/* This function disables the mouse driver application. */
static void
CyFxApplnStop ()
    /* Destroy the DMA channel. */
    CyU3PDmaChannelDestroy (&glHostInCh);
    if (glHostInEp != 0)
        CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (glHostInEp);
        glHostInEp = 0;
    CyU3PDmaChannelDestroy (&glHostOutCh);
    if (glHostOutEp != 0)
        CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (glHostOutEp);
        glHostOutEp = 0;

    /* Remove EP0. and disable the port. */
    CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
    glHostEpSize = 0;
    CyU3PUsbHostPortDisable ();

    /* Clear state variables. */
    glIsApplnActive = CyFalse;
    glTimerCount = 0;
    glIsHnp = CyFalse;
    glDoHnp = CyFalse;
    glIsHnpSupported = CyFalse;
    /* Reset counter to zero. */
    glDMARxCount = 0;
    glDMATxCount = 0;

    CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Host mode application stopped.\r\n");
예제 #2
/* This function disables the mouse driver application. */
CyFxApplnStop ()
    if (glHostOwner == CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_MOUSE_DRIVER)
        CyFxMouseDriverDeInit ();
    if (glHostOwner == CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_MSC_DRIVER)
        CyFxMscDriverDeInit ();

    /* Remove EP0. and disable the port. */
    CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
    CyU3PUsbHostPortDisable ();

    glHostOwner = CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_NONE;

    /* Clear state variables. */
    glIsApplnActive = CyFalse;
예제 #3
/* This function initializes the mouse driver application. */
CyFxApplnStart ()
    uint16_t length;
    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status;
    CyU3PUsbHostEpConfig_t epCfg;

    /* Add EP0 to the scheduler. */
    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&epCfg, 0, sizeof(epCfg));
    epCfg.type = CY_U3P_USB_EP_CONTROL;
    epCfg.mult = 1;
    /* Start off with 8 byte EP0 packet size. */
    epCfg.maxPktSize = 8;
    epCfg.pollingRate = 0;
    epCfg.fullPktSize = 8;
    epCfg.isStreamMode = CyFalse;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (0, &epCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    CyU3PThreadSleep (100);

    /* Get the device descriptor. */
    status = CyFxSendSetupRqt (0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
                               (CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR << 8), 0, 8, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify the EP0 packet size and update the scheduler. */
    if (glEp0Buffer[7] != 8)
        CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
        epCfg.maxPktSize = glEp0Buffer[7];
        epCfg.fullPktSize = glEp0Buffer[7];
        status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (0, &epCfg);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto enum_error;

    /* Read the full device descriptor. */
    status = CyFxSendSetupRqt (0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
                               (CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR << 8), 0, 18, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Set the peripheral device address. */
    status = CyFxSendSetupRqt (0x00, CY_U3P_USB_SC_SET_ADDRESS,
                               CY_FX_HOST_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS, 0, 0, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSetDeviceAddress (CY_FX_HOST_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Read first four bytes of configuration descriptor to determine
     * the total length. */
    status = CyFxSendSetupRqt (0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
                               (CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR << 8), 0, 4, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify the length of the data received. */
    length = CY_U3P_MAKEWORD(glEp0Buffer[3], glEp0Buffer[2]);
    if (length > CY_FX_HOST_EP0_BUFFER_SIZE)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Read the full configuration descriptor. */
    status = CyFxSendSetupRqt (0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
                               (CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR << 8), 0, length, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify if this is an HID mouse or MSC device that can be
     * supported. If the device cannot be supported, just disable
     * the port and wait for a new device to be attached. We support
     * only single interface with interface class = HID(0x03),
     * interface sub class = Boot (0x01)
     * and interface protocol = Mouse (0x02).
     * or single interface with interface class = MSC(0x08),
     * interface sub class 0x06 and interface protocol BOT (0x50). */
    if ((glEp0Buffer[5] == 1) && (glEp0Buffer[14] == 0x03) &&
            (glEp0Buffer[15] == 0x01) && (glEp0Buffer[16] == 0x02) &&
            (glEp0Buffer[28] == CY_U3P_USB_ENDPNT_DESCR))
        status = CyFxMouseDriverInit ();
        if (status == CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            glIsApplnActive = CyTrue;
            glHostOwner = CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_MOUSE_DRIVER;
    else if ((glEp0Buffer[5] == 1) && (glEp0Buffer[14] == 0x08) &&
             (glEp0Buffer[15] == 0x06) && (glEp0Buffer[16] == 0x50))
        status = CyFxMscDriverInit ();
        if (status == CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            glIsApplnActive = CyTrue;
            glHostOwner = CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_MSC_DRIVER;
        /* Do nothing here. Fall-through to disable the USB port.
         * We do not support this device. */
        status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;

    /* Remove EP0. and disable the port. */
    glHostOwner = CY_FX_HOST_OWNER_NONE;
    CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
    CyU3PUsbHostPortDisable ();
    CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Application start failed with error: %d.\r\n", status);
/* This function initializes the mouse driver application. */
static void
CyFxApplnStart ()
    uint16_t length, size, offset;
    CyU3PDmaBuffer_t buf_p;
    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status;
    CyU3PUsbHostEpConfig_t epCfg;
    CyU3PDmaChannelConfig_t dmaCfg;
    CyU3PUsbHostEpStatus_t epStatus;

    /* Add EP0 to the scheduler. */
    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&epCfg, 0, sizeof(epCfg));
    epCfg.type = CY_U3P_USB_EP_CONTROL;
    epCfg.mult = 1;
    /* Start off with 8 byte EP0 packet size. */
    epCfg.maxPktSize = 8;
    epCfg.pollingRate = 0;
    epCfg.fullPktSize = 8;
    epCfg.isStreamMode = CyFalse;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (0, &epCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    CyU3PThreadSleep (100);
    /* Get the device descriptor. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
            (CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR << 8), 0, 8);
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify the EP0 packet size and update the scheduler. */
    if (glEp0Buffer[7] != 8)
        status = CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto enum_error;
        /* Update the correct size. */
        epCfg.maxPktSize = glEp0Buffer[7];
        epCfg.fullPktSize = glEp0Buffer[7];
        status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (0, &epCfg);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto enum_error;

    /* Read the full device descriptor. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
            (CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR << 8), 0, 18);
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Check for the VID and PID of the attached peripheral. */
    if ((CY_U3P_MAKEWORD(glEp0Buffer[9], glEp0Buffer[8]) != CY_FX_HOST_PERIPHERAL_VID) ||
            (CY_U3P_MAKEWORD(glEp0Buffer[11], glEp0Buffer[10]) != CY_FX_HOST_PERIPHERAL_PID))
        status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        goto enum_error;

    /* Check for device class, sub-class and protocol all of which has to be zero. */
    if ((glEp0Buffer[4] != 0) || (glEp0Buffer[5] != 0) || (glEp0Buffer[6] != 0))
        status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        goto enum_error;

    /* Set the peripheral device address. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x00, CY_U3P_USB_SC_SET_ADDRESS,
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSetDeviceAddress (CY_FX_HOST_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Read the OTG descriptor to identify its characteristics.
     * Do this only if we are not already in role change. */
    glIsHnpSupported = CyFalse;
    if (!CyU3POtgIsHnpEnabled ())
        CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
                (CY_U3P_USB_OTG_DESCR << 8), 0, 5);
        status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto enum_error;
        status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
        /* If the device does not support OTG, the request will be stalled. */
        if ((status == CY_U3P_SUCCESS) && (glEp0Buffer[2] & 0x02))
            /* Let the device know that the host is HNP capable. */
            CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x00, CY_U3P_USB_SC_SET_FEATURE,
                    CY_U3P_USB2_OTG_A_HNP_SUPPORT, 0, 0);
            status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
            if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
                goto enum_error;
            status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,

        if (status == CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            glIsHnpSupported = CyTrue;

    /* Read first four bytes of configuration descriptor to determine
     * the total length. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
            (CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR << 8), 0, 4);
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify the length of the data received. */
    length = CY_U3P_MAKEWORD(glEp0Buffer[3], glEp0Buffer[2]);
    if (length > CY_FX_HOST_EP0_BUFFER_SIZE)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Read the full configuration descriptor. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x80, CY_U3P_USB_SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR,
            (CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR << 8), 0, length);
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Check if the device can be supported. Number of interfaces should be 1,
     * the intreface class must be vendor (0xFF) and the subclass and protocol
     * must be zero. The number of endpoints must be two. Also the endpoints
     * should be bulk. */
    if ((glEp0Buffer[5] != 1) || (glEp0Buffer[14] != 0xFF) ||
            (glEp0Buffer[15] != 0x00) || (glEp0Buffer[16] != 0x00) ||
            (glEp0Buffer[13] != 2))
        status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        goto enum_error;

    /* Identify the EP characteristics. */
    offset = 0;
    while (offset < length)
        if (glEp0Buffer[offset + 1] == CY_U3P_USB_ENDPNT_DESCR)
            if (glEp0Buffer[offset + 3] != CY_U3P_USB_EP_BULK)
                status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                goto enum_error;

            /* Retreive the information. */
            glHostEpSize = CY_U3P_MAKEWORD(glEp0Buffer[offset + 5],
                    glEp0Buffer[offset + 4]);
            if (glEp0Buffer[offset + 2] & 0x80)
                glHostInEp = glEp0Buffer[offset + 2];
                glHostOutEp = glEp0Buffer[offset + 2];

        /* Advance to next descriptor. */
        offset += glEp0Buffer[offset];

    /* If there is any error in the configuration abort. */
    if ((glHostOutEp == 0) || (glHostInEp == 0))
        status = CY_U3P_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        goto enum_error;

    /* Set the new configuration. */
    CyFxFormatSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, 0x00, CY_U3P_USB_SC_SET_CONFIGURATION, 1, 0, 0);
    status = CyU3PUsbHostSendSetupRqt (glSetupPkt, glEp0Buffer);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpWaitForCompletion (0, &epStatus,
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;

    /* Initialize the loopback application. */
    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&epCfg, 0, sizeof(epCfg));
    epCfg.type = CY_U3P_USB_EP_BULK;
    epCfg.mult = 1;
    epCfg.maxPktSize = glHostEpSize;
    epCfg.pollingRate = 0;
    size = ((glHostEpSize + 0x0F) & ~0x0F);
    epCfg.fullPktSize = glHostEpSize;
    epCfg.isStreamMode = CyFalse;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (glHostOutEp, &epCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto enum_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpAdd (glHostInEp, &epCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        glHostInEp = 0;
        goto app_error;

    /* Reset counter to zero. */
    glDMARxCount = 0;
    glDMATxCount = 0;

    /* Create a DMA channels for IN and OUT directions. */
    CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&dmaCfg, 0, sizeof(dmaCfg));
    dmaCfg.size = size;
    dmaCfg.count = CY_FX_HOST_DMA_BUF_COUNT;
    dmaCfg.prodHeader = 0;
    dmaCfg.prodFooter = 0;
    dmaCfg.consHeader = 0;
    dmaCfg.prodAvailCount = 0;

    dmaCfg.prodSckId = (CyU3PDmaSocketId_t)(CY_U3P_UIB_SOCKET_PROD_0 + (0x0F & glHostInEp));
    dmaCfg.consSckId = CY_U3P_CPU_SOCKET_CONS;
    dmaCfg.dmaMode = CY_U3P_DMA_MODE_BYTE;
    dmaCfg.notification = CY_U3P_DMA_CB_PROD_EVENT;
    dmaCfg.cb = CyFxHostDmaCb;
    status = CyU3PDmaChannelCreate (&glHostInCh, CY_U3P_DMA_TYPE_MANUAL_IN, &dmaCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;

    dmaCfg.prodSckId = CY_U3P_CPU_SOCKET_PROD;
    dmaCfg.consSckId = (CyU3PDmaSocketId_t)(CY_U3P_UIB_SOCKET_CONS_0 + (0x0F & glHostOutEp));
    dmaCfg.dmaMode = CY_U3P_DMA_MODE_BYTE;
    dmaCfg.notification = CY_U3P_DMA_CB_CONS_EVENT;
    dmaCfg.cb = CyFxHostDmaCb;
    status = CyU3PDmaChannelCreate (&glHostOutCh, CY_U3P_DMA_TYPE_MANUAL_OUT, &dmaCfg);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;

    /* Set infinite transfer on both the channels. */
    status = CyU3PDmaChannelSetXfer (&glHostInCh, 0);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;
    status = CyU3PDmaChannelSetXfer (&glHostOutCh, 0);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;

    /* Pre-load all OUT buffers with fixed data. */
    for (offset = 0; offset < CY_FX_HOST_DMA_BUF_COUNT; offset++)
        status = CyU3PDmaChannelGetBuffer (&glHostOutCh, &buf_p, CYU3P_NO_WAIT);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto app_error;
        CyU3PMemSet (buf_p.buffer, (uint8_t)CY_FX_HOST_DATA_BYTE, glHostEpSize);
        status = CyU3PDmaChannelCommitBuffer (&glHostOutCh, glHostEpSize, 0);
        if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
            goto app_error;

    /* Queue a single read and single write request. */
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpSetXfer (glHostInEp, CY_U3P_USB_HOST_EPXFER_NORMAL, glHostEpSize);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;
    status = CyU3PUsbHostEpSetXfer (glHostOutEp, CY_U3P_USB_HOST_EPXFER_NORMAL, glHostEpSize);
    if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
        goto app_error;

    glTimerCount = 0;
    glIsApplnActive = CyTrue;
    glIsHnp = CyFalse;
    glDoHnp = CyFalse;

    if (glIsHnpSupported)
        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "USB bulk loopback host mode operation started with HNP enabled.\r\n");
        CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "USB bulk loopback host mode operation started with HNP disabled.\r\n");


    CyU3PDmaChannelDestroy (&glHostInCh);
    if (glHostInEp != 0)
        CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (glHostInEp);
        glHostInEp = 0;
    CyU3PDmaChannelDestroy (&glHostOutCh);
    if (glHostOutEp != 0)
        CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (glHostOutEp);
        glHostOutEp = 0;

    /* Remove EP0. and disable the port. */
    CyU3PUsbHostEpRemove (0);
    glHostEpSize = 0;
    CyU3PUsbHostPortDisable ();
    CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Host mode application start failed with error: %d.\r\n", status);