예제 #1
파일: m3u.c 프로젝트: 371816210/vlc_vlc
int Export_M3U8( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    playlist_export_t *p_export = (playlist_export_t *)p_this;

    msg_Dbg( p_export, "saving using M3U8 format");

    DoChildren( p_export, p_export->p_root, fprintf );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
예제 #2
파일: html.c 프로젝트: Kafay/vlc
 * Recursiveyy follow the playlist
 * @param p_playlist: the playlist
 * @param p_export: the export structure
 * @param p_root: the current node
static void DoChildren( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_export_t *p_export,
                        playlist_item_t *p_root )
    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_flags & PLAYLIST_SAVE_FLAG )

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_playlist, p_export, p_current );

        char* psz_name = NULL;
        char *psz_tmp = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_tmp )
            psz_name = convert_xml_special_chars( psz_tmp );
        free( psz_tmp );

        if( psz_name )
            char* psz_artist = NULL;
            psz_tmp = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_tmp )
                psz_artist = convert_xml_special_chars( psz_tmp );
            free( psz_tmp );

            mtime_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            int min = ( i_duration / 1000000 ) / 60;
            int sec = ( i_duration / 1000000 ) - min * 60;

            // Print the artist if we have one
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s - %s (%02d:%02d)</li>\n", psz_artist, psz_name, min, sec );
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s (%2d:%2d)</li>\n", psz_name, min, sec );

            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );
예제 #3
파일: html.c 프로젝트: Kafay/vlc
 * Export the playlist as an HTML page
 * @param p_this: the playlist
 * @return VLC_SUCCESS if everything goes fine
int Export_HTML( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    playlist_t *p_playlist = (playlist_t*)p_this;
    playlist_export_t *p_export = (playlist_export_t *)p_playlist->p_private;

    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "saving using HTML format" );

    /* Write header */
    fprintf( p_export->p_file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n"
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd\">\n"
"<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n"
"  <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n"
"  <meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"VLC media player\" />\n"
"  <meta name=\"Author\" content=\"[email protected] (VideoLAN team)\" />\n"
"  <title>VLC generated playlist</title>\n"
"  <style type=\"text/css\">\n"
"    body {\n"
"      background-color: #E4F3FF;\n"
"      font-family: sans-serif, Helvetica, Arial;\n"
"      font-size: 13px;\n"
"    }\n"
"    h1 {\n"
"      color: #2D58AE;\n"
"      font-size: 25px;\n"
"    }\n"
"    hr {\n"
"      color: #555555;\n"
"    }\n"
"  </style>\n"
"  <h1>Playlist</h1>\n"
"  <hr />\n"
"  <ol>\n" );

    // Call the playlist constructor
    DoChildren( p_playlist, p_export, p_export->p_root );

    // Print the footer
    fprintf( p_export->p_file, "  </ol>\n"
"  <hr />\n"
"</html>" );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
예제 #4
파일: html.c 프로젝트: mstorsjo/vlc
 * Recursively follow the playlist
 * @param p_export: the export structure
 * @param p_root: the current node
static void DoChildren( playlist_export_t *p_export, playlist_item_t *p_root )
    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_export, p_current );

        char* psz_name = NULL;
        char *psz_tmp = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_tmp )
            psz_name = vlc_xml_encode( psz_tmp );
        free( psz_tmp );

        if( psz_name )
            char* psz_artist = NULL;
            psz_tmp = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_tmp )
                psz_artist = vlc_xml_encode( psz_tmp );
            free( psz_tmp );

            vlc_tick_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            int min = SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK( i_duration ) / 60;
            int sec = SEC_FROM_VLC_TICK( i_duration ) - min * 60;

            // Print the artist if we have one
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s - %s (%02d:%02d)</li>\n", psz_artist, psz_name, min, sec );
                fprintf( p_export->p_file, "    <li>%s (%2d:%2d)</li>\n", psz_name, min, sec );

            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );
예제 #5
파일: m3u.c 프로젝트: 371816210/vlc_vlc
 * Export_M3U: main export function
static void DoChildren( playlist_export_t *p_export, playlist_item_t *p_root,
                        int (*pf_fprintf) (FILE *, const char *, ...) )
    /* Write header */
    fputs( "#EXTM3U\n", p_export->p_file );

    /* Go through the playlist and add items */
    for( int i = 0; i< p_root->i_children ; i++)
        playlist_item_t *p_current = p_root->pp_children[i];
        assert( p_current );

        if( p_current->i_flags & PLAYLIST_SAVE_FLAG )

        if( p_current->i_children >= 0 )
            DoChildren( p_export, p_current, pf_fprintf );

        /* General info */

        char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_current->p_input );

        assert( psz_uri );

        char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_current->p_input );
        if( psz_name && strcmp( psz_uri, psz_name ) )
            char *psz_artist = input_item_GetArtist( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_artist == NULL ) psz_artist = strdup( "" );
            mtime_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_current->p_input );
            if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
                /* write EXTINF with artist */
                pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%"PRIu64",%s - %s\n",
                            i_duration / CLOCK_FREQ, psz_artist, psz_name);
                /* write EXTINF without artist */
                pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%"PRIu64",%s\n",
                            i_duration / CLOCK_FREQ, psz_name);
            free( psz_artist );
        free( psz_name );

        /* VLC specific options */
        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_current->p_input->lock );
        for( int j = 0; j < p_current->p_input->i_options; j++ )
            pf_fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTVLCOPT:%s\n",
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j][0] == ':' ?
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j] + 1 :
                        p_current->p_input->ppsz_options[j] );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_current->p_input->lock );

        /* Stupid third party players don't understand file: URIs. */
        char *psz_path = make_path( psz_uri );
        if( psz_path != NULL )
            free( psz_uri );
            psz_uri = psz_path;
        fprintf( p_export->p_file, "%s\n", psz_uri );
        free( psz_uri );