예제 #1
void toprsGadlReader::getMaxSize( int resLevel,int& maxX, int& maxY ) const
	int aGdalBandIndex = 0;
	maxX = 0;
	maxY = 0;

	//if(theOverview.valid() && theOverview->isValidRLevel(resLevel))// xizhi
		//toprsIRect rect = theOverview->getBoundingRect(resLevel);//xizhi
		toprsIRect rect = getBoundingRect(resLevel);
			maxX = rect.width();
			maxY = rect.height();

		(int)aGdalBandIndex <= (int)GDALGetRasterCount(theDataset);
		GDALRasterBandH aBand = resolveRasterBand(resLevel, aGdalBandIndex);
			maxY = toprs::max<int>((int)GDALGetRasterBandYSize(aBand), maxY);
			maxX = toprs::max<int>((int)GDALGetRasterBandXSize(aBand), maxX);
예제 #2
extern "C" int CPL_STDCALL
GDALComputeMedianCutPCT( GDALRasterBandH hRed,
                         GDALRasterBandH hGreen,
                         GDALRasterBandH hBlue,
                         int (*pfnIncludePixel)(int, int, void*),
                         int nColors,
                         GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                         GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                         void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );
    if( nYSize == 0 )
        return CE_Failure;
    if( static_cast<GUInt32>(nXSize) < UINT_MAX / static_cast<GUInt32>(nYSize) )
        return GDALComputeMedianCutPCTInternal(hRed, hGreen, hBlue,
                                               NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                               pfnIncludePixel, nColors,
                                               static_cast<GUInt32 *>(NULL),
                                               pfnProgress, pProgressArg);
#ifdef CPL_HAS_GINT64
        return GDALComputeMedianCutPCTInternal(hRed, hGreen, hBlue,
                                               NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                               pfnIncludePixel, nColors,
                                               static_cast<GUIntBig * >(NULL),
                                               pfnProgress, pProgressArg);
        return CE_Failure;
예제 #3
GDALDitherRGB2PCT( GDALRasterBandH hRed, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hGreen, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hBlue, 
                   GDALRasterBandH hTarget, 
                   GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                   GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                   void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hTarget, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hColorTable, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );

    int		nXSize, nYSize;
    CPLErr err = CE_None;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate parameters.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hTarget ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hTarget ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Target band doesn't match size of source bands.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup more direct colormap.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int		nColors, anPCT[768], iColor;

    nColors = GDALGetColorEntryCount( hColorTable );
    if (nColors == 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table must not be empty.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    else if (nColors > 256)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table cannot have more than 256 entries.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    for( iColor = 0; iColor < nColors; iColor++ )
        GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

        GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hColorTable, iColor, &sEntry );
        anPCT[iColor    ] = sEntry.c1;
        anPCT[iColor+256] = sEntry.c2;
        anPCT[iColor+512] = sEntry.c3;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a 24bit to 8 bit color mapping.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	*pabyColorMap;

    pabyColorMap = (GByte *) CPLMalloc(C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS 
                                       * sizeof(int));
    FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT, pabyColorMap );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup various variables.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte	*pabyRed, *pabyGreen, *pabyBlue, *pabyIndex;
    int		*panError;

    pabyRed = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyGreen = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyBlue = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    pabyIndex = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    panError = (int *) VSICalloc(sizeof(int),(nXSize+2) * 3);
    if (pabyRed == NULL ||
        pabyGreen == NULL ||
        pabyBlue == NULL ||
        pabyIndex == NULL ||
        panError == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALDitherRGB2PCT" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over all scanlines of data to process.                     */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int		iScanline;

    for( iScanline = 0; iScanline < nYSize; iScanline++ )
        int	nLastRedError, nLastGreenError, nLastBlueError, i;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( !pfnProgress( iScanline / (double) nYSize, NULL, pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read source data.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyRed, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyGreen, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyBlue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Apply the error from the previous line to this one.		*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            pabyRed[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyRed[i]   + panError[i*3+0+3])));
            pabyGreen[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyGreen[i] + panError[i*3+1+3])));
            pabyBlue[i] =  (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyBlue[i]  + panError[i*3+2+3])));

        memset( panError, 0, sizeof(int) * (nXSize+2) * 3 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Figure out the nearest color to the RGB value.			*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        nLastRedError = 0;
        nLastGreenError = 0;
        nLastBlueError = 0;

        for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            int		iIndex, nError, nSixth, iRed, iGreen, iBlue;
            int		nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue;

            nRedValue =   MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyRed[i]   + nLastRedError));
            nGreenValue = MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyGreen[i] + nLastGreenError));
            nBlueValue =  MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyBlue[i]  + nLastBlueError));

            iRed   = nRedValue *   C_LEVELS   / 256;
            iGreen = nGreenValue * C_LEVELS / 256;
            iBlue  = nBlueValue *  C_LEVELS  / 256;
            iIndex = pabyColorMap[iRed + iGreen * C_LEVELS 
                                 + iBlue * C_LEVELS * C_LEVELS];
            pabyIndex[i] = (GByte) iIndex;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Red error, and carry it on to the next error line.      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nRedValue - anPCT[iIndex    ];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3    ] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6  ] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3  ] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastRedError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Green error, and carry it on to the next error line.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nGreenValue - anPCT[iIndex+256];
            nSixth = nError / 6;

            panError[i*3  +1] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+1] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+1] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastGreenError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Blue error, and carry it on to the next error line.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nBlueValue - anPCT[iIndex+512];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3  +2] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+2] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+2] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastBlueError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write results.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hTarget, GF_Write, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyIndex, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

    pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, pProgressArg );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyRed );
    CPLFree( pabyGreen );
    CPLFree( pabyBlue );
    CPLFree( pabyIndex );
    CPLFree( panError );
    CPLFree( pabyColorMap );

    return err;
예제 #4
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    GDALDatasetH	hDataset;
    GDALRasterBandH	hBand;
    int			i, iBand;
    double		adfGeoTransform[6];
    GDALDriverH		hDriver;
    char		**papszMetadata;
    int                 bComputeMinMax = FALSE;

    if( !GDALBridgeInitialize( "..", stderr ) )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to intiailize GDAL bridge.\n" );
        exit( 10 );

    if( argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1],"-mm") == 0 )
        bComputeMinMax = TRUE;


    hDataset = GDALOpen( argv[1], GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "GDALOpen failed - %d\n%s\n",
                 CPLGetLastErrorNo(), CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
        exit( 1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report general info.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );
    printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
            GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
            GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );

    printf( "Size is %d, %d\n",
            GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ), 
            GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report projection.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) != NULL )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
        char		      *pszProjection;

        pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset );

        hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
        if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
            char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

            OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
            printf( "Coordinate System is:\n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
            printf( "Coordinate System is `%s'\n",
                    GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );

        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        printf( "Origin = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
                adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] );

        printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n",
                adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGCPCount( hDataset ) > 0 )
        printf( "GCP Projection = %s\n", GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset) );
        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset); i++ )
            const GDAL_GCP	*psGCP;
            psGCP = GDALGetGCPs( hDataset ) + i;

            printf( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
                    "          (%g,%g) -> (%g,%g,%g)\n", 
                    i, psGCP->pszId, psGCP->pszInfo, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPPixel, psGCP->dfGCPLine, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPX, psGCP->dfGCPY, psGCP->dfGCPZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report metadata.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, NULL );
    if( papszMetadata != NULL )
        printf( "Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "SUBDATASETS" );
    if( papszMetadata != NULL )
        printf( "Subdatasets:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report corners.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    printf( "Corner Coordinates:\n" );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Upper Left", 
                          0.0, 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Lower Left", 
                          0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset));
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Upper Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Lower Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset) );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, "Center", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)/2.0 );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iBand = 0; iBand < GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ); iBand++ )
        double      dfMin, dfMax, adfCMinMax[2], dfNoData;
        int         bGotMin, bGotMax, bGotNodata;
        int         nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;

        hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, iBand+1 );
        GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
        printf( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%d, ColorInterp=%d\n", iBand+1,
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) );

        dfMin = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
        dfMax = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
        printf( "  Min=%.3f/%d, Max=%.3f/%d",  dfMin, bGotMin, dfMax, bGotMax);
        if( bComputeMinMax )
            GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, TRUE, adfCMinMax );
            printf( ", Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f", 
                    adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] );
        printf( "\n" );

        dfNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bGotNodata );
        if( bGotNodata )
            printf( "  NoData Value=%g\n", dfNoData );

        if( GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand) > 0 )
            int		iOverview;

            printf( "  Overviews: " );
            for( iOverview = 0; 
                 iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                 iOverview++ )
                GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                if( iOverview != 0 )
                    printf( ", " );

                hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                printf( "%dx%d", 
                        GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                        GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );
            printf( "\n" );

        papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hBand, NULL );
        if( papszMetadata != NULL )
            printf( "Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) == GCI_PaletteIndex )
            GDALColorTableH	hTable;
            int			i;

            hTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand );
            printf( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)\n", 
                        GDALGetPaletteInterpretation( hTable )), 
                    GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ) );

            for( i = 0; i < GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ); i++ )
                GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

                GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hTable, i, &sEntry );
                printf( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d\n", 
                        sEntry.c4 );

    GDALClose( hDataset );
    exit( 0 );
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: e-sensing/scietl
void convert(const input_arguments& args)
// determine the subdataset pattern name using the first available file
    std::cout << "\tlooking for the names of subdatasets (or variables)... " << std::flush;
  std::vector<std::string> band_names = modis2scidb::extract_subdatasets_pattern_names(args.source_file_name);

    std::cout << "OK!" << std::endl;
// check if band numbers are in the valid range
    std::cout << "\tchecking the range for choosed band numbers... " << std::flush;
  std::size_t num_bands = args.bands.size();
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i != num_bands; ++i)
    if(args.bands[i] >= band_names.size())
      throw modis2scidb::invalid_arg_value() << modis2scidb::error_description("band number is invalid!");
    std::cout << "OK!" << std::endl;

// let's buffer each subdataset
    std::cout << "\tbuffering data... " << std::flush;

  std::vector<boost::shared_array<unsigned char> > data_buffers;
  std::vector<unsigned char*> aux_data_buffers;
  std::vector<std::size_t> band_datatype_size;
  int64_t ncols = 0;
  int64_t nrows = 0;

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i != num_bands; ++i)
      std::cout << "\n\t\tband #" << args.bands[i] << "... " << std::flush;

    boost::format subdataset(band_names[args.bands[i]]);

    subdataset.bind_arg(1, args.source_file_name);
    GDALDatasetH dataset = GDALOpen(subdataset.str().c_str(), GA_ReadOnly);
    if(dataset == 0)
      boost::format err_msg("could not open subdataset: '%1%', for input hdf file: '%2%'!");
      throw modis2scidb::gdal_error() << modis2scidb::error_description((err_msg % subdataset.str() % args.source_file_name).str());
    GDALRasterBandH band = GDALGetRasterBand(dataset, 1);
    if(band == 0)
      boost::format err_msg("could not access band: %1%!");
      throw modis2scidb::gdal_error() << modis2scidb::error_description((err_msg % args.bands[i]).str());
    if(i == 0)
      ncols = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(band);
      nrows = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(band);
      if((GDALGetRasterBandXSize(band) != ncols) ||
         (GDALGetRasterBandYSize(band) != nrows))
        throw modis2scidb::gdal_error() << modis2scidb::error_description("selected bands must have the same dimension (rows and cols)!");
    GDALDataType pixel_type = GDALGetRasterDataType(band);
    std::size_t pixel_size = modis2scidb::num_bytes(pixel_type);
    boost::shared_array<unsigned char> buffer(new unsigned char[ncols * nrows * pixel_size]);
    CPLErr result = GDALRasterIO(band, GF_Read, 0, 0, static_cast<int>(ncols), static_cast<int>(nrows), buffer.get(), static_cast<int>(ncols), static_cast<int>(nrows), pixel_type, 0, 0);

    if(result == CE_Failure)
      boost::format err_msg("could not read subdataset: '%1%', for input hdf file: '%2%'!");
      throw modis2scidb::gdal_error() << modis2scidb::error_description((err_msg % subdataset.str() % args.source_file_name).str());


      std::cout << "OK!" << std::flush;

    std::cout << "\n\tOK!" << std::endl;

// lets write the output to a SciDB binary file
    std::cout << "\tsaving data... " << std::flush;
  boost::filesystem::path input_file(args.source_file_name);

  FILE* f = fopen(args.target_file_name.c_str(), "wb");
  if(f == 0)
    boost::format err_msg("could not open output file: '%1%', for write! check if path exists.");
    throw modis2scidb::gdal_error() << modis2scidb::error_description((err_msg % args.target_file_name).str());

  for(int32_t i = 0; i != nrows; ++i)
    int32_t gi =  args.row_offset + i;

    for(int32_t j = 0; j != ncols; ++j)
      int32_t gj = args.column_offset + j;

      fwrite(&gj, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(int32_t), f);
      fwrite(&gi, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(int32_t), f);
      if(args.time_point >= 0)
        fwrite(&args.time_point, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(int16_t), f);

      for(std::size_t b = 0; b != num_bands; ++b)
        unsigned char* buffer = aux_data_buffers[b];

        fwrite(buffer, sizeof(unsigned char), band_datatype_size[b], f);

        aux_data_buffers[b] = buffer + band_datatype_size[b];

예제 #6
GDALFillNodata( GDALRasterBandH hTargetBand,
                GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand,
                double dfMaxSearchDist,
                CPL_UNUSED int bDeprecatedOption,
                int nSmoothingIterations,
                char **papszOptions,
                GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hTargetBand, "GDALFillNodata", CE_Failure );

    const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hTargetBand);
    const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hTargetBand);

    if( dfMaxSearchDist == 0.0 )
        dfMaxSearchDist = std::max(nXSize, nYSize) + 1;

    const int nMaxSearchDist = static_cast<int>(floor(dfMaxSearchDist));

    // Special "x" pixel values identifying pixels as special.
    GDALDataType eType = GDT_UInt16;
    GUInt32 nNoDataVal = 65535;

    if( nXSize > 65533 || nYSize > 65533 )
        eType = GDT_UInt32;
        nNoDataVal = 4000002;

    if( hMaskBand == nullptr )
        hMaskBand = GDALGetMaskBand( hTargetBand );

    // If there are smoothing iterations, reserve 10% of the progress for them.
    const double dfProgressRatio = nSmoothingIterations > 0 ? 0.9 : 1.0;

    const char* pszNoData = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "NODATA");
    bool bHasNoData = false;
    float fNoData = 0.0f;
    if( pszNoData )
        bHasNoData = true;
        fNoData = static_cast<float>(CPLAtof(pszNoData));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize progress counter.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pfnProgress == nullptr )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, "Filling...", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine format driver for temp work files.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osTmpFileDriver = CSLFetchNameValueDef(
            papszOptions, "TEMP_FILE_DRIVER", "GTiff");
    GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName(osTmpFileDriver.c_str());

    if( hDriver == nullptr )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Given driver is not registered");
        return CE_Failure;

    if( GDALGetMetadataItem(hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, nullptr) == nullptr )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Given driver is incapable of creating temp work files");
        return CE_Failure;

    char **papszWorkFileOptions = nullptr;
    if( osTmpFileDriver == "GTiff" )
        papszWorkFileOptions = CSLSetNameValue(
                papszWorkFileOptions, "COMPRESS", "LZW");
        papszWorkFileOptions = CSLSetNameValue(
                papszWorkFileOptions, "BIGTIFF", "IF_SAFER");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a work file to hold the Y "last value" indices.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const CPLString osTmpFile = CPLGenerateTempFilename("");
    const CPLString osYTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_y_work.tif";

    GDALDatasetH hYDS =
        GDALCreate( hDriver, osYTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1,
                    eType, papszWorkFileOptions );

    if( hYDS == nullptr )
            CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
            "Could not create Y index work file. Check driver capabilities.");
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALRasterBandH hYBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hYDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a work file to hold the pixel value associated with      */
/*      the "last xy value" pixel.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const CPLString osValTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_val_work.tif";

    GDALDatasetH hValDS =
        GDALCreate( hDriver, osValTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1,
                    GDALGetRasterDataType( hTargetBand ),
                    papszWorkFileOptions );

    if( hValDS == nullptr )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
            "Could not create XY value work file. Check driver capabilities.");
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALRasterBandH hValBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hValDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a mask file to make it clear what pixels can be filtered */
/*      on the filtering pass.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const CPLString osFiltMaskTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_filtmask_work.tif";

    GDALDatasetH hFiltMaskDS =
        GDALCreate( hDriver, osFiltMaskTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1,
                    GDT_Byte, papszWorkFileOptions );

    if( hFiltMaskDS == nullptr )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
            "Could not create mask work file. Check driver capabilities.");
        return CE_Failure;

    GDALRasterBandH hFiltMaskBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hFiltMaskDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate buffers for last scanline and this scanline.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GUInt32 *panLastY =
        static_cast<GUInt32 *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(GUInt32)));
    GUInt32 *panThisY =
        static_cast<GUInt32 *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(GUInt32)));
    GUInt32 *panTopDownY =
        static_cast<GUInt32 *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(GUInt32)));
    float *pafLastValue =
        static_cast<float *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(float)));
    float *pafThisValue =
        static_cast<float *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(float)));
    float *pafTopDownValue =
        static_cast<float *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(float)));
    float *pafScanline =
        static_cast<float *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, sizeof(float)));
    GByte *pabyMask = static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, 1));
    GByte *pabyFiltMask = static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize, 1));

    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

    if( panLastY == nullptr || panThisY == nullptr || panTopDownY == nullptr ||
        pafLastValue == nullptr || pafThisValue == nullptr ||
        pafTopDownValue == nullptr ||
        pafScanline == nullptr || pabyMask == nullptr || pabyFiltMask == nullptr )
        eErr = CE_Failure;
        goto end;

    for( int iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
        panLastY[iX] = nNoDataVal;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Make first pass from top to bottom collecting the "last         */
/*      known value" for each column and writing it out to the work     */
/*      files.                                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */

    for( int iY = 0; iY < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; iY++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read data and mask for this line.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hMaskBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pabyMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the most recent pixel for each column.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        for( int iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            if( pabyMask[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafScanline[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = iY;
            else if( iY <= dfMaxSearchDist + panLastY[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafLastValue[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = panLastY[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = nNoDataVal;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out best index/value to working files.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hYBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                             panThisY, nXSize, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hValBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                             pafThisValue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Flip this/last buffers.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        std::swap(pafThisValue, pafLastValue);
        std::swap(panThisY, panLastY);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None &&
                dfProgressRatio * (0.5*(iY+1) /
                "Filling...", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

    for( int iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
        panLastY[iX] = nNoDataVal;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Now we will do collect similar this/last information from       */
/*      bottom to top and use it in combination with the top to         */
/*      bottom search info to interpolate.                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( int iY = nYSize-1; iY >= 0 && eErr == CE_None; iY-- )
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hMaskBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pabyMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the most recent pixel for each column.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        for( int iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            if( pabyMask[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafScanline[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = iY;
            else if( panLastY[iX] - iY <= dfMaxSearchDist )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafLastValue[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = panLastY[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = nNoDataVal;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the last y and corresponding value from the top down pass. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hYBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          panTopDownY, nXSize, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hValBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pafTopDownValue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Attempt to interpolate any pixels that are nodata.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        memset( pabyFiltMask, 0, nXSize );
        for( int iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            int nThisMaxSearchDist = nMaxSearchDist;

            // If this was a valid target - no change.
            if( pabyMask[iX] )

            // Quadrants 0:topleft, 1:bottomleft, 2:topright, 3:bottomright
            double adfQuadDist[4] = {};
            float fQuadValue[4] = {};

            for( int iQuad = 0; iQuad < 4; iQuad++ )
                adfQuadDist[iQuad] = dfMaxSearchDist + 1.0;
                fQuadValue[iQuad] = 0.0;

            // Step left and right by one pixel searching for the closest
            // target value for each quadrant.
            for( int iStep = 0; iStep <= nThisMaxSearchDist; iStep++ )
                const int iLeftX = std::max(0, iX - iStep);
                const int iRightX = std::min(nXSize - 1, iX + iStep);

                // Top left includes current line.
                QUAD_CHECK(adfQuadDist[0], fQuadValue[0],
                           iLeftX, panTopDownY[iLeftX], iX, iY,
                           pafTopDownValue[iLeftX], nNoDataVal );

                // Bottom left.
                QUAD_CHECK(adfQuadDist[1], fQuadValue[1],
                           iLeftX, panLastY[iLeftX], iX, iY,
                           pafLastValue[iLeftX], nNoDataVal );

                // Top right and bottom right do no include center pixel.
                if( iStep == 0 )

                // Top right includes current line.
                QUAD_CHECK(adfQuadDist[2], fQuadValue[2],
                           iRightX, panTopDownY[iRightX], iX, iY,
                           pafTopDownValue[iRightX], nNoDataVal );

                // Bottom right.
                QUAD_CHECK(adfQuadDist[3], fQuadValue[3],
                           iRightX, panLastY[iRightX], iX, iY,
                           pafLastValue[iRightX], nNoDataVal );

                // Every four steps, recompute maximum distance.
                if( (iStep & 0x3) == 0 )
                    nThisMaxSearchDist = static_cast<int>(floor(
                        std::max(std::max(adfQuadDist[0], adfQuadDist[1]),
                                 std::max(adfQuadDist[2], adfQuadDist[3]))));

            double dfWeightSum = 0.0;
            double dfValueSum = 0.0;
            bool bHasSrcValues = false;

            for( int iQuad = 0; iQuad < 4; iQuad++ )
                if( adfQuadDist[iQuad] <= dfMaxSearchDist )
                    const double dfWeight = 1.0 / adfQuadDist[iQuad];

                    bHasSrcValues = dfWeight != 0;
                    if( !bHasNoData || fQuadValue[iQuad] != fNoData )
                        dfWeightSum += dfWeight;
                        dfValueSum += fQuadValue[iQuad] * dfWeight;

            if( bHasSrcValues )
                pabyMask[iX] = 255;
                pabyFiltMask[iX] = 255;
                if( dfWeightSum > 0.0 )
                    pafScanline[iX] = static_cast<float>(dfValueSum / dfWeightSum);
                    pafScanline[iX] = fNoData;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the updated data and mask information.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO( hFiltMaskBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                          pabyFiltMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Flip this/last buffers.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        std::swap(pafThisValue, pafLastValue);
        std::swap(panThisY, panLastY);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None &&
                dfProgressRatio*(0.5+0.5*(nYSize-iY) /
                "Filling...", pProgressArg) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Now we will do iterative average filters over the               */
/*      interpolated values to smooth things out and make linear        */
/*      artifacts less obvious.                                         */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( eErr == CE_None && nSmoothingIterations > 0 )
        // Force masks to be to flushed and recomputed.
        GDALFlushRasterCache( hMaskBand );

        void *pScaledProgress =
            GDALCreateScaledProgress( dfProgressRatio, 1.0, pfnProgress, nullptr );

        eErr = GDALMultiFilter( hTargetBand, hMaskBand, hFiltMaskBand,
                                GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress );

        GDALDestroyScaledProgress( pScaledProgress );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Close and clean up temporary files. Free working buffers        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GDALClose( hYDS );
    GDALClose( hValDS );
    GDALClose( hFiltMaskDS );


    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osYTmpFile );
    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osValTmpFile );
    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osFiltMaskTmpFile );

    return eErr;
예제 #7
void CUtils::calculateByteGeoTIFFStatistics(GDALDatasetH hDataset, int userBandNumber, byte flNoDataValueAsBackground, byte NoDataValue)
	fputs("\nCalculate statistics...\n", stderr);

	GDALRasterBandH hBand =  GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1);
	int cols  = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hBand);
	int rows  = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hBand);
	int bands = GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset);
	byte * pbuf = NULL;
	pbuf = (byte *)CPLMalloc(sizeof(byte)*cols);
	byte min = 0, max = 0, mean = 0;
	double stddev = 0;
    double summ = 0;
    int count = 0;
	for(int band=1; band<=bands; band++)
		if(userBandNumber != -1) fprintf(stderr, "Band %d...\n", userBandNumber);
		else fprintf(stderr, "Band %d...\n", band);
		hBand =  GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, band);		
		if(flNoDataValueAsBackground) NoDataValue = getFloatNoDataValueAsBackground(hBand);
		min = max = mean = stddev = summ = 0;
		count = 0;
		bool flFirst = true;
		int pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, START_PROGRESS);
		for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
			GDALRasterIO(hBand, GF_Read, 0, i, cols, 1, pbuf, cols, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
			for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) if(pbuf[j]!=NoDataValue) 
					mean = pbuf[j];
					min = max = mean;
					flFirst = false;
					mean += pbuf[j];
					if( min > pbuf[j] ) min = pbuf[j];
					if( max < pbuf[j] ) max = pbuf[j];
			pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, i, rows, pr);
		CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, END_PROGRESS);
		double dmean = 0;
		if(count > 0) dmean = mean / (double)count;
		pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, START_PROGRESS);
		for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
			GDALRasterIO(hBand, GF_Read, 0, i, cols, 1, pbuf, cols, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
			for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) if(pbuf[j]!=NoDataValue) summ += ((double)pbuf[j]-dmean)*((double)pbuf[j]-dmean);
			pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, i, rows, pr);
		CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, END_PROGRESS);
		summ = 0; stddev = 0;
			summ /= (double)(count-1);
			if(summ!=0) stddev = sqrt(summ);
		GDALSetRasterStatistics(hBand, min, max, mean, stddev);
		GDALSetRasterNoDataValue(hBand, NoDataValue);
예제 #8
void QgsRasterCalculator::readRasterPart( double* targetGeotransform, int xOffset, int yOffset, int nCols, int nRows, double* sourceTransform, GDALRasterBandH sourceBand, float* rasterBuffer )
  //If dataset transform is the same as the requested transform, do a normal GDAL raster io
  if ( transformationsEqual( targetGeotransform, sourceTransform ) )
    GDALRasterIO( sourceBand, GF_Read, xOffset, yOffset, nCols, nRows, rasterBuffer, nCols, nRows, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  //pixel calculation needed because of different raster position / resolution
  int nodataSuccess;
  double nodataValue = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( sourceBand, &nodataSuccess );
  QgsRectangle targetRect( targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset, targetGeotransform[3] + yOffset * targetGeotransform[5] + nRows * targetGeotransform[5]
                           , targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset + targetGeotransform[1] * nCols, targetGeotransform[3] + yOffset * targetGeotransform[5] );
  QgsRectangle sourceRect( sourceTransform[0], sourceTransform[3] + GDALGetRasterBandYSize( sourceBand ) * sourceTransform[5],
                           sourceTransform[0] +  GDALGetRasterBandXSize( sourceBand )* sourceTransform[1], sourceTransform[3] );
  QgsRectangle intersection = targetRect.intersect( &sourceRect );

  //no intersection, fill all the pixels with nodata values
  if ( intersection.isEmpty() )
    int nPixels = nCols * nRows;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nPixels; ++i )
      rasterBuffer[i] = nodataValue;

  //do raster io in source resolution
  int sourcePixelOffsetXMin = floor(( intersection.xMinimum() - sourceTransform[0] ) / sourceTransform[1] );
  int sourcePixelOffsetXMax = ceil(( intersection.xMaximum() - sourceTransform[0] ) / sourceTransform[1] );
  int nSourcePixelsX = sourcePixelOffsetXMax - sourcePixelOffsetXMin;
  int sourcePixelOffsetYMax = floor(( intersection.yMaximum() - sourceTransform[3] ) / sourceTransform[5] );
  int sourcePixelOffsetYMin = ceil(( intersection.yMinimum() - sourceTransform[3] ) / sourceTransform[5] );
  int nSourcePixelsY = sourcePixelOffsetYMin - sourcePixelOffsetYMax;
  float* sourceRaster = ( float * ) CPLMalloc( sizeof( float ) * nSourcePixelsX * nSourcePixelsY );
  double sourceRasterXMin = sourceRect.xMinimum() + sourcePixelOffsetXMin * sourceTransform[1];
  double sourceRasterYMax = sourceRect.yMaximum() + sourcePixelOffsetYMax * sourceTransform[5];
  GDALRasterIO( sourceBand, GF_Read, sourcePixelOffsetXMin, sourcePixelOffsetYMax, nSourcePixelsX, nSourcePixelsY,
                sourceRaster, nSourcePixelsX, nSourcePixelsY, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

  double targetPixelX;
  double targetPixelXMin = targetGeotransform[0] + targetGeotransform[1] * xOffset + targetGeotransform[1] / 2.0;
  double targetPixelY = targetGeotransform[3] + targetGeotransform[5] * yOffset + targetGeotransform[5] / 2.0; //coordinates of current target pixel
  int sourceIndexX, sourceIndexY; //current raster index in  source pixels
  double sx, sy;
  for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i )
    targetPixelX = targetPixelXMin;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j )
      sx = ( targetPixelX - sourceRasterXMin ) / sourceTransform[1];
      sourceIndexX = sx > 0 ? sx : floor( sx );
      sy = ( targetPixelY - sourceRasterYMax ) / sourceTransform[5];
      sourceIndexY = sy > 0 ? sy : floor( sy );
      if ( sourceIndexX >= 0 && sourceIndexX < nSourcePixelsX
           && sourceIndexY >= 0 && sourceIndexY < nSourcePixelsY )
        rasterBuffer[j + i*nRows] = sourceRaster[ sourceIndexX  + nSourcePixelsX * sourceIndexY ];
        rasterBuffer[j + i*j] = nodataValue;
      targetPixelX += targetGeotransform[1];
    targetPixelY += targetGeotransform[5];

  CPLFree( sourceRaster );
예제 #9
GDALFillNodata( GDALRasterBandH hTargetBand, 
                GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand,
                double dfMaxSearchDist, 
                CPL_UNUSED int bDeprecatedOption,
                int nSmoothingIterations,
                CPL_UNUSED char **papszOptions,
                GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hTargetBand, "GDALFillNodata", CE_Failure );

    int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hTargetBand );
    int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hTargetBand );
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

    // Special "x" pixel values identifying pixels as special.
    GUInt32 nNoDataVal;
    GDALDataType eType;

    if( dfMaxSearchDist == 0.0 )
        dfMaxSearchDist = MAX(nXSize,nYSize) + 1;

    int nMaxSearchDist = (int) floor(dfMaxSearchDist);

    if( nXSize > 65533 || nYSize > 65533 )
        eType = GDT_UInt32;
        nNoDataVal = 4000002;
        eType = GDT_UInt16;
        nNoDataVal = 65535;

    if( hMaskBand == NULL )
        hMaskBand = GDALGetMaskBand( hTargetBand );

    /* If there are smoothing iterations, reserve 10% of the progress for them */
    double dfProgressRatio = (nSmoothingIterations > 0) ? 0.9 : 1.0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize progress counter.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, "Filling...", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a work file to hold the Y "last value" indices.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDriverH  hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( "GTiff" );
    if (hDriver == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "GDALFillNodata needs GTiff driver");
        return CE_Failure;
    GDALDatasetH hYDS;
    GDALRasterBandH hYBand;
    static const char *apszOptions[] = { "COMPRESS=LZW", "BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER", 
                                         NULL };
    CPLString osTmpFile = CPLGenerateTempFilename("");
    CPLString osYTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_y_work.tif";
    hYDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, osYTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1, 
                       eType, (char **) apszOptions );
    if( hYDS == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;

    hYBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hYDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a work file to hold the pixel value associated with      */
/*      the "last xy value" pixel.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hValDS;
    GDALRasterBandH hValBand;
    CPLString osValTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_val_work.tif";

    hValDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, osValTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1,
                         GDALGetRasterDataType( hTargetBand ), 
                         (char **) apszOptions );
    if( hValDS == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;

    hValBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hValDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a mask file to make it clear what pixels can be filtered */
/*      on the filtering pass.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hFiltMaskDS;
    GDALRasterBandH hFiltMaskBand;
    CPLString osFiltMaskTmpFile = osTmpFile + "fill_filtmask_work.tif";
    hFiltMaskDS = 
        GDALCreate( hDriver, osFiltMaskTmpFile, nXSize, nYSize, 1,
                    GDT_Byte, (char **) apszOptions );
    if( hFiltMaskDS == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;

    hFiltMaskBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hFiltMaskDS, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate buffers for last scanline and this scanline.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GUInt32 *panLastY, *panThisY, *panTopDownY;
    float   *pafLastValue, *pafThisValue, *pafScanline, *pafTopDownValue;
    GByte   *pabyMask, *pabyFiltMask;
    int     iX;
    int     iY;

    panLastY = (GUInt32 *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(GUInt32));
    panThisY = (GUInt32 *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(GUInt32));
    panTopDownY = (GUInt32 *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(GUInt32));
    pafLastValue = (float *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(float));
    pafThisValue = (float *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(float));
    pafTopDownValue = (float *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(float));
    pafScanline = (float *) VSICalloc(nXSize,sizeof(float));
    pabyMask = (GByte *) VSICalloc(nXSize,1);
    pabyFiltMask = (GByte *) VSICalloc(nXSize,1);
    if (panLastY == NULL || panThisY == NULL || panTopDownY == NULL ||
        pafLastValue == NULL || pafThisValue == NULL || pafTopDownValue == NULL ||
        pafScanline == NULL || pabyMask == NULL || pabyFiltMask == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Could not allocate enough memory for temporary buffers");

        eErr = CE_Failure;
        goto end;

    for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
        panLastY[iX] = nNoDataVal;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Make first pass from top to bottom collecting the "last         */
/*      known value" for each column and writing it out to the work     */
/*      files.                                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iY = 0; iY < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; iY++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read data and mask for this line.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hMaskBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pabyMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the most recent pixel for each column.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            if( pabyMask[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafScanline[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = iY;
            else if( iY <= dfMaxSearchDist + panLastY[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafLastValue[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = panLastY[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = nNoDataVal;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out best index/value to working files.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hYBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                             panThisY, nXSize, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hValBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                             pafThisValue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Flip this/last buffers.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            float *pafTmp = pafThisValue;
            pafThisValue = pafLastValue;
            pafLastValue = pafTmp;

            GUInt32 *panTmp = panThisY;
            panThisY = panLastY;
            panLastY = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None
            && !pfnProgress( dfProgressRatio * (0.5*(iY+1) / (double)nYSize), 
                             "Filling...", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Now we will do collect similar this/last information from       */
/*      bottom to top and use it in combination with the top to         */
/*      bottom search info to interpolate.                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iY = nYSize-1; iY >= 0 && eErr == CE_None; iY-- )
        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hMaskBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pabyMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the most recent pixel for each column.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            if( pabyMask[iX] )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafScanline[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = iY;
            else if( panLastY[iX] - iY <= dfMaxSearchDist )
                pafThisValue[iX] = pafLastValue[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = panLastY[iX];
                panThisY[iX] = nNoDataVal;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the last y and corresponding value from the top down pass. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hYBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          panTopDownY, nXSize, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hValBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pafTopDownValue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Attempt to interpolate any pixels that are nodata.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        memset( pabyFiltMask, 0, nXSize );
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            int iStep, iQuad;
            int nThisMaxSearchDist = nMaxSearchDist;

            // If this was a valid target - no change.
            if( pabyMask[iX] )

            // Quadrants 0:topleft, 1:bottomleft, 2:topright, 3:bottomright
            double adfQuadDist[4];
            double adfQuadValue[4];

            for( iQuad = 0; iQuad < 4; iQuad++ )
                adfQuadDist[iQuad] = dfMaxSearchDist + 1.0;
                adfQuadValue[iQuad] = 0.0;
            // Step left and right by one pixel searching for the closest 
            // target value for each quadrant. 
            for( iStep = 0; iStep < nThisMaxSearchDist; iStep++ )
                int iLeftX = MAX(0,iX - iStep);
                int iRightX = MIN(nXSize-1,iX + iStep);
                // top left includes current line 
                           iLeftX, panTopDownY[iLeftX], iX, iY,
                           pafTopDownValue[iLeftX] );

                // bottom left 
                           iLeftX, panLastY[iLeftX], iX, iY, 
                           pafLastValue[iLeftX] );

                // top right and bottom right do no include center pixel.
                if( iStep == 0 )
                // top right includes current line 
                           iRightX, panTopDownY[iRightX], iX, iY,
                           pafTopDownValue[iRightX] );

                // bottom right
                           iRightX, panLastY[iRightX], iX, iY,
                           pafLastValue[iRightX] );

                // every four steps, recompute maximum distance.
                if( (iStep & 0x3) == 0 )
                    nThisMaxSearchDist = (int) floor(
                            MAX(adfQuadDist[2],adfQuadDist[3])) );

            double dfWeightSum = 0.0;
            double dfValueSum = 0.0;
            for( iQuad = 0; iQuad < 4; iQuad++ )
                if( adfQuadDist[iQuad] <= dfMaxSearchDist )
                    double dfWeight = 1.0 / adfQuadDist[iQuad];

                    dfWeightSum += dfWeight;
                    dfValueSum += adfQuadValue[iQuad] * dfWeight;

            if( dfWeightSum > 0.0 )
                pabyMask[iX] = 255;
                pabyFiltMask[iX] = 255;
                pafScanline[iX] = (float) (dfValueSum / dfWeightSum);


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the updated data and mask information.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

        eErr = 
            GDALRasterIO( hFiltMaskBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                          pabyFiltMask, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Flip this/last buffers.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            float *pafTmp = pafThisValue;
            pafThisValue = pafLastValue;
            pafLastValue = pafTmp;
            GUInt32 *panTmp = panThisY;
            panThisY = panLastY;
            panLastY = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None
            && !pfnProgress( dfProgressRatio*(0.5+0.5*(nYSize-iY) / (double)nYSize), 
                             "Filling...", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Now we will do iterative average filters over the               */
/*      interpolated values to smooth things out and make linear        */
/*      artifacts less obvious.                                         */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( eErr == CE_None && nSmoothingIterations > 0 )
        // force masks to be to flushed and recomputed.
        GDALFlushRasterCache( hMaskBand );

        void *pScaledProgress;
        pScaledProgress =
            GDALCreateScaledProgress( dfProgressRatio, 1.0, pfnProgress, NULL );

        eErr = GDALMultiFilter( hTargetBand, hMaskBand, hFiltMaskBand, 
                                GDALScaledProgress, pScaledProgress );

        GDALDestroyScaledProgress( pScaledProgress );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Close and clean up temporary files. Free working buffers        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    GDALClose( hYDS );
    GDALClose( hValDS );
    GDALClose( hFiltMaskDS );

    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osYTmpFile );
    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osValTmpFile );
    GDALDeleteDataset( hDriver, osFiltMaskTmpFile );

    return eErr;
예제 #10
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      	if( argc < 9 ) {
		return 1;
	char	*inB1 		= argv[1]; //Albedo
	char	*inB2	 	= argv[2]; //Sunza
	char	*inB3		= argv[3]; //e0-1-b31
	char	*inB4		= argv[4]; //e0-2-b32
	char	*inB5		= argv[5]; //LST
	char	*inB6		= argv[6]; //DEM
	char	*rnetF	 	= argv[7];
	float	doy		= atof( argv[8] );
	float	tmax	 	= atof( argv[9] );

	//MDB Farm A
// 	double phase_max=sin(2*3.1415927*(doy+365/3.3)/365);
// 	tmax=31.17+(36.9-24.1)/2*((1+1/3+1/5+1/7)*phase_max);
// // 	double phase_min=sin(2*PI*(doy+365/3.5)/365);
// // 	double tmin=31.17+(36.9-24.1)/2*((1+1/3+1/5+1/7)*phase_min);

	//Convert Tmax from C to K
// 	if(tmax<100.0) tmax+=273.15;

// 	printf("\ndoy\t= %7.2f\ntmax\t= %7.2f\n\n",doy, tmax);

	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//Albedo
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//Sunza
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//e31
	GDALDatasetH hD4 = GDALOpen(inB4,GA_ReadOnly);//e32
	GDALDatasetH hD5 = GDALOpen(inB5,GA_ReadOnly);//LST
	GDALDatasetH hD6 = GDALOpen(inB6,GA_ReadOnly);//DEM

		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");

	GDALDriverH hDr6 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD6);
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy(hDr6,rnetF,hD6,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);

	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//Albedo
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//Sunza
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//e31
	GDALRasterBandH hB4 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD4,1);//e32
	GDALRasterBandH hB5 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD5,1);//LST
	GDALRasterBandH hB6 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD6,1);//DEM

	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);
	int N=nX*nY;

	float *mat1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat3 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat4 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat5 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *mat6 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *matOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);

	float e0, rnet;
	int rowcol;
	#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
		private(rowcol, e0, rnet)\
		shared(N, tmax, doy,\
			mat1,mat2,mat3,mat4,mat5,mat6, \
			matOut )
		if(mat1[rowcol]==-28768||mat5[rowcol]==-28768||mat5[rowcol]==0) matOut[rowcol] = -28768;
		else {
			e0 = 0.5*((mat3[rowcol]*0.002+0.49)+(mat4[rowcol]*0.002+0.49));
			rnet = r_net(mat1[rowcol]*0.001,mat2[rowcol]*0.01,e0,mat5[rowcol]*0.02,mat6[rowcol],doy,tmax);
	#pragma omp barrier
	//free memory close unused files
	if(mat1 != NULL) free(mat1);
	if(mat2 != NULL) free(mat2);
	if(mat3 != NULL) free(mat3);
	if(mat4 != NULL) free(mat4);
	if(mat5 != NULL) free(mat5);
	if(mat6 != NULL) free(mat6);
	if(matOut != NULL) free(matOut);

예제 #11
int GDALDitherRGB2PCTInternal( GDALRasterBandH hRed, 
                         GDALRasterBandH hGreen, 
                         GDALRasterBandH hBlue, 
                         GDALRasterBandH hTarget, 
                         GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                         int nBits,
                         GInt16* pasDynamicColorMap, /* NULL or at least 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(GInt16) bytes */
                         int bDither,
                         GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                         void * pProgressArg )
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hTarget, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hColorTable, "GDALDitherRGB2PCT", CE_Failure );

    int		nXSize, nYSize;
    CPLErr err = CE_None;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate parameters.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hTarget ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hTarget ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Target band doesn't match size of source bands.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup more direct colormap.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int		nColors, iColor;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
    int anPCTUnaligned[256+4]; /* 4 for alignment on 16-byte boundary */
    int* anPCT = ALIGN_INT_ARRAY_ON_16_BYTE(anPCTUnaligned);
    int anPCT[256*4];
    nColors = GDALGetColorEntryCount( hColorTable );
    if (nColors == 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table must not be empty.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    else if (nColors > 256)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALDitherRGB2PCT(): "
                  "Color table cannot have more than 256 entries.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;
    for( iColor = 0; iColor < nColors; iColor++ )
        GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

        GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hColorTable, iColor, &sEntry );
        CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iColor+0] = sEntry.c1;
        CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iColor+1] = sEntry.c2;
        CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iColor+2] = sEntry.c3;
        CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iColor+3] = 0;
#ifdef USE_SSE2
    /* Pad to multiple of 8 colors */
    int nColorsMod8 = nColors % 8;
    if( nColorsMod8 )
        for( iColor = 0; iColor < 8 - nColorsMod8; iColor ++)
            anPCT[nColors+iColor] = anPCT[nColors-1];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup various variables.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte   *pabyRed, *pabyGreen, *pabyBlue, *pabyIndex;
    GByte   *pabyColorMap = NULL;
    int     *panError;
    int nCLevels = 1 << nBits;
    ColorIndex* psColorIndexMap = NULL;

    pabyRed = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyGreen = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyBlue = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    pabyIndex = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    panError = (int *) VSICalloc(sizeof(int),(nXSize+2) * 3);
    if (pabyRed == NULL ||
        pabyGreen == NULL ||
        pabyBlue == NULL ||
        pabyIndex == NULL ||
        panError == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALDitherRGB2PCT" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    if( pasDynamicColorMap == NULL )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a 24bit to 8 bit color mapping.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

        pabyColorMap = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nCLevels * nCLevels * nCLevels 
                                        * sizeof(GByte));
        if( pabyColorMap == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALDitherRGB2PCT" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

        FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT, pabyColorMap, nCLevels);
        pabyColorMap = NULL;
        if( nBits == 8 && (GIntBig)nXSize * nYSize <= 65536 )
            /* If the image is small enough, then the number of colors */
            /* will be limited and using a hashmap, rather than a full table */
            /* will be more efficient */
            psColorIndexMap = (ColorIndex*)pasDynamicColorMap;
            memset(psColorIndexMap, 0xFF, sizeof(ColorIndex) * PRIME_FOR_65536);
            memset(pasDynamicColorMap, 0xFF, 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(GInt16));

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over all scanlines of data to process.                     */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int		iScanline;

    for( iScanline = 0; iScanline < nYSize; iScanline++ )
        int	nLastRedError, nLastGreenError, nLastBlueError, i;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( !pfnProgress( iScanline / (double) nYSize, NULL, pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read source data.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyRed, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyGreen, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyBlue, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Apply the error from the previous line to this one.		*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( bDither )
          for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            pabyRed[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyRed[i]   + panError[i*3+0+3])));
            pabyGreen[i] = (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyGreen[i] + panError[i*3+1+3])));
            pabyBlue[i] =  (GByte)
                MAX(0,MIN(255,(pabyBlue[i]  + panError[i*3+2+3])));

          memset( panError, 0, sizeof(int) * (nXSize+2) * 3 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Figure out the nearest color to the RGB value.			*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        nLastRedError = 0;
        nLastGreenError = 0;
        nLastBlueError = 0;

        for( i = 0; i < nXSize; i++ )
            int		iIndex, nError, nSixth;
            int		nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue;

            nRedValue =   MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyRed[i]   + nLastRedError));
            nGreenValue = MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyGreen[i] + nLastGreenError));
            nBlueValue =  MAX(0,MIN(255, pabyBlue[i]  + nLastBlueError));

            if( psColorIndexMap )
                GUInt32 nColorCode = MAKE_COLOR_CODE(nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue);
                GUInt32 nIdx = nColorCode % PRIME_FOR_65536;
                //int nCollisions = 0;
                //static int nMaxCollisions = 0;
                while( TRUE )
                    if( psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode == nColorCode )
                        iIndex = psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex;
                    if( (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode < 0 )
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode = nColorCode;
                        iIndex = FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT,
                                                   nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue );
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex = (GByte) iIndex;
                    if( psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode2 == nColorCode )
                        iIndex = psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex2;
                    if( (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode2 < 0 )
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode2 = nColorCode;
                        iIndex = FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT,
                                                   nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue );
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex2 = (GByte) iIndex;
                    if( psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode3 == nColorCode )
                        iIndex = psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex3;
                    if( (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode3 < 0 )
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode3 = nColorCode;
                        iIndex = FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT,
                                                   nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue );
                        psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nIndex3 = (GByte) iIndex;

                        //nCollisions ++;
                        if( nIdx >= PRIME_FOR_65536 )
                            nIdx -= PRIME_FOR_65536;
                    while( (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode >= 0 &&
                            psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode != nColorCode &&
                            (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode2 >= 0 &&
                            psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode2 != nColorCode&&
                            (int)psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode3 >= 0 &&
                            psColorIndexMap[nIdx].nColorCode3 != nColorCode );
                    /*if( nCollisions > nMaxCollisions )
                        nMaxCollisions = nCollisions;
                        printf("nCollisions = %d for R=%d,G=%d,B=%d\n",
                                nCollisions, nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue);
            else if( pasDynamicColorMap == NULL )
                int iRed   = nRedValue *   nCLevels   / 256;
                int iGreen = nGreenValue * nCLevels / 256;
                int iBlue  = nBlueValue *  nCLevels  / 256;
                iIndex = pabyColorMap[iRed + iGreen * nCLevels 
                                    + iBlue * nCLevels * nCLevels];
                GUInt32 nColorCode = MAKE_COLOR_CODE(nRedValue, nGreenValue, nBlueValue);
                GInt16* psIndex = &pasDynamicColorMap[nColorCode];
                if( *psIndex < 0 )
                    iIndex = *psIndex = FindNearestColor( nColors, anPCT,
                                                          nBlueValue );
                    iIndex = *psIndex;

            pabyIndex[i] = (GByte) iIndex;
            if( !bDither )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Red error, and carry it on to the next error line.      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nRedValue - CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iIndex+0];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3    ] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6  ] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3  ] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastRedError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Green error, and carry it on to the next error line.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nGreenValue - CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iIndex+1];
            nSixth = nError / 6;

            panError[i*3  +1] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+1] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+1] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastGreenError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute Blue error, and carry it on to the next error line.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            nError = nBlueValue - CAST_PCT(anPCT)[4*iIndex+2];
            nSixth = nError / 6;
            panError[i*3  +2] += nSixth;
            panError[i*3+6+2] = nSixth;
            panError[i*3+3+2] += nError - 5 * nSixth;
            nLastBlueError = 2 * nSixth;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write results.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GDALRasterIO( hTarget, GF_Write, 0, iScanline, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyIndex, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

    pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, pProgressArg );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyRed );
    CPLFree( pabyGreen );
    CPLFree( pabyBlue );
    CPLFree( pabyIndex );
    CPLFree( panError );
    CPLFree( pabyColorMap );

    return err;
예제 #12
template<class T> int
    GDALRasterBandH hRed,
    GDALRasterBandH hGreen,
    GDALRasterBandH hBlue,
    GByte* pabyRedBand,
    GByte* pabyGreenBand,
    GByte* pabyBlueBand,
    int (*pfnIncludePixel)(int, int, void*),
    int nColors,
    int nBits,
    T* panHistogram,  // NULL, or >= size (1<<nBits)^3 * sizeof(T) bytes.
    GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
    GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
    void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );

    CPLErr err = CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate parameters.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize
        || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                 "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.");

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnIncludePixel != NULL )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                 "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() doesn't currently support "
                 "pfnIncludePixel function.");

        return CE_Failure;

    if( nColors <= 0 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                 "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT(): "
                 "nColors must be strictly greater than 1.");

        return CE_Failure;

    if( nColors > 256 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                 "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT(): "
                 "nColors must be lesser than or equal to 256.");

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 1: create empty boxes.                                     */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( static_cast<GUInt32>(nXSize) >
        std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / static_cast<GUInt32>(nYSize) )
        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "GDALComputeMedianCutPCTInternal() not called "
                 "with large enough type");

    T nPixels = 0;
    if( nBits == 8 && pabyRedBand != NULL && pabyGreenBand != NULL &&
        pabyBlueBand != NULL &&
        static_cast<GUInt32>(nXSize) <=
        std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / static_cast<GUInt32>(nYSize) )
      nPixels = static_cast<T>(nXSize) * static_cast<T>(nYSize);

    const int nCLevels = 1 << nBits;
    T* histogram = NULL;
    HashHistogram* psHashHistogram = NULL;
    if( panHistogram )
        if( nBits == 8 && static_cast<GUIntBig>(nXSize) * nYSize <= 65536 )
            // If the image is small enough, then the number of colors
            // will be limited and using a hashmap, rather than a full table
            // will be more efficient.
            histogram = NULL;
            psHashHistogram = (HashHistogram*)panHistogram;
                   sizeof(HashHistogram) * PRIME_FOR_65536);
            histogram = panHistogram;
            memset(histogram, 0, nCLevels*nCLevels*nCLevels * sizeof(T));
        histogram = static_cast<T*>(
            VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(nCLevels * nCLevels * nCLevels, sizeof(T)));
        if( histogram == NULL )
            return CE_Failure;
    Colorbox *box_list =
        static_cast<Colorbox *>(CPLMalloc(nColors*sizeof (Colorbox)));
    Colorbox *freeboxes = box_list;
    freeboxes[0].next = &freeboxes[1];
    freeboxes[0].prev = NULL;
    for( int i = 1; i < nColors-1; ++i )
        freeboxes[i].next = &freeboxes[i+1];
        freeboxes[i].prev = &freeboxes[i-1];
    freeboxes[nColors-1].next = NULL;
    freeboxes[nColors-1].prev = &freeboxes[nColors-2];

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Build histogram.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize the box datastructures.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    Colorbox *ptr = freeboxes;
    freeboxes = ptr->next;
    if( freeboxes )
        freeboxes->prev = NULL;
    Colorbox *usedboxes = NULL;  // TODO(schwehr): What?
    ptr->next = usedboxes;
    usedboxes = ptr;
    if( ptr->next )
        ptr->next->prev = ptr;

    ptr->rmin = 999;
    ptr->gmin = 999;
    ptr->bmin = 999;
    ptr->rmax = -1;
    ptr->gmax = -1;
    ptr->bmax = -1;
    ptr->total = static_cast<GUIntBig>(nXSize) * static_cast<GUIntBig>(nYSize);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect histogram.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // TODO(schwehr): Move these closer to usage after removing gotos.
    const int nColorShift = 8 - nBits;
    int nColorCounter = 0;
    GByte anRed[256] = {};
    GByte anGreen[256] = {};
    GByte anBlue[256] = {};

    GByte *pabyRedLine = static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize));
    GByte *pabyGreenLine = static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize));
    GByte *pabyBlueLine = static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC_VERBOSE(nXSize));

    if( pabyRedLine == NULL ||
        pabyGreenLine == NULL ||
        pabyBlueLine == NULL )
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    for( int iLine = 0; iLine < nYSize; iLine++ )
        if( !pfnProgress( iLine / static_cast<double>(nYSize),
                          "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

        err = GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyRedLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        if( err == CE_None )
            err = GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyGreenLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        if( err == CE_None )
            err = GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyBlueLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        if( err != CE_None )
            goto end_and_cleanup;

        for( int iPixel = 0; iPixel < nXSize; iPixel++ )
            const int nRed = pabyRedLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;
            const int nGreen = pabyGreenLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;
            const int nBlue = pabyBlueLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;

            ptr->rmin = std::min(ptr->rmin, nRed);
            ptr->gmin = std::min(ptr->gmin, nGreen);
            ptr->bmin = std::min(ptr->bmin, nBlue);
            ptr->rmax = std::max(ptr->rmax, nRed);
            ptr->gmax = std::max(ptr->gmax, nGreen);
            ptr->bmax = std::max(ptr->bmax, nBlue);

            bool bFirstOccurrence;
            if( psHashHistogram )
                int* pnColor = FindAndInsertColorCount(psHashHistogram,
                                         MAKE_COLOR_CODE(nRed, nGreen, nBlue));
                bFirstOccurrence = ( *pnColor == 0 );
                T* pnColor =
                    HISTOGRAM(histogram, nCLevels, nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
                bFirstOccurrence = ( *pnColor == 0 );
            if( bFirstOccurrence)
                if( nColorShift == 0 && nColorCounter < nColors )
                    anRed[nColorCounter] = static_cast<GByte>(nRed);
                    anGreen[nColorCounter] = static_cast<GByte>(nGreen);
                    anBlue[nColorCounter] = static_cast<GByte>(nBlue);

    if( !pfnProgress( 1.0, "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    if( nColorShift == 0 && nColorCounter <= nColors )
        CPLDebug("MEDIAN_CUT", "%d colors found <= %d", nColorCounter, nColors);
        for( int iColor = 0; iColor < nColorCounter; iColor++ )
            const GDALColorEntry sEntry =
            GDALSetColorEntry( hColorTable, iColor, &sEntry );
        goto end_and_cleanup;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 3: continually subdivide boxes until no more free          */
/*      boxes remain or until all colors assigned.                      */
/* ==================================================================== */
    while( freeboxes != NULL )
        ptr = largest_box(usedboxes);
        if( ptr != NULL )
            splitbox(ptr, histogram, psHashHistogram, nCLevels,
                     &freeboxes, &usedboxes,
                     pabyRedBand, pabyGreenBand, pabyBlueBand, nPixels);
            freeboxes = NULL;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 4: assign colors to all boxes                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    ptr = usedboxes;
    for( int i = 0; ptr != NULL; ++i, ptr = ptr->next )
        const GDALColorEntry sEntry = {
            static_cast<GByte>(((ptr->rmin + ptr->rmax) << nColorShift) / 2),
            static_cast<GByte>(((ptr->gmin + ptr->gmax) << nColorShift) / 2),
            static_cast<GByte>(((ptr->bmin + ptr->bmax) << nColorShift) / 2),
        GDALSetColorEntry( hColorTable, i, &sEntry );

    CPLFree( pabyRedLine );
    CPLFree( pabyGreenLine );
    CPLFree( pabyBlueLine );

    // We're done with the boxes now.
    freeboxes = NULL;
    usedboxes = NULL;

    if( panHistogram == NULL )
        CPLFree( histogram );

    return err;
예제 #13
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
      	if( argc < 7 ) {
		return 1;
	int 	row, col;
	double 	geomx[6]={0.0};

	char *inB1 	= argv[1]; //Albedo
	char *inB2 	= argv[2]; //DEM
	char *inB3	= argv[3]; //e0 31
	char *inB4	= argv[4]; //e0 32
	char *inB5	= argv[5]; //LST
	char *rnetdF 	= argv[6];
	float doy	= atof( argv[7] );

// 	printf("\ndoy\t= %7.2f\n\n",doy);
// 	printf("%s %s %s %s %s\n",inB1, inB2, inB3, inB4, inB5);
	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//Albedo
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//DEM
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//E 31
	GDALDatasetH hD4 = GDALOpen(inB4,GA_ReadOnly);//E 32
	GDALDatasetH hD5 = GDALOpen(inB5,GA_ReadOnly);//LST

		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");

	/* Do Nothing */
// 		printf( "Origin (ULx,ULy) = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[0], geomx[3] );
// 		printf( "Pixel Size = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[1], geomx[5] );
// 		printf( "Rot0 = (%.6f,%.6f)\n", geomx[2], geomx[4] );
	} else {
		printf("ERROR: Projection acquisition problem from Band1\n");

	GDALDriverH hDr2 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD2);
	//RNETD out
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy( hDr2, rnetdF,hD2,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);
	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//Albedo
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//DEM
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//E 31
	GDALRasterBandH hB4 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD4,1);//E 32
	GDALRasterBandH hB5 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD5,1);//LST

	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);

	float *mat1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat3 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat4 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *mat5 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	float *matOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
/*	int i,temp,histogramT[512];
	for (i=0;i<512;i++){
	float solar, rnetd, e0;
		#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
			private(col, solar, rnetd, e0)\
			shared( row, doy, geomx,nX, \
				mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, matOut )
				matOut[col] = -28768;
			}else {
				/*temp = (int) (mat1[col]);
				if(temp>0) histogramT[temp]=histogramT[temp]+1.0;*/
// 				printf("lat=%f\n", geomx[3]+geomx[4]*col+geomx[5]*row);
// 				printf("%f \n",e0);
				e0 = 0.5*((mat3[col]*0.002+0.49)+(mat4[col]*0.002+0.49));
				solar = solar_day(geomx[3]+geomx[4]*col+geomx[5]*row, doy, mat2[col] );
				//rnetd = r_net_d( mat1[col]*0.001, solar, e0, mat5[col]*0.02, mat2[col]);
				rnetd = r_net_day( mat1[col]*0.001, solar, mat2[col]);
		#pragma omp barrier
/*	for (i=0;i<512;i++){
	//free memory close unused files
	if(mat1 != NULL) free(mat1);
	if(mat2 != NULL) free(mat2);
	if(mat3 != NULL) free(mat3);
	if(mat4 != NULL) free(mat4);
	if(mat5 != NULL) free(mat5);
	if(matOut != NULL) free(matOut);

예제 #14
extern "C" int CPL_STDCALL
GDALComputeMedianCutPCT( GDALRasterBandH hRed, 
                         GDALRasterBandH hGreen, 
                         GDALRasterBandH hBlue, 
                         int (*pfnIncludePixel)(int,int,void*),
                         int nColors, 
                         GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                         GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                         void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );

    int		nXSize, nYSize;
    CPLErr err = CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Validate parameters.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize 
        || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnIncludePixel != NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() doesn't currently support "
                  " pfnIncludePixel function." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if ( nColors <= 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() : nColors must be strictly greater than 1." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if ( nColors > 256 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() : nColors must be lesser than or equal to 256." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 1: crate empty boxes.                                      */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int	     i;
    Colorbox *box_list, *ptr;
    int	(*histogram)[GMC_B_LEN][GMC_B_LEN];
    Colorbox *freeboxes;
    Colorbox *usedboxes;

    histogram = (int (*)[GMC_B_LEN][GMC_B_LEN]) 
        CPLCalloc(GMC_B_LEN * GMC_B_LEN * GMC_B_LEN,sizeof(int));
    usedboxes = NULL;
    box_list = freeboxes = (Colorbox *)CPLMalloc(nColors*sizeof (Colorbox));
    freeboxes[0].next = &freeboxes[1];
    freeboxes[0].prev = NULL;
    for (i = 1; i < nColors-1; ++i) {
        freeboxes[i].next = &freeboxes[i+1];
        freeboxes[i].prev = &freeboxes[i-1];
    freeboxes[nColors-1].next = NULL;
    freeboxes[nColors-1].prev = &freeboxes[nColors-2];

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Build histogram.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    GByte	*pabyRedLine, *pabyGreenLine, *pabyBlueLine;
    int		iLine, iPixel;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize the box datastructures.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ptr = freeboxes;
    freeboxes = ptr->next;
    if (freeboxes)
        freeboxes->prev = NULL;
    ptr->next = usedboxes;
    usedboxes = ptr;
    if (ptr->next)
        ptr->next->prev = ptr;

    ptr->rmin = ptr->gmin = ptr->bmin = 999;
    ptr->rmax = ptr->gmax = ptr->bmax = -1;
    ptr->total = nXSize * nYSize;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect histogram.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pabyRedLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyGreenLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyBlueLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    if (pabyRedLine == NULL ||
        pabyGreenLine == NULL ||
        pabyBlueLine == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALComputeMedianCutPCT" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    for( iLine = 0; iLine < nYSize; iLine++ )
        if( !pfnProgress( iLine / (double) nYSize, 
                          "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

        GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyRedLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyGreenLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1, 
                      pabyBlueLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        for( iPixel = 0; iPixel < nXSize; iPixel++ )
            int	nRed, nGreen, nBlue;
            nRed = pabyRedLine[iPixel] >> COLOR_SHIFT;
            nGreen = pabyGreenLine[iPixel] >> COLOR_SHIFT;
            nBlue = pabyBlueLine[iPixel] >> COLOR_SHIFT;

            ptr->rmin = MIN(ptr->rmin, nRed);
            ptr->gmin = MIN(ptr->gmin, nGreen);
            ptr->bmin = MIN(ptr->bmin, nBlue);
            ptr->rmax = MAX(ptr->rmax, nRed);
            ptr->gmax = MAX(ptr->gmax, nGreen);
            ptr->bmax = MAX(ptr->bmax, nBlue);


    if( !pfnProgress( 1.0, "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 3: continually subdivide boxes until no more free          */
/*      boxes remain or until all colors assigned.                      */
/* ==================================================================== */
    while (freeboxes != NULL) {
        ptr = largest_box(usedboxes);
        if (ptr != NULL)
            splitbox(ptr, histogram, &freeboxes, &usedboxes);
            freeboxes = NULL;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      STEP 4: assign colors to all boxes                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for (i = 0, ptr = usedboxes; ptr != NULL; ++i, ptr = ptr->next) 
        GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

        sEntry.c1 = (GByte) (((ptr->rmin + ptr->rmax) << COLOR_SHIFT) / 2);
        sEntry.c2 = (GByte) (((ptr->gmin + ptr->gmax) << COLOR_SHIFT) / 2);
        sEntry.c3 = (GByte) (((ptr->bmin + ptr->bmax) << COLOR_SHIFT) / 2);
        sEntry.c4 = 255;
        GDALSetColorEntry( hColorTable, i, &sEntry );

    CPLFree( pabyRedLine );
    CPLFree( pabyGreenLine );
    CPLFree( pabyBlueLine );

    /* We're done with the boxes now */
    freeboxes = usedboxes = NULL;

    CPLFree( histogram );
    return err;
예제 #15
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: raphaelrpl/scietl
void convert(const input_arguments& args)
    std::cout << "\n\tbuffering data... " << std::flush;
  scietl::core::GDALDatasetPtr dataset(GDALOpen(args.source_file_name.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly));
  if(dataset == nullptr)
    boost::format err_msg("could not open dataset: '%1%'!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
  if(GDALGetRasterCount(dataset) != 1)
    boost::format err_msg("invalid raster data: %1%. It must have only one data band!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
  GDALRasterBandH band = GDALGetRasterBand(dataset, 1);
  if(band == 0)
    boost::format err_msg("could not access band data for file: %1%!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
  int ncols = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(band);
  int nrows = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(band);
  if((ncols != 1021) || (nrows != 1381))
    boost::format err_msg("invalid raster size: %1%. It must be a 1021x1381!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
  GDALDataType pixel_type = GDALGetRasterDataType(band);
  if(pixel_type != GDT_Byte)
    boost::format err_msg("invalid raster pixel type: %1%. It must be a raster with a single band with pixels of byte data type!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
  std::size_t pixel_size = scietl::core::num_bytes(pixel_type);
  boost::shared_array<unsigned char> buffer(new unsigned char[ncols * nrows * pixel_size]);
  CPLErr result = GDALRasterIO(band, GF_Read, 0, 0, ncols, nrows, buffer.get(), ncols, nrows, pixel_type, 0, 0);
  if(result == CE_Failure)
    boost::format err_msg("could not read dataset: '%1%'!");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.source_file_name).str());
    std::cout << "OK!" << std::flush;
    std::cout << "\n\tsaving data... " << std::flush;
  std::ofstream f(args.target_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);

    boost::format err_msg("could not create file: '%1%'. Please, check if target file or dir exist.");
    throw scietl::gdal_error() << scietl::error_description((err_msg % args.target_file_name).str());

  unsigned char* bookmark = buffer.get();

  for(int i = 0; i != nrows; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j != ncols; ++j)
      int16_t col = static_cast<int16_t>(j);
      int16_t row = static_cast<int16_t>(j);
      int16_t t = args.time_point;
      f.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&col), sizeof(int16_t));
      f.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&row), sizeof(int16_t));
      f.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&t), sizeof(int16_t));
      f.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(bookmark), pixel_size);
      bookmark += pixel_size;
예제 #16
파일: invdistance.c 프로젝트: Onjrew/OpenEV
int WIDInterpolate( int nPoints, double *padfX, double *padfY,
                    double *padfValue, double *padfWeight,
                    GDALRasterBandH hBand, double fExponent,
                    GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pCBData )

    int		nXSize, nYSize, nError = CPLE_None, iY, iPoint;
    float       *pafScanline;
    double      *padfDeltaYSquared;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBand );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBand );

    padfDeltaYSquared = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nPoints);
    pafScanline = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float) * nXSize);

    for( iY = 0; iY < nYSize; iY++ )
        int	iX;

        if( !pfnProgress( iY / (double) nYSize, NULL, pCBData ) )
            nError = CPLE_UserInterrupt;

        /* Precompute DeltaY Squared for point.  It will remain constant
           over the scanline. */
        for( iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++ )
            padfDeltaYSquared[iPoint] =
                (padfY[iPoint]-(double)iY) * (padfY[iPoint]-(double)iY);

        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            double	dfNumerator=0.0, dfDenominator = 0.0;
            double      dfX = iX;

            for( iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++ )
                double dfDistSquared, dfDeltaX;
                double dfWeight;

                dfDeltaX = (padfX[iPoint] - dfX);

                dfDistSquared = dfDeltaX*dfDeltaX + padfDeltaYSquared[iPoint];

                if (fExponent != 2.0)
                    //if the exponent is not 2, use the exponent / 2
                    //as the distance is already squared
                    dfDistSquared = pow(dfDistSquared, fExponent / 2.0);

                if( padfWeight == NULL )
                    dfWeight = 1.0 / dfDistSquared;
                    dfWeight = padfWeight[iPoint] / dfDistSquared;

                dfDenominator += dfWeight;
                dfNumerator += dfWeight * padfValue[iPoint];

            pafScanline[iX] = dfNumerator / dfDenominator;

        GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1,
                      pafScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

    pfnProgress( 1.0, NULL, pCBData );

    CPLFree( pafScanline );
    CPLFree( padfDeltaYSquared );

    return nError;
예제 #17
static CPLErr
GDALMultiFilter( GDALRasterBandH hTargetBand, 
                 GDALRasterBandH hTargetMaskBand, 
                 GDALRasterBandH hFiltMaskBand,
                 int nIterations,
                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                 void * pProgressArg )

    float *paf3PassLineBuf;
    GByte *pabyTMaskBuf;
    GByte *pabyFMaskBuf;
    float *pafThisPass, *pafLastPass, *pafSLastPass;

    int   nBufLines = nIterations + 2;
    int   iPassCounter = 0;
    int   nNewLine; // the line being loaded this time (zero based scanline)
    int   nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hTargetBand );
    int   nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hTargetBand );
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report starting progress value.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, "Smoothing Filter...", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate rotating buffers.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pabyTMaskBuf = (GByte *) VSIMalloc2(nXSize, nBufLines);
    pabyFMaskBuf = (GByte *) VSIMalloc2(nXSize, nBufLines);

    paf3PassLineBuf = (float *) VSIMalloc3(nXSize, nBufLines, 3 * sizeof(float));
    if (pabyTMaskBuf == NULL || pabyFMaskBuf == NULL || paf3PassLineBuf == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Could not allocate enough memory for temporary buffers");
        eErr = CE_Failure;
        goto end;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process rotating buffers.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( nNewLine = 0; 
         eErr == CE_None && nNewLine < nYSize+nIterations; 
         nNewLine++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Rotate pass buffers.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        iPassCounter = (iPassCounter + 1) % 3;

        pafSLastPass = paf3PassLineBuf 
            + ((iPassCounter+0)%3) * nXSize*nBufLines;
        pafLastPass = paf3PassLineBuf 
            + ((iPassCounter+1)%3) * nXSize*nBufLines;
        pafThisPass = paf3PassLineBuf 
            + ((iPassCounter+2)%3) * nXSize*nBufLines;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Where does the new line go in the rotating buffer?              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int iBufOffset = nNewLine % nBufLines;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the new data line if it is't off the bottom of the         */
/*      image.                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( nNewLine < nYSize )
            eErr = 
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetMaskBand, GF_Read, 
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1, 
                              pabyTMaskBuf + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1, 
                              GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
            if( eErr != CE_None )

            eErr = 
                GDALRasterIO( hFiltMaskBand, GF_Read, 
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1, 
                              pabyFMaskBuf + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1, 
                              GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
            if( eErr != CE_None )

            eErr = 
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read, 
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1, 
                              pafThisPass + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1, 
                              GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
            if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over the loaded data, applying the filter to all loaded    */
/*      lines with neighbours.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int iFLine;

        for( iFLine = nNewLine-1;
             eErr == CE_None && iFLine >= nNewLine-nIterations;
             iFLine-- )
            int iLastOffset, iThisOffset, iNextOffset;

            iLastOffset = (iFLine-1) % nBufLines; 
            iThisOffset = (iFLine  ) % nBufLines;
            iNextOffset = (iFLine+1) % nBufLines;

            // default to preserving the old value.
            if( iFLine >= 0 )
                memcpy( pafThisPass + iThisOffset * nXSize, 
                        pafLastPass + iThisOffset * nXSize, 
                        sizeof(float) * nXSize );

            // currently this skips the first and last line.  Eventually 
            // we will enable these too.  TODO
            if( iFLine < 1 || iFLine >= nYSize-1 )

                pafSLastPass + iLastOffset * nXSize,
                pafLastPass  + iThisOffset * nXSize, 
                pafThisPass  + iNextOffset * nXSize, 
                pafThisPass  + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iLastOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iNextOffset * nXSize,
                pabyFMaskBuf + iThisOffset * nXSize, 
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the top data line that will be rolling out of our     */
/*      buffer.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int iLineToSave = nNewLine - nIterations;

        if( iLineToSave >= 0 && eErr == CE_None )
            iBufOffset = iLineToSave % nBufLines;

            eErr = 
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Write, 
                              0, iLineToSave, nXSize, 1, 
                              pafThisPass + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1, 
                              GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None
            && !pfnProgress( (nNewLine+1) / (double) (nYSize+nIterations), 
                             "Smoothing Filter...", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyTMaskBuf );
    CPLFree( pabyFMaskBuf );
    CPLFree( paf3PassLineBuf );

    return eErr;
예제 #18
파일: ta_gap.c 프로젝트: YannChemin/distRS
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if( argc < 3 ) {
		return 1;
	//Loading the input files names
	char	*inB1	 	= argv[1]; //ETpotd
	char	*inB2	 	= argv[2]; //ETa
	char	*inB3	 	= argv[3]; //FC
	char	*taF	 	= argv[4]; //Ta Gap Outfile
	//Loading the input files
	GDALDatasetH hD1 = GDALOpen(inB1,GA_ReadOnly);//ETpotd
	GDALDatasetH hD2 = GDALOpen(inB2,GA_ReadOnly);//ETa
	GDALDatasetH hD3 = GDALOpen(inB3,GA_ReadOnly);//FC
		printf("One or more input files ");
		printf("could not be loaded\n");
	//Loading the file infos
	GDALDriverH hDr1 = GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD1);
	GDALDatasetH hDOut = GDALCreateCopy(hDr1,taF,hD1,FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	GDALRasterBandH hBOut = GDALGetRasterBand(hDOut,1);
	GDALRasterBandH hB1 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD1,1);//ETpotd
	GDALRasterBandH hB2 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD2,1);//ETa
	GDALRasterBandH hB3 = GDALGetRasterBand(hD3,1);//FC
	int nX = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB1);
	int nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB1);
	int N = nX*nY;
	float *l1 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	float *l2 = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	short int *l3 = (short int *) malloc(sizeof(short int)*N);
	float *lOut = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*N);
	int rowcol;
	#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
	private (rowcol) shared (N, l1, l2, l3, lOut)
		if(l1[rowcol] < 0 || l2[rowcol] < 0
		|| l3[rowcol] < 0) lOut[rowcol] = -28768;
		//FC is in percentage
		lOut[rowcol] = (l1[rowcol] - l2[rowcol]) * l3[rowcol] / 100.0;
	#pragma omp barrier
	if( l1 != NULL ) free( l1 );
	if( l2 != NULL ) free( l2 );
	if( l3 != NULL ) free( l3 );
예제 #19
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	fprintf(stderr, "TASSELED CAP TRANSFORMATION\nVersion %s.%s. Free software. GNU General Public License, version 3\n", PROG_VERSION, DATE_VERSION);
	fprintf(stderr, "Copyright (C) 2016 Igor Garkusha.\nUkraine, Dnipro\n\n");
		fputs("Input parameters not found!\n", stderr);

		fputs("\n", stderr);
		return 1;
    GDALDatasetH  pSrcDataset = NULL;
    GDALDatasetH  pDstDataset = NULL;
    GDALRasterBandH pSrcBand = NULL;
    GDALRasterBandH pDstBand = NULL;
    GDALDriverH pDriver = NULL;

	bool flagNoData = (atoi(argv[argc-1]) == 1)?true:false;
	int sensorIndexFlag = OLI;
	if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "oli") == 0) 	sensorIndexFlag = OLI;
	if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "etm") == 0) 	sensorIndexFlag = ETM;
	if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "tm4") == 0) 	sensorIndexFlag = TM4;
	if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "tm5") == 0) 	sensorIndexFlag = TM5;
	//if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "msi10") == 0) sensorIndexFlag = S2AMSI10;
	if( strcmp(argv[argc-2], "msi") == 0) 	sensorIndexFlag = S2AMSI;
    pSrcDataset = GDALOpen( argv[1], GA_ReadOnly );
    int bands = 0;
			bands = GDALGetRasterCount(pSrcDataset);
			if( ((bands == 6)||(bands == 4)) )
					pSrcBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pSrcDataset, 1);
					if(pSrcBand != NULL)
							int cols  = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(pSrcBand);
							int rows  = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(pSrcBand);

							float NoDataValue = 0;

							pDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff");
							char **papszOptions = NULL;
							pDstDataset = GDALCreate(pDriver, argv[2], cols, rows, COUNT_OUT_BANDS, GDT_Float32, papszOptions);
							double adfGeoTransform[6]={0};
							GDALGetGeoTransform(pSrcDataset, adfGeoTransform );
							const char *szProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef(pSrcDataset);
							GDALSetGeoTransform(pDstDataset, adfGeoTransform );
							GDALSetProjection(pDstDataset, szProjection );
							pDstBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pDstDataset, 1);
							float *pSrcLine = NULL;
							float *pDstLine = NULL;
							pSrcLine = (float*)CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALGetRasterDataType(pSrcBand))*cols);
							pDstLine = (float*)CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALGetRasterDataType(pDstBand))*cols);
							if(flagNoData == false)
								for(int resultBandNumber=1; resultBandNumber <= COUNT_OUT_BANDS; resultBandNumber++)
									fprintf(stderr, "Processing for band %d...\n", resultBandNumber);
									pDstBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pDstDataset, resultBandNumber);

									int pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, START_PROGRESS);
									for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
										for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) pDstLine[j] = 0;
										for(int currentBandNumber=1; currentBandNumber <= bands; currentBandNumber++)
											pSrcBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pSrcDataset, currentBandNumber);		

											GDALRasterIO(pSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, i, cols, 1, pSrcLine, cols, 1, GDALGetRasterDataType(pSrcBand), 0, 0 );
											for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) pDstLine[j] += getTasseledCapValue(pSrcLine[j], sensorIndexFlag, resultBandNumber, currentBandNumber);
										if(sensorIndexFlag == TM5) for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) pDstLine[j] += TM5_TCCoeff[resultBandNumber][6];
										GDALRasterIO(pDstBand, GF_Write, 0, i, cols, 1, pDstLine, cols, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
										pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, i, rows, pr);
									CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, END_PROGRESS);
							else // WITH NODATA VALUE - pixel(1,1)
								for(int resultBandNumber=1; resultBandNumber <= COUNT_OUT_BANDS; resultBandNumber++)
									fprintf(stderr, "Processing for band %d...\n", resultBandNumber);
									pDstBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pDstDataset, resultBandNumber);
									int pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, START_PROGRESS);
									for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
										for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) pDstLine[j] = 0;
										for(int currentBandNumber=1; currentBandNumber <= bands; currentBandNumber++)
											pSrcBand = GDALGetRasterBand(pSrcDataset, currentBandNumber);		
											NoDataValue = CUtils::getFloatNoDataValueAsBackground(pSrcBand);
											GDALRasterIO(pSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, i, cols, 1, pSrcLine, cols, 1, GDALGetRasterDataType(pSrcBand), 0, 0 );
											for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) 
												if(NoDataValue == pSrcLine[j]) pDstLine[j] = NoDataValue;
												else pDstLine[j] += getTasseledCapValue(pSrcLine[j], sensorIndexFlag, resultBandNumber, currentBandNumber);
										if(sensorIndexFlag == TM5)
											for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) if(NoDataValue != pDstLine[j]) pDstLine[j] += TM5_TCCoeff[resultBandNumber][6];
										GDALRasterIO(pDstBand, GF_Write, 0, i, cols, 1, pDstLine, cols, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
										pr = CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, i, rows, pr);
									CUtils::progress_ln_ex(stderr, 0, 0, END_PROGRESS);
							CPLFree(pSrcLine); pSrcLine = NULL;
							CPLFree(pDstLine); pDstLine = NULL;
							if(flagNoData) CUtils::calculateFloatGeoTIFFStatistics(pDstDataset, -1, true);
							else CUtils::calculateFloatGeoTIFFStatistics(pDstDataset, -1, false);
							fputs("Output band:\n\tband1: Brightness, band2: Greenness (Vegetation), band3: Wetness, band4: Haze\n\n", stderr);
							fputs("\nEnd Processing.\n\n", stderr);
				fputs("\nERROR: Source Band Number is Invalid!!!\n", stderr);
				fprintf(stderr, "Source Bands Number: %d!\n\n", bands);
		if(pSrcDataset!=NULL) { GDALClose(pSrcDataset); }
		if(pDstDataset!=NULL) { GDALClose(pDstDataset); }

    return 0;
int equalize_density(char *infile, char *outfile, int fast, int accurate) {
	int xsize, ysize;				// Size of the density grid.
	double *gridx, *gridy;			// Array for grid	
	double **rho;					// Initial population density
	GDALDatasetH hDataset;			// The input density raster file.
	GDALRasterBandH hBand;			// The raster band we are going to use.
	FILE *outfp;					// The morphing file (a text file).
	double adfGeoTransform[6];		// For the georeference of the raster.
	// Register all GDAL drivers.
#if defined (_OPENMP)
	hDataset = GDALOpen(infile, GA_ReadOnly);
    if (hDataset == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error. Unable to open file `%s'\n", infile);
	outfp = fopen(outfile, "w");
	if (outfp == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error. Unable to open file `%s'\n", outfile);
	// Get the raster band for the dataset; we are using the first band.
	hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1);
	if (hBand == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error. Unable to read band 1 in file `%s'\n", infile);
	// Determine the raster size
	xsize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hBand);
	ysize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hBand);
	// Allocate space for the cartogram code to use
	cart_makews(xsize, ysize);
	// Read in the population data, transform it, then destroy it again
	rho = cart_dmalloc(xsize, ysize);
	if (readpop(hBand, rho, xsize, ysize)) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error. Density file contains too few or incorrect data\n");
	cart_transform(rho, xsize, ysize);
	// Create the grid of points
	gridx = malloc((xsize+1)*(ysize+1)*sizeof(double));
	gridy = malloc((xsize+1)*(ysize+1)*sizeof(double));
	creategrid(gridx, gridy, xsize, ysize);
	// Compute the cartogram
	cart_makecart(gridx, gridy, (xsize+1)*(ysize+1), xsize, ysize, 0.0);
	// Write out the final positions of the grid points
	GDALGetGeoTransform(hDataset, adfGeoTransform);
	writepoints(outfp, gridx, gridy, xsize, ysize, adfGeoTransform);
	//writepoints(outfp, gridx, gridy, (xsize+1)*(ysize+1));
	// Free up the allocated memory
	cart_freews(xsize, ysize);
	// Close the input and output files
	return 0;
예제 #21
GDALSieveFilter( GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand,
                 GDALRasterBandH hDstBand,
                 int nSizeThreshold, int nConnectedness,
                 char **papszOptions,
                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                 void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hSrcBand, "GDALSieveFilter", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hDstBand, "GDALSieveFilter", CE_Failure );

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate working buffers.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hSrcBand );
    int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hSrcBand );
    GInt32 *panLastLineVal = (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);
    GInt32 *panThisLineVal = (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);
    GInt32 *panLastLineId =  (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);
    GInt32 *panThisLineId =  (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);
    GInt32 *panThisLineWriteVal = (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);
    GByte *pabyMaskLine = (hMaskBand != NULL) ? (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize) : NULL;
    if (panLastLineVal == NULL || panThisLineVal == NULL ||
        panLastLineId == NULL || panThisLineId == NULL ||
        panThisLineWriteVal == NULL ||
        (hMaskBand != NULL && pabyMaskLine == NULL))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Could not allocate enough memory for temporary buffers");
        CPLFree( panThisLineId );
        CPLFree( panLastLineId );
        CPLFree( panThisLineVal );
        CPLFree( panLastLineVal );
        CPLFree( panThisLineWriteVal );
        CPLFree( pabyMaskLine );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The first pass over the raster is only used to build up the     */
/*      polygon id map so we will know in advance what polygons are     */
/*      what on the second pass.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iY, iX, iPoly;
    GDALRasterPolygonEnumerator oFirstEnum( nConnectedness );
    std::vector<int> anPolySizes;

    for( iY = 0; eErr == CE_None && iY < nYSize; iY++ )
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( 
            GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
            panThisLineVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr == CE_None && hMaskBand != NULL )
            eErr = GPMaskImageData( hMaskBand, pabyMaskLine, iY, nXSize, panThisLineVal );

        if( iY == 0 )
                NULL, panThisLineVal, NULL, panThisLineId, nXSize );
                panLastLineVal, panThisLineVal, 
                panLastLineId,  panThisLineId, 
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Accumulate polygon sizes.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( oFirstEnum.nNextPolygonId > (int) anPolySizes.size() )
            anPolySizes.resize( oFirstEnum.nNextPolygonId );

        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            iPoly = panThisLineId[iX]; 

            CPLAssert( iPoly >= 0 );
            anPolySizes[iPoly] += 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      swap this/last lines.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GInt32 *panTmp = panLastLineVal;
        panLastLineVal = panThisLineVal;
        panThisLineVal = panTmp;

        panTmp = panThisLineId;
        panThisLineId = panLastLineId;
        panLastLineId = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress, and support interrupts.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None 
            && !pfnProgress( 0.25 * ((iY+1) / (double) nYSize), 
                             "", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Make a pass through the maps, ensuring every polygon id         */
/*      points to the final id it should use, not an intermediate       */
/*      value.                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Push the sizes of merged polygon fragments into the the         */
/*      merged polygon id's count.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iPoly = 0; iPoly < oFirstEnum.nNextPolygonId; iPoly++ )
        if( oFirstEnum.panPolyIdMap[iPoly] != iPoly )
            anPolySizes[oFirstEnum.panPolyIdMap[iPoly]] += anPolySizes[iPoly];
            anPolySizes[iPoly] = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We will use a new enumerator for the second pass primariliy     */
/*      so we can preserve the first pass map.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALRasterPolygonEnumerator oSecondEnum( nConnectedness );

    std::vector<int> anBigNeighbour;
    anBigNeighbour.resize( anPolySizes.size() );

    for( iPoly = 0; iPoly < (int) anPolySizes.size(); iPoly++ )
        anBigNeighbour[iPoly] = -1;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Second pass ... identify the largest neighbour for each         */
/*      polygon.                                                        */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iY = 0; eErr == CE_None && iY < nYSize; iY++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the image data.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                             panThisLineVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0 );

        if( eErr == CE_None && hMaskBand != NULL )
            eErr = GPMaskImageData( hMaskBand, pabyMaskLine, iY, nXSize, panThisLineVal );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine what polygon the various pixels belong to (redoing    */
/*      the same thing done in the first pass above).                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( iY == 0 )
                NULL, panThisLineVal, NULL, panThisLineId, nXSize );
                panLastLineVal, panThisLineVal, 
                panLastLineId,  panThisLineId, 
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check our neighbours, and update our biggest neighbour map      */
/*      as appropriate.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            if( iY > 0 )
                CompareNeighbour( panThisLineId[iX], 
                                  anPolySizes, anBigNeighbour );

                if( iX > 0 && nConnectedness == 8 )
                    CompareNeighbour( panThisLineId[iX], 
                                      anPolySizes, anBigNeighbour );
                if( iX < nXSize-1 && nConnectedness == 8 )
                    CompareNeighbour( panThisLineId[iX], 
                                      anPolySizes, anBigNeighbour );
            if( iX > 0 )
                CompareNeighbour( panThisLineId[iX], 
                                  anPolySizes, anBigNeighbour );

            // We don't need to compare to next pixel or next line
            // since they will be compared to us.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Swap pixel value, and polygon id lines to be ready for the      */
/*      next line.                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GInt32 *panTmp = panLastLineVal;
        panLastLineVal = panThisLineVal;
        panThisLineVal = panTmp;

        panTmp = panThisLineId;
        panThisLineId = panLastLineId;
        panLastLineId = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress, and support interrupts.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None 
            && !pfnProgress( 0.25 + 0.25 * ((iY+1) / (double) nYSize), 
                             "", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If our biggest neighbour is still smaller than the              */
/*      threshold, then try tracking to that polygons biggest           */
/*      neighbour, and so forth.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nFailedMerges = 0;
    int nIsolatedSmall = 0;
    int nSieveTargets = 0;

    for( iPoly = 0; iPoly < (int) anPolySizes.size(); iPoly++ )
        if( oFirstEnum.panPolyIdMap[iPoly] != iPoly )

        // Ignore nodata polygons. 
        if( oFirstEnum.panPolyValue[iPoly] == GP_NODATA_MARKER )

        // Don't try to merge polygons larger than the threshold.
        if( anPolySizes[iPoly] >= nSizeThreshold )
            anBigNeighbour[iPoly] = -1;


        // if we have no neighbours but we are small, what shall we do?
        if( anBigNeighbour[iPoly] == -1 )

        // If our biggest neighbour is larger than the threshold
        // then we are golden. 
        if( anPolySizes[anBigNeighbour[iPoly]] >= nSizeThreshold )

#ifdef notdef
        // Will our neighbours biggest neighbour do?  
        // Eventually we need something sort of recursive here with
        // loop detection.
        if( anPolySizes[anBigNeighbour[anBigNeighbour[iPoly]]] 
            >= nSizeThreshold )
            anBigNeighbour[iPoly] = anBigNeighbour[anBigNeighbour[iPoly]];

        anBigNeighbour[iPoly] = -1;

    CPLDebug( "GDALSieveFilter", 
              "Small Polygons: %d, Isolated: %d, Unmergable: %d",
              nSieveTargets, nIsolatedSmall, nFailedMerges );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Make a third pass over the image, actually applying the         */
/*      merges.  We reuse the second enumerator but preserve the        */
/*      "final maps" from the first.                                    */
/* ==================================================================== */

    for( iY = 0; eErr == CE_None && iY < nYSize; iY++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the image data.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                             panThisLineVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0 );

        memcpy( panThisLineWriteVal, panThisLineVal, 4 * nXSize );

        if( eErr == CE_None && hMaskBand != NULL )
            eErr = GPMaskImageData( hMaskBand, pabyMaskLine, iY, nXSize, panThisLineVal );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine what polygon the various pixels belong to (redoing    */
/*      the same thing done in the first pass above).                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( iY == 0 )
                NULL, panThisLineVal, NULL, panThisLineId, nXSize );
                panLastLineVal, panThisLineVal, 
                panLastLineId,  panThisLineId, 
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Reprocess the actual pixel values according to the polygon      */
/*      merging, and write out this line of image data.                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize; iX++ )
            int iThisPoly = oFirstEnum.panPolyIdMap[panThisLineId[iX]];

            if( anBigNeighbour[iThisPoly] != -1 )
                panThisLineWriteVal[iX] = 

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the update data out.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( hDstBand, GF_Write, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                             panThisLineWriteVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Swap pixel value, and polygon id lines to be ready for the      */
/*      next line.                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        GInt32 *panTmp = panLastLineVal;
        panLastLineVal = panThisLineVal;
        panThisLineVal = panTmp;

        panTmp = panThisLineId;
        panThisLineId = panLastLineId;
        panLastLineId = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress, and support interrupts.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None 
            && !pfnProgress( 0.5 + 0.5 * ((iY+1) / (double) nYSize), 
                             "", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( panThisLineId );
    CPLFree( panLastLineId );
    CPLFree( panThisLineVal );
    CPLFree( panLastLineVal );
    CPLFree( panThisLineWriteVal );
    CPLFree( pabyMaskLine );

    return eErr;
예제 #22
GDALComputeProximity(GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand,
                     GDALRasterBandH hProximityBand,
                     char **papszOptions,
                     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                     void *pProgressArg)

    int        nXSize, nYSize, i, bFixedBufVal = FALSE;
    const char *pszOpt;
    double     dfMaxDist;
    double     dfFixedBufVal = 0.0;

    VALIDATE_POINTER1(hSrcBand, "GDALComputeProximity", CE_Failure);
    VALIDATE_POINTER1(hProximityBand, "GDALComputeProximity", CE_Failure);

    if (pfnProgress == NULL)
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we using pixels or georeferenced coordinates for distances? */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double dfDistMult = 1.0;
    pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DISTUNITS");
    if (pszOpt)
        if (EQUAL(pszOpt, "GEO"))
            GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = GDALGetBandDataset(hSrcBand);
            if (hSrcDS)
                double adfGeoTransform[6];

                GDALGetGeoTransform(hSrcDS, adfGeoTransform);
                if (ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]) != ABS(adfGeoTransform[5]))
                    CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "Pixels not square, distances will be inaccurate.");

                dfDistMult = ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]);
        else if (!EQUAL(pszOpt, "PIXEL"))
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Unrecognised DISTUNITS value '%s', should be GEO or PIXEL.",
            return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What is our maxdist value?                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "MAXDIST");
    if (pszOpt)
        dfMaxDist = atof(pszOpt) / dfDistMult;
        dfMaxDist = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hSrcBand) + GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hSrcBand);

    CPLDebug("GDAL", "MAXDIST=%g, DISTMULT=%g", dfMaxDist, dfDistMult);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify the source and destination are compatible.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hSrcBand);
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hSrcBand);
    if (nXSize != GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hProximityBand)
        || nYSize != GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hProximityBand))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Source and proximity bands are not the same size.");
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get output NODATA value.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    float fNoDataValue;
    pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "NODATA");
    if (pszOpt != NULL)
        fNoDataValue = (float) atof(pszOpt);
        int bSuccess;

        fNoDataValue = (float) GDALGetRasterNoDataValue(hProximityBand, &bSuccess);
        if (!bSuccess)
            fNoDataValue = 65535.0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is there a fixed value we wish to force the buffer area to?     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "FIXED_BUF_VAL");
    if (pszOpt)
        dfFixedBufVal = atof(pszOpt);
        bFixedBufVal  = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the target value(s).                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int *panTargetValues = NULL;
    int nTargetValues    = 0;

    pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "VALUES");
    if (pszOpt != NULL)
        char **papszValuesTokens;

        papszValuesTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszOpt, ",", FALSE, FALSE);

        nTargetValues   = CSLCount(papszValuesTokens);
        panTargetValues = (int*) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int), nTargetValues);

        for (i = 0; i < nTargetValues; i++)
            panTargetValues[i] = atoi(papszValuesTokens[i]);


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize progress counter.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (!pfnProgress(0.0, "", pProgressArg))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated");
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We need a signed type for the working proximity values kept     */
/*      on disk.  If our proximity band is not signed, then create a    */
/*      temporary file for this purpose.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALRasterBandH hWorkProximityBand = hProximityBand;
    GDALDatasetH    hWorkProximityDS   = NULL;
    GDALDataType    eProxType          = GDALGetRasterDataType(hProximityBand);
    int             *panNearX          = NULL, *panNearY = NULL;
    float           *pafProximity      = NULL;
    GInt32          *panSrcScanline    = NULL;
    int             iLine;
    CPLErr          eErr = CE_None;

    if (eProxType == GDT_Byte
        || eProxType == GDT_UInt16
        || eProxType == GDT_UInt32)
        GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff");
        if (hDriver == NULL)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "GDALComputeProximity needs GTiff driver");
            eErr = CE_Failure;
            goto end;

        CPLString osTmpFile = CPLGenerateTempFilename("proximity");
        hWorkProximityDS =
            GDALCreate(hDriver, osTmpFile,
                       nXSize, nYSize, 1, GDT_Float32, NULL);
        if (hWorkProximityDS == NULL)
            eErr = CE_Failure;
            goto end;

        hWorkProximityBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hWorkProximityDS, 1);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate buffer for two scanlines of distances as floats        */
/*      (the current and last line).                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pafProximity   = (float*) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(float), nXSize);
    panNearX       = (int*) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(int), nXSize);
    panNearY       = (int*) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(int), nXSize);
    panSrcScanline = (GInt32*) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32), nXSize);

    if (pafProximity == NULL
        || panNearX == NULL
        || panNearY == NULL
        || panSrcScanline == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Out of memory allocating working buffers.");
        eErr = CE_Failure;
        goto end;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop from top to bottom of the image.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    for (i = 0; i < nXSize; i++)
        panNearX[i] = panNearY[i] = -1;

    for (iLine = 0; eErr == CE_None && iLine < nYSize; iLine++)
        // Read for target values.
        eErr = GDALRasterIO(hSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                            panSrcScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0);
        if (eErr != CE_None)

        for (i = 0; i < nXSize; i++)
            pafProximity[i] = -1.0;

        // Left to right
        ProcessProximityLine(panSrcScanline, panNearX, panNearY,
                             TRUE, iLine, nXSize, dfMaxDist,
                             pafProximity, nTargetValues, panTargetValues);

        // Right to Left
        ProcessProximityLine(panSrcScanline, panNearX, panNearY,
                             FALSE, iLine, nXSize, dfMaxDist,
                             pafProximity, nTargetValues, panTargetValues);

        // Write out results.
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO(hWorkProximityBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                         pafProximity, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);

        if (eErr != CE_None)

        if (!pfnProgress(0.5 * (iLine + 1) / (double) nYSize,
                         "", pProgressArg))
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated");
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop from bottom to top of the image.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for (i = 0; i < nXSize; i++)
        panNearX[i] = panNearY[i] = -1;

    for (iLine = nYSize - 1; eErr == CE_None && iLine >= 0; iLine--)
        // Read first pass proximity
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO(hWorkProximityBand, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                         pafProximity, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);

        if (eErr != CE_None)

        // Read pixel values.

        eErr = GDALRasterIO(hSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                            panSrcScanline, nXSize, 1, GDT_Int32, 0, 0);
        if (eErr != CE_None)

        // Right to left
        ProcessProximityLine(panSrcScanline, panNearX, panNearY,
                             FALSE, iLine, nXSize, dfMaxDist,
                             pafProximity, nTargetValues, panTargetValues);

        // Left to right
        ProcessProximityLine(panSrcScanline, panNearX, panNearY,
                             TRUE, iLine, nXSize, dfMaxDist,
                             pafProximity, nTargetValues, panTargetValues);

        // Final post processing of distances.
        for (i = 0; i < nXSize; i++)
            if (pafProximity[i] < 0.0)
                pafProximity[i] = fNoDataValue;
            else if (pafProximity[i] > 0.0)
                if (bFixedBufVal)
                    pafProximity[i] = (float) dfFixedBufVal;
                    pafProximity[i] = (float)(pafProximity[i] * dfDistMult);

        // Write out results.
        eErr =
            GDALRasterIO(hProximityBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                         pafProximity, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);

        if (eErr != CE_None)

        if (!pfnProgress(0.5 + 0.5 * (nYSize - iLine) / (double) nYSize,
                         "", pProgressArg))
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated");
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (hWorkProximityDS != NULL)
        CPLString osProxFile = GDALGetDescription(hWorkProximityDS);
        GDALDeleteDataset(GDALGetDriverByName("GTiff"), osProxFile);

    return eErr;
예제 #23
static CPLErr
GDALMultiFilter( GDALRasterBandH hTargetBand,
                 GDALRasterBandH hTargetMaskBand,
                 GDALRasterBandH hFiltMaskBand,
                 int nIterations,
                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                 void * pProgressArg )

    const int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hTargetBand);
    const int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hTargetBand);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report starting progress value.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, "Smoothing Filter...", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate rotating buffers.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const int nBufLines = nIterations + 2;

    GByte *pabyTMaskBuf =
        static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nXSize, nBufLines));
    GByte *pabyFMaskBuf =
        static_cast<GByte *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nXSize, nBufLines));

    float *paf3PassLineBuf = static_cast<float *>(
        VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE(nXSize, nBufLines, 3 * sizeof(float)));
    if( pabyTMaskBuf == nullptr || pabyFMaskBuf == nullptr ||
        paf3PassLineBuf == nullptr )
        CPLFree( pabyTMaskBuf );
        CPLFree( pabyFMaskBuf );
        CPLFree( paf3PassLineBuf );

        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process rotating buffers.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;

    int iPassCounter = 0;

    for( int nNewLine = 0;  // Line being loaded (zero based scanline).
         eErr == CE_None && nNewLine < nYSize+nIterations;
         nNewLine++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Rotate pass buffers.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        iPassCounter = (iPassCounter + 1) % 3;

        float * const pafSLastPass =
            paf3PassLineBuf + ((iPassCounter + 0) % 3) * nXSize * nBufLines;
        float * const pafLastPass =
            paf3PassLineBuf + ((iPassCounter + 1) % 3) * nXSize * nBufLines;
        float * const pafThisPass =
            paf3PassLineBuf + ((iPassCounter + 2) % 3) * nXSize * nBufLines;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Where does the new line go in the rotating buffer?              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const int iBufOffset = nNewLine % nBufLines;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the new data line if it is't off the bottom of the         */
/*      image.                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( nNewLine < nYSize )
            eErr =
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetMaskBand, GF_Read,
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1,
                              pabyTMaskBuf + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1,
                              GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

            if( eErr != CE_None )

            eErr =
                GDALRasterIO( hFiltMaskBand, GF_Read,
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1,
                              pabyFMaskBuf + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1,
                              GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

            if( eErr != CE_None )

            eErr =
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Read,
                              0, nNewLine, nXSize, 1,
                              pafThisPass + nXSize * iBufOffset, nXSize, 1,
                              GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

            if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over the loaded data, applying the filter to all loaded    */
/*      lines with neighbours.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( int iFLine = nNewLine-1;
             eErr == CE_None && iFLine >= nNewLine-nIterations;
             iFLine-- )
            const int iLastOffset = (iFLine-1) % nBufLines;
            const int iThisOffset = (iFLine  ) % nBufLines;
            const int iNextOffset = (iFLine+1) % nBufLines;

            // Default to preserving the old value.
            if( iFLine >= 0 )
                memcpy( pafThisPass + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                        pafLastPass + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                        sizeof(float) * nXSize );

            // TODO: Enable first and last line.
            // Skip the first and last line.
            if( iFLine < 1 || iFLine >= nYSize-1 )

                pafSLastPass + iLastOffset * nXSize,
                pafLastPass  + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                pafThisPass  + iNextOffset * nXSize,
                pafThisPass  + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iLastOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                pabyTMaskBuf + iNextOffset * nXSize,
                pabyFMaskBuf + iThisOffset * nXSize,
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the top data line that will be rolling out of our     */
/*      buffer.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const int iLineToSave = nNewLine - nIterations;

        if( iLineToSave >= 0 && eErr == CE_None )
            const int iBufOffset2 = iLineToSave % nBufLines;

            eErr =
                GDALRasterIO( hTargetBand, GF_Write,
                              0, iLineToSave, nXSize, 1,
                              pafThisPass + nXSize * iBufOffset2, nXSize, 1,
                              GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None &&
                (nNewLine + 1) / static_cast<double>(nYSize+nIterations),
                "Smoothing Filter...", pProgressArg) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyTMaskBuf );
    CPLFree( pabyFMaskBuf );
    CPLFree( paf3PassLineBuf );

    return eErr;
예제 #24
GDALComputeMedianCutPCTInternal( GDALRasterBandH hRed,
                                 GDALRasterBandH hGreen,
                                 GDALRasterBandH hBlue,
                                 GByte* pabyRedBand,
                                 GByte* pabyGreenBand,
                                 GByte* pabyBlueBand,
                                 int (*pfnIncludePixel)(int,int,void*),
                                 int nColors,
                                 int nBits,
                                 int* panHistogram, /* NULL, or at least of size (1<<nBits)^3 * sizeof(int) bytes */
                                 GDALColorTableH hColorTable,
                                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                 void * pProgressArg )

    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hRed, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGreen, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hBlue, "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT", CE_Failure );

    int		nXSize, nYSize;
    CPLErr err = CE_None;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Validate parameters.                                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hRed );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hRed );

    if( GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hGreen ) != nXSize
            || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hGreen ) != nYSize
            || GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBlue ) != nXSize
            || GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBlue ) != nYSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "Green or blue band doesn't match size of red band.\n" );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnIncludePixel != NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() doesn't currently support "
                  " pfnIncludePixel function." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if ( nColors <= 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() : nColors must be strictly greater than 1." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if ( nColors > 256 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "GDALComputeMedianCutPCT() : nColors must be lesser than or equal to 256." );

        return CE_Failure;

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

    /* ==================================================================== */
    /*      STEP 1: create empty boxes.                                     */
    /* ==================================================================== */
    int	     i;
    Colorbox *box_list, *ptr;
    int* histogram;
    Colorbox *freeboxes;
    Colorbox *usedboxes;
    int nCLevels = 1 << nBits;
    int nColorShift = 8 - nBits;
    int nColorCounter = 0;
    GByte anRed[256], anGreen[256], anBlue[256];
    int nPixels = 0;
    HashHistogram* psHashHistogram = NULL;

    if( nBits == 8 && pabyRedBand != NULL && pabyGreenBand != NULL &&
            pabyBlueBand != NULL && nXSize < INT_MAX / nYSize )
        nPixels = nXSize * nYSize;

    if( panHistogram )
        if( nBits == 8 && (GIntBig)nXSize * nYSize <= 65536 )
            /* If the image is small enough, then the number of colors */
            /* will be limited and using a hashmap, rather than a full table */
            /* will be more efficient */
            histogram = NULL;
            psHashHistogram = (HashHistogram*)panHistogram;
            memset(psHashHistogram, 0xFF, sizeof(HashHistogram) * PRIME_FOR_65536);
            histogram = panHistogram;
            memset(histogram, 0, nCLevels*nCLevels*nCLevels * sizeof(int));
        histogram = (int*) VSICalloc(nCLevels*nCLevels*nCLevels,sizeof(int));
        if( histogram == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                      "VSICalloc(): Out of memory in GDALComputeMedianCutPCT" );
            return CE_Failure;
    usedboxes = NULL;
    box_list = freeboxes = (Colorbox *)CPLMalloc(nColors*sizeof (Colorbox));
    freeboxes[0].next = &freeboxes[1];
    freeboxes[0].prev = NULL;
    for (i = 1; i < nColors-1; ++i) {
        freeboxes[i].next = &freeboxes[i+1];
        freeboxes[i].prev = &freeboxes[i-1];
    freeboxes[nColors-1].next = NULL;
    freeboxes[nColors-1].prev = &freeboxes[nColors-2];

    /* ==================================================================== */
    /*      Build histogram.                                                */
    /* ==================================================================== */
    GByte	*pabyRedLine, *pabyGreenLine, *pabyBlueLine;
    int		iLine, iPixel;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Initialize the box datastructures.                              */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ptr = freeboxes;
    freeboxes = ptr->next;
    if (freeboxes)
        freeboxes->prev = NULL;
    ptr->next = usedboxes;
    usedboxes = ptr;
    if (ptr->next)
        ptr->next->prev = ptr;

    ptr->rmin = ptr->gmin = ptr->bmin = 999;
    ptr->rmax = ptr->gmax = ptr->bmax = -1;
    ptr->total = nXSize * nYSize;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Collect histogram.                                              */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pabyRedLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyGreenLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);
    pabyBlueLine = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize);

    if (pabyRedLine == NULL ||
            pabyGreenLine == NULL ||
            pabyBlueLine == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "VSIMalloc(): Out of memory in GDALComputeMedianCutPCT" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    for( iLine = 0; iLine < nYSize; iLine++ )
        if( !pfnProgress( iLine / (double) nYSize,
                          "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
            err = CE_Failure;
            goto end_and_cleanup;

        GDALRasterIO( hRed, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyRedLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hGreen, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyGreenLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( hBlue, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pabyBlueLine, nXSize, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );

        for( iPixel = 0; iPixel < nXSize; iPixel++ )
            int	nRed, nGreen, nBlue;

            nRed = pabyRedLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;
            nGreen = pabyGreenLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;
            nBlue = pabyBlueLine[iPixel] >> nColorShift;

            ptr->rmin = MIN(ptr->rmin, nRed);
            ptr->gmin = MIN(ptr->gmin, nGreen);
            ptr->bmin = MIN(ptr->bmin, nBlue);
            ptr->rmax = MAX(ptr->rmax, nRed);
            ptr->gmax = MAX(ptr->gmax, nGreen);
            ptr->bmax = MAX(ptr->bmax, nBlue);

            int* pnColor;
            if( psHashHistogram )
                pnColor = FindAndInsertColorCount(psHashHistogram,
                                                  MAKE_COLOR_CODE(nRed, nGreen, nBlue));
                pnColor = &HISTOGRAM(histogram, nCLevels, nRed, nGreen, nBlue);
            if( *pnColor == 0 )
                if( nColorShift == 0 && nColorCounter < nColors )
                    anRed[nColorCounter] = nRed;
                    anGreen[nColorCounter] = nGreen;
                    anBlue[nColorCounter] = nBlue;
            (*pnColor) ++;

    if( !pfnProgress( 1.0, "Generating Histogram", pProgressArg ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User Terminated" );
        err = CE_Failure;
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    if( nColorShift == 0 && nColorCounter <= nColors )
        //CPLDebug("MEDIAN_CUT", "%d colors found <= %d", nColorCounter, nColors);
        for(int iColor = 0; iColor<nColorCounter; iColor++)
            GDALColorEntry  sEntry;
            sEntry.c1 = (GByte) anRed[iColor];
            sEntry.c2 = (GByte) anGreen[iColor];
            sEntry.c3 = (GByte) anBlue[iColor];
            sEntry.c4 = 255;
            GDALSetColorEntry( hColorTable, iColor, &sEntry );
        goto end_and_cleanup;

    /* ==================================================================== */
    /*      STEP 3: continually subdivide boxes until no more free          */
    /*      boxes remain or until all colors assigned.                      */
    /* ==================================================================== */
    while (freeboxes != NULL) {
        ptr = largest_box(usedboxes);
        if (ptr != NULL)
            splitbox(ptr, histogram, psHashHistogram, nCLevels, &freeboxes, &usedboxes,
                     pabyRedBand, pabyGreenBand, pabyBlueBand, nPixels);
            freeboxes = NULL;

    /* ==================================================================== */
    /*      STEP 4: assign colors to all boxes                              */
    /* ==================================================================== */
    for (i = 0, ptr = usedboxes; ptr != NULL; ++i, ptr = ptr->next)
        GDALColorEntry	sEntry;

        sEntry.c1 = (GByte) (((ptr->rmin + ptr->rmax) << nColorShift) / 2);
        sEntry.c2 = (GByte) (((ptr->gmin + ptr->gmax) << nColorShift) / 2);
        sEntry.c3 = (GByte) (((ptr->bmin + ptr->bmax) << nColorShift) / 2);
        sEntry.c4 = 255;
        GDALSetColorEntry( hColorTable, i, &sEntry );

    CPLFree( pabyRedLine );
    CPLFree( pabyGreenLine );
    CPLFree( pabyBlueLine );

    /* We're done with the boxes now */
    freeboxes = usedboxes = NULL;

    if( panHistogram == NULL )
        CPLFree( histogram );

    return err;
예제 #25
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    GDALDatasetH	hDataset;
    GDALRasterBandH	hBand;
    int			i, iBand;
    double		adfGeoTransform[6];
    GDALDriverH		hDriver;
    char		**papszMetadata;
    int                 bComputeMinMax = FALSE, bSample = FALSE;
    int                 bShowGCPs = TRUE, bShowMetadata = TRUE, bShowRAT=TRUE;
    int                 bStats = FALSE, bApproxStats = TRUE, iMDD;
    int                 bShowColorTable = TRUE, bComputeChecksum = FALSE;
    int                 bReportHistograms = FALSE;
    const char          *pszFilename = NULL;
    char              **papszExtraMDDomains = NULL, **papszFileList;
    const char  *pszProjection = NULL;
    OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform = NULL;

    /* Check that we are running against at least GDAL 1.5 */
    /* Note to developers : if we use newer API, please change the requirement */
    if (atoi(GDALVersionInfo("VERSION_NUM")) < 1500)
        fprintf(stderr, "At least, GDAL >= 1.5.0 is required for this version of %s, "
                "which was compiled against GDAL %s\n", argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME);

    /* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */
    /* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */
    /* for the --format or --formats options */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") && i + 2 < argc && EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP") )
            CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] );

            i += 2;


    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n",
                   argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            return 0;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-mm") )
            bComputeMinMax = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-hist") )
            bReportHistograms = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats") )
            bStats = TRUE;
            bApproxStats = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats") )
            bStats = TRUE;
            bApproxStats = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-sample") )
            bSample = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-checksum") )
            bComputeChecksum = TRUE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-nogcp") )
            bShowGCPs = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-nomd") )
            bShowMetadata = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-norat") )
            bShowRAT = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-noct") )
            bShowColorTable = FALSE;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-mdd") && i < argc-1 )
            papszExtraMDDomains = CSLAddString( papszExtraMDDomains,
                                                argv[++i] );
        else if( argv[i][0] == '-' )
        else if( pszFilename == NULL )
            pszFilename = argv[i];

    if( pszFilename == NULL )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open dataset.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDataset = GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf( stderr,
                 "gdalinfo failed - unable to open '%s'.\n",
                 pszFilename );

        CSLDestroy( argv );
        GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );


        CPLDumpSharedList( NULL );

        exit( 1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report general info.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );
    printf( "Driver: %s/%s\n",
            GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ),
            GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );

    papszFileList = GDALGetFileList( hDataset );
    if( CSLCount(papszFileList) == 0 )
        printf( "Files: none associated\n" );
        printf( "Files: %s\n", papszFileList[0] );
        for( i = 1; papszFileList[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "       %s\n", papszFileList[i] );
    CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

    printf( "Size is %d, %d\n",
            GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset ), 
            GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report projection.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) != NULL )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
        char		      *pszProjection;

        pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset );

        hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
        if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
            char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

            OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
            printf( "Coordinate System is:\n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
            CPLFree( pszPrettyWkt );
            printf( "Coordinate System is `%s'\n",
                    GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );

        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report Geotransform.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        if( adfGeoTransform[2] == 0.0 && adfGeoTransform[4] == 0.0 )
            printf( "Origin = (%.15f,%.15f)\n",
                    adfGeoTransform[0], adfGeoTransform[3] );

            printf( "Pixel Size = (%.15f,%.15f)\n",
                    adfGeoTransform[1], adfGeoTransform[5] );
            printf( "GeoTransform =\n"
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n"
                    "  %.16g, %.16g, %.16g\n", 
                    adfGeoTransform[5] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report GCPs.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bShowGCPs && GDALGetGCPCount( hDataset ) > 0 )
        if (GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset) != NULL)
            OGRSpatialReferenceH  hSRS;
            char		      *pszProjection;

            pszProjection = (char *) GDALGetGCPProjection( hDataset );

            hSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference(NULL);
            if( OSRImportFromWkt( hSRS, &pszProjection ) == CE_None )
                char	*pszPrettyWkt = NULL;

                OSRExportToPrettyWkt( hSRS, &pszPrettyWkt, FALSE );
                printf( "GCP Projection = \n%s\n", pszPrettyWkt );
                CPLFree( pszPrettyWkt );
                printf( "GCP Projection = %s\n",
                        GDALGetGCPProjection( hDataset ) );

            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSRS );

        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset); i++ )
            const GDAL_GCP	*psGCP;
            psGCP = GDALGetGCPs( hDataset ) + i;

            printf( "GCP[%3d]: Id=%s, Info=%s\n"
                    "          (%.15g,%.15g) -> (%.15g,%.15g,%.15g)\n", 
                    i, psGCP->pszId, psGCP->pszInfo, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPPixel, psGCP->dfGCPLine, 
                    psGCP->dfGCPX, psGCP->dfGCPY, psGCP->dfGCPZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report metadata.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, NULL ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

    for( iMDD = 0; bShowMetadata && iMDD < CSLCount(papszExtraMDDomains); iMDD++ )
        papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, papszExtraMDDomains[iMDD] );
        if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "Metadata (%s):\n", papszExtraMDDomains[iMDD]);
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" metadata.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Image Structure Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report subdatasets.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "SUBDATASETS" );
    if( CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Subdatasets:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report geolocation.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "GEOLOCATION" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "Geolocation:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report RPCs                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hDataset, "RPC" ) : NULL;
    if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
        printf( "RPC Metadata:\n" );
        for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
            printf( "  %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup projected to lat/long transform if appropriate.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        pszProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef(hDataset);

    if( pszProjection != NULL && strlen(pszProjection) > 0 )
        OGRSpatialReferenceH hProj, hLatLong = NULL;

        hProj = OSRNewSpatialReference( pszProjection );
        if( hProj != NULL )
            hLatLong = OSRCloneGeogCS( hProj );

        if( hLatLong != NULL )
            CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
            hTransform = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( hProj, hLatLong );
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hLatLong );

        if( hProj != NULL )
            OSRDestroySpatialReference( hProj );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report corners.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    printf( "Corner Coordinates:\n" );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Left", 
                          0.0, 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Left", 
                          0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset));
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Upper Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0 );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Lower Right", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset) );
    GDALInfoReportCorner( hDataset, hTransform, "Center", 
                          GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)/2.0 );

    if( hTransform != NULL )
        OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hTransform );
        hTransform = NULL;
/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop over bands.                                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iBand = 0; iBand < GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset ); iBand++ )
        double      dfMin, dfMax, adfCMinMax[2], dfNoData;
        int         bGotMin, bGotMax, bGotNodata, bSuccess;
        int         nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize, nMaskFlags;
        double      dfMean, dfStdDev;
        GDALColorTableH	hTable;
        CPLErr      eErr;

        hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, iBand+1 );

        if( bSample )
            float afSample[10000];
            int   nCount;

            nCount = GDALGetRandomRasterSample( hBand, 10000, afSample );
            printf( "Got %d samples.\n", nCount );
        GDALGetBlockSize( hBand, &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
        printf( "Band %d Block=%dx%d Type=%s, ColorInterp=%s\n", iBand+1,
                nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
                    GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand)) );

        if( GDALGetDescription( hBand ) != NULL 
            && strlen(GDALGetDescription( hBand )) > 0 )
            printf( "  Description = %s\n", GDALGetDescription(hBand) );

        dfMin = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
        dfMax = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
        if( bGotMin || bGotMax || bComputeMinMax )
            printf( "  " );
            if( bGotMin )
                printf( "Min=%.3f ", dfMin );
            if( bGotMax )
                printf( "Max=%.3f ", dfMax );
            if( bComputeMinMax )
                GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, FALSE, adfCMinMax );
                if (CPLGetLastErrorType() == CE_None)
                  printf( "  Computed Min/Max=%.3f,%.3f", 
                          adfCMinMax[0], adfCMinMax[1] );

            printf( "\n" );

        eErr = GDALGetRasterStatistics( hBand, bApproxStats, bStats, 
                                        &dfMin, &dfMax, &dfMean, &dfStdDev );
        if( eErr == CE_None )
            printf( "  Minimum=%.3f, Maximum=%.3f, Mean=%.3f, StdDev=%.3f\n",
                    dfMin, dfMax, dfMean, dfStdDev );

        if( bReportHistograms )
            int nBucketCount, *panHistogram = NULL;

            eErr = GDALGetDefaultHistogram( hBand, &dfMin, &dfMax, 
                                            &nBucketCount, &panHistogram, 
                                            TRUE, GDALTermProgress, NULL );
            if( eErr == CE_None )
                int iBucket;

                printf( "  %d buckets from %g to %g:\n  ",
                        nBucketCount, dfMin, dfMax );
                for( iBucket = 0; iBucket < nBucketCount; iBucket++ )
                    printf( "%d ", panHistogram[iBucket] );
                printf( "\n" );
                CPLFree( panHistogram );

        if ( bComputeChecksum)
            printf( "  Checksum=%d\n",
                    GDALChecksumImage(hBand, 0, 0,

        dfNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, &bGotNodata );
        if( bGotNodata )
            printf( "  NoData Value=%.18g\n", dfNoData );

        if( GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand) > 0 )
            int		iOverview;

            printf( "  Overviews: " );
            for( iOverview = 0; 
                 iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                 iOverview++ )
                GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;
                const char *pszResampling = NULL;

                if( iOverview != 0 )
                    printf( ", " );

                hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                printf( "%dx%d", 
                        GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                        GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );

                pszResampling = 
                    GDALGetMetadataItem( hOverview, "RESAMPLING", "" );

                if( pszResampling != NULL 
                    && EQUALN(pszResampling,"AVERAGE_BIT2",12) )
                    printf( "*" );
            printf( "\n" );

            if ( bComputeChecksum)
                printf( "  Overviews checksum: " );
                for( iOverview = 0; 
                    iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hBand);
                    iOverview++ )
                    GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                    if( iOverview != 0 )
                        printf( ", " );

                    hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hBand, iOverview );
                    printf( "%d",
                            GDALChecksumImage(hOverview, 0, 0,
                printf( "\n" );

        if( GDALHasArbitraryOverviews( hBand ) )
            printf( "  Overviews: arbitrary\n" );
        nMaskFlags = GDALGetMaskFlags( hBand );
        if( (nMaskFlags & (GMF_NODATA|GMF_ALL_VALID)) == 0 )
            GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand = GDALGetMaskBand(hBand) ;

            printf( "  Mask Flags: " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_PER_DATASET )
                printf( "PER_DATASET " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALPHA )
                printf( "ALPHA " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_NODATA )
                printf( "NODATA " );
            if( nMaskFlags & GMF_ALL_VALID )
                printf( "ALL_VALID " );
            printf( "\n" );

            if( hMaskBand != NULL &&
                GDALGetOverviewCount(hMaskBand) > 0 )
                int		iOverview;

                printf( "  Overviews of mask band: " );
                for( iOverview = 0; 
                     iOverview < GDALGetOverviewCount(hMaskBand);
                     iOverview++ )
                    GDALRasterBandH	hOverview;

                    if( iOverview != 0 )
                        printf( ", " );

                    hOverview = GDALGetOverview( hMaskBand, iOverview );
                    printf( "%dx%d", 
                            GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hOverview ),
                            GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hOverview ) );
                printf( "\n" );

        if( strlen(GDALGetRasterUnitType(hBand)) > 0 )
            printf( "  Unit Type: %s\n", GDALGetRasterUnitType(hBand) );

        if( GDALGetRasterCategoryNames(hBand) != NULL )
            char **papszCategories = GDALGetRasterCategoryNames(hBand);
            int i;

            printf( "  Categories:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszCategories[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %3d: %s\n", i, papszCategories[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess ) != 1.0 
            || GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess ) != 0.0 )
            printf( "  Offset: %.15g,   Scale:%.15g\n",
                    GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess ),
                    GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess ) );

        papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hBand, NULL ) : NULL;
        if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "  Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        papszMetadata = (bShowMetadata) ? GDALGetMetadata( hBand, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE" ) : NULL;
        if( bShowMetadata && CSLCount(papszMetadata) > 0 )
            printf( "  Image Structure Metadata:\n" );
            for( i = 0; papszMetadata[i] != NULL; i++ )
                printf( "    %s\n", papszMetadata[i] );

        if( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(hBand) == GCI_PaletteIndex 
            && (hTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( hBand )) != NULL )
            int			i;

            printf( "  Color Table (%s with %d entries)\n", 
                        GDALGetPaletteInterpretation( hTable )), 
                    GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ) );

            if (bShowColorTable)
                for( i = 0; i < GDALGetColorEntryCount( hTable ); i++ )
                    GDALColorEntry	sEntry;
                    GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( hTable, i, &sEntry );
                    printf( "  %3d: %d,%d,%d,%d\n", 
                            sEntry.c4 );

        if( bShowRAT && GDALGetDefaultRAT( hBand ) != NULL )
            GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT = GDALGetDefaultRAT( hBand );
            GDALRATDumpReadable( hRAT, NULL );

    GDALClose( hDataset );
    CSLDestroy( papszExtraMDDomains );
    CSLDestroy( argv );
    GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );


    CPLDumpSharedList( NULL );

    exit( 0 );
예제 #26
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	if( argc < 5 ) {
		return 1;
	int 	i, row, col;
	char	*in[MAXFILES];
	char	*out;
	int 	imgs_per_year;
	int		n_imgs;
	int 	n_null_pix;
	GDALRasterBandH hB[MAXFILES+1];
	float *l[MAXFILES+1];
	int nX, nY;

	out	 	= argv[1];

	printf("Loading input files:\n");
	n_imgs = argc - 2;
	for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
		printf("%i / %i %s\r",i,n_imgs,argv[i+2]);
		in[i]	= argv[i+2];
		hD[i]	= GDALOpen(in[i],GA_ReadOnly);
		hDr[i]	= GDALGetDatasetDriver(hD[i]);
		hB[i]	= GDALGetRasterBand(hD[i],1);
		nX		= GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hB[0]);
		l[i]	= (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	nY = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hB[0]);

	//Creating output file 
	hD[n_imgs] = GDALCreateCopy( hDr[0], out,hD[0],FALSE,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	hB[n_imgs] = GDALGetRasterBand(hD[n_imgs],1);
	l[n_imgs] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nX);
	//Accessing the data rowxrow
		for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
		//Processing the data cellxcell
			if(l[i][col] < 0) l[n_imgs][col] = -28768 ;
				l[n_imgs][col] = 0.0;
				n_null_pix = 0;
				for (i=0;i<n_imgs;i++){
					if(l[i][col] > 1) n_null_pix++;
					else l[n_imgs][col] += l[i][col];
				l[n_imgs][col] /= (n_imgs - n_null_pix);
				l[n_imgs][col] *= 32000 ;
				/*to recover any positive pixel*/
				//	l[n_imgs][col]=1;
	for (i=0;i<n_imgs+1;i++){
		if( l[i] != NULL ) free( l[i] );
예제 #27
static void DumpBand( GDALDatasetH hBaseDS, GDALRasterBandH hSrcOver,
                      const char *pszName )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get base ds info.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double adfGeoTransform[6];
    bool bHaveGT = GDALGetGeoTransform( hBaseDS, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None;

    int nOrigXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hBaseDS );
    int nOrigYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hBaseDS );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create matching output file.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hSrcOver );
    int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hSrcOver );
    GDALDataType eDT = GDALGetRasterDataType( hSrcOver );
    GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( "GTiff" );

    GDALDatasetH hDstDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, pszName, nXSize, nYSize,
                                      1, eDT, NULL );

    if( hDstDS == NULL )
        exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Apply corresponding georeferencing, scaled to size.             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bHaveGT )
        double adfOvGeoTransform[6];

        memcpy( adfOvGeoTransform, adfGeoTransform,
                sizeof(double) * 6 );

        adfOvGeoTransform[1] *= (nOrigXSize / (double) nXSize);
        adfOvGeoTransform[2] *= (nOrigXSize / (double) nXSize);
        adfOvGeoTransform[4] *= (nOrigYSize / (double) nYSize);
        adfOvGeoTransform[5] *= (nOrigYSize / (double) nYSize);

        GDALSetGeoTransform( hDstDS, adfOvGeoTransform );

        GDALSetProjection( hDstDS, GDALGetProjectionRef( hBaseDS ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy over all the image data.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    void *pData = CPLMalloc(64 * nXSize);

    for( int iLine = 0; iLine < nYSize; iLine++ )
        GDALRasterIO( hSrcOver, GF_Read, 0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pData, nXSize, 1, eDT, 0, 0 );
        GDALRasterIO( GDALGetRasterBand( hDstDS, 1 ), GF_Write,
                      0, iLine, nXSize, 1,
                      pData, nXSize, 1, eDT, 0, 0 );
    CPLFree( pData );

    GDALClose( hDstDS );
예제 #28
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    const char         *pszLocX = NULL, *pszLocY = NULL;
    const char         *pszSrcFilename = NULL;
    char               *pszSourceSRS = NULL;
    std::vector<int>   anBandList;
    bool               bAsXML = false, bLIFOnly = false;
    bool               bQuiet = false, bValOnly = false;
    int                nOverview = -1;
    char             **papszOpenOptions = NULL;

    argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 );
    if( argc < 1 )
        exit( -argc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Parse arguments.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int i;

    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") )
            printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n",
                   argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME"));
            return 0;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-b") && i < argc-1 )
            anBandList.push_back( atoi(argv[++i]) );
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-overview") && i < argc-1 )
            nOverview = atoi(argv[++i]) - 1;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-l_srs") && i < argc-1 )
            pszSourceSRS = SanitizeSRS(argv[++i]);
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-geoloc") )
            pszSourceSRS = CPLStrdup("-geoloc");
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-wgs84") )
            pszSourceSRS = SanitizeSRS("WGS84");
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-xml") )
            bAsXML = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-lifonly") )
            bLIFOnly = true;
            bQuiet = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-valonly") )
            bValOnly = true;
            bQuiet = true;
        else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-oo") && i < argc-1 )
            papszOpenOptions = CSLAddString( papszOpenOptions,
                                                argv[++i] );
        else if( argv[i][0] == '-' && !isdigit(argv[i][1]) )

        else if( pszSrcFilename == NULL )
            pszSrcFilename = argv[i];

        else if( pszLocX == NULL )
            pszLocX = argv[i];

        else if( pszLocY == NULL )
            pszLocY = argv[i];


    if( pszSrcFilename == NULL || (pszLocX != NULL && pszLocY == NULL) )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open source file.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = NULL;

    hSrcDS = GDALOpenEx( pszSrcFilename, GDAL_OF_RASTER, NULL,
                           (const char* const* )papszOpenOptions, NULL );
    if( hSrcDS == NULL )
        exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup coordinate transformation, if required                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReferenceH hSrcSRS = NULL, hTrgSRS = NULL;
    OGRCoordinateTransformationH hCT = NULL;
    if( pszSourceSRS != NULL && !EQUAL(pszSourceSRS,"-geoloc") )

        hSrcSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( pszSourceSRS );
        hTrgSRS = OSRNewSpatialReference( GDALGetProjectionRef( hSrcDS ) );

        hCT = OCTNewCoordinateTransformation( hSrcSRS, hTrgSRS );
        if( hCT == NULL )
            exit( 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If no bands were requested, we will query them all.             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( anBandList.size() == 0 )
        for( i = 0; i < GDALGetRasterCount( hSrcDS ); i++ )
            anBandList.push_back( i+1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Turn the location into a pixel and line location.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int inputAvailable = 1;
    double dfGeoX;
    double dfGeoY;
    CPLString osXML;

    if( pszLocX == NULL && pszLocY == NULL )
        if (fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf", &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY) != 2)
            inputAvailable = 0;
        dfGeoX = CPLAtof(pszLocX);
        dfGeoY = CPLAtof(pszLocY);

    while (inputAvailable)
        int iPixel, iLine;

        if (hCT)
            if( !OCTTransform( hCT, 1, &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY, NULL ) )
                exit( 1 );
        if( pszSourceSRS != NULL )
            double adfGeoTransform[6], adfInvGeoTransform[6];
            if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hSrcDS, adfGeoTransform ) != CE_None )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot get geotransform");
                exit( 1 );
            if( !GDALInvGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform, adfInvGeoTransform ) )
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot invert geotransform");
                exit( 1 );
            iPixel = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[1] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[2] * dfGeoY );
            iLine = (int) floor(
                + adfInvGeoTransform[4] * dfGeoX
                + adfInvGeoTransform[5] * dfGeoY );
            iPixel = (int) floor(dfGeoX);
            iLine  = (int) floor(dfGeoY);

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Prepare report.                                                 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        CPLString osLine;
        if( bAsXML )
            osLine.Printf( "<Report pixel=\"%d\" line=\"%d\">", 
                          iPixel, iLine );
            osXML += osLine;
        else if( !bQuiet )
            printf( "Report:\n" );
            printf( "  Location: (%dP,%dL)\n", iPixel, iLine );

        int bPixelReport = TRUE;

        if( iPixel < 0 || iLine < 0 
            || iPixel >= GDALGetRasterXSize( hSrcDS )
            || iLine  >= GDALGetRasterYSize( hSrcDS ) )
            if( bAsXML )
                osXML += "<Alert>Location is off this file! No further details to report.</Alert>";
            else if( bValOnly )
            else if( !bQuiet )
                printf( "\nLocation is off this file! No further details to report.\n");
            bPixelReport = FALSE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Process each band.                                              */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( i = 0; bPixelReport && i < (int) anBandList.size(); i++ )
            GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hSrcDS, anBandList[i] );

            int iPixelToQuery = iPixel;
            int iLineToQuery = iLine;

            if (nOverview >= 0 && hBand != NULL)
                GDALRasterBandH hOvrBand = GDALGetOverview(hBand, nOverview);
                if (hOvrBand != NULL)
                    int nOvrXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize(hOvrBand);
                    int nOvrYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize(hOvrBand);
                    iPixelToQuery = (int)(0.5 + 1.0 * iPixel / GDALGetRasterXSize( hSrcDS ) * nOvrXSize);
                    iLineToQuery = (int)(0.5 + 1.0 * iLine / GDALGetRasterYSize( hSrcDS ) * nOvrYSize);
                    if (iPixelToQuery >= nOvrXSize)
                        iPixelToQuery = nOvrXSize - 1;
                    if (iLineToQuery >= nOvrYSize)
                        iLineToQuery = nOvrYSize - 1;
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "Cannot get overview %d of band %d",
                             nOverview + 1, anBandList[i] );
                hBand = hOvrBand;

            if (hBand == NULL)

            if( bAsXML )
                osLine.Printf( "<BandReport band=\"%d\">", anBandList[i] );
                osXML += osLine;
            else if( !bQuiet )
                printf( "  Band %d:\n", anBandList[i] );
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Request location info for this location.  It is possible        */
    /*      only the VRT driver actually supports this.                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            CPLString osItem;
            osItem.Printf( "Pixel_%d_%d", iPixelToQuery, iLineToQuery );
            const char *pszLI = GDALGetMetadataItem( hBand, osItem, "LocationInfo");
            if( pszLI != NULL )
                if( bAsXML )
                    osXML += pszLI;
                else if( !bQuiet )
                    printf( "    %s\n", pszLI );
                else if( bLIFOnly )
                    /* Extract all files, if any. */
                    CPLXMLNode *psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( pszLI );
                    if( psRoot != NULL 
                        && psRoot->psChild != NULL
                        && psRoot->eType == CXT_Element
                        && EQUAL(psRoot->pszValue,"LocationInfo") )
                        CPLXMLNode *psNode;
                        for( psNode = psRoot->psChild;
                             psNode != NULL;
                             psNode = psNode->psNext )
                            if( psNode->eType == CXT_Element
                                && EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"File") 
                                && psNode->psChild != NULL )
                                char* pszUnescaped = CPLUnescapeString(
                                    psNode->psChild->pszValue, NULL, CPLES_XML);
                                printf( "%s\n", pszUnescaped );
                    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Report the pixel value of this band.                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            double adfPixel[2];
            if( GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Read, iPixelToQuery, iLineToQuery, 1, 1, 
                              adfPixel, 1, 1, GDT_CFloat64, 0, 0) == CE_None )
                CPLString osValue;
                if( GDALDataTypeIsComplex( GDALGetRasterDataType( hBand ) ) )
                    osValue.Printf( "%.15g+%.15gi", adfPixel[0], adfPixel[1] );
                    osValue.Printf( "%.15g", adfPixel[0] );
                if( bAsXML )
                    osXML += "<Value>";
                    osXML += osValue;
                    osXML += "</Value>";
                else if( !bQuiet )
                    printf( "    Value: %s\n", osValue.c_str() );
                else if( bValOnly )
                    printf( "%s\n", osValue.c_str() );
                // Report unscaled if we have scale/offset values.
                int bSuccess;
                double dfOffset = GDALGetRasterOffset( hBand, &bSuccess );
                double dfScale  = GDALGetRasterScale( hBand, &bSuccess );
                if( dfOffset != 0.0 || dfScale != 1.0 )
                    adfPixel[0] = adfPixel[0] * dfScale + dfOffset;
                    adfPixel[1] = adfPixel[1] * dfScale + dfOffset;
                    if( GDALDataTypeIsComplex( GDALGetRasterDataType( hBand ) ) )
                        osValue.Printf( "%.15g+%.15gi", adfPixel[0], adfPixel[1] );
                        osValue.Printf( "%.15g", adfPixel[0] );
                    if( bAsXML )
                        osXML += "<DescaledValue>";
                        osXML += osValue;
                        osXML += "</DescaledValue>";
                    else if( !bQuiet )
                        printf( "    Descaled Value: %s\n", osValue.c_str() );
            if( bAsXML )
                osXML += "</BandReport>";

        osXML += "</Report>";
        if( (pszLocX != NULL && pszLocY != NULL)  ||
            (fscanf(stdin, "%lf %lf", &dfGeoX, &dfGeoY) != 2) )
            inputAvailable = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Finalize xml report and print.                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bAsXML )
        CPLXMLNode *psRoot;
        char *pszFormattedXML;

        psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( osXML );
        pszFormattedXML = CPLSerializeXMLTree( psRoot );
        CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );

        printf( "%s", pszFormattedXML );
        CPLFree( pszFormattedXML );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (hCT) {
        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hSrcSRS );
        OSRDestroySpatialReference( hTrgSRS );
        OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation( hCT );

    if (hSrcDS)

    GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );

    CSLDestroy( argv );

    return 0;
예제 #29
GDALFPolygonize( GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand,
                GDALRasterBandH hMaskBand,
                OGRLayerH hOutLayer, int iPixValField, 
                char **papszOptions,
                GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, 
                void * pProgressArg )

    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GDALFPolygonize() unimplemented in a non OGR build");
    return CE_Failure;
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hSrcBand, "GDALFPolygonize", CE_Failure );
    VALIDATE_POINTER1( hOutLayer, "GDALFPolygonize", CE_Failure );

    if( pfnProgress == NULL )
        pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;

    int nConnectedness = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "8CONNECTED" ) ? 8 : 4;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm our output layer will support feature creation.         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !OGR_L_TestCapability( hOutLayer, OLCSequentialWrite ) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Output feature layer does not appear to support creation\n"
                  "of features in GDALFPolygonize()." );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate working buffers.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
    int nXSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hSrcBand );
    int nYSize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hSrcBand );
    float *pafLastLineVal = (float *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(float),nXSize + 2);
    float *pafThisLineVal = (float *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(float),nXSize + 2);
    GInt32 *panLastLineId =  (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32),nXSize + 2);
    GInt32 *panThisLineId =  (GInt32 *) VSIMalloc2(sizeof(GInt32),nXSize + 2);
    GByte *pabyMaskLine = (hMaskBand != NULL) ? (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nXSize) : NULL;
    if (pafLastLineVal == NULL || pafThisLineVal == NULL ||
        panLastLineId == NULL || panThisLineId == NULL ||
        (hMaskBand != NULL && pabyMaskLine == NULL))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Could not allocate enough memory for temporary buffers");
        CPLFree( panThisLineId );
        CPLFree( panLastLineId );
        CPLFree( pafThisLineVal );
        CPLFree( pafLastLineVal );
        CPLFree( pabyMaskLine );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get the geotransform, if there is one, so we can convert the    */
/*      vectors into georeferenced coordinates.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = GDALGetBandDataset( hSrcBand );
    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };

    if( hSrcDS )
        GDALGetGeoTransform( hSrcDS, adfGeoTransform );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The first pass over the raster is only used to build up the     */
/*      polygon id map so we will know in advance what polygons are     */
/*      what on the second pass.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iY;
    GDALRasterFPolygonEnumerator oFirstEnum(nConnectedness);

    for( iY = 0; eErr == CE_None && iY < nYSize; iY++ )
        eErr = GDALRasterIO( 
            GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
            pafThisLineVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );
        if( eErr == CE_None && hMaskBand != NULL )
            eErr = GPMaskImageData( hMaskBand, pabyMaskLine, iY, nXSize,
                    pafThisLineVal );

        if( iY == 0 )
                NULL, pafThisLineVal, NULL, panThisLineId, nXSize );
                pafLastLineVal, pafThisLineVal,
                panLastLineId,  panThisLineId, 
                nXSize );

        // swap lines
        float * pafTmp = pafLastLineVal;
        pafLastLineVal = pafThisLineVal;
        pafThisLineVal = pafTmp;

        GInt32 * panTmp = panThisLineId;
        panThisLineId = panLastLineId;
        panLastLineId = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress, and support interrupts.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None 
            && !pfnProgress( 0.10 * ((iY+1) / (double) nYSize), 
                             "", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Make a pass through the maps, ensuring every polygon id         */
/*      points to the final id it should use, not an intermediate       */
/*      value.                                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize ids to -1 to serve as a nodata value for the         */
/*      previous line, and past the beginning and end of the            */
/*      scanlines.                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iX;

    panThisLineId[0] = -1;
    panThisLineId[nXSize+1] = -1;

    for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize+2; iX++ )
        panLastLineId[iX] = -1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      We will use a new enumerator for the second pass primariliy     */
/*      so we can preserve the first pass map.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALRasterFPolygonEnumerator oSecondEnum(nConnectedness);
    RPolygonF **papoPoly = (RPolygonF **)

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Second pass during which we will actually collect polygon       */
/*      edges as geometries.                                            */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iY = 0; eErr == CE_None && iY < nYSize+1; iY++ )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the image data.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( iY < nYSize )
            eErr = GDALRasterIO( hSrcBand, GF_Read, 0, iY, nXSize, 1, 
                                 pafThisLineVal, nXSize, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 );

            if( eErr == CE_None && hMaskBand != NULL )
                eErr = GPMaskImageData( hMaskBand, pabyMaskLine, iY, nXSize,
                        pafThisLineVal );

        if( eErr != CE_None )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine what polygon the various pixels belong to (redoing    */
/*      the same thing done in the first pass above).                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( iY == nYSize )
            for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize+2; iX++ )
                panThisLineId[iX] = -1;
        else if( iY == 0 )
                NULL, pafThisLineVal, NULL, panThisLineId+1, nXSize );
                pafLastLineVal, pafThisLineVal,
                panLastLineId+1,  panThisLineId+1, 
                nXSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add polygon edges to our polygon list for the pixel             */
/*      boundaries within and above this line.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize+1; iX++ )
            AddEdges( panThisLineId, panLastLineId, 
                      oFirstEnum.panPolyIdMap, oFirstEnum.pafPolyValue,
                      papoPoly, iX, iY );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Periodically we scan out polygons and write out those that      */
/*      haven't been added to on the last line as we can be sure        */
/*      they are complete.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( iY % 8 == 7 )
            for( iX = 0; 
                 eErr == CE_None && iX < oSecondEnum.nNextPolygonId; 
                 iX++ )
                if( papoPoly[iX] && papoPoly[iX]->nLastLineUpdated < iY-1 )
                    if( hMaskBand == NULL
                        || !GDALFloatEquals(papoPoly[iX]->fPolyValue, GP_NODATA_MARKER) )
                        eErr = 
                            EmitPolygonToLayer( hOutLayer, iPixValField, 
                                                papoPoly[iX], adfGeoTransform );
                    delete papoPoly[iX];
                    papoPoly[iX] = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Swap pixel value, and polygon id lines to be ready for the      */
/*      next line.                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        float *pafTmp = pafLastLineVal;
        pafLastLineVal = pafThisLineVal;
        pafThisLineVal = pafTmp;

        GInt32 *panTmp = panThisLineId;
        panThisLineId = panLastLineId;
        panLastLineId = panTmp;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Report progress, and support interrupts.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eErr == CE_None 
            && !pfnProgress( 0.10 + 0.90 * ((iY+1) / (double) nYSize), 
                             "", pProgressArg ) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Make a cleanup pass for all unflushed polygons.                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iX = 0; eErr == CE_None && iX < oSecondEnum.nNextPolygonId; iX++ )
        if( papoPoly[iX] )
            if( hMaskBand == NULL
                || !GDALFloatEquals(papoPoly[iX]->fPolyValue, GP_NODATA_MARKER) )
                eErr = 
                    EmitPolygonToLayer( hOutLayer, iPixValField, 
                                        papoPoly[iX], adfGeoTransform );
            delete papoPoly[iX];
            papoPoly[iX] = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( panThisLineId );
    CPLFree( panLastLineId );
    CPLFree( pafThisLineVal );
    CPLFree( pafLastLineVal );
    CPLFree( pabyMaskLine );
    CPLFree( papoPoly );

    return eErr;
#endif // OGR_ENABLED
예제 #30
 * This routine just queries the GDAL raster file for all the metadata
 * that can be squeezed out of it.
 * The resulting matlab structure is by necessity nested.  Each raster
 * file can have several bands, e.g. PNG files usually have 3, a red, a
 * blue, and a green channel.  Each band can have several overviews (tiffs
 * come to mind here).
 * Fields:
 *    ProjectionRef:  a string describing the projection.  Not parsed.
 *    GeoTransform:
 *        a 6-tuple.  Entries are as follows.
 *            [0] --> top left x
 *            [1] --> w-e pixel resolution
 *            [2] --> rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
 *            [3] --> top left y
 *            [4] --> rotation, 0 if image is "north up"
 *            [5] --> n-s pixel resolution
 *    DriverShortName:  describes the driver used to query *this* raster file
 *    DriverLongName:  describes the driver used to query *this* raster file
 *    RasterXSize, RasterYSize:
 *        These are the primary dimensions of the raster.  See "Overview", though.
 *    RasterCount:
 *        Number of raster bands present in the file.
 *    Driver:
 *        This itself is a structure array.  Each element describes a driver
 *        that the locally compiled GDAL library has available.  So you recompile
 *        GDAL with new format support, this structure will change.
 *        Fields:
 *            DriverShortName, DriverLongName:
 *                Same as fields in top level structure with same name.
 *    Band:
 *        Also a structure array.  One element for each raster band present in
 *        the GDAL file.  See "RasterCount".
 *        Fields:
 *            XSize, YSize:
 *                Dimensions of the current raster band.
 *            Overview:
 *                A structure array, one element for each overview present.  If
 *                empty, then there are no overviews.
 *            NoDataValue:
 *                When passed back to MATLAB, one can set pixels with this value to NaN.
 *            ColorMap:
 *                A Mx3 double array with the colormap, or empty if it does not exists
 * */
mxArray *populate_metadata_struct (GDALDatasetH hDataset, int correct_bounds) {

	/* These are used to define the metadata structure about available GDAL drivers. */
	mxArray *mxtmp;
	mxArray *mxProjectionRef;
	mxArray *mxGeoTransform;
	mxArray *mxGDALDriverShortName;
	mxArray *mxGDALDriverLongName;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterCount;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterXSize;
	mxArray *mxGDALRasterYSize;
	mxArray *mxCorners;
	mxArray *mxGMT_header;

	 * These will be matlab structures that hold the metadata.
	 * "metadata_struct" actually encompasses "band_struct",
	 * which encompasses "overview_struct"
	 * */
	mxArray *metadata_struct;
	mxArray *band_struct;
	mxArray *overview_struct;
	mxArray *corner_struct;

	int	overview, band_number;	/* Loop indices */
	double	*dptr;			/* short cut to the mxArray data */
	double	*dptr2;			/*        ""           */

	GDALDriverH hDriver;		/* This is the driver chosen by the GDAL library to query the dataset. */
	GDALRasterBandH hBand, overview_hBand;

	int num_overview_fields;	/* Number of metadata items for each overview structure. */
	int status;			/* success or failure */
	double 	adfGeoTransform[6];	/* bounds on the dataset */
	int num_overviews;		/* Number of overviews in the current band. */
	int num_struct_fields;		/* number of fields in the metadata structures. */
	int num_band_fields;
	int num_corner_fields;
	char *fieldnames[100];		/* this array contains the names of the fields of the metadata structure. */
	char *band_fieldnames[100];
	char *corner_fieldnames[100];
	char *overview_fieldnames[100];
	int xSize, ySize, raster_count; /* Dimensions of the dataset */
	int gdal_type;			/* Datatype of the bands. */
	double tmpdble;			/* temporary value */
	double	xy_c[2];		/* Corner coordinates */
	int	dims[2];
	int	bGotMin, bGotMax;	/* To know if driver transmited Min/Max */
	double	adfMinMax[2];		/* Dataset Min Max */
	double	z_min = 1e50, z_max = -1e50;

	/* Create the metadata structure. Just one element, with XXX fields. */
	num_struct_fields = 10;
	fieldnames[0] = strdup ("ProjectionRef");
	fieldnames[1] = strdup ("GeoTransform");
	fieldnames[2] = strdup ("DriverShortName");
	fieldnames[3] = strdup ("DriverLongName");
	fieldnames[4] = strdup ("RasterXSize");
	fieldnames[5] = strdup ("RasterYSize");
	fieldnames[6] = strdup ("RasterCount");
	fieldnames[7] = strdup ("Band");
	fieldnames[8] = strdup ("Corners");
	fieldnames[9] = strdup("GMT_hdr");
	metadata_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( 1, 1, num_struct_fields, (const char **)fieldnames );

	/* Record the ProjectionRef. */
	mxProjectionRef = mxCreateString ( GDALGetProjectionRef( hDataset ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "ProjectionRef", mxProjectionRef );

	/* Record the geotransform. */
	mxGeoTransform = mxCreateNumericMatrix ( 6, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
	dptr = mxGetPr ( mxGeoTransform );

	if( GDALGetGeoTransform( hDataset, adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None ) {
		dptr[0] = adfGeoTransform[0];
		dptr[1] = adfGeoTransform[1];
		dptr[2] = adfGeoTransform[2];
		dptr[3] = adfGeoTransform[3];
		dptr[4] = adfGeoTransform[4];
		dptr[5] = adfGeoTransform[5];
		mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "GeoTransform", mxGeoTransform );

	/* Get driver information */
	hDriver = GDALGetDatasetDriver( hDataset );

	mxGDALDriverShortName = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "DriverShortName", mxGDALDriverShortName );

	mxGDALDriverLongName = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "DriverLongName", mxGDALDriverLongName );

	xSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDataset );
	ySize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDataset );
	mxGDALRasterXSize = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) xSize );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterXSize", mxGDALRasterXSize );

	mxGDALRasterYSize = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) ySize );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterYSize", mxGDALRasterYSize );

	raster_count = GDALGetRasterCount( hDataset );
	mxGDALRasterCount = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double)raster_count );
	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, (const char *) "RasterCount", mxGDALRasterCount );

	/* Get the metadata for each band. */
	num_band_fields = 5;
	band_fieldnames[0] = strdup ( "XSize" );
	band_fieldnames[1] = strdup ( "YSize" );
	band_fieldnames[2] = strdup ( "Overview" );
	band_fieldnames[3] = strdup ( "NoDataValue" );
	band_fieldnames[4] = strdup ( "DataType" );
	band_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( raster_count, 1, num_band_fields, (const char **)band_fieldnames );

	num_overview_fields = 2;
	overview_fieldnames[0] = strdup ( "XSize" );
	overview_fieldnames[1] = strdup ( "YSize" );
	for ( band_number = 1; band_number <= raster_count; ++band_number ) {	/* Loop over bands */

		hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, band_number );

		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) GDALGetRasterBandXSize( hBand ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "XSize", mxtmp );

		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) GDALGetRasterBandYSize( hBand ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "YSize", mxtmp );
		gdal_type = GDALGetRasterDataType ( hBand );
		mxtmp = mxCreateString ( GDALGetDataTypeName ( (GDALDataType)gdal_type ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, (const char *) "DataType", mxtmp );

		tmpdble = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue ( hBand, &status );
		mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( (double) (GDALGetRasterNoDataValue ( hBand, &status ) ) );
		mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "NoDataValue", mxtmp );
		num_overviews = GDALGetOverviewCount( hBand );	/* Can have multiple overviews per band. */
		if ( num_overviews > 0 ) {

			overview_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix ( num_overviews, 1, num_overview_fields,
						(const char **)overview_fieldnames );
			for ( overview = 0; overview < num_overviews; ++overview ) {
				overview_hBand = GDALGetOverview ( hBand, overview );
				xSize = GDALGetRasterBandXSize ( overview_hBand );
				mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( xSize );
				mxSetField ( overview_struct, overview, "XSize", mxtmp );
				ySize = GDALGetRasterBandYSize ( overview_hBand );
				mxtmp = mxCreateDoubleScalar ( ySize );
				mxSetField ( overview_struct, overview, "YSize", mxtmp );
			mxSetField ( band_struct, 0, "Overview", overview_struct );

	mxSetField ( metadata_struct, 0, "Band", band_struct );

	/* Record the GMT header. This will be interleaved with "corners" because they share somes values */
	mxGMT_header = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, 9, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr2 = mxGetPr(mxGMT_header);

	/* Record corners. */
	num_corner_fields = 4;
	corner_fieldnames[0] = strdup ("LL");
	corner_fieldnames[1] = strdup ("UL");
	corner_fieldnames[2] = strdup ("UR");
	corner_fieldnames[3] = strdup ("LR");

	corner_struct = mxCreateStructMatrix(1, 1, num_corner_fields, (const char **)corner_fieldnames);
	dims[0] = 1;	 dims[1] = 2;

	ReportCorner(hDataset, 0.0, GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset), xy_c);	/* Lower Left */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	dptr2[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr2[2] = xy_c[1];	/* xmin, ymin */
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "LL", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, 0.0, 0.0, xy_c);					/* Upper Left */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "UL", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), 0.0, xy_c);	/* Upper Rigt */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	dptr2[1] = xy_c[0];		dptr2[3] = xy_c[1];	/* xmax, ymax */
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "UR", mxCorners );

	ReportCorner(hDataset, GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset), xy_c);	/* Lower Rigt */
	mxCorners = mxCreateNumericArray (2,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	dptr = mxGetPr(mxCorners);
	dptr[0] = xy_c[0];		dptr[1] = xy_c[1];
	mxSetField(corner_struct, 0, "LR", mxCorners );

	mxSetField (metadata_struct, 0, "Corners", corner_struct);

	/* Fill in the rest of the GMT header values */
	if (z_min == 1e50) {		/* We don't know yet the dataset Min/Max */
		adfMinMax[0] = GDALGetRasterMinimum( hBand, &bGotMin );
		adfMinMax[1] = GDALGetRasterMaximum( hBand, &bGotMax );
		if(!(bGotMin && bGotMax))
			GDALComputeRasterMinMax( hBand, TRUE, adfMinMax );
		dptr2[4] = adfMinMax[0];
		dptr2[5] = adfMinMax[1];
	else {
		dptr2[4] = z_min;
		dptr2[5] = z_max;

	dptr2[6] = 0;
	dptr2[7] = adfGeoTransform[1];
	dptr2[8] = fabs(adfGeoTransform[5]);

	if (correct_bounds) {
		dptr2[0] += dptr2[7] / 2;	dptr2[1] -= dptr2[7] / 2;
		dptr2[2] += dptr2[8] / 2;	dptr2[3] -= dptr2[8] / 2;

	mxSetField (metadata_struct, 0, "GMT_hdr", mxGMT_header);

	return ( metadata_struct );