예제 #1
파일: CheckFile.cpp 프로젝트: hkaiser/TRiAS
static bool GetReferenced( CFile& rFile, CString& rString, TOPOMAP& theMap ) {
	CRuntimeClass	*pRT;
	if( NULL == ( pRT = GetPictureType( &rFile ) ) );
	CPicture	*pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject();
	VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &rFile ) && pPict->ReadHeader() );
	long X0, Y0, X1, Y1;
	TAG	tag270;
	GetPictInfo( pPict, X0, Y0, X1, Y1);
	if( pPict->GetTag( 270, tag270 ) ) {
		rString = tag270.strVal();
	delete pPict;
	// Karteninformation basteln
	theMap.m_sizeOfPicture.cx = X1;
	theMap.m_sizeOfPicture.cy = Y1;
	// GCP's: LinksUnten, RechtsUnten, RechtsOben, LinksOben
	LO.X = 0; LO.Y = 0;
	RU.X = 0; RU.Y = 0;
	theMap.m_listOfGCP.erase( theMap.m_listOfGCP.begin(), theMap.m_listOfGCP.end() );
	theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( LO.X, RU.Y, 0 ),  GEOPOINT(  0, Y1, 0 ) ) );
	theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( RU.X, RU.Y, 0 ),  GEOPOINT( X1, Y1, 0 ) ) );
	theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( RU.X, LO.Y, 0 ),  GEOPOINT( X1,  0, 0 ) ) );
	theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( LO.X, LO.Y, 0 ),  GEOPOINT(  0,  0, 0 ) ) );
	return true;
예제 #2
파일: CheckFile.cpp 프로젝트: hkaiser/TRiAS
static bool GetIntergraph( CFile& rFile, CString& rString, TOPOMAP& theMap ) {
	CRuntimeClass	*pRT;
	bool	bRet = false;
	if( NULL == ( pRT = GetPictureType( &rFile ) ) );
	CPicture	*pPict = (CPicture*) pRT->CreateObject();
	VERIFY( pPict->Attach( &rFile ) && pPict->ReadHeader() );
	long X0, Y0, X1, Y1;
	TAG	tag270;
	TAG tag33918;
	GetPictInfo( pPict, X0, Y0, X1, Y1);
	if( pPict->GetTag( 33918, tag33918 ) ) {
		long	nItems = tag33918.Count();
		if( ( 4 + 64 ) == nItems ) {
			IGTAG33918*	pData = (IGTAG33918*) tag33918.pVal();
			_ASSERTE(sizeof(theMap.m_transform.m_matrix) == sizeof(pData->dblVal) );
			memcpy( theMap.m_transform.m_matrix, pData->dblVal, sizeof(theMap.m_transform.m_matrix) );
			// Karteninformation basteln
			theMap.m_sizeOfPicture.cx = X1;
			theMap.m_sizeOfPicture.cy = Y1;
			// GCP's: LinksUnten, RechtsUnten, RechtsOben, LinksOben
			theMap.m_listOfGCP.erase( theMap.m_listOfGCP.begin(), theMap.m_listOfGCP.end() );
			theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( ),  GEOPOINT(  0, Y1, 0 ) ) );
			theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( ),  GEOPOINT( X1, Y1, 0 ) ) );
			theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( ),  GEOPOINT( X1,  0, 0 ) ) );
			theMap.m_listOfGCP.push_back(  GCP( GEOPOINT( ),  GEOPOINT(  0,  0, 0 ) ) );
			bRet = true;
	delete pPict;
	return bRet;
예제 #3
void testRandom(unsigned int const n)
	std::vector<uint64_t> V(n);
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i <n; ++i )
		V[i] = rand();

	::libmaus::timing::RealTimeClock rtc; 
	CountPut CP;
	::libmaus::gamma::GammaEncoder< CountPut > GCP(CP);	
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
	double const cencsecs = rtc.getElapsedSeconds();
	std::cerr << "[V] count encoded " << n << " numbers in time " << cencsecs 
		<< " rate " << (n / cencsecs)/(1000*1000) << " m/s"
		<< " output words " << CP.cnt
		<< std::endl;
	VectorPut<uint64_t> VP;
	::libmaus::gamma::GammaEncoder< VectorPut<uint64_t> > GE(VP);	
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i )
	double const encsecs = rtc.getElapsedSeconds();
	std::cerr << "[V] encoded " << n << " numbers to dyn growing vector in time " << encsecs 
		<< " rate " << (n / encsecs)/(1000*1000) << " m/s"
		<< std::endl;

	VectorGet<uint64_t> VG(VP.begin());
	::libmaus::gamma::GammaDecoder < VectorGet<uint64_t> > GD(VG);
	bool ok = true;
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; ok && i < n; ++i )
		uint64_t const v = GD.decode();
		ok = ok && (v==V[i]);
		if ( ! ok )
			std::cerr << "expected " << V[i] << " got " << v << std::endl;
	double const decsecs = rtc.getElapsedSeconds();
	std::cerr << "[V] decoded " << n << " numbers in time " << decsecs
		<< " rate " << (n / decsecs)/(1000*1000) << " m/s"
		<< std::endl;
	if ( ok )
		std::cout << "Test of gamma coding with " << n << " random numbers ok." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Test of gamma coding with " << n << " random numbers failed." << std::endl;