예제 #1
파일: ErrorInfo.cpp 프로젝트: ryenus/vbox
void ErrorInfo::init(IUnknown *aI,
                     const GUID &aIID,
                     bool aKeepObj /* = false */)

#if !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)

    ComPtr<IUnknown> iface = aI;
    ComPtr<ISupportErrorInfo> serr;
    HRESULT rc = iface.queryInterfaceTo(serr.asOutParam());
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
        rc = serr->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(aIID);
        if (SUCCEEDED(rc))




    if (mIsBasicAvailable)
        mCalleeIID = aIID;
        GetInterfaceNameByIID(aIID, mCalleeName.asOutParam());
예제 #2
void ErrorInfo::init(IVirtualBoxErrorInfo *info)

    HRESULT rc = E_FAIL;
    bool gotSomething = false;
    bool gotAll = true;
    LONG lrc, lrd;

    rc = info->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&lrc); mResultCode = lrc;
    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);

    rc = info->COMGETTER(ResultDetail)(&lrd); mResultDetail = lrd;
    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);

    Bstr iid;
    rc = info->COMGETTER(InterfaceID)(iid.asOutParam());
    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
        mInterfaceID = iid;
        GetInterfaceNameByIID(mInterfaceID.ref(), mInterfaceName.asOutParam());

    rc = info->COMGETTER(Component)(mComponent.asOutParam());
    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);

    rc = info->COMGETTER(Text)(mText.asOutParam());
    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);

    m_pNext = NULL;

    ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> next;
    rc = info->COMGETTER(Next)(next.asOutParam());
    if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && !next.isNull())
        m_pNext = new ErrorInfo(next);
        Assert(m_pNext != NULL);
        if (!m_pNext)
            rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
    gotAll &= SUCCEEDED(rc);

    mIsBasicAvailable = gotSomething;
    mIsFullAvailable = gotAll;

    mErrorInfo = info;

    AssertMsg(gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));
예제 #3
파일: ErrorInfo.cpp 프로젝트: ryenus/vbox
void ErrorInfo::init(bool aKeepObj /* = false */)
    HRESULT rc = E_FAIL;

#if !defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)

    ComPtr<IErrorInfo> err;
    rc = ::GetErrorInfo(0, err.asOutParam());
    if (rc == S_OK && err)
        if (aKeepObj)
            mErrorInfo = err;

        ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
        rc = err.queryInterfaceTo(info.asOutParam());
        if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && info)

        if (!mIsFullAvailable)
            bool gotSomething = false;

            rc = err->GetGUID(mInterfaceID.asOutParam());
            gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);
            if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
                GetInterfaceNameByIID(mInterfaceID.ref(), mInterfaceName.asOutParam());

            rc = err->GetSource(mComponent.asOutParam());
            gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);

            rc = err->GetDescription(mText.asOutParam());
            gotSomething |= SUCCEEDED(rc);

            if (gotSomething)
                mIsBasicAvailable = true;

            AssertMsg(gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));

#else // defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)

    nsCOMPtr<nsIExceptionService> es;
    es = do_GetService(NS_EXCEPTIONSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rc);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc))
        nsCOMPtr<nsIExceptionManager> em;
        rc = es->GetCurrentExceptionManager(getter_AddRefs(em));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc))
            ComPtr<nsIException> ex;
            rc = em->GetCurrentException(ex.asOutParam());
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc) && ex)
                if (aKeepObj)
                    mErrorInfo = ex;

                ComPtr<IVirtualBoxErrorInfo> info;
                rc = ex.queryInterfaceTo(info.asOutParam());
                if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc) && info)

                if (!mIsFullAvailable)
                    bool gotSomething = false;

                    rc = ex->GetResult(&mResultCode);
                    gotSomething |= NS_SUCCEEDED(rc);

                    char *pszMsg;
                    rc = ex->GetMessage(&pszMsg);
                    gotSomething |= NS_SUCCEEDED(rc);
                    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rc))
                        mText = Bstr(pszMsg);

                    if (gotSomething)
                        mIsBasicAvailable = true;

                    AssertMsg(gotSomething, ("Nothing to fetch!\n"));

                // set the exception to NULL (to emulate Win32 behavior)

                rc = NS_OK;
    /* Ignore failure when called after nsComponentManagerImpl::Shutdown(). */
    else if (rc == NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)
        rc = NS_OK;


#endif // defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM)