std::string PersistCommand::GetString() const { if (m_activity->IsPersistTokenSet()) { return (GetMethod() + " " + m_activity->GetPersistToken()->GetString()); } else { return GetMethod() + "(no token)"; } }
int XNav::call_method( const char *method, const char *filter, pwr_sAttrRef attrref, xmenu_eItemType item_type, xmenu_mUtility caller, unsigned int priv, char *arg) { pwr_tStatus sts; int sel_cnt; pwr_tStatus (*method_func)( xmenu_sMenuCall *); pwr_tStatus (*filter_func)( xmenu_sMenuCall *); if (mcp == NULL) mcp = (xmenu_sMenuCall *)calloc(1, sizeof(xmenu_sMenuCall)); mcp->EditorContext = (void *)this; mcp->PointedSet = xmenu_eMenuSet_Object; mcp->Pointed = attrref; mcp->Caller = caller; mcp->ItemType = item_type; mcp->Priv = priv; mcp->SelectedSet = xmenu_eMenuSet_None; mcp->SelectedSet = xmenu_eMenuSet_Object; if ( arg) strcpy( mcp->Arg, arg); sel_cnt = 1; if ( mcp->Selected) free( mcp->Selected); mcp->Selected = (pwr_sAttrRef *) calloc( sel_cnt + 1, sizeof (pwr_sAttrRef)); mcp->Selected[0] = attrref; mcp->Selected[sel_cnt].Objid = pwr_cNObjid; mcp->SelectCount = sel_cnt; if ( filter && strcmp( filter, "") != 0) { sts = GetMethod( filter, &filter_func); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; sts = (filter_func) ( mcp); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; } sts = GetMethod( method, &method_func); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; sts = (method_func) ( mcp); if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts; free( mcp->Selected); mcp->Selected = 0; return XNAV__SUCCESS; }
bool MythFEXML::ProcessRequest( HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { if (!pRequest) return false; if (pRequest->m_sBaseUrl != m_sControlUrl) return false; LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_INFO, QString("MythFEXML::ProcessRequest: %1 : %2") .arg(pRequest->m_sMethod).arg(pRequest->m_sRawRequest)); switch(GetMethod(pRequest->m_sMethod)) { case MFEXML_GetServiceDescription: pRequest->FormatFileResponse(m_sServiceDescFileName); break; case MFEXML_GetScreenShot: GetScreenShot(pRequest); break; case MFEXML_ActionListTest: GetActionListTest(pRequest); break; case MFEXML_GetRemote: GetRemote(pRequest); break; default: UPnp::FormatErrorResponse(pRequest, UPnPResult_InvalidAction); } return true; }
bool UPnpMSRR::ProcessRequest( HttpWorkerThread *pThread, HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { if (pRequest) { if (Eventing::ProcessRequest( pThread, pRequest )) return true; if ( pRequest->m_sBaseUrl != m_sControlUrl ) return false; VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, QString("UPnpMSRR::ProcessRequest : %1 : %2 :") .arg( pRequest->m_sBaseUrl ) .arg( pRequest->m_sMethod )); switch( GetMethod( pRequest->m_sMethod ) ) { case MSRR_GetServiceDescription : pRequest->FormatFileResponse( m_sServiceDescFileName ); break; case MSRR_IsAuthorized : HandleIsAuthorized ( pRequest ); break; case MSRR_RegisterDevice : HandleRegisterDevice ( pRequest ); break; case MSRR_IsValidated : HandleIsValidated ( pRequest ); break; default: UPnp::FormatErrorResponse( pRequest, UPnPResult_InvalidAction ); break; } } return( true ); }
bool IrisClass::_FunctionAchieved() { _InterfaceFunctionDeclareMap mpFunctionDeclare; // 递归调用,把所有的接口的FunctionDeclare给放到map里面 for (auto inter : m_hsInterfaces){ _FunctionCollect(inter.second, mpFunctionDeclare); } bool bResult = false; IrisMethod* pMethod = nullptr; // 开始逐个检查 for (auto funcdec : mpFunctionDeclare) { pMethod = GetMethod(IrisClass::SearchMethodType::InstanceMethod, funcdec.first, bResult); // 如果没有找到,那么直接退出 if (!pMethod) { return false; } else { // 如果找到了但是参数不对,还是退出 auto pMethodDeclare = funcdec.second; if (pMethod->m_bIsWithVariableParameter != pMethodDeclare.m_bHaveVariableParameter || pMethod->m_nParameterAmount != pMethodDeclare.m_nParameterAmount) { return false; } } } return true; }
static void CollectTypeDescriptors(WfCustomType* td, SortedList<ITypeDescriptor*>& tds) { vint baseCount = td->GetBaseTypeDescriptorCount(); for (vint i = 0; i < baseCount; i++) { auto baseType = td->GetBaseTypeDescriptor(i); CollectTypeDescriptors(baseType, tds); } vint methodGroupCount = td->GetMethodGroupCount(); for (vint i = 0; i < methodGroupCount; i++) { auto group = td->GetMethodGroup(i); vint methodCount = group->GetMethodCount(); for (vint j = 0; j < methodCount; j++) { auto method = group->GetMethod(j); CollectTypeDescriptors(method, tds); } } vint propertyCount = td->GetPropertyCount(); for (vint i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++) { CollectTypeDescriptors(td->GetProperty(i), tds); } vint eventCount = td->GetEventCount(); for (vint i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { CollectTypeDescriptors(td->GetEvent(i), tds); } }
bool UPnpCMGR::ProcessRequest( HttpWorkerThread *pThread, HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { if (pRequest) { if (Eventing::ProcessRequest( pThread, pRequest )) return true; if ( pRequest->m_sBaseUrl != m_sControlUrl ) { // VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString("UPnpCMGR::ProcessRequest - BaseUrl (%1) not ours...").arg(pRequest->m_sBaseUrl )); return false; } VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString("UPnpCMGR::ProcessRequest - Method (%1)").arg(pRequest->m_sMethod )); switch( GetMethod( pRequest->m_sMethod ) ) { case CMGRM_GetServiceDescription : pRequest->FormatFileResponse ( m_sServiceDescFileName ); break; case CMGRM_GetProtocolInfo : HandleGetProtocolInfo ( pRequest ); break; case CMGRM_GetCurrentConnectionInfo: HandleGetCurrentConnectionInfo( pRequest ); break; case CMGRM_GetCurrentConnectionIDs : HandleGetCurrentConnectionIDs ( pRequest ); break; default: UPnp::FormatErrorResponse( pRequest, UPnPResult_InvalidAction ); break; } return true; } return false; }
void HttpDebugSocket::OnFirst() { Send( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" "Content-type: text/html\n" "Connection: close\n" "Server: HttpDebugSocket/1.0\n" "\n"); Send( "<html><head><title>Echo Request</title></head>" "<body><h3>Request Header</h3>"); Send( "<form method='post' action='/test_post'>" "<input type='text' name='text' value='test text'><br>" "<input type='submit' name='submit' value=' OK '></form>"); // enctype 'multipart/form-data' Sendf("<form action='/test_post' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"); Sendf("<input type=file name=the_file><br>"); Sendf("<input type=text name=the_name><br>"); Sendf("<input type=submit name=submit value=' test form-data '>"); Sendf("</form>"); Send( "<pre style='background: #e0e0e0'>"); Send(GetMethod() + " " + GetUrl() + " " + GetHttpVersion() + "\n"); }
int GetArgsCount(JNIEnv *env, jobject args) { jmethodID mid = GetMethod(env, "com/yeguang/paramprotocol/ParamArgs", "getCount", "()I"); return env->CallIntMethod(args, mid); }
bool MythFEXML::ProcessRequest( HttpWorkerThread *pThread, HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { try { if (pRequest) { if (pRequest->m_sBaseUrl != m_sControlUrl) return( false ); VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, QString("MythFEXML::ProcessRequest: %1 : %2") .arg(pRequest->m_sMethod) .arg(pRequest->m_sRawRequest)); switch( GetMethod( pRequest->m_sMethod )) { case MFEXML_GetScreenShot : GetScreenShot ( pRequest ); return true; default: { UPnp::FormatErrorResponse( pRequest, UPnPResult_InvalidAction ); return true; } } } } catch( ... ) { VERBOSE( VB_IMPORTANT, "MythFEXML::ProcessRequest() - Unexpected Exception" ); } return( false ); }
bool UPnpCDS::ProcessRequest( HttpWorkerThread *pThread, HTTPRequest *pRequest ) { if (pRequest) { if (Eventing::ProcessRequest( pThread, pRequest )) return true; if ( pRequest->m_sBaseUrl != m_sControlUrl ) { // VERBOSE( VB_UPNP, QString("UPnpCDS::ProcessRequest - BaseUrl (%1) not ours...").arg(pRequest->m_sBaseUrl )); return false; } switch( GetMethod( pRequest->m_sMethod ) ) { case CDSM_GetServiceDescription : pRequest->FormatFileResponse( m_sServiceDescFileName ); break; case CDSM_Browse : HandleBrowse ( pRequest ); break; case CDSM_Search : HandleSearch ( pRequest ); break; case CDSM_GetSearchCapabilities : HandleGetSearchCapabilities ( pRequest ); break; case CDSM_GetSortCapabilities : HandleGetSortCapabilities ( pRequest ); break; case CDSM_GetSystemUpdateID : HandleGetSystemUpdateID ( pRequest ); break; default: UPnp::FormatErrorResponse( pRequest, UPnPResult_InvalidAction ); break; } return true; } return false; }
SecurityClientSSL::SecurityClientSSL( Address& Address, std::string certFile, std::string keyFile, std::string trustFile, std::string password, securityMode method) : SecurityClient(Address), itsSecurityMode(method), itsCertificate(new Certificate()), itsKey(new Key()), itsTrust(new Trust()) { SetCertificate(certFile); SetKey(keyFile); SetTrust(trustFile); itsPassword = password; libsslInit(); itsCTX = SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_new(GetMethod()); /* create new context from method */ if (itsCTX == NULL) { throw_SSL("SSL_CTX_new failed"); } SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(itsCTX, passwordCallback); if (itsPassword.length() >= 4) SSLWrap::SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(itsCTX, this); itsCertificate->SetContext(itsCTX); itsKey->SetContext(itsCTX); itsTrust->SetContext(itsCTX); itsCertificate->Apply(); itsKey->Apply(); itsTrust->Apply(); //create new SSL BIO, basing on a configured context BIO* bio = SSLWrap::BIO_new_ssl_connect(itsCTX); if (bio == NULL) { throw_SSL("BIO_new_ssl_connect failed"); } //make sure SSL is here SSLWrap::BIO_get_ssl_(bio, & itsSSL); if (itsSSL == NULL) { throw_SSL("BIO_get_ssl failed"); } /* With this option set, if the server suddenly wants a new handshake, * OpenSSL handles it in the background. */ SSLWrap::SSL_set_mode_(itsSSL, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); /*The hostname can be an IP address. The hostname can also include the port * in the form hostname:port . It is also acceptable to use the form * "hostname/any/other/path" or "hostname:port/any/other/path".*/ SSLWrap::BIO_set_conn_hostname_(bio, itsSrverAddress.GetHostAndPort().c_str()); DBG << "populated safe client BIO @host=" << itsSrverAddress.GetHostAndPort() << std::endl; SetBIO(bio); DBG_CONSTRUCTOR; }
Variant DynamicObject::m_GetMethod(int numargs, Variant args[]) { MethodHandler *mthd = GetMethod(args[0]); if (mthd) { return anytovariant(mthd->GetName()); } return VARNULL; }
void JniFirebase::UnAuth() { auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, "unauth", "()V", &s_unAuth)) { return; } env->CallVoidMethod(m_firebase, s_unAuth); }
void JniFirebase::SetJson(const char *value) { auto env = getEnv(); if (s_objectMapperInstance == NULL) { lock<std::mutex> lock(s_objectMapperLock); if (s_objectMapperInstance == NULL) { if (!GetClass(env, "java/util/HashMap", &s_objectClass)) { return; } if (!GetClass(env, s_objectMapperClassName, &s_objectMapperClass)) { return; } jmethodID ctor = NULL; if (!GetMethod(env, s_objectMapperClass, "<init>", "()V", &ctor)) { return; } if (!GetMethod(env, s_objectMapperClass, s_objectMapperReadValueName, s_objectMapperReadValueSig, &s_objectMapperReadValue)) { return; } JOBJECT localRef = JOBJECT(env, env->NewObject(s_objectMapperClass, ctor)); s_objectMapperInstance = env->NewGlobalRef(localRef); } } JOBJECT localValue = JOBJECT(env, env->CallObjectMethod(s_objectMapperInstance, s_objectMapperReadValue, (jstring)JSTRING(env, env->NewStringUTF(value)), s_objectClass)); if (env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI_TRUE) { SetString(GetJNIExceptionDescription(env, env->ExceptionOccurred())); return; } if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, s_firebaseSetValueName, s_firebaseSetValueSig, &s_firebaseSetValue)) { return; } env->CallVoidMethod(m_firebase, s_firebaseSetValue, (jobject)localValue); }
static void PrintProperty (LocationObject* loc) { if (!loc) return; LocationMethod method = LOCATION_METHOD_NONE; LocationPosition *pos = NULL; LocationAccuracy *acc = NULL; guint pos_interval = 0; guint vel_interval = 0; guint sat_interval = 0; gchar method_str[STR_MAX] = {0, }; gchar status_str[STR_MAX] = {0, }; gchar* devname = NULL; g_object_get(loc, "method", &method, NULL); GetMethod(method_str, method); g_printf("method[%s] ", method_str); if (LOCATION_METHOD_GPS == method) { g_object_get(loc, "dev-name", &devname, NULL); if (devname) { g_printf("dev-name[%s] ", devname); g_free(devname); } } int ret = location_get_last_position (loc, &pos, &acc); if (ret == LOCATION_ERROR_NONE) { GetStatus(status_str, pos->status); g_printf("\nLast position [time(%d) lat(%f) long(%f) alt(%f) status(%s)]", pos->timestamp, pos->latitude, pos->longitude, pos->altitude, status_str); location_position_free (pos); location_accuracy_free (acc); } if (method == LOCATION_METHOD_HYBRID || method == LOCATION_METHOD_GPS) { g_object_get(loc, "pos-interval", &pos_interval, NULL); g_object_get(loc, "vel-interval", &vel_interval, NULL); g_object_get(loc, "sat-interval", &sat_interval, NULL); } else if (method == LOCATION_METHOD_WPS) { g_object_get(loc, "pos-interval", &pos_interval, NULL); g_object_get(loc, "vel-interval", &vel_interval, NULL); } else if (method == LOCATION_METHOD_CPS) { g_object_get(loc, "pos-interval", &pos_interval, NULL); } g_printf("Position interval : [%u], Velocity interval [%u], Satellite interval [%u]\n", pos_interval, vel_interval, sat_interval); g_printf("\nSignals: "); if (g_sig_enable) g_printf("[service-enabled], "); if (g_sig_disable) g_printf("[service-disabled], "); if (g_sig_update) g_printf("[service-updated], "); if (g_sig_zonein) g_printf("[zone-in], "); if (g_sig_zoneout) g_printf("[zone-out]"); }
bool InputPort::CheckType() const { Method *code = GetMethod(wxT("check-type"), Project::GetProject()->GetTarget()); if (code != NULL) { return code->CheckType(this); } return false; }
yeguang::ParamSocket *GetSocket(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { // call Lcom/yeguang/paramprotocol/ParamSocket; getSock jmethodID mid = GetMethod(env, "com/yeguang/paramprotocol/ParamSocket", "getSock", "()J"); yeguang::ParamSocket *sock = (yeguang::ParamSocket *)env->CallLongMethod(obj, mid); return sock; }
ColumnScoringMethod ColumnScorer::GetMethodForScorer(unsigned int scorerIndex) const { ColumnScoringMethod method = eInvalidColumnScorerMethod; if (scorerIndex == 0 && !IsCompound()) { method = GetMethod(); } else if (IsCompound() && scorerIndex < m_scorers.size()) { method = m_scorers[scorerIndex]->GetMethod(); } return method; }
JniFirebase* JniFirebase::Push() { if (!m_firebase) { return NULL; } auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, s_firebasePushName, s_firebasePushSig, &s_firebasePush)) { return NULL; } return new JniFirebase(env->CallObjectMethod(m_firebase, s_firebasePush)); }
wxString OutputPort::GetType() const { Method *code = GetMethod(wxT("get-type"), Project::GetProject()->GetTarget()); if (code != NULL) { return code->GetType(this); } return wxT("?"); }
void TSExpression::Build(SemanticApi::TGlobalBuildContext build_context) { assert(first_op.get() == nullptr); TSemanticTreeBuilder b(build_context, GetSyntax(), GetOwner(), GetMethod(), this); auto syntax = GetSyntax(); if (!syntax->IsEmpty()) first_op.reset(b.VisitNode(syntax)); expression_result = dynamic_cast<TSOperation*>(first_op.get())->GetFormalParameter(); }
bool ScriptFile::Execute(asIScriptObject* object, const String& declaration, const VariantVector& parameters, bool unprepare) { asIScriptFunction* method = GetMethod(object, declaration); if (!method) { LOGERROR("Method " + declaration + " not found in " + GetName()); return false; } return Execute(object, method, parameters, unprepare); }
uint64_t JniFirebase::GetAuthExpiration() { auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, "getAuth", "()Lcom.firebase.client.AuthData;", &s_firebaseGetAuth)) { return NULL; } JOBJECT authData = JOBJECT(env, env->CallObjectMethod(m_firebase, s_firebaseGetAuth)); JniAuth auth = JniAuth(authData); return auth.GetAuthExpiration(); }
void JniFirebase::SetString(const char *value) { if (!m_firebase) { return; } auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, s_firebaseSetValueName, s_firebaseSetValueSig, &s_firebaseSetValue)) { return; } env->CallVoidMethod(m_firebase, s_firebaseSetValue, (jstring)JSTRING(env, env->NewStringUTF(value))); }
int XNav::CheckMenuMethodFilter( xmenu_sMenuCall *ip, int idx) { pwr_tStatus sts; pwr_tStatus (*filter)( xmenu_sMenuCall *); sts = GetMethod( ip->ItemList[idx].Filter, &filter); if ( ODD(sts)) sts = (filter) ( ip); return sts; }
int XNav::CallMenuMethod( xmenu_sMenuCall *ip, int idx) { pwr_tStatus sts; pwr_tStatus (*method)( xmenu_sMenuCall *); sts = GetMethod( ip->ItemList[idx].Method, &method); if ( ODD(sts)) sts = (method) ( ip); return sts; }
JniChildEventStub::JniChildEventStub(JniFirebase* firebase, jlong cookie) { auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetClass(env, s_stubClassName, &s_stubClass)) { return; } if (!GetMethod(env, s_stubClass, s_stubCtorName, s_stubCtorSig, &s_stubCtor)) { return; } if (!GetMethod(env, s_stubClass, s_stubReleaseName, s_stubReleaseSig, &s_stubRelease)) { return; } JOBJECT localRef = JOBJECT(env, env->NewObject(s_stubClass, s_stubCtor, firebase->getJniObject(), cookie)); m_stub = env->NewGlobalRef(localRef); }
JniFirebase* JniFirebase::Child(const char *value) { if (!m_firebase) { return NULL; } auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, s_firebaseChildName, s_firebaseChildSig, &s_firebaseChild)) { return NULL; } JOBJECT childFirebase = JOBJECT(env, env->CallObjectMethod(m_firebase, s_firebaseChild, (jstring)JSTRING(env, env->NewStringUTF(value)))); return new JniFirebase(childFirebase); }
JniFirebase* JniFirebase::Root() { if (!m_firebase) { return NULL; } auto env = getEnv(); if (!GetMethod(env, s_firebaseClass, s_firebaseRootName, s_firebaseRootSig, &s_firebaseRoot)) { return NULL; } JOBJECT rootFirebase = JOBJECT(env, env->CallObjectMethod(m_firebase, s_firebaseRoot)); return new JniFirebase(rootFirebase); }