예제 #1
파일: file.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
/*** fInitFileMac - Initialize macros associated with a file
*  Sets the curfile family of macros, and attempts to read any extension-
*  specific section from tools.ini.
* Input:
*  pFileNew     = File to set information for
* Output:
*  Returns TRUE if TOOLS.INI section found, else FALSE
fInitFileMac (
    PFILE   pFileNew
    ) {

    char  fbuf[ 512 ];

    strcpy (fbuf, pFileNew->pName);
    FmtAssign ("curFile:=\"%s\"", DoubleSlashes (fbuf));

    filename (pFileNew->pName, fbuf);
    FmtAssign ("curFileNam:=\"%s\"", fbuf);

    if (!extention (pFileNew->pName, fbuf)) {
        fbuf[0] = '.';
        fbuf[1] = '\0';
    FmtAssign ("curFileExt:=\"%s\"", fbuf);

    return InitExt (fbuf);
예제 #2
파일: image.cpp 프로젝트: identity0815/os45
void DrawSdk::Image::Write(CharArray *pArray, bool bUseFullImagePath)
   if (pArray == NULL)

   _TCHAR *tszMove = _T("");
   static _TCHAR tszBelongs[100];
   tszBelongs[0] = 0;
   if (m_bDndMoveable)
      tszMove = _T(" move=\"true\"");
      _stprintf(tszBelongs, _T(" belongs=\"%d\""), m_iBelongsKey);

   static _TCHAR tszVisibility[100];
   tszVisibility[0] = 0;
   if (HasVisibility())
      _stprintf(tszVisibility, _T(" visible=\"%s\""), GetVisibility());

   static _TCHAR tszEscapedPath[MAX_PATH * 2];
   ZeroMemory(tszEscapedPath, MAX_PATH * 2);
   if (bUseFullImagePath)
      DoubleSlashes(imageName_, tszEscapedPath); 
   _TCHAR *tszOutputName = bUseFullImagePath ? tszEscapedPath : imagePrefix_;

   static _TCHAR tszTotal[1500];
   tszTotal[0] = 0;
      _T("<IMAGE x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" xf=\"%.2f\" yf=\"%.2f\" widthf=\"%.2f\" heightf=\"%.2f\" fname=\"%s\"%s%s%s></IMAGE>\n"),
      (int)x_, (int)y_, (int)width_, (int)height_, 
      x_, y_, width_, height_, 
      tszOutputName, tszMove, tszBelongs, tszVisibility);
