예제 #1
TEST_F(ContextEnumeratorTest, ComplexRemovalInterference) {
  static const size_t nChildren = 50;

  // This time we use a vector, and we pop from the back of the vector unpredictably:
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CoreContext>> children(nChildren);
  for(size_t i = nChildren; i--;)

  // Shuffle the collection to prevent the order here from being equivalent to the order in the context
  std::random_shuffle(children.begin(), children.end());

  // These are the elements actually encountered in the enumeration, held here to prevent expiration in the
  // event that we enumerate a context which should have already been evicted
  std::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<CoreContext>> enumerated;

  // These are the elements eliminated from the vector.  By the time we're done the should all be expired.
  std::vector<std::weak_ptr<CoreContext>> eliminated;

  // Go through the enumeration, the totals should line up by the time we're done:
  for(const auto& cur : CurrentContextEnumerator()) {
    // Pull off the last element:
    auto removed = children.back();

    // If we haven't enumerated this element already, we want to mark it as eliminated-before-enumerated

  // Now verify that nothing we eliminated was enumerated:
  for(auto& cur : eliminated)
    ASSERT_TRUE(cur.expired()) << "Found an element that was iterated after it should have been unreachable";
예제 #2
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CoreContext>> create(void) {
  // Create a bunch of subcontexts from here
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CoreContext>> contexts(n);
  for (size_t i = n; i--;)
    contexts[i] = AutoCreateContext();
  return contexts;
예제 #3
TEST_F(ContextEnumeratorTest, SimpleRemovalInterference) {
  static const size_t nChildren = 5;

  // Create a few contexts which we intend to destroy as we go along:
  std::unordered_set<std::shared_ptr<CoreContext>> contexts;
  for(size_t i = nChildren; i--;)

  // Also add ourselves:

  // Enumerate contexts, and remove them from the set:
  size_t nRemoved = 0;
  for(const auto& cur : CurrentContextEnumerator()) {
    ASSERT_TRUE(!!contexts.count(cur)) << "Failed to find a context enumerated by the context enumerator";

  // Verify we got the number removed we expected:
  ASSERT_EQ(nChildren + 1UL, nRemoved) << "Context enumerator did not remove the expected number of children";