예제 #1
static bool ArraySubRange( dr_handle tsub, int index, void *_df )
    array_wlk_wlk *df = _df;
    dr_subinfo info;
    int_32     low;
    int_32     high;
    int_32     count;

    index = index;
    DRGetSubrangeInfo( tsub, &info );
    /* DWARF 2.0 specifies lower bound defaults for C/C++ (0) and FORTRAN (1) */
    if( info.low.val_class == DR_VAL_NOT ) {
        if( IM2MODI( df->ii, df->it->im )->lang == DR_LANG_FORTRAN )
            low = 1;
            low = 0;
    } else {
        GetDrVal( df, &info.low, &low );
    if( info.count.val_class == DR_VAL_NOT ){
        if( info.high.val_class == DR_VAL_NOT ){
            return( FALSE );
        GetDrVal( df, &info.high, &high );
        count = high - low +1;
        GetDrVal( df, &info.count, &count );
    df->low = low;
    df->count *= count;
    return( df->cont );
예제 #2
char    *DIGENTRY DIPImpModSrcLang( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_mod_handle im )
    char       *ret = NULL;

    if( im == IMH_NOMOD ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( NULL );
    switch( IM2MODI( ii, im )->lang ) {
//      ret = "unknown";
        ret = "c";
        ret = "cpp";
        ret = "fortran";
    case DR_LANG_C:
        ret = "c";
    return( ret );
예제 #3
void  SetModPubNames( imp_image_handle *ii, dr_handle mod_handle )
    imp_mod_handle im;

    im = Dwarf2Mod( ii, mod_handle );
    if( im != IMH_NOMOD ) {
        IM2MODI( ii, im )->has_pubnames = TRUE;
예제 #4
unsigned    DIGENTRY DIPImpModName( imp_image_handle *ii,
                        imp_mod_handle im, char *buff, unsigned max )
    char        *name;
    unsigned    len;

    if( im == IMH_NOMOD || (name = IM2MODI( ii, im )->name) == NULL ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( 0 );
    len = NameCopy( buff, name, max );
    return( len );
예제 #5
static bool GetStrLen( imp_image_handle *ii,
                        dr_handle dr_sym,
                        location_context *lc,
                        dr_typeinfo  *ret ){
//  Find value of scalar
    uint_32         seg;
    location_list   src;
    location_list   dst;
    imp_mod_handle  im;
        long  l;
        short s;
        char  c;
    unsigned        idx_size;
    mod_info        *modinfo;

    im = DwarfMod( ii, dr_sym );
    if( im == IMH_NOMOD ){
        return( FALSE );
    modinfo = IM2MODI( ii, im );
    if( modinfo->is_segment == FALSE ){
        seg = SEG_DATA; // if flat hoke segment
        EvalSeg( ii, dr_sym, &seg );
    if( EvalLocation( ii, lc, dr_sym, seg, &src ) != DS_OK ){
        return( FALSE );
    idx_size = ret->size;
    if( idx_size == 0 ){
        idx_size = modinfo->addr_size;
    LocationCreate( &dst, LT_INTERNAL, &val );
    if( DCAssignLocation( &dst, &src, idx_size ) != DS_OK ){
        return( FALSE );
    switch( idx_size ){
    case 1:
        ret->size = val.c;
    case 2:
        ret->size = val.s;
    case 4:
        ret->size = val.l;
    return( TRUE );
예제 #6
dip_status  DIGENTRY DIPImpModInfo( imp_image_handle *ii,
                                imp_mod_handle im, handle_kind hk )
        Return DS_OK if the module has the kind of information indicated
        by 'hk', DS_FAIL if it does not.
    dip_status  ret;
    dr_handle   stmts;
    mod_info    *modinfo;

    ret = DS_FAIL;
    if( im == IMH_NOMOD ) {
        DCStatus( ret );
        return( ret );
    modinfo = IM2MODI( ii, im );
    switch( hk ) {
    case HK_IMAGE:
    case HK_TYPE:
        if( modinfo->stmts != 0 ) {
            ret = DS_OK;
    case HK_CUE:
        stmts = modinfo->stmts;
        if( stmts != 0 ) {  // need to get rid of stmts for file with no cues
            l_walk_info walk;
            address     a;

            walk.ii = ii;
            walk.im = im;
            walk.ret = &a;
            DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* set dwarf to image */
            if( !DRWalkLines( stmts, SEG_CODE, ALineCue, &walk ) ) {
                ret = DS_OK;
    case HK_SYM: /* if no lang assumed linker generated */
        if( modinfo->lang != DR_LANG_UNKNOWN ) {
            ret = DS_OK;
    return( ret );
예제 #7
walk_result     DIGENTRY DIPImpWalkTypeList( imp_image_handle *ii,
                    imp_mod_handle im, IMP_TYPE_WKR *wk, imp_type_handle *it,
                    void *d )
    dr_handle       cu_tag;
    struct mod_type typ_wlk;

    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each interface */
    cu_tag = IM2MODI( ii, im )->cu_tag;
    typ_wlk.ii = ii;
    typ_wlk.im = im;
    typ_wlk.wk = wk;
    typ_wlk.it  = it;
    typ_wlk.d   = d;
    DRWalkModTypes( cu_tag, AType, &typ_wlk );
    return( typ_wlk.wr );
예제 #8
address DIGENTRY DIPImpModAddr( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_mod_handle im )
    l_walk_info walk;
    address     a;
    dr_handle   stmts;

    if( im != IMH_NOMOD && (stmts = IM2MODI( ii, im )->stmts) != 0 ) {
        DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
        walk.ii = ii;
        walk.im = im;
        walk.ret = &a;
        if( !DRWalkLines( stmts, SEG_CODE, AModAddr, &walk ) ) {
            // found
            return( a );
    DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
    return( NilAddr );
예제 #9
static bool GetSymVal( imp_image_handle *ii,
                       dr_handle dr_sym, location_context *lc,
                       int_32 *ret ){
//  Find value of scalar
    dr_handle       dr_type;
    dr_typeinfo     typeinfo[1];
    imp_mod_handle  im;
    uint_32         seg;
    location_list   src;
    location_list   dst;

    dr_type =  DRGetTypeAT( dr_sym );
    if( dr_type == 0 ) {
        return( FALSE );
    DRGetTypeInfo( dr_type, typeinfo );
    if( typeinfo->size > sizeof( *ret ) ){
        return( FALSE );
    im = DwarfMod( ii, dr_sym );
    if( im == IMH_NOMOD ){
        return( FALSE );
    if( IM2MODI( ii, im )->is_segment == FALSE ){
        seg = SEG_DATA; // if flat hoke segment
        EvalSeg( ii, dr_sym, &seg );
    if( EvalLocation( ii, lc, dr_sym, seg, &src ) != DS_OK ){
        return( FALSE );
    LocationCreate( &dst, LT_INTERNAL, ret );
    if( DCAssignLocation( &dst, &src, typeinfo->size ) != DS_OK ){
        return( FALSE );
    return( TRUE );
예제 #10
dip_status  DIGENTRY DIPImpModDefault( imp_image_handle *ii,
                imp_mod_handle im, default_kind dk, dip_type_info *ti )
        Return the default type information for indicated type. The
        client uses this to figure out how big a default 'int', code pointer,
        and data pointer should be. The information depends on whether
        the 16 or 32-bit compiler was used, and what memory model the
        source file was compiled with.
    mod_info    *modinfo;

//TODO: finish
    modinfo = IM2MODI( ii, im );
    ti->size = modinfo->addr_size;
    switch( dk ) {
    case DK_INT:
        ti->kind = TK_INTEGER;
        ti->modifier = TM_SIGNED;
    case DK_DATA_PTR:
    case DK_CODE_PTR:
        ti->kind = TK_POINTER;
        switch( modinfo->model ) {
        case DR_MODEL_NONE:
        case DR_MODEL_FLAT:
        case DR_MODEL_SMALL:
            ti->modifier = TM_NEAR;
        case DR_MODEL_MEDIUM:
            if( dk == DK_CODE_PTR ) {
                ti->modifier = TM_FAR;
                ti->size += 2;
            } else {
                ti->modifier = TM_NEAR;
        case DR_MODEL_COMPACT:
            if( dk == DK_CODE_PTR ) {
                ti->modifier = TM_NEAR;
            } else {
                ti->modifier = TM_FAR;
                ti->size += 2;
        case DR_MODEL_LARGE:
            ti->modifier = TM_FAR;
            ti->size += 2;
        case DR_MODEL_HUGE:
            if( dk == DK_CODE_PTR ) {
                ti->modifier = TM_FAR;
            } else {
                ti->modifier = TM_HUGE;
            ti->size += 2;
    return( DS_OK );
예제 #11
static void InitTypeHandle( imp_image_handle *ii,
                            imp_type_handle  *it,
                            location_context *lc  ){
//Set type handle to the base state
//If array poise at first index
    imp_type_handle sub;
    dr_array_info   info;
    dr_handle       btype;
    dr_array_stat   stat;
    uint_32         base_stride;
    uint_32         n_el;

    if( it->state == DF_NOT ) {
        DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
        DRGetTypeInfo( it->type, &it->typeinfo );
        it->state = DF_SET;
        it->sub_array = FALSE;
        if( it->typeinfo.kind == DR_TYPEK_ARRAY ){
            if( it->typeinfo.size == 0 ){
                btype =  DRSkipTypeChain( it->type ); /* skip modifiers and typedefs */
                stat = DRGetArrayInfo( btype, &info );
                if( stat & DR_ARRAY_STRIDE_SIZE ){
                    base_stride = info.stride_size/8;
                    btype = DRGetTypeAT( btype );    /* get base type */
                    sub.type = btype;
                    sub.im = it->im;
                    sub.state = DF_NOT;
                    InitTypeHandle( ii, &sub, lc );
                    base_stride = sub.typeinfo.size;
                it->array.base_stride = base_stride;
                it->array.column_major = 0; /* 1 for fortran */
                if( stat & DR_ARRAY_ORDERING ){
                    if( info.ordering == DW_ORD_col_major ){
                        it->array.column_major = 1;
                }else if( IM2MODI( ii, it->im )->lang == DR_LANG_FORTRAN ){
                    it->array.column_major = 1;
                if( info.child == 0 ) { // set info now
                    it->array.dims = 1;
                    it->array.low = 0;
                    it->array.index = 0;
                    if( stat & DR_ARRAY_COUNT ){
                        if( info.count == 0 ){ // ie  char (*x)[]
                            info.count = 1;
                        it->typeinfo.size = info.count * it->array.base_stride;
                        it->array.num_elts= info.count;
                        it->typeinfo.size =  it->array.base_stride;
                    if( !it->array.column_major ){
                        base_stride = it->typeinfo.size;
                        n_el = it->array.num_elts;
                        base_stride = n_el ? base_stride / n_el : 0;
                        it->array.base_stride = base_stride;
                    it->array.is_set = TRUE;
                    it->array.is_based = FALSE;
                    it->sub_array = FALSE;
                    it->sub_array = TRUE;
                    it->array.is_set = FALSE;
                    it->array.index = GetArrayDim( info.child, 0 );
        }else if( it->typeinfo.kind == DR_TYPEK_STRING ){
            if( DRStringLengthAT( it->type ) ) {
                if( !GetStrLen( ii, it->type, lc, &it->typeinfo ) ){
                    it->typeinfo.size = 1;
    if( it->typeinfo.kind == DR_TYPEK_ARRAY ){
        if( it->array.is_set == FALSE ){
            GetArraySize( ii, it, lc );
        }else if( it->array.is_based ){
            GetArraySubSize( ii, it, lc );