예제 #1
char BSL430_writeMemory(unsigned long startAddr, unsigned int size,  char* data)
	unsigned long i;
	char exceptions = SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION;

	for (i = startAddr; i < startAddr + size; i++)
		if ((startAddr & 0x01) || i == startAddr + size - 1)
			exceptions = BSL430_writeByte(i, *data);
			data += 1;
			exceptions = BSL430_writeWord(i, *(int *)data);
			data += 2;
		if (exceptions != SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION)
			return exceptions;
		} // if
	}     // for
	return exceptions;
예제 #2
char flushBuffer(void)
    unsigned long i;
    char exceptions = SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION;
    unsigned char* data = &BlockBuffer[0];

    if (LockedStatus == UNLOCKED)
        if (((BlockBufferStart & 0x7F) == 0) && (BlockBufferPtr == 128)) //Buffer is full and
                                                                         // aligned
            while (FCTL3 & BUSY) ;
            FCTL3 = FWKEY;                                               // Clear Lock bit
            FCTL1 = FWKEY + BLKWRT + WRT;                                // Set write/block bit

            for (i = BlockBufferStart; i < BlockBufferStart + 128; i += 4)
                __data20_write_long(i, *((long*)data));
                data += 4;
                while ((FCTL3 & WAIT) == 0) ;
            } // for
            FCTL1 = FwRamKey;
            while (FCTL3 & BUSY) ;
            FCTL3 = FwRamKey + LOCK;
        } // if
            FCTL3 = FwRamKey;                                            // Clear Lock bit
            FCTL1 = FwRamKey + WRT;                                      // Set write bit
            for (i = BlockBufferStart; i < BlockBufferStart + BlockBufferPtr; i++)
                if ((BlockBufferStart & 0x01) || i == BlockBufferStart + BlockBufferPtr - 1)
                    exceptions = BSL430_writeByte(i, *data);
                    data += 1;
                    exceptions = BSL430_writeWord(i, *(int *)data);
                    data += 2;
                if (exceptions != SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION)
                    return exceptions;
                } // if
            }     // for
        }         // else
        BlockBufferStart = 0;
        BlockBufferNext = 0;
        BlockBufferPtr = 0;
        exceptions = BSL_LOCKED;
    return exceptions;
예제 #3
char BSL430_writeMemory(unsigned long startAddr, unsigned int size,  char* data)
    unsigned long i;
    char exceptions = SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION;

    // Note: this function compiles quite differently based on whether the
    // BSL is based out of RAM, or not.  RAM based BSLs can use buffering
    // and perform a block long word write.  This is primarily used for
    // USB BSLs for performance increase.
    // Flash based BSLs will use the second second of code, below

    if (LockedStatus == UNLOCKED)
        if ((BlockBufferStart == 0) || BlockBufferNext == startAddr)
            // if we are starting, or continuing a block...
            if (BlockBufferStart == 0)
                BlockBufferStart = startAddr;                 // if starting a new block, reset
                                                              // start addr
            BlockBufferNext =  startAddr + size;              // always update the next addr for
                                                              // streaming
            for (i = 0; i < size;)
                BlockBuffer[BlockBufferPtr++] = *data;        // add the incoming data to the buffer
                i++;                                          // i incrimented here for check below
                if (((startAddr) & 0x7F) == 0x00)             // we've crossed a 128 byte block
                                                              // boundary
                    flushBuffer();                            // flush out old buffer, writing...
                    // begin write on block boundary
                    return BSL430_writeMemory(startAddr, (size - i), data);
                } // if
            } // for
        } // if buffer start
            // for when data exists in the buffer, but we are jumping to a new place to write...
            flushBuffer();                                    // flush out old buffer, writing..
            return BSL430_writeMemory(startAddr, size, data); // begin buffering new data
    } // if unlocked
        exceptions = BSL_LOCKED;
    // Below is the writeMemory function compiled with Flash based BSLs.
    for (i = startAddr; i < startAddr + size; i++)
#    ifndef RAM_WRITE_ONLY_BSL
        // if the start address is odd, or we're 1 byte from end...
        if ((startAddr & 0x01) || i == startAddr + size - 1)
#    endif
            exceptions = BSL430_writeByte(i, *data);
            data += 1;
#    ifndef RAM_WRITE_ONLY_BSL
        // else, we're on an even addr, and have at least 1 word left..
            exceptions = BSL430_writeWord(i, *(int *)data);
            data += 2;
        if (exceptions != SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION)
            return exceptions;
        } // if
#    endif
    }     // for
    return exceptions;