예제 #1
globle void RemovePMDependencies(
  void *theEnv,
  struct partialMatch *theBinds)
   struct dependency *fdPtr, *nextPtr, *theList;
   struct patternEntity *theEntity;

   fdPtr = (struct dependency *) theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue;

   while (fdPtr != NULL)
      nextPtr = fdPtr->next;

      theEntity = (struct patternEntity *) fdPtr->dPtr;

      theList = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;
      theList = DetachAssociatedDependencies(theEnv,theList,(void *) theBinds);
      theEntity->dependents = (void *) theList;

      fdPtr = nextPtr;

   theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue = NULL;
예제 #2
파일: lgcldpnd.c 프로젝트: DrItanium/maya
void RemovePMDependencies(
  Environment *theEnv,
  struct partialMatch *theBinds)
   struct dependency *fdPtr, *nextPtr, *theList;
   struct patternEntity *theEntity;

   fdPtr = (struct dependency *) theBinds->dependents;

   while (fdPtr != NULL)
      nextPtr = fdPtr->next;

      theEntity = (struct patternEntity *) fdPtr->dPtr;

      theList = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;
      theList = DetachAssociatedDependencies(theEnv,theList,theBinds);
      theEntity->dependents = theList;

      fdPtr = nextPtr;

   theBinds->dependents = NULL;
예제 #3
globle void RemoveEntityDependencies(
  void *theEnv,
  struct patternEntity *theEntity)
   struct dependency *fdPtr, *nextPtr, *theList;
   struct partialMatch *theBinds;

   /* Get the list of dependencies. */

   fdPtr = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;

   /* Loop through each of the dependencies. */

   while (fdPtr != NULL)
      /* Remember the next dependency. */

      nextPtr = fdPtr->next;

      /* Remove the link between the data entity and the partial match. */

      theBinds = (struct partialMatch *) fdPtr->dPtr;
      theList = (struct dependency *)
                theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue;
      theList = DetachAssociatedDependencies(theEnv,theList,(void *) theEntity);
      theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue = (void *) theList;

      /* Return the dependency. */


      /* Move on to the next dependency. */

      fdPtr = nextPtr;

   /* Set the dependency list of the data entity to NULL. */

   theEntity->dependents = NULL;
예제 #4
globle void RemoveLogicalSupport(
  void *theEnv,
  struct partialMatch *theBinds)
   struct dependency *dlPtr, *tempPtr, *theList;
   struct patternEntity *theEntity;

   /* If the partial match has no associated */
   /* dependencies, then return.             */

   if (theBinds->dependentsf == FALSE) return;

   /* Loop through each of the dependencies */
   /* attached to the partial match.        */

   dlPtr = (struct dependency *) theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue;

   while (dlPtr != NULL)
      /* Remember the next dependency. */

      tempPtr = dlPtr->next;

      /* Determine the data entity associated with the dependency */
      /* structure and delete its dependency references to this   */
      /* partial match.                                           */

      theEntity = (struct patternEntity *) dlPtr->dPtr;

      theList = (struct dependency *) theEntity->dependents;
      theList = DetachAssociatedDependencies(theEnv,theList,(void *) theBinds);
      theEntity->dependents = (void *) theList;

      /* If the data entity has lost all of its logical support, then */
      /* add the dependency structure from the partial match to the   */
      /* list of unsupported data entities to be deleted. Otherwise,  */
      /* just delete the dependency structure.                        */

      if (theEntity->dependents == NULL)
         dlPtr->next = EngineData(theEnv)->UnsupportedDataEntities;
         EngineData(theEnv)->UnsupportedDataEntities = dlPtr;
        { rtn_struct(theEnv,dependency,dlPtr); }

      /* Move on to the next dependency.  */

      dlPtr = tempPtr;

   /* The partial match no longer has any */
   /* dependencies associated with it.    */

   theBinds->binds[theBinds->bcount + theBinds->activationf].gm.theValue = NULL;