예제 #1
    DepFixture(const char *path)
        : mgr(NULL)
        , vmgr(NULL)
        , resolver(NULL)
        , siteless(false)
        rc_t rc = 0;

        KDirectory *wd = NULL;
        if (KDirectoryNativeDir(&wd)) {
            FAIL("failed to KDirectoryNativeDir");

        const KDirectory *dir = NULL;
        KConfig *cfg = NULL;

        if (KDirectoryOpenDirRead(wd, &dir, false, path)) {
            FAIL("failed to KDirectoryOpenDirRead()");
        if (KConfigMake(&cfg, dir)) {
            FAIL("failed to KConfigMake()");
        RELEASE(KDirectory, dir);
        if (VFSManagerMakeFromKfg(&vmgr, cfg)) {
            FAIL("failed to VFSManagerMakeFromKfg()");
        if (VFSManagerGetResolver(vmgr, &resolver)) {
            FAIL("failed to VFSManagerGetResolver");

        String *result = NULL;
        rc = KConfigReadString(cfg, "repository/site/main/tracearc/root",
        if (rc != 0) {
            if (rc == SILENT_RC(rcKFG, rcNode, rcOpening, rcPath, rcNotFound)) {
                rc = 0;
                siteless = true;
            else {
              "failed to KConfigReadString(repository/site/main/tracearc/root)");
        else {
            KPathType t = KDirectoryPathType(wd, result->addr);
            if (t != kptDir) {
                siteless = true;
        RELEASE(String, result);

        RELEASE(KConfig, cfg);
        if (VDBManagerMakeReadWithVFSManager(&mgr, NULL, vmgr)) {
            FAIL("failed to VDBManagerMakeReadWithVFSManager()");

        RELEASE(KDirectory, wd);
예제 #2
파일: ascp.c 프로젝트: binlu1981/ncbi-vdb
static String* _KConfigAscpString(const KConfig *self,
    const char *path, const char *name)
    String *ascp = NULL;
    rc_t rc = KConfigReadString(self, path, &ascp);
    if (rc == 0) {
/*      STSMSG(STS_INFO, ("Using %s from configuration: '%s'",
            name, ascp->addr)); */
        return ascp;
    else {
        if (rc != SILENT_RC(rcKFG, rcNode, rcOpening, rcPath, rcNotFound)) {
            DISP_RC(rc, path);
        else {
/*          STSMSG(STS_DBG, ("'%s': not found in configuration", path)); */
        return NULL;
예제 #3
파일: proxy.c 프로젝트: ncbi/ncbi-vdb
KNSProxies * KNSManagerKNSProxiesMake ( struct KNSManager * mgr,
                                        const KConfig * kfg )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    int i = 0;
    int n = 2;

    typedef enum {
    } EType;

    EType type [ 2 ] = { eKfg, eEnv };

    KNSProxies * self = calloc ( 1, sizeof * self ); 
    if ( self == NULL )
        return NULL;

    assert ( self );

    BSTreeInit ( & self -> proxie_tree );

    rc = KConfigReadBool
        ( kfg, "/http/proxy/enabled", & self -> http_proxy_enabled );
    if ( rc != 0 ) {
        if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;
        else {
            KNSManagerSetHTTPProxyPath ( mgr, NULL );
            assert ( self -> http_proxy_enabled == false );
    else if ( ! self -> http_proxy_enabled )
        return self;

        bool proxy_only = false;
        rc_t rc = KConfigReadBool ( kfg, "/http/proxy/only",  & proxy_only );
        if ( rc == 0 && proxy_only )
            self-> http_proxy_only = true;

        String * result = NULL;
        rc = KConfigReadString ( kfg, "/http/proxy/use", & result );
        if ( rc == 0 ) {
            if ( StringCmp ( result, "env") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg") ) {
                n = 1;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "none") ) {
                n = 0;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "env,kfg") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eEnv;
                type [ 1 ] = eKfg;
            } else if ( StringCmp ( result, "kfg,env") ) {
                n = 2;
                type [ 0 ] = eKfg;
                type [ 1 ] = eEnv;
        RELEASE ( String, result );

    for ( i = 0; i < n; ++ i ) {
        switch ( type [ i ] ) {
            case eEnv:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromEnv ( self );
            case eKfg:
                KNSProxiesHttpProxyInitFromKfg ( self, kfg );
                assert ( 0 );

    BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeCount,
                    & self -> http_proxies_cnt );

    if ( self -> http_proxies_cnt > 0 ) {
        self -> http_proxies = calloc ( self -> http_proxies_cnt,
                                        sizeof * self -> http_proxies );
        if ( self -> http_proxies == NULL )
            return NULL;
            ( "Will use %zu proxy spec%s%s\n", self -> http_proxies_cnt,
              self -> http_proxies_cnt > 1 ? "s" : "",
              self -> http_proxy_only ? "" : " and direct connection") );

    self -> tmpS = 0;
    n = self -> http_proxies_cnt;
    srand ( time ( NULL ) );
    while ( n > 0 ) {
        self -> rand = rand () % n;
        self -> tmpI = 0;
        if ( ! BSTreeDoUntil ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeSetRand, self ) )
            BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false,
                               KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self ) ;
            n = 0;
        else {
            const BSTItem * item = ( BSTItem * ) self -> tmpB;
            self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ++ ] = item -> proxy;
            BSTreeUnlink ( & self -> proxie_tree, self -> tmpB );
            BSTItemWhack ( self -> tmpB, NULL );
            self -> tmpB = NULL;
            -- n;

/* BSTreeForEach ( & self -> proxie_tree, false, KNSProxiesBSTreeInit, self );*/

    for ( self -> tmpS = 1; self -> tmpS < self ->http_proxies_cnt;
       ++ self -> tmpS )
        self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS - 1 ] -> next
            = self -> http_proxies [ self -> tmpS ];

    return self;