return 1;
void AudioPlaySdAac::setupDecoder(int channels, int samplerate, int profile)
	memset(&aacFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(AACFrameInfo));
	aacFrameInfo.nChans = channels;
	//aacFrameInfo.bitsPerSample = bits; not used
	aacFrameInfo.sampRateCore = samplerate;
	aacFrameInfo.profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
	AACSetRawBlockParams(hAACDecoder, 0, &aacFrameInfo);
예제 #3
 * Input	:	Filename
 * Output	: 	1 if succesful -1 if not
int mp4_openFile(char * name) {
	if((sndFile = fopen(name, "rb"))) {
		mp4cb.user_data = sndFile;
		if((infile = mp4ff_open_read(&mp4cb))) {
			if ((track = findAudioTrack(infile)) >= 0) {
				/* Decoder failed to initialize */
				if((decoder = AACInitDecoder())) {
					/* Decoder should be updated to decode raw blocks in the mp4 */
					inf.sampRateCore = mp4ff_get_sample_rate(infile, track);
					inf.nChans = mp4ff_get_channel_count(infile,track);
					/* AACSetRawBlockParams will fail if not set */
					inf.profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
					samples = mp4ff_num_samples(infile, track);
					if(!AACSetRawBlockParams(decoder, 0, &inf))
						return 0;
	return -1;	/* sndFile == NULL */
예제 #4
static int init(sh_audio_t *sh){
  int pos = 0;
  int32_t result = HXR_OK;
  uint16_t *temp;
  uint8_t *inBuf;
  int in_len;
  int32_t NumChannels, SampleRate;
  hAACDecoder = (HAACDecoder *)AACInitDecoder();
  ga_config_data configData;
  int i;

  if (!hAACDecoder) {
          printf(" *** Error initializing decoder ***\n");
          return 0;

  if(!sh->codecdata_len && sh->wf) {
    sh->codecdata_len = sh->wf->cbSize;
    sh->codecdata = (char*)(sh->wf+1);

    mp_msg(MSGT_DECAUDIO,MSGL_DBG2,"realaac: codecdata extracted from WAVEFORMATEX\n");

    //return 0;
    sh->a_in_buffer_len = demux_read_data(sh->ds, sh->a_in_buffer, sh->a_in_buffer_size);

     inBuf  = sh->a_in_buffer;
     in_len = sh->a_in_buffer_len;
     temp = (uint16_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * sh->audio_out_minsize);
     /* decode ADTS frame from opaque data to get config data */
     result = AACDecode(hAACDecoder,  &inBuf, &in_len, temp);
     if (result != HXR_OK)
        return 0;

         /* get the config data struct from the decoder */
     AACGetLastFrameInfo(hAACDecoder, frameInfo);

     NumChannels = frameInfo->nChans;
     SampleRate = frameInfo->sampRateCore;
    struct BITSTREAM *pBitstream ;

    pBitstream = (struct BITSTREAM *)malloc(sizeof(struct BITSTREAM)) ;
    if (!pBitstream)
        return 0 ;

    pBitstream->cacheBitsLeft = 0 ;
    pBitstream->buffer = sh->codecdata ;
    pBitstream->nBits  = sh->codecdata_len*8 ;
    pBitstream->pkptr = pBitstream->buffer + (0>>3) ;
    pBitstream->cacheBitsLeft = 0 ;
    pBitstream->cache = 0 ;
    pBitstream->inc = 1 ;

     result = ga_config_get_data(pBitstream, &configData);

     if (result != HXR_OK) /* config data error */
         return 0;
      NumChannels = frameInfo->nChans=configData.numChannels;
      SampleRate = frameInfo->sampRateCore=configData.samplingFrequency;
     /* see MPEG4 spec for index of each object type */
     if (configData.audioObjectType == 2)
         frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
     else if (configData.audioObjectType == 1)
         frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_MP;
     else if (configData.audioObjectType == 3)
         frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_SSR;
         return 0; /* don't know - assume LC */

    /* set decoder to handle raw data blocks */
    AACSetRawBlockParams(hAACDecoder, 0, frameInfo);
    mp_msg(MSGT_DECAUDIO,MSGL_V,"realaac: Decoder init done (%dBytes)!\n", sh->a_in_buffer_len); // XXX: remove or move to debug!
    mp_msg(MSGT_DECAUDIO,MSGL_V,"realaac: Negotiated samplerate: %ldHz  channels: %d\n", SampleRate, NumChannels);

    sh->channels = NumChannels;
    if (audio_output_channels <= 2) sh->channels = NumChannels > 1 ? 2 : 1;
    sh->samplerate = SampleRate;

   if(!sh->i_bps) {
      mp_msg(MSGT_DECAUDIO,MSGL_WARN,"realaac: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s!\n");
      sh->i_bps = 128*1000/8; // XXX: HACK!!! ::atmos
    } else
      mp_msg(MSGT_DECAUDIO,MSGL_V,"realaac: got %dkbit/s bitrate from MP4 header!\n",sh->i_bps*8/1000);

  return 1; // return values: 1=OK 0=ERROR
예제 #5
 * aac_decode_init
aac_decode_init(void*              pInitParams,
                UINT32             ulInitParamsSize,
                ra_format_info*    pStreamInfo,
                void**             pDecode,
                void*              pUserMem,
                rm_malloc_func_ptr fpMalloc,
                rm_free_func_ptr   fpFree)
    HX_RESULT result = HXR_OK;
    aac_decode* pDec;
    AACFrameInfo *frameInfo;
    ga_config_data configData;
    UCHAR *pData;
    UCHAR *inBuf;
    INT16 *temp;
    UINT32 numBytes, numBits;
    UINT32 cfgType;

    /* for MP4 bitstream parsing */
    struct BITSTREAM *pBs = 0;

    /* allocate the aac_decode struct */
    pDec = (aac_decode*) fpMalloc(pUserMem, sizeof(aac_decode));
    if (pDec == HXNULL)
        return HXR_OUTOFMEMORY;

    memset(pDec, 0, sizeof(aac_decode));
    *pDecode = (void *)pDec;

    /* allocate the frame info struct */
    pDec->pFrameInfo = fpMalloc(pUserMem, sizeof(AACFrameInfo));
    frameInfo = (AACFrameInfo *) pDec->pFrameInfo;
    /* allocate the decoder backend instance */
    pDec->pDecoder = AACInitDecoder(1);
    if (pDec->pFrameInfo == HXNULL || pDec->pDecoder == HXNULL)
        return HXR_OUTOFMEMORY;

    /* save the stream info and init data we'll need later */
    pDec->ulNumChannels = (UINT32)pStreamInfo->usNumChannels;
    pDec->ulBlockSize = pStreamInfo->ulGranularity;
    pDec->ulFrameSize = pStreamInfo->ulBitsPerFrame;
    pDec->ulFramesPerBlock = pDec->ulBlockSize / pDec->ulFrameSize;
    /* output frame size is doubled for safety in case of implicit SBR */
    pDec->ulSamplesPerFrame = 1024*pStreamInfo->usNumChannels*2;
    pDec->ulSampleRateCore = pStreamInfo->ulSampleRate;
    pDec->ulSampleRateOut  = pStreamInfo->ulActualRate;
    if (pStreamInfo->ulOpaqueDataSize < 1)
        return HXR_FAIL; /* insufficient config data */

    /* get the config data */
    pData = (UCHAR *)pStreamInfo->pOpaqueData;
    cfgType = pData[0];
    inBuf = pData + 1;
    numBytes = pStreamInfo->ulOpaqueDataSize - 1;

    if (cfgType == 1) /* ADTS Frame */
        /* allocate temp buffer for decoding first ADTS frame */
        temp = (INT16 *)fpMalloc(pUserMem, sizeof(INT16) * pDec->ulSamplesPerFrame);
        if (temp == HXNULL)
            return HXR_OUTOFMEMORY;
            /* decode ADTS frame from opaque data to get config data */
            result = AACDecode(pDec->pDecoder, &inBuf, (INT32*)&numBytes, temp);
            /* free the temp buffer */
            fpFree(pUserMem, temp);

        if (result == HXR_OK)
            /* get the config data struct from the decoder */
            AACGetLastFrameInfo(pDec->pDecoder, frameInfo);

            pDec->ulNumChannels = frameInfo->nChans;
            pDec->ulSamplesPerFrame = frameInfo->outputSamps;
            pDec->ulSampleRateCore = frameInfo->sampRateCore;
            pDec->ulSampleRateOut = frameInfo->sampRateOut;
            pDec->bSBR = (pDec->ulSampleRateCore != pDec->ulSampleRateOut);
    else if (cfgType == 2) /* MP4 Audio Specific Config Data */
        numBits = numBytes*8;

        if (newBitstream(&pBs, numBits, pUserMem, fpMalloc))
            return HXR_FAIL;

        feedBitstream(pBs, (const UCHAR *)inBuf, numBits);
        setAtBitstream(pBs, 0, 1);
        result = ga_config_get_data(pBs, &configData);
        deleteBitstream(pBs, pUserMem, fpFree);
        if (result != HXR_OK) /* config data error */
            return HXR_FAIL;

        pDec->ulNumChannels = configData.numChannels;
        pDec->ulSampleRateCore = configData.samplingFrequency;
        pDec->ulSampleRateOut = configData.extensionSamplingFrequency;
        pDec->bSBR = configData.bSBR;

        /*  ulSamplesPerFrame is set to the maximum possible output length.
         *  The config data has the initial output length, which might
         *  be doubled once the first frame is handed in (if AAC+ is
         *  signalled implicitly).
        pDec->ulSamplesPerFrame = 2*configData.frameLength*configData.numChannels;

        /* setup decoder to handle raw data blocks */
        frameInfo->nChans = pDec->ulNumChannels;
        frameInfo->sampRateCore =  pDec->ulSampleRateCore;

        /* see MPEG4 spec for index of each object type */
        if (configData.audioObjectType == 2)
            frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
        else if (configData.audioObjectType == 1)
            frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_MP;
        else if (configData.audioObjectType == 3)
            frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_SSR;
            frameInfo->profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC; /* don't know - assume LC */
    else /* unsupported config type */
            return HXR_FAIL;

    /* make certain that all the channels can be handled */
    if (pDec->ulNumChannels > AAC_MAX_NCHANS) {

    /* set the channel mask - custom maps not supported */
    switch (pDec->ulNumChannels) {
    case  1: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x00004; /* FC                */
    case  2: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x00003; /* FL,FR             */
    case  3: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x00007; /* FL,FR,FC          */
    case  4: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x00107; /* FL,FR,FC,BC       */
    case  5: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x00037; /* FL,FR,FC,BL,BR    */
    case  6: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0x0003F; /* FL,FR,FC,LF,BL,BR */
    default: pDec->ulChannelMask = 0xFFFFF; /* Unknown           */

    /* set the delay samples */
    pDec->ulDelayRemaining = pDec->ulSamplesPerFrame;

    /* set decoder to handle raw data blocks */
    AACSetRawBlockParams(pDec->pDecoder, 0, frameInfo);

    return HXR_OK;
예제 #6
|   AacDecoderInput_PutPacket
AacDecoderInput_PutPacket(BLT_PacketConsumer* _self,
                          BLT_MediaPacket*    packet)
    AacDecoder* self = ATX_SELF_M(input, AacDecoder, BLT_PacketConsumer);
    ATX_Result  result;

    /* check to see if this is the end of a stream */
    if (BLT_MediaPacket_GetFlags(packet) & 
        self->input.eos = BLT_TRUE;

    /* check to see if we need to create a decoder for this */
    if (self->helix_decoder == NULL) {
        AacDecoderConfig             decoder_config;
        AACFrameInfo                 aac_frame_info;
        const BLT_MediaType*         media_type;
        const BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType* mp4_media_type;

        BLT_MediaPacket_GetMediaType(packet, &media_type);
        if (media_type == NULL || media_type->id != self->mp4es_type_id) {
            return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE;
        mp4_media_type = (const BLT_Mp4AudioMediaType*)media_type;
        if (mp4_media_type->base.stream_type != BLT_MP4_STREAM_TYPE_AUDIO) {
            return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_TYPE;
        if (BLT_FAILED(AacDecoderConfig_Parse(mp4_media_type->decoder_info, mp4_media_type->decoder_info_length, &decoder_config))) {
        if (decoder_config.object_type != BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_AAC_LC &&
            decoder_config.object_type != BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_SBR) {
        /* create the decoder */
        self->helix_decoder = AACInitDecoder();
        if (self->helix_decoder == NULL) return BLT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        /* configure the decoder */
        ATX_SetMemory(&aac_frame_info, 0, sizeof(aac_frame_info));
        aac_frame_info.nChans       = AacDecoderConfig_GetChannelCount(&decoder_config);
        aac_frame_info.sampRateCore = AacDecoderConfig_GetSampleRate(&decoder_config);
        if (decoder_config.object_type == BLT_AAC_OBJECT_TYPE_AAC_LC) {
            aac_frame_info.profile = AAC_PROFILE_LC;
        self->sample_buffer_size = BLT_AAC_FRAME_SIZE*2*aac_frame_info.nChans*2; /* the last *2 is for SBR support */
        AACSetRawBlockParams(self->helix_decoder, 0, &aac_frame_info);        

        unsigned char*   in_buffer;
        int              in_size;
        short*           out_buffer;
        BLT_MediaPacket* out_packet;
        AACFrameInfo     aac_frame_info;
        /* create a PCM packet for the output */
        result = BLT_Core_CreateMediaPacket(ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).core,
        if (BLT_FAILED(result)) return result;

        /* copy the timestamp */
        BLT_MediaPacket_SetTimeStamp(out_packet, BLT_MediaPacket_GetTimeStamp(packet));

        /* decode the packet as a frame */
        in_buffer  = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(packet);
        in_size    = BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadSize(packet);
        out_buffer = (short*)BLT_MediaPacket_GetPayloadBuffer(out_packet);
        result = AACDecode(self->helix_decoder, &in_buffer, &in_size, out_buffer); 
        if (result != 0) {

        /* check that the sample buffer matches our current media type */
        AACGetLastFrameInfo(self->helix_decoder, &aac_frame_info);
        if (self->output.media_type.channel_count == 0) {
            /* first time, setup our media type */
            self->output.media_type.channel_count   = aac_frame_info.nChans;
            self->output.media_type.sample_rate     = aac_frame_info.sampRateOut;
            self->output.media_type.bits_per_sample = 16;
            self->output.media_type.sample_format   = BLT_PCM_SAMPLE_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT_NE;
            self->output.media_type.channel_mask    = 0;

            /* update the stream info */
            if (ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).context) {
                BLT_StreamInfo stream_info;
                stream_info.data_type     = "MPEG-4 AAC";
                stream_info.sample_rate   = aac_frame_info.sampRateOut;
                stream_info.channel_count = aac_frame_info.nChans;
                stream_info.mask = BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_DATA_TYPE    |
                                   BLT_STREAM_INFO_MASK_SAMPLE_RATE  |
                BLT_Stream_SetInfo(ATX_BASE(self, BLT_BaseMediaNode).context, &stream_info);

            /* update the packet media type */
            BLT_MediaPacket_SetMediaType(out_packet, (BLT_MediaType*)&self->output.media_type);
        } else {
            /* we've already setup a media type, check that this is the same */
            if (self->output.media_type.sample_rate   != (unsigned int)aac_frame_info.sampRateOut || 
                self->output.media_type.channel_count != aac_frame_info.nChans) {
                return BLT_ERROR_INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT;

        /* add to the output packet list */
        BLT_MediaPacket_SetPayloadSize(out_packet, aac_frame_info.outputSamps*2);
        ATX_List_AddData(self->output.packets, out_packet);

    return BLT_SUCCESS;