예제 #1
파일: dhcp_01.c 프로젝트: bengras/umon
/* ValidDHCPOffer():
 *  Target issued the DISCOVER, the incoming packet is the server's
 *  OFFER reply.  If the offer contains the vendor specific
 *  VS_PPADHCPSRVR option and the string within that
 *  option is correct, then accept the offer; by issuing a request.
ValidDHCPOffer(struct   dhcphdr *dhdr)
    uchar   *op, *op1;

    op = op1 = 0;
    op1 = DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_VENDORSPECIFICINFO,dhdr+1);
    if(op1) {
        op = DhcpGetOption(VS_PPADHCPSRVR,op1+2);
    if(op) {
        if(!strncmp(op+2,PPADHCPSRVR_STR,sizeof(PPADHCPSRVR_STR)-1)) {
예제 #2
파일: dhcp.c 프로젝트: niziak/ethernut-4.9
 * \brief Send DHCP datagram and wait for a specified answer.
 * \param slen Length of message to send.
 * \param xtype Expected response type.
 * \return The number of data bytes received, 0 on timeout or -1 in 
 *         case of a failure.
int DhcpTransact(u_short slen, u_char xtype)
    u_char type;
    u_char retry;
    int rlen = 0;

    for (retry = 0; retry < 3; ) {
         * Send a message, if nothing has been received yet.
        if (rlen == 0) {
            if (UdpOutput(INADDR_BROADCAST, DHCP_SERVERPORT, DHCP_CLIENTPORT, slen) < 0) {
                /* Transmit failure, must be a NIC problem. Give up. */
                return -1;

         * Do a retry on timouts or failures. A receive failures may be 
         * caused by a hardware failure or a bad frame.
        if ((rlen = UdpInput(DHCP_CLIENTPORT, 5000)) <= 0) {

         * Check if the response contains the expected ID and
         * message type.
        if (rframe.u.bootp.bp_xid == sframe.u.bootp.bp_xid && 
            DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_MSGTYPE, &type, 1) == 1 && 
            type == xtype) {
    return rlen;
예제 #3
파일: dhcp.c 프로젝트: niziak/ethernut-4.9
 * \brief Query any DHCP server on the local net.
 * On success, this routine will fill some global
 * variables:
 * - my_ip 
 * - server_ip
 * - bootfile
 * - my_netmask
 * \return 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
int DhcpQuery(void)
    BOOTPHDR *bp;
    u_short slen;
    u_char i;
    u_long sid;
    register u_char *cp;

     * Nothing to do if we got a fixed IP address.
    if (confnet.cdn_cip_addr) {
        confnet.cdn_ip_addr = confnet.cdn_cip_addr;
        return 0;
    confnet.cdn_ip_addr = 0;

     * Setup bootp message.
    bp = &sframe.u.bootp;
    bp->bp_op = 1;
    bp->bp_xid = *((u_long *)&confnet.cdn_mac[2]);
    bp->bp_htype = 1;
    bp->bp_hlen = sizeof(confnet.cdn_mac);
    memcpy_(bp->bp_chaddr, confnet.cdn_mac, 6);

     * Add DHCP option for discover message.
    bp->bp_cookie = 0x63538263;
    DhcpSetOption(bp->bp_options, DHCPOPT_MSGTYPE, &i, 1);

     * Send DHCP discover and wait for any response.
    slen = sizeof(BOOTPHDR) - sizeof(sframe.u.bootp.bp_options) + 4;
    if (DhcpTransact(slen, DHCP_OFFER) <= 0) {
        return -1;

     * Get the server ID option.
    DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_SID, &sid, 4);

     * Reuse the bootp structure and add DHCP options for request message.
    cp = DhcpSetOption(bp->bp_options, DHCPOPT_MSGTYPE, &i, 1);
    cp = DhcpSetOption(cp, DHCPOPT_REQUESTIP, (u_char *)&rframe.u.bootp.bp_yiaddr, 4);
    DhcpSetOption(cp, DHCPOPT_SID, (u_char *)&sid, 4);

     * Send DHCP request and wait for ACK.
    slen = sizeof(BOOTPHDR) - sizeof(sframe.u.bootp.bp_options) + 16;
    if (DhcpTransact(slen, DHCP_ACK) <= 0) {
        return -1;

     * Retrieve local IP, bootp server IP, bootfile name and netmask.
    confnet.cdn_ip_addr = rframe.u.bootp.bp_yiaddr;
    confboot.cb_tftp_ip = rframe.u.bootp.bp_siaddr;
    for (cp = rframe.u.bootp.bp_file, i = 0; *cp && i < sizeof(confboot.cb_image) - 1; cp++, i++) {
        confboot.cb_image[i] = *cp;
    confboot.cb_image[i] = 0;
    DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_NETMASK, &confnet.cdn_ip_mask, 4);

#if 0
     * I'd say that tftpd32 is buggy, because it sends siaddr
     * set to zero. This hack will fix it.
    if (confboot.cb_tftp_ip == 0)
        confboot.cb_tftp_ip = rframe.ip_hdr.ip_src;

    return 0;
예제 #4
/* processDHCP():
 * Actually this is processBOOTP, but we call it processDHCP here so that
 * the same code in enetcore.c can be used to call either function (depending
 * on what has been configured into the uMon build).
processDHCP(struct ether_header *ehdr,ushort size)
	char	getbootfile = 0;
	struct	ip *ihdr;
	struct	Udphdr *uhdr;
	struct	bootphdr *bhdr;
	ulong	ip, temp_ip, cookie;
	uchar	buf[16], bootsrvrip[16], *op;

	ihdr = (struct ip *)(ehdr + 1);
	uhdr = (struct Udphdr *)((char *)ihdr + IP_HLEN(ihdr));
	bhdr = (struct bootphdr *)(uhdr+1);

	/* Verify incoming transaction id matches the previous outgoing value: */
	if (xidCheck((char *)&bhdr->transaction_id,1) < 0)

	/* If bootfile is nonzero, store it into BOOTFILE shell var: */
	if (bhdr->bootfile[0]) 

	/* Assign IP "server_ip" to the BOOTSRVR shell var (if non-zero): */
	memcpy((char *)&temp_ip,(char *)&bhdr->server_ip,4);
	if (temp_ip) 
	IpToString(temp_ip,(char *)bootsrvrip);

	/* Assign IP address loaded in "your_ip" to the IPADD shell var: */
	memcpy((char *)BinIpAddr,(char *)&bhdr->your_ip,4);
	memcpy((char *)&temp_ip,(char *)&bhdr->your_ip,4);
	printf("IP: %s\n",IpToString(temp_ip,(char *)buf));

	/* If STANDARD_MAGIC_COOKIE exists, then process options... */
	memcpy((char *)&cookie,(char *)bhdr->vsa,4);
	if (cookie == ecl(STANDARD_MAGIC_COOKIE)) {
		/* Assign subnet mask option to NETMASK shell var (if found): */
		op = DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_SUBNETMASK,&bhdr->vsa[4]);
		if (op) {
			memcpy((char *)BinNetMask,(char *)op+2,4);
			memcpy((char *)&ip,(char *)op+2,4);
			printf("NETMASK: %s\n",IpToString(ip,(char *)buf));
		/* Assign first router option to GIPADD shell var (if found): */
		/* (the router option can have multiple entries, and they are */
		/* supposed to be in order of preference, so use the first one) */
		op = DhcpGetOption(DHCPOPT_ROUTER,&bhdr->vsa[4]);
		if (op) {
			memcpy((char *)BinGipAddr,(char *)op+2,4);
			memcpy((char *)&ip,(char *)op+2,4);
			printf("GIPADD: %s\n",IpToString(ip,(char *)buf));

	/* Call loadBootFile() which will then kick off a tftp client
	 * transfer if both BOOTFILE and BOOTSRVR shell variables are
	 * loaded; otherwise, we are done.
	/* If the bootp server gave us the bootfile and boot server IP, 
	 * then call loadBootFile()...
	if (getbootfile == 2)
		loadBootFile((char *)bhdr->bootfile,(char *)bootsrvrip);
