예제 #1
  Hacks to glue AGL to an HIView
QRegion qt_mac_get_widget_rgn(const QWidget *widget)
    if(!widget->isVisible() || widget->isMinimized())
        return QRegion();
    const QRect wrect = QRect(qt_mac_posInWindow(widget), widget->size());
        return QRegion();

    RgnHandle macr = qt_mac_get_rgn();
    GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)widget->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
    OffsetRgn(macr, wrect.x(), wrect.y());
    QRegion ret = qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);

    QPoint clip_pos = wrect.topLeft();
    for(const QWidget *last_clip = 0, *clip = widget; clip; last_clip = clip, clip = clip->parentWidget()) {
        if(clip != widget) {
            GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)clip->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
            OffsetRgn(macr, clip_pos.x(), clip_pos.y());
            ret &= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
        const QObjectList &children = clip->children();
        for(int i = children.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if(QWidget *child = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(children.at(i))) {
                if(child == last_clip)

                // This check may seem weird, but when we are using a unified toolbar
                // The widget is actually being owned by that toolbar and not by Qt.
                // This means that the geometry it reports will be wrong
                // and will accidentally cause problems when calculating the region
                // So, it is better to skip these widgets since they aren't the hierarchy
                // anyway.
                if (HIViewGetSuperview(HIViewRef(child->winId())) != HIViewRef(clip->winId()))

                if(child->isVisible() && !child->isMinimized() && !child->isTopLevel()) {
                    const QRect childRect = QRect(clip_pos+child->pos(), child->size());
                    if(childRect.isValid() && wrect.intersects(childRect)) {
                        GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)child->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
                        OffsetRgn(macr, childRect.x(), childRect.y());
                        ret -= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
        clip_pos -= clip->pos();
    return ret;
예제 #2
파일: control.cpp 프로젝트: Duion/Torsion
void  wxControl::DoSetSize(int x, int y,
            int width, int height,
            int sizeFlags )
    wxWindow::DoSetSize( x , y ,width , height ,sizeFlags ) ;
#if 0
        Rect meta , control ;
        GetControlBounds( (ControlHandle) m_macControl , &control ) ;
        RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn() ;
        GetControlRegion( (ControlHandle) m_macControl , kControlStructureMetaPart , rgn ) ;
        GetRegionBounds( rgn , &meta ) ;
        if ( !EmptyRect( &meta ) )
            wxASSERT( meta.left >= control.left - m_macHorizontalBorder ) ;
            wxASSERT( meta.right <= control.right + m_macHorizontalBorder ) ;
            wxASSERT( meta.top >= control.top - m_macVerticalBorder ) ;
            wxASSERT( meta.bottom <= control.bottom + m_macVerticalBorder ) ;
        DisposeRgn( rgn ) ;
    return ;
예제 #3
SInt32 CalcValueFromPoint (ControlHandle hControl, Point thePoint) {
	/*Figure where we are in scroll bar terms.*/

	SInt32 theValue = 0, theRange, theDistance, thePin;
	Rect rectControl, indicatorbounds;
	WindowPtr lpWindow;
	long thumbheight = 16;
	long thumbwidth = 16;
	RgnHandle indicatorregion = NewRgn ();
	long gTotalVSizeAdjust, gTotalWidthAdjust;
	short baselineoffset;
	GetControlRegion (hControl, kControlIndicatorPart, indicatorregion);
	GetRegionBounds (indicatorregion, &indicatorbounds);
	thumbheight = indicatorbounds.bottom - indicatorbounds.top;
	thumbwidth = indicatorbounds.right - indicatorbounds.left;
	DisposeRgn (indicatorregion);
	gTotalVSizeAdjust = ((kScrollArrowWidth * 2) + thumbheight);
	gTotalWidthAdjust = ((kScrollArrowWidth * 2) + thumbwidth);

	lpWindow = shellwindow; // (*hControl)->contrlOwner;
	zerorect (&rectControl);
	GetBestControlRect (hControl, &rectControl, &baselineoffset);
	//rectControl = (*hControl)->contrlRect;
	theRange = GetControlMaximum ( hControl ) - GetControlMinimum ( hControl );
	if (flverticalscroll) {
		// Scroll distance adjusted for scroll arrows and the thumb
		theDistance = rectControl.bottom - rectControl.top - gTotalVSizeAdjust;
		// Pin thePoint to the middle of the thumb
		thePin = rectControl.top + (thumbheight / 2);
		thePin = lastpoint;
		theValue = ((thePoint.v - thePin) * theRange) / theDistance;
		} /*if*/
	else { /*horizontal scrolling*/
		theDistance = rectControl.right - rectControl.left - gTotalWidthAdjust;

		thePin = rectControl.left + (thumbwidth / 2);
		thePin = lastpoint;
		theValue = ((thePoint.h - thePin) * theRange) / theDistance;
		} /*else*/

	theValue += gValueSlop;
	if ( theValue < GetControlMinimum ( hControl ) )
		theValue = GetControlMinimum ( hControl );
	else if ( theValue > GetControlMaximum ( hControl ) )
		theValue = GetControlMaximum ( hControl );

	return theValue;
	} /*CalcValueFromPoint*/