예제 #1
static PyObject *Icn_DisposeCIcon(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
	PyObject *_res = NULL;
	CIconHandle theIcon;
#ifndef DisposeCIcon
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
	                      ResObj_Convert, &theIcon))
		return NULL;
	_res = Py_None;
	return _res;
예제 #2
파일: icon.c 프로젝트: pombredanne/Frontier
boolean ploticon (const Rect *r, short id) {
	plot the icon with the given id in rect r.  if a color icon is available, 
	and the machine supports color, use the color version
	Handle hicon;
	CIconHandle hcicn;
	if (systemhascolor ()) {
		hcicn = GetCIcon (id);
		if (hcicn != nil) {
			PlotCIcon (r, hcicn);
			DisposeCIcon (hcicn);
			return (true);
	hicon = GetResource ('ICON', id);
	if (hicon != nil) {
		PlotIcon (r, hicon);
		return (true);
	return (false);

	return (ploticonresource (r, 0, 0, id));
	} /*ploticon*/
예제 #3
파일: icon.c 프로젝트: pombredanne/Frontier
boolean ploticonresource (const Rect *r, short align, short transform, short resid) {
	1.0b20 dmb: try plotting cicn if icon family isn't found. This 
	allows all of the stand system icons to be used.
	1.0b21 dmb: try geting normal b&w icon if all else fails

	5.0a8 dmb: use srccopy, not srcand for win blits
	Note that the Windows version does NOT use the transform parameter
	OSErr ec;
	CIconHandle hcicon;
	Handle hicon;
	Rect rlocal = *r;
	/* For some unknown reason the Intel OS X builds shift the icon displays */
	rlocal.top		+= 3;
	rlocal.bottom	+= 3;
	rlocal.left	+= 6;
	rlocal.right += 6;
	ec = PlotIconID (&rlocal, align, transform, resid);
	if (ec == noErr)
		return (true);
	hcicon = GetCIcon (resid);
	if (hcicon != nil) {
		PlotCIcon (&rlocal, hcicon);
		DisposeCIcon (hcicon);
		return (true);
	hicon = GetIcon (resid);
	if (hicon != nil) {
		PlotIcon (&rlocal, hicon);
		/*ReleaseResource (hicon);*/ /*dmb 1.0b21 - don't need to*/
		return (true);
	return (false);

	HBITMAP hbm, oldbm;
	HDC hdcsrc, hdc;
	boolean flprinting;
	HDC hdcmask;
	HBITMAP hbmmask, oldmaskbm;
	COLORREF oldclr, oldclr2;

	hbm = LoadBitmap (shellinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (resid));

	if (hbm)
		hdc = getcurrentDC();

		flprinting = iscurrentportprintport ();

		if (hdc)
			hdcsrc = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);

			if (hdcsrc)
				GetObject (hbm, sizeof (BITMAP), &bm);

				oldbm = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hdcsrc, hbm);
				if (flprinting) {
				//	StretchBlt (hdc, r->left, r->top, r->right-r->left, r->bottom - r->top, hdcsrc, 0,0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
				else {
					hdcmask = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc);
					hbmmask = CreateBitmap (bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL);

					if (hdcmask && hbmmask) {
						oldmaskbm = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hdcmask, hbmmask);

						oldclr = SetBkColor (hdcsrc, RGB(255,255,255));

						BitBlt (hdcmask, 0,0,bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcsrc, 0,0, SRCCOPY);

						SetBkColor (hdcsrc,oldclr);

						eraserect (*r);

						oldclr = SetBkColor (hdc, RGB(255,255,255));
						oldclr2 = SetTextColor (hdc, RGB(0,0,0));

						BitBlt (hdc, r->left, r->bottom - bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcsrc, 0,0, SRCINVERT);
						BitBlt (hdc, r->left, r->bottom - bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcmask, 0,0, SRCAND);
						BitBlt (hdc, r->left, r->bottom - bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcsrc, 0,0, SRCINVERT);

						SetBkColor (hdc,oldclr);
						SetTextColor (hdc,oldclr2);

						SelectObject (hdcmask, oldmaskbm);

	//					BitBlt (hdc, r->left, r->bottom - bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdcsrc, 0,0, SRCAND);

					DeleteObject (hbmmask);
					DeleteDC (hdcmask);

				SelectObject (hdcsrc, oldbm);
				DeleteDC (hdcsrc);

		DeleteObject (hbm);
	return (true);	
	} /*ploticonresource*/
예제 #4
    Display *display,		/* The display. */
    CONST char *name,		/* The name of the bitmap. */
    int *width,			/* The width & height of the bitmap. */
    int *height)
    Pixmap pix;
    CGrafPtr savePort;
    Boolean portChanged;
    Rect destRect;
    Handle resource;
    int type = -1, destWrote;
    Str255 nativeName;
    Tcl_Encoding encoding;

     * macRoman is the encoding that the resource fork uses.

    encoding = Tcl_GetEncoding(NULL, "macRoman");
    Tcl_UtfToExternal(NULL, encoding, name, strlen(name), 0, NULL,
	    (char *) &nativeName[1], 255, NULL, &destWrote, NULL);
    nativeName[0] = destWrote;

    resource = GetNamedResource('cicn', nativeName);
    if (resource != NULL) {
	type = TYPE3;
    } else {
	resource = GetNamedResource('ICON', nativeName);
	if (resource != NULL) {
	    type = TYPE2;

    if (resource == NULL) {
	return (Pixmap) NULL;

    pix = Tk_GetPixmap(display, None, 32, 32, 0);
    portChanged = QDSwapPort(TkMacOSXGetDrawablePort(pix), &savePort);

    SetRect(&destRect, 0, 0, 32, 32);
    if (type == TYPE2) {
	RGBColor black = {0, 0, 0};

	PlotIcon(&destRect, resource);
    } else if (type == TYPE3) {
	RGBColor white = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
	short id;
	ResType theType;
	Str255 dummy;

	 * We need to first paint the background white. Also, for some reason
	 * we *must* use GetCIcon instead of GetNamedResource for PlotCIcon to
	 * work - so we use GetResInfo to get the id.

	GetResInfo(resource, &id, &theType, dummy);
	resource = (Handle) GetCIcon(id);
	PlotCIcon(&destRect, (CIconHandle) resource);
	DisposeCIcon((CIconHandle) resource);

    *width = 32;
    *height = 32;
    if (portChanged) {
	QDSwapPort(savePort, NULL);
    return pix;