예제 #1
파일: transform_test.cpp 프로젝트: Nuos/LoD
void TestLocRotScaleLevel2(Transform& gparent, Transform& parent, Transform& child) {
  Transform p = parent;
  Transform gp = gparent;

  // Location

  CheckPos(parent, child, "Translation effect on child");
  AssertEquals(parent, p, "Child's translation has no effect parent");

  // Rotation

  CheckPos(parent, child, "Rotation effect on child");
  AssertEquals(parent.pos(), p.pos(), "Rotation invariant on local_pos");

  p = parent;
  gp = gparent;
  AssertEquals(parent, p, "Child's rotation has no effect on parent");
  AssertEquals(gparent, gp, "Child's rotation has no effect on gparent");

  // Scale

  CheckPos(parent, child, "Scale effect on child");
  AssertEquals(parent.pos(), p.pos(), "Scale invariant on local_pos");

  p = parent;
  gp = gparent;
  AssertEquals(parent, p, "Child's scaling has no effect parent");
  AssertEquals(gparent, gp, "Child's scaling has no effect on gparent");
예제 #2
bool Bishop::CheckMove(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, const Square Board[][boardsize]) {
   return false;
 int x(startX), y(startY);
 //bot left
 if(startX > destX && startY > destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //top left
 if(startX > destX && startY < destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //bot right
 if(startX < destX && startY > destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //top right
 if(startX < destX && startY < destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 return false;
void SingleCommandCallback(const SpiderRobot_pkg::My2Num::ConstPtr& msg)
	char buffer[20] = {'\0'}, temp[10] = {'\0'};						// buffer for serial commands, and temp buffer
	int i, n, uSecPos, result;
	//~ printf("\nRecived single channel data...\n");

	uSecPos = (int)(11.3333* ((float)msg->pos) + 1500);				// convert to useconds of duty cycle
	CheckPos(1, NULL, msg->cha, &uSecPos);								// check to make sure desired position is in range of possible position, mode 1 for only 1 channel

	sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d",msg->cha, uSecPos);							// convert to string for first motor (0)
	strcat(buffer, temp);

	strcat(buffer, "S250");												// set slow speed

	n = strlen(buffer);
	//~ printf("size: %d\n", n);
	//~ for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)										// print full command for checking
	//~ printf("%c", buffer[i]);
	//~ printf("\n");

	buffer[n] = 13;														// ascii carrier return, used for end bit. Should also remove null
	result = write(serialPort, buffer, n+1);							// send to ssc-32
	//~ printf("bits sent: %d\n", result);								// print bits sent

}// end SingleCommandCallback
예제 #4
/**\brief Scroll to position on mouse down.
bool Scrollbar::MouseLDown( int x, int y ){
	Widget::MouseLDown( x, y );
	// Relative coordinate - to current widget
	int xr = x - GetX();
	int yr = y - GetY();

	int newpos;

	if( yr < bitmaps[1]->GetHeight() ) {
		// Click on the UP arrow
		newpos = 0; //pos - SCROLLBAR_SCROLL;
	} else if ( yr > (h - bitmaps[2]->GetHeight()) ) {
		// Click on the Down arrow
		newpos = maxpos; // pos + SCROLLBAR_SCROLL;
	} else {
		// Click somewhere in the middle
		newpos = MarkerPixelToPos( xr, yr );

	pos = CheckPos( newpos );
	return true;
//void motionCommandCallback(const std_msgs::Int16MultiArray::ConstPtr& msg)
void motionCommandCallback(const SpiderRobot_pkg::MyArray::ConstPtr& msg)
	char bufferR[300];
		case 0: // Update all joint commands via speed
		{																// command case 0: send command to servos, most common case
			// char bufferR[300];
			char temp[10] = {'\0'};										// buffer for serial commands, and temp buffer
			int i, n, pos[18], uSecPos[18], result;						// counter i, size n, position commands in degree, position commands in usec, result from sending serial data
			printf("\nRecived data for all channels...\n");
			for(i=0 ; i<18; i++)										// get position values
				pos[i] = msg->data[i];

			for(i=0 ; i<18; i++)
				uSecPos[i] = (int)(11.3333* ((float)pos[i]) + 1500.0);	// convert to useconds of duty cycle
			// check to make sure desired position is in range of possible position, mode 0 for all channels
			CheckPos(0, uSecPos, NULL, NULL);

			sprintf(temp, "#0P%d", uSecPos[0]);							// convert to string for first motor (0)
			strcat(bufferR, temp);
			for(i=1 ; i<18; i++)
				if(i < 9)												// motor number, channel offset
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i, uSecPos[i]);				// convert to string for the rest of the motors (i) with command uSecPos
				else if(8 < i && i < 13)
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i+7, uSecPos[i]);			// +7 is the channel motor offset
				else //(12 < i && i < 29)
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i+11, uSecPos[i]);			// +11 is the channel motor offset
				strcat(bufferR, temp);									// keep appending commands
				memset(temp, '\0', sizeof(temp));						// clear temp
			if(msg->speed > 0 && 1000 > msg->speed)
				sprintf(temp, "S%d", msg->speed);						// add speed to array if it exists
				sprintf(temp, "S250");									// default if it doesnt exist
			strcat(bufferR, temp);

			n = strlen(bufferR);
			printf("size: %d\n", n);
			for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)								// print full command for checking
				printf("%c", bufferR[i]);

			bufferR[n] = 13;											// ascii carrier return, used for end bit. Should also remove null
			result = write(serialPort, bufferR, n+1);					// send to ssc-32
			printf("bits sent: %d\n", result);						// print bits sent

		case 1: // Update all joint commands via time
			// char bufferR[300];
			char temp[10] = {'\0'};										// buffer for serial commands, and temp buffer
			int i, n, pos[18], uSecPos[18], result;						// counter i, size n, position commands in degree, position commands in usec, result from sending serial data
			//~ printf("\nRecived data for all channels...\n");
			for(i=0 ; i<18; i++)										// get position values
				pos[i] = msg->data[i];

			for(i=0 ; i<18; i++)
				uSecPos[i] = (int)(11.3333* ((float)pos[i]) + 1500.0);	// convert to useconds of duty cycle
			// check to make sure desired position is in range of possible position, mode 0 for all channels
			CheckPos(0, uSecPos, NULL, NULL);

			sprintf(temp, "#0P%d", uSecPos[0]);							// convert to string for first motor (0)
			strcat(bufferR, temp);
			for(i=1 ; i<18; i++)
				if(i < 9)												// motor number, channel offset
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i, uSecPos[i]);				// convert to string for the rest of the motors (i) with command uSecPos
				else if(8 < i && i < 13)
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i+7, uSecPos[i]);			// +7 is the channel motor offset
				else //(12 < i && i < 29)
					sprintf(temp, "#%dP%d", i+11, uSecPos[i]);			// +11 is the channel motor offset
				strcat(bufferR, temp);									// keep appending commands
				memset(temp, '\0', sizeof(temp));						// clear temp
			if(msg->speed > 5.0 && 50000 > msg->speed)
				sprintf(temp, "T%d", msg->speed);						// add time to array if it exists (mili sec)
				sprintf(temp, "T1000");									// default if it doesnt exist
			strcat(bufferR, temp);

			n = strlen(bufferR);
			//~ printf("size: %d\n", n);
			//~ for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)								// print full command for checking
			//~ printf("%c", bufferR[i]);
			//~ printf("\n");

			bufferR[n] = 13;											// ascii carrier return, used for end bit. Should also remove null
			result = write(serialPort, bufferR, n+1);					// send to ssc-32
			//~ printf("bits sent: %d\n", result);						// print bits sent

		case 9:
			printf("Emergency Stop Mode!!! \n Not yet functional, requires additional hardware to shutdown motors. Currently just shuts down the node\n");
			SHUTDOWN = true;							
			break; break;

    LAST_COMMAND_TS = ros::Time::now();
}// end motionCommandCallback
예제 #6
bool Queen::CheckMove(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY, const Square Board[][boardsize]) {
  return false;

 int y(startY+1);
 if(destX == startX){
  if(startY < destY){
   while(y < destY){
     return false;
  }else{ // >
   while(y < destY){
     return false;
  return true;
 int x(startX+1);
 // up'n'down
 if(startY == destY){
  if(startX < destX){
   while(x < destX){
     return false;
  }else{ // >
   while(x < destX){
     return false;
 return true;
 x = startX+1; y = startY+1;
 //bot left
 if(startX > destX && startY > destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //top left
 if(startX > destX && startY < destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //bot right
 if(startX < destX && startY > destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 //top right
 if(startX < destX && startY < destY){
  while(x < destX && y < destY){
    return false;
  if(x == destX && y == destY){
   return true;
   return false;}
 return false;