DataFrameJoinVisitors::DataFrameJoinVisitors(const DataFrame& left_, const DataFrame& right_, const SymbolVector& names_left, const SymbolVector& names_right, bool warn_, bool na_match) : left(left_), right(right_), visitor_names_left(names_left), visitor_names_right(names_right), visitors(names_left.size()), warn(warn_) { IntegerVector indices_left = names_left.match_in_table(RCPP_GET_NAMES(left)); IntegerVector indices_right = names_right.match_in_table(RCPP_GET_NAMES(right)); const int nvisitors = indices_left.size(); if (indices_right.size() != nvisitors) { stop("Different size of join column index vectors"); } for (int i = 0; i < nvisitors; i++) { const SymbolString& name_left = names_left[i]; const SymbolString& name_right = names_right[i]; if (indices_left[i] == NA_INTEGER) { stop("'%s' column not found in lhs, cannot join", name_left.get_utf8_cstring()); } if (indices_right[i] == NA_INTEGER) { stop("'%s' column not found in rhs, cannot join", name_right.get_utf8_cstring()); } visitors[i] = join_visitor( Column(left[indices_left[i] - 1], name_left), Column(right[indices_right[i] - 1], name_right), warn, na_match ); } }
void VfkStream::Open(const VectorMap<int, String>& fns) { Close(); charset = CHARSET_ISO8859_2; file_groups <<= fns; streams.SetCount(file_groups.GetCount()); for(int i = 0; i < streams.GetCount(); i++) if(!streams[i].Open(file_groups[i])) throw Exc(NFormat("cannot open file '%s'", file_groups[i])); indexfilename = GetTempFileName("vfk"); if(!indexfile.Open(indexfilename, FileStream::CREATE)) throw Exc(NFormat("cannot create indexfile '%s'", indexfilename)); String hdrname = "X_HEADER"; Table& hdr = tables.Add(hdrname); = hdr.rawname = hdrname; hdr.header = true; hdr.row_count = 0; ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_ID); hdr.AddColumn(Column("ID", STRING_V, 30)); ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_ORD); hdr.AddColumn(Column("ORD", INT_V)); ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_STR); hdr.AddColumn(Column("STR", STRING_V, 1000)); ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_NUM); hdr.AddColumn(Column("NUM", DOUBLE_V)); ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_DTM); hdr.AddColumn(Column("DTM", TIME_V)); ASSERT(hdr.columns.GetCount() == HDR_COUNT); Scan(); }
Matrix Matrix::Cofactor() const { Matrix m(Row(), Column()); for (int i = 0; i < Row(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Column(); j++) { m(i, j) = Cofactor(i, j); } } return m; }
Matrix Matrix::Transposed() const { Matrix m(Column(), Row()); for (int i = 0; i < Row(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Column(); j++) { m(j, i) = (*this)(i, j); } } return m; }
WidgetBindings::WidgetBindings(QWidget *parent) : WidgetQmfObject(parent) { this->setSectionName(QString("Bindings")); summaryColumns.append(Column("msgMatched", "matched", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages, true)); summaryColumns.append(Column("msgMatched", "matched / sec", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate, true)); setRelatedText("Related bindings"); }
Matrix Matrix::MinorRemove(int row, int column) const { Matrix m(Row() - 1, Column() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < Row() - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Column() - 1; j++) { m(i, j) = (*this)(i < row ? i : i+1, j < column ? j : j+1); } } return m; }
static ColumnList calcSrcCols(int tilesetH) { ColumnList cols; cols << Column(0, 0, tilesetH); cols << Column(tsLaneW, 0, tilesetH); return cols; }
static ColumnVec calcSrcCols(int tilesetH) { ColumnVec cols; cols.reserve(2); cols.push_back(Column(0, 0, tilesetH)); cols.push_back(Column(tsLaneW, 0, tilesetH)); return cols; }
void RotationMatrix2<T>::Fixup( ) { Vector2<T> v0 = Column( 0 ); Vector2<T> v1 = Column( 1 ); v0.Normalize( ); v1 -= (v0 * v1) * v0; v1.Normalize( ); m_matrix.Set( v0, v1 ); }
void RotationMatrix3<T>::Fixup( ) { Vector3<T> v0 = Column( 0 ); Vector3<T> v1 = Column( 1 ); Vector3<T> v2 = Column( 2 ); v0.Normalize( ); v1 -= (v0 * v1) * v0; v1.Normalize( ); v2 -= (v0 * v2) * v0 + (v1 * v2) * v2; v2.Normalize( ); m_matrix.Set( v0, v1, v2 ); }
bool NdbInfo::load_hardcoded_tables(void) { { Table tabs("tables", 0); if (!tabs.addColumn(Column("table_id", 0, Column::Number)) || !tabs.addColumn(Column("table_name", 1, Column::String)) || !tabs.addColumn(Column("comment", 2, Column::String))) return false; BaseString hash_key = mysql_table_name(tabs.getName()); if (!m_tables.insert(hash_key.c_str(), tabs)) return false; if (!, &m_tables_table)) return false; } { Table cols("columns", 1); if (!cols.addColumn(Column("table_id", 0, Column::Number)) || !cols.addColumn(Column("column_id", 1, Column::Number)) || !cols.addColumn(Column("column_name", 2, Column::String)) || !cols.addColumn(Column("column_type", 3, Column::Number)) || !cols.addColumn(Column("comment", 4, Column::String))) return false; BaseString hash_key = mysql_table_name(cols.getName()); if (!m_tables.insert(hash_key.c_str(), cols)) return false; if (!, &m_columns_table)) return false; } return true; }
Message ParserMixin::severityMessage(const ParseContextSPtr& context, const Message::Severity& severity, const char* message, const Line& line, const Column& column) { TokenizerPtr& tokenizer = context->tokenizer; Line theLine = line; if (theLine == Line(-1)) { theLine = tokenizer->current() ? tokenizer->current()->line() : tokenizer->line(); } Column theColumn = column; if (theColumn == Column(-1)) { theColumn = tokenizer->current() ? tokenizer->current()->beginColumn() : tokenizer->column(); } return Message(severity, message, context->mSourceId, theLine, theColumn); }
TDbCell* RDbRow::Column(TInt aColIx) const // // aCol is now zero-based // Return a pointer to column aCol in the buffer // Return 0 if the column is past the end // { TInt ix=Column(); TDbCell* pC; if (aColIx<ix) { ix=0; pC=iFirst; } else pC=iCell; TDbCell* last=iLast; for (;;) { if (pC>=last) break; if (ix>=aColIx) break; pC=pC->Next(); ++ix; } CONST_CAST(RDbRow*,this)->SetCache(pC,ix); return pC<last?pC:0; }
EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel::Column EditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel::getColumn(size_t index) const { QReadLocker locker(&m_lock); if (index >= m_data.size()) return Column(); return expandAndRetrieve(index); }
/** * @brief MATLAB-like meshgrid. x and y vectors must be specified z may be specified optionally. * * @param x X-Vector * @param y Y-Vector * @param z Z-Vector (default: unused) * @return Mesh grid O (Ny x Nx x Nz x 3) (if z specified) else O (Ny x Nx x 2)<br/> */ template <class T> inline static Matrix<T> meshgrid (const Vector<T>& x, const Vector<T>& y, const Vector<T>& z = Vector<T>(1)) { size_t nx = numel(x); size_t ny = numel(y); size_t nz = numel(z); assert (nx > 1); assert (ny > 1); // Column vectors assert (size(x,0) == nx); assert (size(y,0) == ny); assert (size(z,0) == nz); Matrix<T> res (ny, nx, (nz > 1) ? nz : 2, (nz > 1) ? 3 : 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < ny * nz; i++) Row (res, i , x); for (size_t i = 0; i < nx * nz; i++) Column (res, i + nx * nz, y); if (nz > 1) for (size_t i = 0; i < nz; i++) Slice (res, i + 2 * nz, z[i]); return res; }
void Parser::atom() { if (tokens[look].type == REGEX_) { atoms.push_back(Atom(REG, 0, 0, tokens[look].value, Column())); match(REGEX_); } else { match(LESSTHAN); if (tokens[look].type == TOKEN) { match(TOKEN); } else { column(); cols[col[1]] = col[0]; atoms.push_back(Atom(COLUMN, 0, 0, col[1], Column())); } match(GREATETHAN); } }
void VDUIListViewW32::AddColumn(const wchar_t *name, int width, int affinity) { VDASSERT(affinity >= 0); VDASSERT(width >= 0); if (VDIsWindowsNT()) { LVCOLUMNW lvcw={0}; lvcw.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvcw.pszText = (LPWSTR)name; = width; SendMessageW(mhwnd, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW, mColumns.size(), (LPARAM)&lvcw); } else { LVCOLUMNA lvca={0}; VDStringA nameA(VDTextWToA(name)); lvca.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvca.pszText = (LPSTR)nameA.c_str(); = width; SendMessageA(mhwnd, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA, mColumns.size(), (LPARAM)&lvca); } mColumns.push_back(Column()); Column& col = mColumns.back(); col.mWidth = width; col.mAffinity = affinity; mTotalWidth += width; mTotalAffinity += affinity; OnResize(); }
EXPORT_C TAny* RDbRow::SetColumnWidthL(TDbColNo aColNo,TInt aWidth) // set the width for column aCol to Width // add extra NULL columns to buffer as required // return pointer to data for that column { __ASSERT(aColNo>0); TDbCell* pC=Column(--aColNo); if (pC==0) { // add extra NULL columns to buffer if (aWidth==0) return 0; // setting to NULL, don't bother padding TInt cFill=(aColNo-iColumn)*sizeof(TInt); ExtendL(cFill+TDbCell::Size(aWidth)); pC=iCell; Mem::FillZ(pC,cFill); pC=PtrAdd(pC,cFill); // set cache SetCache(pC,aColNo); } else { TInt adjust=TDbCell::Size(aWidth)-pC->Size(); // how much to add if (adjust!=0) { ExtendL(adjust); pC=iCell; // may have moved in extension TDbCell* pNext=pC->Next(); TDbCell* pAdjust=PtrAdd(pNext,adjust); Mem::Move(pAdjust,pNext,Diff(pAdjust,iLast)); } } pC->SetLength(aWidth); return pC->Data(); }
/** * Write the error out to the stream. * * @param out -- The output stream to write the set to. */ void Error_::Write_(Printer& out) const { out << "(error \"" << this->id << "\""; if (0 != Row()) { out << " " << Row(); } if (0 != Column()) { out << " " << Column(); } out << ")"; }
Column View::getColumn(string id) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (columns[i].name == id) { return columns[i]; } } return Column(""); }
// Return a copy of the column data specified by its index starting at 0 // (use the Column copy-constructor) Column Statement::getColumn(const int aIndex) { checkRow(); checkIndex(aIndex); // Share the Statement Object handle with the new Column created return Column(mStmtPtr, aIndex); }
// Return a copy of the column data specified by its column name starting at 0 // (use the Column copy-constructor) Column Statement::getColumn(const char* apName) { checkRow(); const int index = getColumnIndex(apName); // Share the Statement Object handle with the new Column created return Column(mStmtPtr, index); }
PersonColumns() { columns << Column("uuid", "UUID PRIMARY KEY"); columns << Column("customer_uuid", "UUID"); columns << Column("name", "TEXT"); columns << Column("mail", "TEXT"); columns << Column("phone", "TEXT"); columns << Column("hidden", "INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); columns << Column("date_updated", "TEXT"); columns << Column("updated_by", "TEXT"); }
CompressorColumns() { columns << Column("uuid", "UUID PRIMARY KEY"); columns << Column("circuit_uuid", "UUID"); columns << Column("name", "TEXT"); columns << Column("manufacturer", "TEXT"); columns << Column("type", "TEXT"); columns << Column("sn", "TEXT"); columns << Column("date_updated", "TEXT"); columns << Column("updated_by", "TEXT"); }
size_t CColumnSet::AllocSize() const { size_t nSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < Count(); ++i) nSize += Column(i).AllocSize(); return nSize; }
WidgetSessions::WidgetSessions(QWidget *parent) : WidgetQmfObject(parent) { this->setSectionName(QString("Sessions")); summaryColumns.append(Column("unackedMessages", "unAcked", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages, true)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnCount", "transactions", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages, true, QColor(Qt::green))); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnStarts", "starts", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnCommits", "commits", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnRejects", "rejects", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessages)); summaryColumns.append(Column("unackedMessages", "unAcked", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate, true)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnCount", "transactions", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate, true, QColor(Qt::green))); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnStarts", "starts", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnCommits", "commits", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate)); summaryColumns.append(Column("TxnRejects", "rejects", Qt::AlignRight, "N", modeMessageRate)); setRelatedText("Related sessions"); }
void PrintComputersMove (MOVE computersMove, STRING computersName) { int position = Unhasher_Index(computersMove); int direction = Unhasher_Direction(computersMove); printf ("%s moves the piece %c%d %s\n", computersName, \ Column(position)+ROW_START, BOARD_ROWS-Row (position), \ directions[direction]); }
/** * @brief Right hand side operator E (i.e. forward transform) * * @param in Image * @param sm Sensitivities * @param nx Sizes & co. * @param fts FT operators * @return K-space */ template <class T> inline static Matrix< std::complex<T> > E (const Matrix< std::complex<T> >& in, const Matrix< std::complex<T> >& sm, const std::vector<size_t>& nx, const std::vector<NFFT<T> >& fts) { Matrix< std::complex<T> > out (nx[2],nx[1]); #pragma omp parallel for default (shared) for (int j = 0; j < nx[1]; j++) Column (out, j, fts[omp_get_thread_num()] * (resize(((nx[0] == 2) ? Slice (sm, j) : Volume (sm, j)),size(in)) * in)); return out; }
/** * @brief Left hand side operator (i.e. inverse transform) * * @param in K-space * @param sm Sensitivities * @param nx Sizes & co. * @param fts FT operators * @return Image */ template <class T> inline static Matrix< std::complex<T> > EH (const Matrix< std::complex<T> >& in, const Matrix< std::complex<T> >& sm, const std::vector<size_t>& nx, const std::vector<NFFT<T> >& fts) { Matrix< std::complex<T> > out = zeros< std::complex<T> > (size(sm)); #pragma omp parallel for default (shared) for (int j = 0; j < nx[1]; j++) Slice (out, j, fts[omp_get_thread_num()] ->* Column (in,j) * conj(Slice (sm, j))); return sum (out, nx[0]); }
/** * @param index Индекс столбца (начиная с 0). * @return Столбец с индексом <code>index</code>. * @throw OutOfRange Номер столбца за пределами допустимых значений. */ inline Query::Column Query::Columns::operator[]( const std::size_t index ) const { if ( size() <= index ) { OutOfRange const ex("Query::Columns index out of range"); MSLIBS_SQLITE_THROW( ex ); } return Column( stmtptr_ , index ); }