예제 #1
/* ZSTDMT_compressChunk() : POOL_function type */
void ZSTDMT_compressChunk(void* jobDescription)
    ZSTDMT_jobDescription* const job = (ZSTDMT_jobDescription*)jobDescription;
    const void* const src = (const char*)job->srcStart + job->dictSize;
    buffer_t const dstBuff = job->dstBuff;
    DEBUGLOG(3, "job (first:%u) (last:%u) : dictSize %u, srcSize %u",
                 job->firstChunk, job->lastChunk, (U32)job->dictSize, (U32)job->srcSize);
    if (job->cdict) {  /* should only happen for first segment */
        size_t const initError = ZSTD_compressBegin_usingCDict_advanced(job->cctx, job->cdict, job->params.fParams, job->fullFrameSize);
        if (job->cdict) DEBUGLOG(3, "using CDict ");
        if (ZSTD_isError(initError)) { job->cSize = initError; goto _endJob; }
    } else {  /* srcStart points at reloaded section */
        if (!job->firstChunk) job->params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 0;  /* ensure no srcSize control */
        {   size_t const dictModeError = ZSTD_setCCtxParameter(job->cctx, ZSTD_p_forceRawDict, 1);  /* Force loading dictionary in "content-only" mode (no header analysis) */
            size_t const initError = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(job->cctx, job->srcStart, job->dictSize, job->params, job->fullFrameSize);
            if (ZSTD_isError(initError) || ZSTD_isError(dictModeError)) { job->cSize = initError; goto _endJob; }
            ZSTD_setCCtxParameter(job->cctx, ZSTD_p_forceWindow, 1);
    }   }
    if (!job->firstChunk) {  /* flush and overwrite frame header when it's not first segment */
        size_t const hSize = ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, 0);
        if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }

    DEBUGLOG(4, "Compressing : ");
    DEBUG_PRINTHEX(4, job->srcStart, 12);
    job->cSize = (job->lastChunk) ?
                 ZSTD_compressEnd     (job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, job->srcSize) :
                 ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, src, job->srcSize);
    DEBUGLOG(3, "compressed %u bytes into %u bytes   (first:%u) (last:%u)",
                (unsigned)job->srcSize, (unsigned)job->cSize, job->firstChunk, job->lastChunk);
    DEBUGLOG(5, "dstBuff.size : %u ; => %s", (U32)dstBuff.size, ZSTD_getErrorName(job->cSize));

    job->jobCompleted = 1;
    job->jobScanned = 0;
예제 #2
void TsipPacket::encode(uint8_t value)
	switch (status)
		case DLE1:
				switch (value)
					case 0:
					case ETX:    // illegal TSIP id
						DEBUG_PRINTHEX("Parse Error: Illegal TSIP id = ", value);
						length = 0;
						status = Empty;
					case DLE:    // try normal message start again
						length = 0;
						status = DLE1;
					default:     // legal TSIP ID; start message
						code = (ReportType)value;
						length = 0;
						status = Data;
		case Data:
				switch (value)
					case DLE: // expect DLE or ETX next
						status = DLE2;
					default: // normal data here
						packet_data[length++] = value;
		case DLE2:
				switch (value)
					case DLE: // normal data byte
						packet_data[length++] = value;
						status = Data;
					case ETX: // end of message
						status = Full;
						DEBUG_PRINTHEX("full type=", code);
						DEBUG_PRINTHEX("subtype=", packet_data[0]);
					default: // error: treat as DLE1; start a new report packet
						DEBUG_PRINT("Parse Error: Treat as DLE1");
						code = (ReportType)value;
						length = 0;
						status = Data;
		case Full:
		case Empty:
				switch (value)
					case DLE: // normal message start
						length = 0;
						status = DLE1;
					default: // error: ignore the new byte
						DEBUG_PRINTHEX("Parse Error: newbyte = ", value);
						DEBUG_PRINTHEX("	          status = ", status);
						length = 0;
						status = Empty;
	if (length >= MAX_RPTBUF)
		DEBUG_PRINT("Parse Error: Buffer Length Exceeded");
		length = 0;
		status = Empty;
예제 #3
size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
                           void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
                     const void* src, size_t srcSize,
                           int compressionLevel)
    ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, srcSize, 0);
    U32 const overlapLog = (compressionLevel >= ZSTD_maxCLevel()) ? 0 : 3;
    size_t const overlapSize = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog - overlapLog);
    size_t const chunkTargetSize = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
    unsigned const nbChunksMax = (unsigned)(srcSize / chunkTargetSize) + 1;
    unsigned nbChunks = MIN(nbChunksMax, mtctx->nbThreads);
    size_t const proposedChunkSize = (srcSize + (nbChunks-1)) / nbChunks;
    size_t const avgChunkSize = ((proposedChunkSize & 0x1FFFF) < 0xFFFF) ? proposedChunkSize + 0xFFFF : proposedChunkSize;   /* avoid too small last block */
    size_t remainingSrcSize = srcSize;
    const char* const srcStart = (const char*)src;
    unsigned const compressWithinDst = (dstCapacity >= ZSTD_compressBound(srcSize)) ? nbChunks : (unsigned)(dstCapacity / ZSTD_compressBound(avgChunkSize));  /* presumes avgChunkSize >= 256 KB, which should be the case */
    size_t frameStartPos = 0, dstBufferPos = 0;

    DEBUGLOG(3, "windowLog : %2u => chunkTargetSize : %u bytes  ", params.cParams.windowLog, (U32)chunkTargetSize);
    DEBUGLOG(2, "nbChunks  : %2u   (chunkSize : %u bytes)   ", nbChunks, (U32)avgChunkSize);
    params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;

    if (nbChunks==1) {   /* fallback to single-thread mode */
        ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = mtctx->cctxPool->cctx[0];
        return ZSTD_compressCCtx(cctx, dst, dstCapacity, src, srcSize, compressionLevel);

    {   unsigned u;
        for (u=0; u<nbChunks; u++) {
            size_t const chunkSize = MIN(remainingSrcSize, avgChunkSize);
            size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(chunkSize);
            buffer_t const dstAsBuffer = { (char*)dst + dstBufferPos, dstBufferCapacity };
            buffer_t const dstBuffer = u < compressWithinDst ? dstAsBuffer : ZSTDMT_getBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity);
            ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool);
            size_t dictSize = u ? overlapSize : 0;

            if ((cctx==NULL) || (dstBuffer.start==NULL)) {
                mtctx->jobs[u].cSize = ERROR(memory_allocation);   /* job result */
                mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 1;
                nbChunks = u+1;
                break;   /* let's wait for previous jobs to complete, but don't start new ones */

            mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart = srcStart + frameStartPos - dictSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].dictSize = dictSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].srcSize = chunkSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].fullFrameSize = srcSize;
            mtctx->jobs[u].params = params;
            mtctx->jobs[u].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
            mtctx->jobs[u].cctx = cctx;
            mtctx->jobs[u].firstChunk = (u==0);
            mtctx->jobs[u].lastChunk = (u==nbChunks-1);
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 0;
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_mutex = &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex;
            mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_cond = &mtctx->jobCompleted_cond;

            DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u   (%u bytes)", u, (U32)chunkSize);
            DEBUG_PRINTHEX(3, mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart, 12);
            POOL_add(mtctx->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &mtctx->jobs[u]);

            frameStartPos += chunkSize;
            dstBufferPos += dstBufferCapacity;
            remainingSrcSize -= chunkSize;
    }   }
    /* note : since nbChunks <= nbThreads, all jobs should be running immediately in parallel */

    {   unsigned chunkID;
        size_t error = 0, dstPos = 0;
        for (chunkID=0; chunkID<nbChunks; chunkID++) {
            DEBUGLOG(3, "waiting for chunk %u ", chunkID);
            while (mtctx->jobs[chunkID].jobCompleted==0) {
                DEBUGLOG(4, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from chunk %u", chunkID);
                pthread_cond_wait(&mtctx->jobCompleted_cond, &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex);
            DEBUGLOG(3, "ready to write chunk %u ", chunkID);

            ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx);
            mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx = NULL;
            mtctx->jobs[chunkID].srcStart = NULL;
            {   size_t const cSize = mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cSize;
                if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) error = cSize;
                if ((!error) && (dstPos + cSize > dstCapacity)) error = ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
                if (chunkID) {   /* note : chunk 0 is already written directly into dst */
                    if (!error)
                        memmove((char*)dst + dstPos, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff.start, cSize);  /* may overlap if chunk decompressed within dst */
                    if (chunkID >= compressWithinDst)   /* otherwise, it decompresses within dst */
                        ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff);
                    mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff = g_nullBuffer;
                dstPos += cSize ;
        if (!error) DEBUGLOG(3, "compressed size : %u  ", (U32)dstPos);
        return error ? error : dstPos;
