int main(void){ TExaS_Init(SSI0_Real_Nokia5110_Scope); // set system clock to 80 MHz DisableInterrupts(); Random_Init(1); Nokia5110_Init(); Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); SysTick_Init(); // initialize Timer2 after Nokia5110_Init because of // error-prone registers operations (old and new registers // are not working good together) // 80MHz/11,025 cycles, which is about 7256 Timer2_Init(7256); Ports_Init(); InitSprites(NumberOfEnemies); RestartGame(); // Countdown, after which all interrupts are enabled! // print 3 Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(28, 41, _my_Countdown_03, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Delay100ms(3); // print 2 Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(28, 41, _my_Countdown_02, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Delay100ms(3); // print 1 Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(28, 41, _my_Countdown_01, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Delay100ms(3); // print GO Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(28, 41, _my_Countdown_GO, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Delay100ms(3); EnableInterrupts(); while(1){ if (Flag == 1) { Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Flag = 0; } } }
void main() { uint8 idata str1[100],str2[100]; uint8 i,index=0; lcdinit(); lcdinit(); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { str1[i]=' '; str2[i]=' '; str1[16+sizeof(string1)+i]=' '; str2[16+sizeof(string2)+i]=' '; } for(i=0;i<sizeof(string1);i++) { str1[16+i]=string1[i]; str2[16+i]=string2[i]; } i--; str1[16+i]=' '; str2[16+i]=' '; while(1) { lcdshow(0,0,str1+index,16); lcdshow(0,1,str2+index,16); Delay100ms(); index++; if(index>=(15+sizeof(string1)))index=0; } }
int main(void){ unsigned long volatile delay; TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PF4, LED_PIN_PF2); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz // initialization goes here SYSCTL_RCGC2_R |= 0x00000020; // 1) activate clock for Port F delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // allow time for clock to start // GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R = 0x4C4F434B; // 2) unlock GPIO Port F // GPIO_PORTF_CR_R = 0x1F; // allow changes to PF4-0 // only PF0 needs to be unlocked, other bits can't be locked GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R &= ~0x14; // 3) disable analog on PF2,4 GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R &= ~0x000F0F00; // 4) PCTL GPIO on PF2,4 GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R &= ~0x10; // 5) PF4 in, GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R |= 0x04; // PF2 out GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R &= ~0x14; // 6) disable alt funct on PF7-0 GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R |= 0x10; // enable pull-up on PF4 GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R = 0x14; // 7) enable digital I/O on PF2,4 GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R |= 0x04; // set pf2 on EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ // body goes Delay100ms(1); if(GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R |= 0x04; if(!(GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10)) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R ^= 0x04; } }
int main(void){ DisableInterrupts(); TExaS_Init(SSI0_Real_Nokia5110_Scope); // set system clock to 80 MHz Random_Init(1); Nokia5110_Init(); PF1Init(); //SysTick_Init(2666666); //Initialize SysTick with 30 Hz interrupts SysTick_Init(2666666*4); //Increased period by 4 for actual hardware to make the game run at a playable speed Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer ADC0_Init(); Game_Init(); SwitchLed_Init(); Sound_Init(); Timer2_Init(&Sound_Play,7256); //11.025 kHz. 80,000,000/11,025 cycles, which is about 7256 GameOverFlag = 0; EnableInterrupts(); while(1){ while(Semaphore==0){}; Semaphore = 0; if(GameOverFlag){ State_GameOver(); } else{ Draw_GameFrame(); // update the LCD } if((GameOverFlag == 0) && (Check_GameOver())){ //just detected game over Delay100ms(2);//Delay 200ms GameOverFlag = Check_GameOver(); //SysTick_Init(2666666);//Re-initialize with 30 Hz interrupt SysTick_Init(2666666*4); //Increased period by 4 for actual hardware to make the game run at a playable speed } } }
int main(void){ unsigned long volatile delay; TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PF4, LED_PIN_PF2); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz // initialization goes here SYSCTL_RCGC2_R = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R | SYSCTL_RCGC2_GPIOF; // eja :::: Turn on the clock for PortF. delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // eja :::: give clock time to stablize. GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R = GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R & ~0x14; // eja :::: clear bits 4(switch 1) and 2(blue led) in the AMSEL registor. GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R = GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R & ~0x000F0F00; // eja :::: clear pins PF4 and PF2 in the P control registor to configure as GPIO. GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R = 0x0E; // eja :::: set bits 4 and 0 and clear bits 3, 2, and 1 in the direction registor. GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R = 0x0000; // eja :::: clear all bits in the AFSEL registor. GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R = 0x1F; // eja :::: enable digital for pins PF4, PF3, PF2, PF1, PF0. GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R = 0x11; //eja :::: enable pullup resistors for PF4, PF3, PF2, PF1, PF0. GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R | 0x04; // eja :::: set bit 2 in the data registor to turn led on. EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ // body goes here Delay100ms(1); //eja :::: waits 100ms. in = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10; //eja :::: reads value of PF4 into in. if (in == 0) { //eja :::: conditional if statement testing if the value of in is 0. GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R ^ 0x04; //eja :::: toggle bit 2(blue led) } //eja :::: ending of if statement and test. if (in == 1) { //eja :::: conditional if statement testing if the value of in is 1. GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R | 0x04; // eja :::: set bit 2 so as to turn led on. } //eja :::: end of if statement and test. } }
int main(void){ unsigned long volatile delay; unsigned long In; TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PF4, LED_PIN_PF2); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz // initialization goes here PortF_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = 0x04; while(1){ // body goes here Delay100ms(1); In = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R&0x10; if(In == 0x00) { //Switch is pressed toggel PF2 GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R ^ (1 << 2); } else { //Switch is not pressed, set PF2 to on GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R = 0x04; } } }
int main(void){ TExaS_Init(SSI0_Real_Nokia5110_Scope); // set system clock to 80 MHz Random_Init(1); Nokia5110_Init(); Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer Nokia5110_PrintBMP(32, 47, PlayerShip0, 0); // player ship middle bottom Nokia5110_PrintBMP(33, 47 - PLAYERH, Bunker0, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(0, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy10PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(16, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy20PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(32, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy20PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(48, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy30PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(64, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy30PointA, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer Delay100ms(50); // delay 5 sec at 50 MHz Nokia5110_Clear(); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 1); Nokia5110_OutString("GAME OVER"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 2); Nokia5110_OutString("Nice try,"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 3); Nokia5110_OutString("Earthling!"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(2, 4); Nokia5110_OutUDec(1234); while(1){ } }
int main(void){ TExaS_Init(SSI0_Real_Nokia5110_Scope); // set system clock to 80 MHz Random_Init(1); Output_Init(); ST7735_FillScreen(0x0000); // set screen to black ST7735_DrawBitmap(52, 159, PlayerShip0, 18,8); // player ship middle bottom ST7735_DrawBitmap(53, 151, Bunker0, 18,5); ST7735_DrawBitmap(0, 9, SmallEnemy10pointA, 16,10); ST7735_DrawBitmap(20,9, SmallEnemy10pointB, 16,10); ST7735_DrawBitmap(40, 9, SmallEnemy20pointA, 16,10); ST7735_DrawBitmap(60, 9, SmallEnemy20pointB, 16,10); ST7735_DrawBitmap(80, 9, SmallEnemy30pointA, 16,10); ST7735_DrawBitmap(100, 9, SmallEnemy30pointB, 16,10); Delay100ms(50); // delay 5 sec at 80 MHz ST7735_FillScreen(0x0000); // set screen to black ST7735_SetCursor(1, 1); ST7735_OutString("GAME OVER"); ST7735_SetCursor(1, 2); ST7735_OutString("Nice try,"); ST7735_SetCursor(1, 3); ST7735_OutString("Earthling!"); ST7735_SetCursor(2, 4); LCD_OutDec(1234); while(1){ } }
main() { char i ; //宣告字元變數 i i=0 ; //令 i 等於 0 for(;;){ P0=sstbl[i++] ; //取得資料表 sstbl 第 i 筆資料並輸出至 P0 if(i >=16) //若 i 大於等於 10 則 i=0 ; //設 i 為 0 重新顯示 Delay100ms() ; //呼叫延遲 100 毫秒副程式 } }
main() { int Step ; //定義Step為整數變數 char idx_pp=0 ; //定義idx_pp為字元變數其數值為0 for(Step=0;Step<(n*2+1);Step++) {//若Step<n*2+1,則繼續執行迴圈 P0=pp[idx_pp++]; //P0=idx_pp所指之pp的資料,推動步進馬達 if(idx_pp==8) //若idx_pp=8,則 idx_pp=0 ; //還原資料 Delay100ms() ; //呼叫延遲100毫秒 } }
unsigned char TPReset() { Delay100ms(20); Debug("RST:"); TPSendByte(TP_CMD_RESET); //reset STP.TPModule.U8LastData[0] = TPGetByte(); STP.TPModule.U8LastData[1] = TPGetByte(); DebugHex1(STP.TPModule.U8LastData[0]); Debug(" "); DebugHex1R(STP.TPModule.U8LastData[1]); if ((STP.TPModule.U8LastData[0] != 0xAA) || (STP.TPModule.U8LastData[1] != 0x00)) return 0; return 1; }
int main(void){ PLL_Init(); // set system clock to 80 MHz Random_Init(1); Nokia5110_Init(); Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer Init(); Draw(); while(1){ Move(); Draw(); Delay100ms(2); } }
void main() { UART_T1_Init(); P3M0 = 0x00; P3M1 = 0x00; Timer2Init(); Interrput_Init(); DoorNotCloseFlag = P33; P34 = ~P33; WDT_CONTR = 0x37; while(1) { WDT_CONTR |= 0x10; Delay100ms(); UART_Driver(); } }
main() { char i ; //宣告字元變數 i (代表要顯示之數值) i=0 ; //令 i 等於 0 for(i=0; i<100; i++) { P1=0xff ; //關閉七段顯示器 P0=sstbl[i/10]; //將顯示值經轉換計算後顯示於第三顆 P1=0xFD; //掃描第三顆七段顯示器 P1=0xff ; //關閉七段顯示器 P0=sstbl[i%10]; //將顯示值經轉換計算後顯示於第四顆 P1=0xFE; //掃描第四顆七段顯示器 Delay100ms() ; //呼叫延遲 100 毫秒副程式 } }
int main(void) { TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PE0, LED_PIN_PE1); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz PortE_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1) { Delay100ms(1); In = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R&0x01; // read PE0 into In if (In == 0x01) GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R ^ 0x02; // toggle the LED else GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R |= 0x02; // the LED ON (make PE1 =1). } }
void LCD_init() { // wait for Power on reset Delay100ms(); //Hold RS in a low state PORTEbits.RE0 = 0; //Function Set in 8-bit mode PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x30; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Function Set in 8-bit mode PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x30; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Function Set in 8-bit mode PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x30; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //4-bit Initialization PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x20; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Function Set, specify display size and font PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x20; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x80; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Display ON PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x00; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0xF0; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Clear Display PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x00; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x10; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Entry Mode Set PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x00; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; PORTEbits.RE1 = 1; PORTD = (PORTD & 0b00001111) | 0x60; PORTEbits.RE1 = 0; __delay_ms(10); //Set DDRAM Address place_lcd_cursor(0,0); }
int main(void){ int AnyLife = 1; int i; TExaS_Init(NoLCD_NoScope); // set system clock to 80 MHz // you cannot use both the Scope and the virtual Nokia (both need UART0) Random_Init(1); Nokia5110_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // virtual Nokia uses UART0 interrupts Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer Nokia5110_PrintBMP(32, 47, PlayerShip0, 0); // player ship middle bottom Nokia5110_PrintBMP(33, 47 - PLAYERH, Bunker0, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(0, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy10PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(16, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy20PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(32, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy20PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(48, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy30PointA, 0); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(64, ENEMY10H - 1, SmallEnemy30PointA, 0); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); // draw buffer Delay100ms(50); // delay 5 sec at 80 MHz Init(); Timer2_Init(80000000/30); // 30 Hz while(AnyLife){ while(Semaphore == 0){}; Semaphore = 0; // runs at 30 Hz AnyLife = 0; for(i=0; i<4 ; i++){ AnyLife |= Enemy[i].life; } Draw(); } Nokia5110_Clear(); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 1); Nokia5110_OutString("GAME OVER"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 2); Nokia5110_OutString("Nice try,"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 3); Nokia5110_OutString("Earthling!"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(2, 4); Nokia5110_OutUDec(1234); Nokia5110_SetCursor(0, 0); // renders screen while(1){ } }
// PE0, PB0, or PA2 connected to positive logic momentary switch using 10 k ohm pull down resistor // PE1, PB1, or PA3 connected to positive logic LED through 470 ohm current limiting resistor // To avoid damaging your hardware, ensure that your circuits match the schematic // shown in Lab8_artist.sch (PCB Artist schematic file) or // Lab8_artist.pdf (compatible with many various readers like Adobe Acrobat). // 1) Make PE1 an output and make PE0 an input. // 2) The system starts with the LED on (make PE1 =1). // 3) Wait about 100 ms // 4) If the switch is pressed (PE0 is 1), then toggle the LED once, else turn the LED on. // 5) Steps 3 and 4 are repeated over and over. int main(void){ //********************************************************************** // The following version tests input on PE0 and output on PE1 //********************************************************************** TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PE0, LED_PIN_PE1); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz PortE_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ Delay100ms(time_delay); button = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R&0x01; // read PE0 into the switch if(button == 1){ GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R ^=0x02; // Toggle PE1 }else{ GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R |=0x02; // Set PE1 } } }
// PE0, PB0, or PA2 connected to positive logic momentary switch using 10 k ohm pull down resistor // PE1, PB1, or PA3 connected to positive logic LED through 470 ohm current limiting resistor // To avoid damaging your hardware, ensure that your circuits match the schematic // shown in Lab8_artist.sch (PCB Artist schematic file) or // Lab8_artist.pdf (compatible with many various readers like Adobe Acrobat). int main(void){ //********************************************************************** // The following version tests input on PE0 and output on PE1 //********************************************************************** TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PE0, LED_PIN_PE1); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz PortE_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ Delay100ms(1); In = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R&0x01; // read PE0 into In if (In == 0x01) { GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R ^ 0x02; // toggle the LED } else { GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R |= 0x02; // the LED ON (make PE1 =1). } } }
int main(void){ //********************************************************************** // The following version tests input on PE0 and output on PE1 //********************************************************************** TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PE0, LED_PIN_PE1); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz InitPorts(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ Delay100ms(1); in = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R & 0x01; // in 0 if not pressed, 1 if pressed if (in && 0x01) { // switch is pressed GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R ^= 0x02; // toggle LED } else { LED_On(); } } }
// PE0, PB0, or PA2 connected to positive logic momentary switch using 10k ohm pull down resistor // PE1, PB1, or PA3 connected to positive logic LED through 470 ohm current limiting resistor // To avoid damaging your hardware, ensure that your circuits match the schematic // shown in Lab8_artist.sch (PCB Artist schematic file) or // Lab8_artist.pdf (compatible with many various readers like Adobe Acrobat). int main(void){ //********************************************************************** // The following version tests input on PE0 and output on PE1 //********************************************************************** TExaS_Init(SW_PIN_PE0, LED_PIN_PE1); // activate grader and set system clock to 80 MHz PortE_Init(); EnableInterrupts(); // enable interrupts for the grader while(1){ // body goes here //for(i=0;i<2666667;i++); // Delay for about 100 ms 100 ms * 80 MHZ/3 Delay100ms(1); In = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R&0x01; // read PE0 into Sw1 if (In == 0x01) { GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R = GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R ^ 0x02; } else { GPIO_PORTE_DATA_R |= 0x02; } } }
void Timer2A_Handler(void){ ST enemy; TIMER2_ICR_R = 0x00000001; // acknowledge timer2A timeout q++; d=(Random())%4; k=(Random())%4; s=(d+k)%4; if(q<10){ enemy.x=Enemy[s].x; enemy.y=Enemy[s].y;; enemy.b=0; enemy.image[0]=Black; enemy.image[1]=Dead; } else { enemy.x=Enemy[s].x; enemy.y=Enemy[s].y;; enemy.image[0]=bomp; enemy.image[1]=bomp; enemy.b=1; q=0; } for(i=0;i<30;i++) { if(vector[i].fl==0) { vector[i]=enemy; vector[i].fl=1; vector[i].life=1; o++; break; } } Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_PrintBMP(LFish.x, LFish.y, LFish.image[0], 0); for(p=0;p<30;p++){ if(vector[p].fl==1 && vector[p].life==1){ if(vector[p].x >0){ vector[p].x -= 10; if(((((LFish.y-16)<vector[p].y) && (vector[p].y<=(LFish.y)))||((vector[p].y-16)<LFish.y && (vector[p].y-16)<LFish.y))&& (vector[p].x<=17) && (vector[p].b==0 )) { Score+=10; vector[p].life=0; Nokia5110_PrintBMP(vector[p].x, vector[p].y,vector[p].image[1], 0); o--; } else if((((LFish.y-16)<vector[p].y)&& (vector[p].y<=(LFish.y+4))) &&(vector[p].x<=17) && vector[p].b==1){ Nokia5110_ClearBuffer(); Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 1); Nokia5110_OutString("GAME OVER"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 2); Nokia5110_OutString("Nice try,"); Nokia5110_SetCursor(1, 4); Nokia5110_OutString("Score: "); Nokia5110_SetCursor(6, 4); Nokia5110_OutUDec(Score); Delay100ms(50); exit(0); } else Nokia5110_PrintBMP(vector[p].x, vector[p].y,vector[p].image[0], 0); } else if (vector[p].x==0){ vector[p].fl=0; vector[p].life=0; o--; } } if(p>=o)break; } Nokia5110_DisplayBuffer(); }
int main(void) { int data; int index=0; char buffer[100]; Config32MHzClock(); CLK.PSCTRL = 0x00; // no division on peripheral clock UsartInit(); UsartWriteString("\r\n\r\nBOOT: Starting...\r\n"); //Analog Mux PORTF.DIR = 0b11111111; //Output PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN6_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN4_bm | PIN7_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN5_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN0_bm | PIN1_bm | PIN2_bm | PIN3_bm; //PORTF.OUTSET = PIN1_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN6_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN4_bm; PORTF.OUTCLR = PIN5_bm; PORTF.OUTSET = PIN7_bm; //WR UsartWriteString("BOOT: Analog Mux configured...\r\n"); //ADC PORTQ.DIR = 0b1111; //Output PORTQ.OUTCLR = PIN1_bm | PIN3_bm; //PWRDWN pins PORTQ.OUTSET = PIN0_bm | PIN2_bm; //ENCODE pins //Reading Values PORTD.DIR = 0b00000000; //Input PORTE.DIR = 0b00000000; //Input UsartWriteString("BOOT: ADC configured...\r\n"); //TFT LCD TFT_init(); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); Delay100ms(10); TSLCDFillRect(0,TS_SIZE_X-1,0,TS_SIZE_Y-1,TS_COL_BLUE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); /* TSLCDFillRect(0,TS_SIZE_X-1,0,70,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDSetFontColor(TS_COL_BLUE); TSLCDPrintStr(2,6,"Testing ELT240320TP with AVR",TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(20,80,90,130,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(30,90,100,140,TS_COL_YELLOW,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(20,80,160,200,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(30,90,170,210,TS_COL_RED,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillRect(195,205,71,TS_SIZE_Y-1,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,60,TS_COL_WHITE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,50,TS_COL_BLUE,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,40,TS_COL_BLACK,TS_MODE_NORMAL); TSLCDFillCirc(200,155,30,TS_COL_RED,TS_MODE_NORMAL); */ UsartWriteString("BOOT: TFT LCD configured...\r\n"); //Timing Lines //INT0: breakoutbar6 / A0 / frame //INT1: slicebin0 / A1 / pixel PORTA.INTCTRL = (PORTA.INTCTRL & ~PORT_INT0LVL_gm ) | PORT_INT0LVL_LO_gc; PORTA.INTCTRL = (PORTA.INTCTRL & ~PORT_INT1LVL_gm ) | PORT_INT1LVL_LO_gc; //Detect rising edge only PORTA.PIN0CTRL |= 0x01; PORTA.PIN0CTRL &= ~0x06; PORTA.PIN1CTRL |= 0x01; PORTA.PIN1CTRL &= ~0x06; PORTA.INT0MASK = PIN0_bm; PORTA.INT1MASK = PIN1_bm; UsartWriteString("BOOT: Interrupts configured...\r\n"); //EBI/SDRAM ebi_setup_port(12, 0, 0, EBI_PORT_3PORT | EBI_PORT_SDRAM); /* * Configure the EBI chip select for an 8 MB SDRAM located at * \ref BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE. */ ebi_cs_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_MODE_SDRAM_gc); ebi_cs_set_address_size(&cs_config, EBI_CS_ASPACE_8MB_gc); ebi_cs_set_base_address(&cs_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); /* Configure the EBI chip select to be in SDRAM mode. */ ebi_sdram_set_mode(&cs_config, EBI_CS_SDMODE_NORMAL_gc); /* Setup the number of SDRAM rows and columns. */ ebi_sdram_set_row_bits(&sdram_config, 12); ebi_sdram_set_col_bits(&sdram_config, 10); /* Further, setup the SDRAM timing. */ ebi_sdram_set_cas_latency(&sdram_config, 3); ebi_sdram_set_mode_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_MRDLY_2CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_cycle_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCYCDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_precharge_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_RPDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_write_recovery_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_WRDLY_1CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_self_refresh_to_active_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ESRDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_row_to_col_delay(&sdram_config, EBI_ROWCOLDLY_7CLK_gc); ebi_sdram_set_refresh_period(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_REFRESH); ebi_sdram_set_initialization_delay(&sdram_config, BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_INITDLY); /* Write SDRAM configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_sdram_write_config(&sdram_config); /* Write the chip select configuration into the EBI registers. */ ebi_cs_write_config(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); ebi_enable_cs(EBI_SDRAM_CS, &cs_config); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM configured...\r\n"); do { // Wait for SDRAM to initialize. } while (!ebi_sdram_is_ready()); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM ready...\r\n"); status_code_t retval = ebi_test_data_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE); if (retval == STATUS_OK) { UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM data bus test completed...\r\n"); } else { UsartWriteString("BOOT: WARNING: SDRAM data bus test failed...\r\n"); } retval = ebi_test_addr_bus((hugemem_ptr_t)BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_BASE,BOARD_EBI_SDRAM_SIZE); if (retval == STATUS_OK) { UsartWriteString("BOOT: SDRAM address bus test completed...\r\n"); } else { UsartWriteString("BOOT: WARNING: SDRAM address bus test failed...\r\n"); } //_delay_ms(1); //SD Card testing UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card testing...\r\n"); //_delay_ms(1); FRESULT f_err_code; static FATFS FATFS_Obj; UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: initializing disk...\r\n"); disk_initialize(0); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: mounting disk...\r\n"); f_err_code = f_mount(0, &FATFS_Obj); if (f_err_code == FR_OK) { FIL fil_obj; int test_number = 5; UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: opening file...\r\n"); f_open(&fil_obj, "asplfc.txt", FA_WRITE); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: writing file...\r\n"); int out = f_printf(&fil_obj, "moo %d", test_number); UsartWriteString("BOOT: SD Card: closing file...\r\n"); f_close(&fil_obj); } else { UsartWriteLine("BOOT: WARNING: No SD card found..."); } //PORTQ.OUTCLR = PIN2_bm | PIN4_bm; UsartWriteString("\n\rASP LFC firmware -- v0.1\r\n"); UsartWriteString("> "); while(1) { data=UsartReadChar(); // read char // check for carriage return and try to match/execute command if((data == '\r')||(index==sizeof(buffer))) { //PORTF.OUT ^= (1<<0); // switch LED buffer[index]=0; // null terminate index=0; // reset buffer index UsartWriteString("\n\r"); // echo newline ParseCommand(buffer); // attempt to parse command UsartWriteString("> "); } else if(data==8) // backspace character { if(index>0) index--; // backup one character UsartWriteChar(data); } else { buffer[index++]=data; UsartWriteChar(data); }; // UsartWriteChar(data); // write char // _delay_ms(100); // PORTF.OUT ^= (1<<0); // toggle LED }; };