예제 #1
파일: Configurator.c 프로젝트: Kubuxu/cjdns
static void tunInterface(Dict* ifaceConf, struct Allocator* tempAlloc, struct Context* ctx)
    String* ifaceType = Dict_getString(ifaceConf, String_CONST("type"));
    if (!String_equals(ifaceType, String_CONST("TUNInterface"))) {

    // Setup the interface.
    String* tunfd = Dict_getString(ifaceConf, String_CONST("tunfd"));
    String* device = Dict_getString(ifaceConf, String_CONST("tunDevice"));

    Dict* args = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
    if (tunfd && device) {
        Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("path"), device, tempAlloc);
        Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("type"),
                       String_new(tunfd->bytes, tempAlloc), tempAlloc);
        Dict* res = NULL;
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("FileNo_import"), args, ctx, tempAlloc, &res, false);
        if (res) {
            Dict* args = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
            int64_t* tunfd = Dict_getInt(res, String_CONST("tunfd"));
            int64_t* type = Dict_getInt(res, String_CONST("type"));
            Dict_putInt(args, String_CONST("tunfd"), *tunfd, tempAlloc);
            Dict_putInt(args, String_CONST("type"), *type, tempAlloc);
            rpcCall0(String_CONST("Core_initTunfd"), args, ctx, tempAlloc, NULL, false);
    } else {
        if (device) {
            Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("desiredTunName"), device, tempAlloc);
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("Core_initTunnel"), args, ctx, tempAlloc, NULL, false);
예제 #2
static String* getExpectedResponse(struct Sockaddr* sa4, int prefix4, int alloc4,
                                   struct Sockaddr* sa6, int prefix6, int alloc6,
                                   struct Allocator* allocator)
    Assert_true(alloc6 >= prefix6);
    Assert_true(alloc4 >= prefix4);
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);
    Dict* addresses = Dict_new(alloc);
    if (sa4) {
        uint8_t* addr = NULL;
        Assert_true(Sockaddr_getAddress(sa4, &addr) == 4);
        String* addrStr = String_newBinary(addr, 4, alloc);
        Dict_putString(addresses, String_new("ip4", alloc), addrStr, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(addresses, String_new("ip4Prefix", alloc), prefix4, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(addresses, String_new("ip4Alloc", alloc), alloc4, alloc);
    if (sa6) {
        uint8_t* addr = NULL;
        Assert_true(Sockaddr_getAddress(sa6, &addr) == 16);
        String* addrStr = String_newBinary(addr, 16, alloc);
        Dict_putString(addresses, String_new("ip6", alloc), addrStr, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(addresses, String_new("ip6Prefix", alloc), prefix6, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(addresses, String_new("ip6Alloc", alloc), alloc6, alloc);
    Dict* output = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putDict(output, String_new("addresses", alloc), addresses, alloc);
    Dict_putString(output, String_new("txid", alloc), String_new("abcd", alloc), alloc);
    struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, 512, alloc);
    BencMessageWriter_write(output, msg, NULL);

    String* outStr = String_newBinary(msg->bytes, msg->length, allocator);
    return outStr;
예제 #3
static void showConn(struct IpTunnel_Connection* conn,
                     String* txid,
                     struct Admin* admin,
                     struct Allocator* alloc)
    Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);

    if (!Bits_isZero(conn->connectionIp6, 16)) {
        struct Sockaddr* addr = Sockaddr_clone(Sockaddr_LOOPBACK6, alloc);
        uint8_t* address;
        Assert_true(16 == Sockaddr_getAddress(addr, &address));
        Bits_memcpy(address, conn->connectionIp6, 16);
        char* printedAddr = Sockaddr_print(addr, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("ip6Address"), String_CONST(printedAddr), alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("ip6Prefix"), conn->connectionIp6Prefix, alloc);

    if (!Bits_isZero(conn->connectionIp4, 4)) {
        struct Sockaddr* addr = Sockaddr_clone(Sockaddr_LOOPBACK, alloc);
        uint8_t* address;
        Assert_true(4 == Sockaddr_getAddress(addr, &address));
        Bits_memcpy(address, conn->connectionIp4, 4);
        char* printedAddr = Sockaddr_print(addr, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("ip4Address"), String_CONST(printedAddr), alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("ip4Prefix"), conn->connectionIp4Prefix, alloc);

    Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("key"),
                      Key_stringify(conn->routeHeader.publicKey, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("outgoing"), (conn->isOutgoing) ? 1 : 0, alloc);
    Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("none"), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin);
예제 #4
파일: AdminLog.c 프로젝트: CSRedRat/cjdns
static Dict* makeLogMessage(struct Subscription* subscription,
                            struct AdminLog* logger,
                            enum Log_Level logLevel,
                            const char* fullFilePath,
                            uint32_t line,
                            const char* format,
                            va_list vaArgs,
                            struct Allocator* alloc)
    time_t now;

    Dict* out = Dict_new(alloc);
    char* buff = Allocator_malloc(alloc, 20);
    Hex_encode((uint8_t*)buff, 20, subscription->streamId, 8);
    Dict_putString(out, String_new("streamId", alloc), String_new(buff, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_new("time", alloc), now, alloc);
                   String_new("level", alloc),
                   String_new(Log_nameForLevel(logLevel), alloc),
    const char* shortName = getShortName(fullFilePath);
    Dict_putString(out, String_new("file", alloc), String_new((char*)shortName, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_new("line", alloc), line, alloc);
    String* message = String_vprintf(alloc, format, vaArgs);

    // Strip all of the annoying \n marks in the log entries.
    if (message->len > 0 && message->bytes[message->len - 1] == '\n') {
    Dict_putString(out, String_new("message", alloc), message, alloc);

    return out;
예제 #5
static void showActiveSearch(Dict* args, void* vctx, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vctx);
    int number = *(Dict_getIntC(args, "number"));

    struct SearchRunner_SearchData* search =
        SearchRunner_showActiveSearch(ctx->runner, number, alloc);

    Dict* dict = Dict_new(alloc);

    // Nothing is an error
    Dict_putString(dict, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc);

    if (number < search->activeSearches) {
        uint8_t target[40];
        AddrTools_printIp(target, search->target);
        Dict_putString(dict, String_new("target", alloc), String_new((char*)target, alloc), alloc);

        uint8_t lastNodeAsked[60];
        Address_print(lastNodeAsked, &search->lastNodeAsked);
                       String_new("lastNodeAsked", alloc),
                       String_new((char*)lastNodeAsked, alloc),

        Dict_putInt(dict, String_new("totalRequests", alloc), search->totalRequests, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(dict, String_new("activeSearches", alloc), search->activeSearches, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(dict, txid, ctx->admin);
예제 #6
static void getHandles(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(context->alloc);

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;
    struct SessionManager_HandleList* hList = SessionManager_getHandleList(context->sm, alloc);

    List* list = List_new(alloc);
    for (int counter = 0; i < hList->length && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        List_addInt(list, hList->handles[i], alloc);

    Dict* r = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putList(r, String_CONST("handles"), list, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("total"), hList->length, alloc);

    String* more = String_CONST("more");
    if (i < hList->length) {
        Dict_putInt(r, more, 1, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(r, txid, context->admin);

예제 #7
static void adminPingOnResponse(struct SwitchPinger_Response* resp, void* vping)
    struct Allocator* pingAlloc = resp->ping->pingAlloc;
    struct Ping* ping = vping;

    Dict* rd = Dict_new(pingAlloc);

    if (resp->res == SwitchPinger_Result_LABEL_MISMATCH) {
        uint8_t path[20] = {0};
        AddrTools_printPath(path, resp->label);
        String* pathStr = String_new(path, pingAlloc);
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("rpath"), pathStr, pingAlloc);

    Dict_putInt(rd, String_CONST("version"), resp->version, pingAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(rd, String_CONST("ms"), resp->milliseconds, pingAlloc);
    Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("result"), SwitchPinger_resultString(resp->res), pingAlloc);
    Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("path"), ping->path, pingAlloc);
    if (resp->data) {
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("data"), resp->data, pingAlloc);

    if (!Bits_isZero(resp->key, 32)) {
        Dict_putString(rd, String_CONST("key"), Key_stringify(resp->key, pingAlloc), pingAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(rd, ping->txid, ping->context->admin);
예제 #8
파일: MsgCore.c 프로젝트: sssemil/cjdns
static void sendMsg(struct MsgCore_pvt* mcp,
                    Dict* msgDict,
                    struct Address* addr,
                    struct Allocator* allocator)
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(allocator);

    // Send the encoding scheme definition
    Dict_putString(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_ENC_SCHEME, mcp->schemeDefinition, allocator);

    // And tell the asker which interface the message came from
    int encIdx = EncodingScheme_getFormNum(mcp->scheme, addr->path);
    Assert_true(encIdx != EncodingScheme_getFormNum_INVALID);
    Dict_putInt(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_ENC_INDEX, encIdx, allocator);

    // send the protocol version
    Dict_putInt(msgDict, CJDHTConstants_PROTOCOL, Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL, allocator);

    if (!Defined(SUBNODE)) {
        String* q = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "q");
        String* sq = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "sq");
        if (q || sq) {
            Log_debug(mcp->log, "Send query [%s] to [%s]",
                ((q) ? q->bytes : sq->bytes),
                Address_toString(addr, alloc)->bytes);
            String* txid = Dict_getStringC(msgDict, "txid");
            String* newTxid = String_newBinary(NULL, txid->len + 1, alloc);
            Bits_memcpy(&newTxid->bytes[1], txid->bytes, txid->len);
            newTxid->bytes[0] = '1';
            Dict_putStringC(msgDict, "txid", newTxid, alloc);

    struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, 2048, alloc);
    BencMessageWriter_write(msgDict, msg, NULL);

    //Log_debug(mcp->log, "Sending msg [%s]", Escape_getEscaped(msg->bytes, msg->length, alloc));

    // Sanity check (make sure the addr was actually calculated)
    Assert_true(addr->ip6.bytes[0] == 0xfc);

    struct DataHeader data;
    Bits_memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct DataHeader));
    DataHeader_setVersion(&data, DataHeader_CURRENT_VERSION);
    DataHeader_setContentType(&data, ContentType_CJDHT);
    Message_push(msg, &data, sizeof(struct DataHeader), NULL);

    struct RouteHeader route;
    Bits_memset(&route, 0, sizeof(struct RouteHeader));
    Bits_memcpy(route.ip6, addr->ip6.bytes, 16);
    route.version_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(addr->protocolVersion);
    route.sh.label_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian64(addr->path);
    Bits_memcpy(route.publicKey, addr->key, 32);
    Message_push(msg, &route, sizeof(struct RouteHeader), NULL);

    Iface_send(&mcp->pub.interRouterIf, msg);
예제 #9
static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid)
    struct Context* context = vcontext;
    struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(context->alloc);
    struct InterfaceController_peerStats* stats = NULL;

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    int count = context->ic->getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats);

    String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn");
    String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut");
    String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey");
    String* state = String_CONST("state");
    String* last = String_CONST("last");
    String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel");
    String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming");

    List* list = NULL;
    for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].pubKey, alloc), alloc);

        String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc);

        uint8_t labelStack[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].switchLabel);
        Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc);

        list = List_addDict(list, d, alloc);

    Dict response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("peers"), List_OBJ(list), Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("total"), Int_OBJ(count), NULL

    if (i < count) {
      response = Dict_CONST(
        String_CONST("more"), Int_OBJ(1), response

    Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, context->admin);

예제 #10
static void checkPermissionsB(struct Except* eh,
                              String* txid,
                              struct Admin* admin,
                              struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Security_Permissions* sp = Security_checkPermissions(requestAlloc, eh);
    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("noOpenFiles"), sp->noOpenFiles, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("seccompExists"), sp->seccompExists, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("seccompEnforcing"), sp->seccompEnforcing, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("userId"), sp->uid, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("none"), requestAlloc);
    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, admin);
예제 #11
static void genericResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise,
                            uint32_t lag,
                            struct Address* from,
                            Dict* responseDict,
                            String* name)
    struct Ping* ping = Identity_check((struct Ping*)promise->userData);
    Dict* out = Dict_new(promise->alloc);
    String* result = (responseDict) ? name : String_CONST("timeout");
    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("result"), result, promise->alloc);

    if (responseDict) {
        struct Address_List* addrs =
            ReplySerializer_parse(from, responseDict, NULL, promise->alloc);

        List* nodes = List_new(promise->alloc);
        for (int i = 0; i < addrs->length; i++) {
            String* addr = Address_toString(&addrs->elems[i], promise->alloc);
            List_addString(nodes, addr, promise->alloc);
        Dict_putList(out, name, nodes, promise->alloc);

    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("ms"), lag, promise->alloc);

    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("none"), promise->alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(out, ping->txid, ping->ctx->admin);
예제 #12
static void dns(Dict* dns, struct Context* ctx, struct Except* eh)
    List* servers = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("servers"));
    int count = List_size(servers);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        String* server = List_getString(servers, i);
        if (!server) {
            Except_throw(eh, "dns.servers[%d] is not a string", i);
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("addr"), server, ctx->alloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("RainflyClient_addServer"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc);

    List* keys = Dict_getList(dns, String_CONST("keys"));
    count = List_size(keys);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        String* key = List_getString(keys, i);
        if (!key) {
            Except_throw(eh, "dns.keys[%d] is not a string", i);
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("ident"), key, ctx->alloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("RainflyClient_addKey"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc);

    int64_t* minSigs = Dict_getInt(dns, String_CONST("minSignatures"));
    if (minSigs) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("count"), *minSigs, ctx->alloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("RainflyClient_minSignatures"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc);
예제 #13
static void getSomething(Dict* args,
                         struct RouteGen_admin_Ctx* ctx,
                         String* txid,
                         struct Allocator* requestAlloc,
                         Dict* genRoutes)
    int page = getIntVal(args, String_CONST("page"));
    List* routes;
    if (getIntVal(args, String_CONST("ip6"))) {
        routes = Dict_getList(genRoutes, String_CONST("ipv6"));
    } else {
        routes = Dict_getList(genRoutes, String_CONST("ipv4"));
    List* outList = List_new(requestAlloc);
    bool more = false;
    for (int i = page * ROUTES_PER_PAGE, j = 0; i < List_size(routes) && j < ROUTES_PER_PAGE; j++) {
        String* route = List_getString(routes, i);
        List_addString(outList, route, requestAlloc);
        if (++i >= List_size(routes)) {
            more = false;
        more = true;
    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    if (more) {
        Dict_putInt(out, String_new("more", requestAlloc), 1, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putList(out, String_new("routes", requestAlloc), outList, requestAlloc);
    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);
예제 #14
static void dumpRumorMill(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);

    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    struct RumorMill* rm = getRumorMill(ctx, Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("mill")));
    if (!rm) {
                       String_CONST("mill must be one of "
        Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int ctr = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    List* table = List_new(requestAlloc);
    for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE && ctr < rm->count; i++) {
        String* addr = Address_toString(&rm->addresses[ctr++], requestAlloc);
        List_addString(table, addr, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putList(out, String_CONST("addresses"), table, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("total"), rm->count, requestAlloc);
    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);
예제 #15
static void newInterface2(struct Context* ctx,
                          struct Sockaddr* addr,
                          String* txid,
                          struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Allocator* const alloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
    struct UDPAddrIface* udpIf = NULL;
    struct Jmp jmp;
    Jmp_try(jmp) {
        udpIf = UDPAddrIface_new(ctx->eventBase, addr, alloc, &jmp.handler, ctx->logger);
    } Jmp_catch {
        String* errStr = String_CONST(jmp.message);
        Dict out = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(errStr), NULL);
        Admin_sendMessage(&out, txid, ctx->admin);

    struct AddrIface* ai = ctx->udpIf = &udpIf->generic;
    struct InterfaceController_Iface* ici =
        InterfaceController_newIface(ctx->ic, String_CONST("UDP"), alloc);
    Iface_plumb(&ici->addrIf, &ai->iface);

    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("none"), requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ici->ifNum, requestAlloc);
    char* printedAddr = Sockaddr_print(ai->addr, requestAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);
예제 #16
static void adminDisconnectPeer(Dict* args,
                                void* vcontext,
                                String* txid,
                                struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*)vcontext);
    String* pubkeyString = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pubkey"));

    // parse the key
    uint8_t pubkey[32];
    uint8_t addr[16];
    int error = Key_parse(pubkeyString, pubkey, addr);

    char* errorMsg = NULL;
    if (error) {
        errorMsg = "bad key";
    } else {
        //  try to remove the peer if the key is valid
        error = InterfaceController_disconnectPeer(context->ic,pubkey);
        if (error) {
            errorMsg = "no peer found for that key";

    Dict* response = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(response, String_CONST("success"), error ? 0 : 1, requestAlloc);
    if (error) {
        Dict_putString(response, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST(errorMsg), requestAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, context->admin);
예제 #17
List* EncodingScheme_asList(struct EncodingScheme* list, struct Allocator* alloc)
    String* prefixLen = String_new("prefixLen", alloc);
    String* bitCount = String_new("bitCount", alloc);
    String* prefix = String_new("prefix", alloc);
    List* scheme = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)list->count; i++) {
        Dict* form = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(form, prefixLen, list->forms[i].prefixLen, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(form, bitCount, list->forms[i].bitCount, alloc);
        String* pfx = String_newBinary(NULL, 8, alloc);
        uint32_t prefix_be = Endian_hostToBigEndian32(list->forms[i].prefix);
        Hex_encode(pfx->bytes, 8, (uint8_t*)&prefix_be, 4);
        Dict_putString(form, prefix, pfx, alloc);
        scheme = List_addDict(scheme, form, alloc);
    return scheme;
예제 #18
static void sessionStats(Dict* args,
                         void* vcontext,
                         String* txid,
                         struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);
    int64_t* handleP = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("handle"));
    uint32_t handle = *handleP;

    struct SessionManager_Session* session = SessionManager_sessionForHandle(handle, context->sm);

    Dict* r = Dict_new(alloc);
    if (!session) {
        Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("no such session"), alloc);
        Admin_sendMessage(r, txid, context->admin);

    uint8_t printedAddr[40];
    AddrTools_printIp(printedAddr, session->caSession->herIp6);
    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("ip6"), String_new(printedAddr, alloc), alloc);

    String* state =
        String_new(CryptoAuth_stateString(CryptoAuth_getState(session->caSession)), alloc);
    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("state"), state, alloc);

    struct ReplayProtector* rp = &session->caSession->replayProtector;
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("duplicates"), rp->duplicates, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("lostPackets"), rp->lostPackets, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("receivedOutOfRange"), rp->receivedOutOfRange, alloc);

    struct Address addr;
    Bits_memcpyConst(addr.key, session->caSession->herPublicKey, 32);
    addr.path = session->sendSwitchLabel;
    addr.protocolVersion = session->version;

    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("addr"), Address_toString(&addr, alloc), alloc);

    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("publicKey"),
                      Key_stringify(session->caSession->herPublicKey, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("version"), session->version, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("handle"), session->receiveHandle, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("sendHandle"), session->sendHandle, alloc);

    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("timeOfLastIn"), session->timeOfLastIn, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("timeOfLastOut"), session->timeOfLastOut, alloc);

    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("publicKey,version will soon be removed"), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(r, txid, context->admin);
예제 #19
파일: cjdroute.c 프로젝트: Ralith/cjdns
static void adminMemory(Dict* input, void* vcontext, String* txid)
    struct Context* context = (struct Context*) vcontext;
    uint8_t buffer[256];
    struct Allocator* alloc = BufferAllocator_new(buffer, 256);

    String* bytes = BSTR("bytes");
    Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putInt(d, bytes, MallocAllocator_bytesAllocated(context->allocator), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, context->admin);
예제 #20
static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
    struct Context* ctx = Identity_check((struct Context*) vcontext);
    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int ctr = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    Dict* out = Dict_new(requestAlloc);
    List* table = List_new(requestAlloc);
    struct Node_Two* nn = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < ctr+ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        nn = NodeStore_getNextNode(ctx->store, nn);
        if (!nn) { break; }
        if (i < ctr) { continue; }
        Dict* nodeDict = Dict_new(requestAlloc);

        String* ip = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, requestAlloc);
        Address_printIp(ip->bytes, &nn->address);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("ip"), ip, requestAlloc);

        String* addr = Address_toString(&nn->address, requestAlloc);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("addr"), addr, requestAlloc);

        String* path = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc);
        AddrTools_printPath(path->bytes, nn->address.path);
        Dict_putString(nodeDict, String_CONST("path"), path, requestAlloc);

        Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("link"), Node_getCost(nn), requestAlloc);
        Dict_putInt(nodeDict, String_CONST("version"), nn->address.protocolVersion, requestAlloc);

                    NodeStore_timeSinceLastPing(ctx->store, nn),

                    NodeStore_bucketForAddr(ctx->store->selfAddress, &nn->address),

        List_addDict(table, nodeDict, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putList(out, String_CONST("routingTable"), table, requestAlloc);

    if (nn) {
        Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("more"), 1, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("count"), ctx->store->nodeCount, requestAlloc);
    Dict_putInt(out, String_CONST("peers"), ctx->store->peerCount, requestAlloc);

    Dict_putString(out, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("ip,path,version will soon be removed"), requestAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(out, txid, ctx->admin);
예제 #21
static void sessionStats(Dict* args,
                         void* vcontext,
                         String* txid,
                         struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* context = vcontext;
    int64_t* handleP = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("handle"));
    uint32_t handle = *handleP;

    struct SessionManager_Session* session = SessionManager_sessionForHandle(handle, context->sm);
    uint8_t* ip6 = SessionManager_getIp6(handle, context->sm);

    Dict* r = Dict_new(alloc);
    if (!session) {
        Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("error"), String_CONST("no such session"), alloc);
        Admin_sendMessage(r, txid, context->admin);
    // both or neither

    uint8_t printedAddr[40];
    AddrTools_printIp(printedAddr, ip6);
    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("ip6"), String_new(printedAddr, alloc), alloc);

                   String_new(CryptoAuth_stateString(session->cryptoAuthState), alloc),

    struct ReplayProtector* rp = CryptoAuth_getReplayProtector(session->internal);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("duplicates"), rp->duplicates, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("lostPackets"), rp->lostPackets, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("receivedOutOfRange"), rp->receivedOutOfRange, alloc);

    uint8_t* key = CryptoAuth_getHerPublicKey(session->internal);
    Dict_putString(r, String_CONST("publicKey"), Key_stringify(key, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("version"), session->version, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("handle"),
                Endian_bigEndianToHost32(session->receiveHandle_be), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("sendHandle"),
                Endian_bigEndianToHost32(session->sendHandle_be), alloc);

    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("timeOfLastIn"), session->timeOfLastIn, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(r, String_CONST("timeOfLastOut"), session->timeOfLastOut, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(r, txid, context->admin);
예제 #22
파일: Admin.c 프로젝트: coinmint/cjdns
void Admin_registerFunctionWithArgCount(char* name,
                                        void* callbackContext,
                                        bool needsAuth,
                                        struct Admin_FunctionArg* arguments,
                                        int argCount,
                                        struct Admin* admin)
    if (!admin) {
    String* str = String_new(name, admin->allocator);
    if (!admin->functionCount) {
        admin->functions = admin->allocator->malloc(sizeof(struct Function), admin->allocator);
    } else {
        admin->functions =
                                      sizeof(struct Function) * (admin->functionCount + 1),
    struct Function* fu = &admin->functions[admin->functionCount];

    fu->name = str;
    fu->call = callback;
    fu->context = callbackContext;
    fu->needsAuth = needsAuth;
    fu->args = Dict_new(admin->allocator);
    for (int i = 0; arguments && i < argCount; i++) {
        // "type" must be one of: [ "String", "Int", "Dict", "List" ]
        String* type = NULL;
        if (!strcmp(arguments[i].type, STRING->bytes)) {
            type = STRING;
        } else if (!strcmp(arguments[i].type, INT->bytes)) {
            type = INT;
        } else if (!strcmp(arguments[i].type, DICT->bytes)) {
            type = DICT;
        } else if (!strcmp(arguments[i].type, LIST->bytes)) {
            type = LIST;
        } else {
        Dict* arg = Dict_new(admin->allocator);
        Dict_putString(arg, TYPE, type, admin->allocator);
        Dict_putInt(arg, REQUIRED, arguments[i].required, admin->allocator);
        String* name = String_new(arguments[i].name, admin->allocator);
        Dict_putDict(fu->args, name, arg, admin->allocator);
예제 #23
static void pingResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise,
                         uint32_t lag,
                         struct Address* from,
                         Dict* responseDict)
    struct Ping* ping = Identity_check((struct Ping*)promise->userData);
    struct Allocator* tempAlloc = promise->alloc;
    Dict* resp = Dict_new(tempAlloc);

    String* versionBin = Dict_getString(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_VERSION);
    if (versionBin && versionBin->len == 20) {
        String* versionStr = String_newBinary(NULL, 40, tempAlloc);
        Hex_encode(versionStr->bytes, 40, versionBin->bytes, 20);
        Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("version"), versionStr, tempAlloc);
    } else {
        Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("version"), String_CONST("unknown"), tempAlloc);

    String* result = (responseDict) ? String_CONST("pong") : String_CONST("timeout");
    Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("result"), result, tempAlloc);

    int64_t* protocolVersion = Dict_getInt(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_PROTOCOL);
    if (protocolVersion) {
        Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("protocol"), *protocolVersion, tempAlloc);

    Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("ms"), lag, tempAlloc);

    if (from) {
        uint8_t fromStr[60] = "";
        Address_print(fromStr, from);
        Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("from"), String_new(fromStr, tempAlloc), tempAlloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(resp, ping->txid, ping->ctx->admin);
예제 #24
static void authorizedPasswords(List* list, struct Context* ctx)
    uint32_t count = List_size(list);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i);
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Checking authorized password %d.", i);
        if (!d) {
            Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Not a dictionary type %d.", i);
        String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password"));
        if (!passwd) {
            Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Must specify a password %d.", i);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
        Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i);
        String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password"));
        String* user = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("user"));
        String* displayName = user;
        if (!displayName) {
            displayName = String_printf(child, "password [%d]", i);
        //String* publicKey = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("publicKey"));
        String* ipv6 = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("ipv6"));
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Adding authorized password #[%d] for user [%s].",
            i, displayName->bytes);
        Dict *args = Dict_new(child);
        uint32_t i = 1;
        Dict_putInt(args, String_CONST("authType"), i, child);
        Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("password"), passwd, child);
        if (user) {
            Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("user"), user, child);
        Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("displayName"), displayName, child);
        if (ipv6) {
                "  This connection password restricted to [%s] only.", ipv6->bytes);
            Dict_putString(args, String_CONST("ipv6"), ipv6, child);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("AuthorizedPasswords_add"), args, ctx, child);
예제 #25
static void showConn(struct IpTunnel_Connection* conn, String* txid, struct Admin* admin)
    struct Allocator* alloc;
    BufferAllocator_STACK(alloc, 1024);
    Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);

    char ip6[40];
    if (!Bits_isZero(conn->connectionIp6, 16)) {
        Assert_always(evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, conn->connectionIp6, ip6, 40));
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("ip6Address"), String_CONST(ip6), alloc);

    char ip4[16];
    if (!Bits_isZero(conn->connectionIp4, 4)) {
        Assert_always(evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, conn->connectionIp4, ip4, 16));
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("ip4Address"), String_CONST(ip4), alloc);

    Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("key"), Key_stringify(conn->header.nodeKey, alloc), alloc);
    Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("outgoing"), conn->isOutgoing, alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(d, txid, admin);
예제 #26
파일: Configurator.c 프로젝트: Kubuxu/cjdns
static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx)
    List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface"));
    if (!ifaces) {
        ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc);
        List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")), ctx->alloc);

    uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Dict *udp = List_getDict(ifaces, i);
        if (!udp) {
        // Setup the interface.
        String* bindStr = Dict_getString(udp, String_CONST("bind"));
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        if (bindStr) {
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindAddress"), bindStr, ctx->alloc);
        Dict* resp = NULL;
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("UDPInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, true);
        int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber")));

        // Make the connections.
        Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo"));
        if (connectTo) {
            struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo;
            struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
            while (entry != NULL) {
                String* key = (String*) entry->key;
                if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) {
                    Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] "
                                 "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes);
                Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary;
                Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes);
                key = String_clone(key, perCallAlloc);
                char* lastColon = CString_strrchr(key->bytes, ':');

                if (!Sockaddr_parse(key->bytes, NULL)) {
                    // it's a sockaddr, fall through
                } else if (lastColon) {
                    // try it as a hostname.
                    Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Couldn't add connection [%s], "
                                 "hostnames aren't supported.", key->bytes);
                Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc);
                rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc);

                // Make a IPTunnel exception for this node
                Dict* aed = Dict_new(perCallAlloc);
                *lastColon = '\0';
                Dict_putString(aed, String_CONST("route"), String_new(key->bytes, perCallAlloc),
                *lastColon = ':';
                rpcCall(String_CONST("RouteGen_addException"), aed, ctx, perCallAlloc);

                entry = entry->next;
예제 #27
static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc)
    struct Context* context = Identity_check((struct Context*)vcontext);
    struct InterfaceController_PeerStats* stats = NULL;

    int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page"));
    int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0;

    int count = InterfaceController_getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats);

    String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn");
    String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut");
    String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey");
    String* addr = String_CONST("addr");
    String* state = String_CONST("state");
    String* last = String_CONST("last");
    String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel");
    String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming");
    String* user = String_CONST("user");
    String* version = String_CONST("version");

    String* duplicates = String_CONST("duplicates");
    String* lostPackets = String_CONST("lostPackets");
    String* receivedOutOfRange = String_CONST("receivedOutOfRange");

    List* list = List_new(alloc);
    for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, addr, Address_toString(&stats[i].addr, alloc), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].addr.key, alloc), alloc);

        String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc);
        Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc);

        uint8_t labelStack[20];
        AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].addr.path);
        Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc);

        Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, duplicates, stats[i].duplicates, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, lostPackets, stats[i].lostPackets, alloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, receivedOutOfRange, stats[i].receivedOutOfRange, alloc);

        if (stats[i].user) {
            Dict_putString(d, user, stats[i].user, alloc);

        uint8_t address[16];
        AddressCalc_addressForPublicKey(address, stats[i].addr.key);
        Dict_putInt(d, version, stats[i].addr.protocolVersion, alloc);

        List_addDict(list, d, alloc);

    Dict* resp = Dict_new(alloc);
    Dict_putList(resp, String_CONST("peers"), list, alloc);
    Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("total"), count, alloc);

    if (i < count) {
        Dict_putInt(resp, String_CONST("more"), 1, alloc);

    Dict_putString(resp, String_CONST("deprecation"),
        String_CONST("publicKey,switchLabel,version will soon be removed"), alloc);

    Admin_sendMessage(resp, txid, context->admin);
예제 #28
static void security(struct Allocator* tempAlloc, List* conf, struct Log* log, struct Context* ctx)
    int seccomp = 1;
    int nofiles = 0;
    int noforks = 1;
    int chroot = 1;
    int setupComplete = 1;
    int setuser = 1;
    if (Defined(win32)) {
        setuser = 0;

    int uid = -1;
    int64_t* group = NULL;
    int keepNetAdmin = 1;

    do {
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("user"), String_CONST("nobody"), tempAlloc);
        if (!Defined(win32)) {
            Dict* ret = NULL;
            rpcCall0(String_CONST("Security_getUser"), d, ctx, tempAlloc, &ret, true);
            uid = *Dict_getInt(ret, String_CONST("uid"));
            group = Dict_getInt(ret, String_CONST("gid"));
    } while (0);

    for (int i = 0; conf && i < List_size(conf); i++) {
        Dict* elem = List_getDict(conf, i);
        String* s;
        if (elem && (s = Dict_getString(elem, String_CONST("setuser")))) {
            if (setuser == 0) { continue; }
            Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("user"), s, tempAlloc);
            Dict* ret = NULL;
            rpcCall0(String_CONST("Security_getUser"), d, ctx, tempAlloc, &ret, true);
            uid = *Dict_getInt(ret, String_CONST("uid"));
            group = Dict_getInt(ret, String_CONST("gid"));
            int64_t* nka = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("keepNetAdmin"));
            int64_t* exemptAngel = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("exemptAngel"));
            keepNetAdmin = ((nka) ? *nka : ((exemptAngel) ? *exemptAngel : 0));
        if (elem && (s = Dict_getString(elem, String_CONST("chroot")))) {
            Log_debug(log, "Security_chroot(%s)", s->bytes);
            Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("root"), s, tempAlloc);
            rpcCall0(String_CONST("Security_chroot"), d, ctx, tempAlloc, NULL, false);
            chroot = 0;
        uint64_t* x;
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("nofiles")))) {
            if (!*x) { continue; }
            nofiles = 1;
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("setuser")))) {
            if (!*x) { setuser = 0; }
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("seccomp")))) {
            if (!*x) { seccomp = 0; }
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("noforks")))) {
            if (!*x) { noforks = 0; }
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("chroot")))) {
            if (!*x) { chroot = 0; }
        if (elem && (x = Dict_getInt(elem, String_CONST("setupComplete")))) {
            if (!*x) { setupComplete = 0; }
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Unrecognized entry in security at index [%d]", i);

    if (chroot) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_chroot(/var/run)");
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("root"), String_CONST("/var/run/"), tempAlloc);
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("Security_chroot"), d, ctx, tempAlloc, NULL, false);
    /* FIXME(sdg): moving noforks after setuser might make nproc <- 0,0 work
     on older kernels, where doing it before causes setuid to fail w EAGAIN. */
    if (noforks) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_noforks()");
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("Security_noforks"), d, ctx, tempAlloc);
    if (setuser) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_setUser(uid:%d, keepNetAdmin:%d)", uid, keepNetAdmin);
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("uid"), uid, tempAlloc);
        if (group) {
            Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("gid"), (int)*group, tempAlloc);
        Dict_putInt(d, String_CONST("keepNetAdmin"), keepNetAdmin, tempAlloc);
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("Security_setUser"), d, ctx, tempAlloc, NULL, false);
    if (nofiles) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_nofiles()");
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("Security_nofiles"), d, ctx, tempAlloc);
    if (seccomp) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_seccomp()");
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("Security_seccomp"), d, ctx, tempAlloc);
    if (setupComplete) {
        Log_debug(log, "Security_setupComplete()");
        Dict* d = Dict_new(tempAlloc);
        rpcCall(String_CONST("Security_setupComplete"), d, ctx, tempAlloc);
예제 #29
static void ethInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx)
    List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface"));
    if (!ifaces) {
        ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc);
        List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")), ctx->alloc);

    uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i);
        if (!eth) { continue; }
        String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind"));
        if (!deviceStr || !String_equals(String_CONST("all"), deviceStr)) { continue; }
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up all ETHInterfaces...");
        Dict* res = NULL;
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_listDevices"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &res, false)) {
            Log_info(ctx->logger, "Getting device list failed");
        List* devs = Dict_getList(res, String_CONST("devices"));
        uint32_t devCount = List_size(devs);
        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < devCount; j++) {
            Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
            String* deviceName = List_getString(devs, j);
            // skip loopback...
            if (String_equals(String_CONST("lo"), deviceName)) { continue; }
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceName, ctx->alloc);
            Dict* resp;
            Log_info(ctx->logger, "Creating new ETHInterface [%s]", deviceName->bytes);
            if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, false)) {
                Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface.");
            int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber")));
            ethInterfaceSetBeacon(ifNum, eth, ctx);

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i);
        if (!eth) { continue; }
        // Setup the interface.
        String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind"));
        Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up ETHInterface [%d].", i);
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        if (deviceStr) {
            Log_info(ctx->logger, "Binding to device [%s].", deviceStr->bytes);
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceStr, ctx->alloc);
        Dict* resp = NULL;
        if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, false)) {
            Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface.");
        int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber")));
        ethInterfaceSetBeacon(ifNum, eth, ctx);

        // Make the connections.
        Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(eth, String_CONST("connectTo"));
        if (connectTo) {
            Log_info(ctx->logger, "ETHInterface should connect to a specific node.");
            struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo;
            while (entry != NULL) {
                String* key = (String*) entry->key;
                if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) {
                    Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] "
                                               "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes);
                Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary;

                Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes);

                struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
                // Turn the dict from the config into our RPC args dict by filling in all
                // the arguments,
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("macAddress"), key, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc);
                rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc);

                entry = entry->next;
예제 #30
static void udpInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx)
    List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface"));
    if (!ifaces) {
        ifaces = List_new(ctx->alloc);
        List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("UDPInterface")), ctx->alloc);

    uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        Dict *udp = List_getDict(ifaces, i);
        if (!udp) {
        // Setup the interface.
        String* bindStr = Dict_getString(udp, String_CONST("bind"));
        Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc);
        if (bindStr) {
            Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindAddress"), bindStr, ctx->alloc);
        Dict* resp = NULL;
        rpcCall0(String_CONST("UDPInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, &resp, true);
        int ifNum = *(Dict_getInt(resp, String_CONST("interfaceNumber")));

        // Make the connections.
        Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(udp, String_CONST("connectTo"));
        if (connectTo) {
            struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo;
            struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
            while (entry != NULL) {
                String* key = (String*) entry->key;
                if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) {
                    Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.UDPInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] "
                                               "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes);
                Dict* all =  entry->val->as.dictionary;
                Dict* value = Dict_new(perCallAlloc);
                String* pub_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("publicKey"));
                String* pss_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("password"));
                String* peerName_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("peerName"));
                String* login_d = Dict_getString(all, String_CONST("login"));

                if ( !pub_d || !pss_d ) {
                    const char * error_name = "(unknown)";
                    if ( !pub_d ) {
                        error_name = "publicKey";
                    if ( !pss_d ) {
                        error_name = "password";
                        "Skipping peer: missing %s for peer [%s]", error_name, key->bytes);
                    if (abort_if_invalid_ref) {
                        Assert_failure("Invalid peer reference");
                    else {
                        entry = entry->next;

                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("publicKey"), pub_d, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("password"), pss_d, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("peerName"), peerName_d, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("login"), login_d, perCallAlloc);

                Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes);
                key = String_clone(key, perCallAlloc);
                char* lastColon = CString_strrchr(key->bytes, ':');

                if (!Sockaddr_parse(key->bytes, NULL)) {
                    // it's a sockaddr, fall through
                } else if (lastColon) {
                    // try it as a hostname.
                    int port = atoi(lastColon+1);
                    if (!port) {
                        Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Couldn't get port number from [%s]", key->bytes);
                    *lastColon = '\0';
                    struct Sockaddr* adr = Sockaddr_fromName(key->bytes, perCallAlloc);
                    if (adr != NULL) {
                        Sockaddr_setPort(adr, port);
                        key = String_new(Sockaddr_print(adr, perCallAlloc), perCallAlloc);
                    } else {
                        Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to lookup hostname [%s]", key->bytes);
                        entry = entry->next;
                struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc);
                struct Message* msg = Message_new(0, AdminClient_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE + 256, child);
                int r = BencMessageWriter_writeDictTry(value, msg, NULL);

                const int max_reference_size = 298;
                if (r != 0 || msg->length > max_reference_size) {
                    Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Peer skipped:");
                    Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Too long peer reference for [%s]", key->bytes);
                    if (abort_if_invalid_ref) {
                        Assert_failure("Invalid peer reference");
                    else {
                        entry = entry->next;
                Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), ifNum, perCallAlloc);
                Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("address"), key, perCallAlloc);
                rpcCall(String_CONST("UDPInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc);
                entry = entry->next;