// This will get called by the javascript in the Browser, to pass us offers
void Rendezvous_OnPost(SimpleRendezvousServer sender, SimpleRendezvousServerToken token, char* path, char* data, int dataLen)
	char *offer;
	if (mConnection == NULL)
		 printf("The browser initiated the SDP offer, so we have to create a connection and set the offer\n");
		mConnection = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_ConnectionFactory_CreateConnection(mConnectionFactory, &WebRTCConnectionSink, &WebRTCDataChannelSink, &WebRTCConnectionSendOkSink);
		ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetStunServers(mConnection, stunServerList, 9);

		if (useStun==0)
			printf("stun is null in on post\n");
			offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, data, dataLen, NULL);
			SimpleRendezvousServer_Respond(sender, token, 1, offer, strlen(offer), ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_CHAIN);
			printf(red"We're freeing this, becuase we'll generate the offer in the candidate callback...\n"rst);
			// The best way, is to return this offer, and update the candidate incrementally, but that is for another sample
			ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetUserData(mConnection, sender, token, NULL);
			free(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, data, dataLen, &CandidateSink));
		printf("We inititiated the SDP exchange, so the browser is just giving us a response... Even tho, this will generate a counter-response\n");
		// we don't need to send it back to the browser, so we'll just drop it.
		data[dataLen] = 0;
		printf("Setting Offer...\r\n");
		free(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, data, dataLen, NULL));
		SimpleRendezvousServer_Respond(sender, token, 1, NULL, 0, ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_STATIC);		
예제 #2
int libwebrtc_set_offer( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn, const char* sdp ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );

	// Microstack requires at least one candidate
	std::string tmp;
	if( strstr(sdp, "a=candidate") == NULL ) {
		tmp = sdp;
		tmp += "a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609534 0 typ host\n";
		sdp = tmp.c_str();

	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(connection, (char*)sdp, strlen(sdp), &WebRTCOnIceCandidate);
	if( offer == NULL )
		return 0;
	// always send this offer, as the callback will only send additianal candidates
	ctx->callback(ctx, conn, NULL, LWRTC_CALLBACK_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION, user_data, offer, strlen(offer));
	return 1;
void OnWebSocket(SimpleRendezvousServerToken sender, int InterruptFlag, struct packetheader *header, char *bodyBuffer,
				 int bodyBufferLen, SimpleRendezvousServer_WebSocket_DataTypes bodyBufferType, SimpleRendezvousServer_DoneFlag done)
	printf(red"on websocket\n"rst);
	if(done == SimpleRendezvousServer_DoneFlag_NotDone)
		printf(yellow"We have the entire offer\n"rst);
			char *offer;
		if (mConnection == NULL)
			printf(yellow"The browser initiated the SDP offer, so we have to create a connection and set the offer\n"rst);
			mConnection = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_ConnectionFactory_CreateConnection(mConnectionFactory, 
			ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetStunServers(mConnection, stunServerList, 9);

			if (useStun==0)
				printf(red"stun is 0\n"rst);
				offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, bodyBuffer, bodyBufferLen, NULL);
				SimpleRendezvousServer_WebSocket_Send(sender, SimpleRendezvousServer_WebSocket_DataType_TEXT, offer, strlen(offer), ILibAsyncSocket_MemoryOwnership_CHAIN, SimpleRendezvousServer_FragmentFlag_Complete);
				printf(yellow"We're freeing this, becuase we'll generate the offer in the candidate callback...\n"rst);
				// The best way, is to return this offer, and update the candidate incrementally, but that is for another sample
				ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetUserData(mConnection, NULL, sender, NULL);
				free(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, bodyBuffer, bodyBufferLen, &CandidateSink));
			printf(yellow"We inititiated the SDP exchange, so the browser is just giving us a response... Even tho, this will generate a counter-response\n"rst);
			// we don't need to send it back to the browser, so we'll just drop it.
			printf(red"Setting Offer...\r\n"rst);
			free(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(mConnection, bodyBuffer, bodyBufferLen, NULL));	
예제 #4
int libwebrtc_set_answer( struct libwebrtc_connection* conn, const char* sdp ) {
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection = (ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection)conn;
	void* user_data = NULL;
	libwebrtc_context* ctx = NULL;
	ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_GetUserData(connection, (void**)&ctx, NULL, &user_data);
	assert( ctx != NULL );
	// Microstack requires at least one candidate
	std::string tmp;
	if( strstr(sdp, "a=candidate") == NULL ) {
		tmp = sdp;
		tmp += "a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2128609534 0 typ host\n";
		sdp = tmp.c_str();

	char* offer = ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(connection, (char*)sdp, strlen(sdp), NULL); // no CB as this is the answer
	if( offer == NULL )
		return 0;

	return 1;
예제 #5
	// Set an SDP Answer/Offer (WebRTC Receiver)
	__declspec(dllexport) char* ILibWrapper_DLL_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection connection, char* offer, int offerLen, ILibWrapper_WebRTC_OnConnectionCandidate onCandidates)
		return(ILibWrapper_WebRTC_Connection_SetOffer(connection, offer, offerLen, onCandidates));