static void edbm_bevel_exit(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { BevelData *opdata = op->customdata; ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C); if (sa) { ED_area_status_text(sa, NULL); } if (opdata->is_modal) { View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C); for (uint ob_index = 0; ob_index < opdata->ob_store_len; ob_index++) { EDBM_redo_state_free(&opdata->ob_store[ob_index].mesh_backup, NULL, false); } ED_region_draw_cb_exit(ar->type, opdata->draw_handle_pixel); if (v3d) { v3d->gizmo_flag = opdata->gizmo_flag; } G.moving = 0; } MEM_SAFE_FREE(opdata->ob_store); MEM_SAFE_FREE(op->customdata); op->customdata = NULL; }
static void freeBind(CorrectiveSmoothModifierData *csmd) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(csmd->bind_coords); MEM_SAFE_FREE(csmd->delta_cache); csmd->bind_coords_num = 0; }
/** Free (or release) any data used by this lattice (does not free the lattice itself). */ void BKE_lattice_free(Lattice *lt) { BKE_animdata_free(<->id, false); BKE_lattice_batch_cache_free(lt); MEM_SAFE_FREE(lt->def); if (lt->dvert) { BKE_defvert_array_free(lt->dvert, lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv * lt->pntsw); lt->dvert = NULL; } if (lt->editlatt) { Lattice *editlt = lt->editlatt->latt; if (editlt->def) { MEM_freeN(editlt->def); } if (editlt->dvert) { BKE_defvert_array_free(editlt->dvert, lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv * lt->pntsw); } MEM_freeN(editlt); MEM_freeN(lt->editlatt); lt->editlatt = NULL; } }
/** Free (or release) any data used by this linestyle (does not free the linestyle itself). */ void BKE_linestyle_free(FreestyleLineStyle *linestyle) { LineStyleModifier *m; int a; BKE_animdata_free(&linestyle->id, false); for (a = 0; a < MAX_MTEX; a++) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(linestyle->mtex[a]); } /* is no lib link block, but linestyle extension */ if (linestyle->nodetree) { ntreeFreeTree(linestyle->nodetree); MEM_freeN(linestyle->nodetree); linestyle->nodetree = NULL; } while ((m = (LineStyleModifier *)linestyle->color_modifiers.first)) BKE_linestyle_color_modifier_remove(linestyle, m); while ((m = (LineStyleModifier *)linestyle->alpha_modifiers.first)) BKE_linestyle_alpha_modifier_remove(linestyle, m); while ((m = (LineStyleModifier *)linestyle->thickness_modifiers.first)) BKE_linestyle_thickness_modifier_remove(linestyle, m); while ((m = (LineStyleModifier *)linestyle->geometry_modifiers.first)) BKE_linestyle_geometry_modifier_remove(linestyle, m); }
static void gizmo_preselect_elem_free(wmGizmo *gz) { MeshElemGizmo3D *gz_ele = (MeshElemGizmo3D *)gz; EDBM_preselect_elem_destroy(gz_ele->psel); gz_ele->psel = NULL; MEM_SAFE_FREE(gz_ele->bases); }
void BKE_main_collection_sync_remap(const Main *bmain) { /* On remapping of object or collection pointers free caches. */ /* TODO: try to make this faster */ for (const Scene *scene = bmain->scenes.first; scene; scene = scene-> { for (ViewLayer *view_layer = scene->view_layers.first; view_layer; view_layer = view_layer->next) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(view_layer->object_bases_array); if (view_layer->object_bases_hash) { BLI_ghash_free(view_layer->object_bases_hash, NULL, NULL); view_layer->object_bases_hash = NULL; } } } for (Collection *collection = bmain->collections.first; collection; collection = collection-> { BKE_collection_object_cache_free(collection); DEG_id_tag_update_ex((Main *)bmain, &collection->id, ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE); } BKE_main_collection_sync(bmain); }
/** Free (or release) any data used by this texture (does not free the texure itself). */ void BKE_texture_free(Tex *tex) { BKE_animdata_free((ID *)tex, false); /* is no lib link block, but texture extension */ if (tex->nodetree) { ntreeFreeTree(tex->nodetree); MEM_freeN(tex->nodetree); tex->nodetree = NULL; } MEM_SAFE_FREE(tex->coba); if (tex->env) { BKE_texture_envmap_free(tex->env); tex->env = NULL; } if (tex->pd) { BKE_texture_pointdensity_free(tex->pd); tex->pd = NULL; } if (tex->vd) { BKE_texture_voxeldata_free(tex->vd); tex->vd = NULL; } if (tex->ot) { BKE_texture_ocean_free(tex->ot); tex->ot = NULL; } BKE_icon_id_delete((ID *)tex); BKE_previewimg_free(&tex->preview); }
void EEVEE_lightbake_job_data_free(void *custom_data) { EEVEE_LightBake *lbake = (EEVEE_LightBake *)custom_data; /* TODO reuse depsgraph. */ /* if (lbake->own_resources) { */ DEG_graph_free(lbake->depsgraph); /* } */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(lbake->cube_prb); MEM_SAFE_FREE(lbake->grid_prb); BLI_mutex_free(lbake->mutex); MEM_freeN(lbake); }
void ED_buttons_id_unref(SpaceButs *sbuts, const ID *id) { if (sbuts->pinid == id) { sbuts->pinid = NULL; sbuts->flag &= ~SB_PIN_CONTEXT; } if (sbuts->path) { ButsContextPath *path = sbuts->path; int i; for (i = 0; i < path->len; i++) { if (path->ptr[i] == id) { break; } } if (i == path->len) { /* pass */ } else if (i == 0) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(sbuts->path); } else { memset(&path->ptr[i], 0, sizeof(path->ptr[i]) * (path->len - i)); path->len = i; } } }
static void eevee_lightbake_readback_irradiance(LightCache *lcache) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(lcache->; lcache-> = GPU_texture_read(lcache->grid_tx.tex, GPU_DATA_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0); lcache->grid_tx.data_type = LIGHTCACHETEX_BYTE; lcache->grid_tx.components = 4; }
static void gizmo_preselect_edgering_free(wmGizmo *gz) { MeshEdgeRingGizmo3D *gz_ring = (MeshEdgeRingGizmo3D *)gz; EDBM_preselect_edgering_destroy(gz_ring->psel); gz_ring->psel = NULL; MEM_SAFE_FREE(gz_ring->bases); }
static void rna_FCurve_convert_to_keyframes(FCurve *fcu, ReportList *reports, int start, int end) { if (start >= end) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Invalid frame range (%d - %d)", start, end); } else if (fcu->bezt) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "FCurve has already keyframes"); } else if (!fcu->fpt) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "FCurve has no sample points"); } else { BezTriple *bezt; FPoint *fpt = fcu->fpt; int tot_kf = end - start; int tot_sp = fcu->totvert; bezt = fcu->bezt = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*fcu->bezt) * (size_t)tot_kf, __func__); fcu->totvert = tot_kf; /* Get first sample point to 'copy' as keyframe. */ for (; tot_sp && (fpt->vec[0] < (float)start); fpt++, tot_sp--); /* Add heading dummy flat points if needed. */ for (; tot_kf && (fpt->vec[0] > (float)start); start++, bezt++, tot_kf--) { /* Linear interpolation, of course. */ bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT; bezt->ipo = BEZT_IPO_LIN; bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO_ANIM; bezt->vec[1][0] = (float)start; bezt->vec[1][1] = fpt->vec[1]; } /* Copy actual sample points. */ for (; tot_kf && tot_sp; start++, bezt++, tot_kf--, fpt++, tot_sp--) { /* Linear interpolation, of course. */ bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT; bezt->ipo = BEZT_IPO_LIN; bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO_ANIM; copy_v2_v2(bezt->vec[1], fpt->vec); } /* Add leading dummy flat points if needed. */ for (fpt--; tot_kf; start++, bezt++, tot_kf--) { /* Linear interpolation, of course. */ bezt->f1 = bezt->f2 = bezt->f3 = SELECT; bezt->ipo = BEZT_IPO_LIN; bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_AUTO_ANIM; bezt->vec[1][0] = (float)start; bezt->vec[1][1] = fpt->vec[1]; } MEM_SAFE_FREE(fcu->fpt); /* Not strictly needed since we use linear interpolation, but better be consistent here. */ calchandles_fcurve(fcu); WM_main_add_notifier(NC_ANIMATION | ND_ANIMCHAN | NA_EDITED, NULL); } }
/** * Update view layer collection tree from collections used in the scene. * This is used when collections are removed or added, both while editing * and on file loaded in case linked data changed or went missing. */ void BKE_layer_collection_sync(const Scene *scene, ViewLayer *view_layer) { if (!scene->master_collection) { /* Happens for old files that don't have versioning applied yet. */ return; } /* Free cache. */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(view_layer->object_bases_array); /* Create object to base hash if it does not exist yet. */ if (!view_layer->object_bases_hash) { view_layer_bases_hash_create(view_layer); } /* Clear visible and selectable flags to be reset. */ for (Base *base = view_layer->object_bases.first; base; base = base->next) { base->flag &= ~g_base_collection_flags; base->flag_from_collection &= ~g_base_collection_flags; } /* Generate new layer connections and object bases when collections changed. */ CollectionChild child = {NULL, NULL, scene->master_collection}; const ListBase collections = {&child, &child}; ListBase new_object_bases = {NULL, NULL}; const short parent_exclude = 0, parent_restrict = 0, parent_layer_restrict = 0; layer_collection_sync(view_layer, &collections, &view_layer->layer_collections, &new_object_bases, parent_exclude, parent_restrict, parent_layer_restrict); /* Any remaning object bases are to be removed. */ for (Base *base = view_layer->object_bases.first; base; base = base->next) { if (view_layer->basact == base) { view_layer->basact = NULL; } if (base->object) { BLI_ghash_remove(view_layer->object_bases_hash, base->object, NULL, NULL); } } BLI_freelistN(&view_layer->object_bases); view_layer->object_bases = new_object_bases; /* Always set a valid active collection. */ LayerCollection *active = view_layer->active_collection; if (active && (active->flag & LAYER_COLLECTION_EXCLUDE)) { BKE_layer_collection_activate_parent(view_layer, active); } else if (active == NULL) { view_layer->active_collection = view_layer->layer_collections.first; } }
static void eevee_lightbake_readback_reflections(LightCache *lcache) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(lcache->; lcache-> = GPU_texture_read(lcache->cube_tx.tex, GPU_DATA_10_11_11_REV, 0); lcache->cube_tx.data_type = LIGHTCACHETEX_UINT; lcache->cube_tx.components = 1; for (int mip = 0; mip < lcache->mips_len; ++mip) { LightCacheTexture *cube_mip = lcache->cube_mips + mip; MEM_SAFE_FREE(cube_mip->data); GPU_texture_get_mipmap_size(lcache->cube_tx.tex, mip + 1, cube_mip->tex_size); cube_mip->data = GPU_texture_read(lcache->cube_tx.tex, GPU_DATA_10_11_11_REV, mip + 1); cube_mip->data_type = LIGHTCACHETEX_UINT; cube_mip->components = 1; } }
/* clear cache */ static void gpencil_batch_cache_clear(GpencilBatchCache *cache) { if (!cache) { return; } GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(cache->b_stroke.batch); GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(cache->b_point.batch); GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(cache->b_fill.batch); GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(cache->b_edit.batch); GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(cache->b_edlin.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->b_stroke.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->b_point.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->b_fill.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->b_edit.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->b_edlin.batch); MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->grp_cache); cache->grp_size = 0; cache->grp_used = 0; /* clear all frames derived data */ for (int i = 0; i < cache->tot_layers; i++) { bGPDframe *derived_gpf = &cache->derived_array[i]; BKE_gpencil_free_frame_runtime_data(derived_gpf); derived_gpf = NULL; } cache->tot_layers = 0; MEM_SAFE_FREE(cache->derived_array); }
/** Free (or release) any data used by this brush (does not free the brush itself). */ void BKE_brush_free(Brush *brush) { if (brush->icon_imbuf) { IMB_freeImBuf(brush->icon_imbuf); } curvemapping_free(brush->curve); if (brush->gpencil_settings != NULL) { curvemapping_free(brush->gpencil_settings->curve_sensitivity); curvemapping_free(brush->gpencil_settings->curve_strength); curvemapping_free(brush->gpencil_settings->curve_jitter); MEM_SAFE_FREE(brush->gpencil_settings); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(brush->gradient); BKE_previewimg_free(&(brush->preview)); }
static void freeData(ModifierData *md) { SurfaceDeformModifierData *smd = (SurfaceDeformModifierData *)md; if (smd->verts) { for (int i = 0; i < smd->numverts; i++) { if (smd->verts[i].binds) { for (int j = 0; j < smd->verts[i].numbinds; j++) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(smd->verts[i].binds[j].vert_inds); MEM_SAFE_FREE(smd->verts[i].binds[j].vert_weights); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(smd->verts[i].binds); } } MEM_SAFE_FREE(smd->verts); } }
static void freeData(ModifierData *md) { LaplacianDeformModifierData *lmd = (LaplacianDeformModifierData *)md; LaplacianSystem *sys = (LaplacianSystem *)lmd->cache_system; if (sys) { deleteLaplacianSystem(sys); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(lmd->vertexco); lmd->total_verts = 0; }
/* wrapper to clear cache */ void DRW_gpencil_freecache(struct Object *ob) { if ((ob) && (ob->type == OB_GPENCIL)) { gpencil_batch_cache_clear(ob->runtime.gpencil_cache); MEM_SAFE_FREE(ob->runtime.gpencil_cache); bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)ob->data; if (gpd) { gpd->flag |= GP_DATA_CACHE_IS_DIRTY; } } }
void BKE_previewimg_clear_single(struct PreviewImage *prv, enum eIconSizes size) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(prv->rect[size]); if (prv->gputexture[size]) { GPU_texture_free(prv->gputexture[size]); } prv->h[size] = prv->w[size] = 0; prv->flag[size] |= PRV_CHANGED; prv->flag[size] &= ~PRV_USER_EDITED; prv->changed_timestamp[size] = 0; }
/** Free (or release) any data used by this brush (does not free the brush itself). */ void BKE_brush_free(Brush *brush) { if (brush->icon_imbuf) { IMB_freeImBuf(brush->icon_imbuf); } curvemapping_free(brush->curve); MEM_SAFE_FREE(brush->gradient); BKE_previewimg_free(&(brush->preview)); }
static PyObject *app_translations_locale_explode(BlenderAppTranslations *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { PyObject *ret_tuple; static const char *kwlist[] = {"locale", NULL}; const char *locale; char *language, *country, *variant, *language_country, *language_variant; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "", (char **)kwlist, &locale)) { return NULL; } BLT_lang_locale_explode(locale, &language, &country, &variant, &language_country, &language_variant); ret_tuple = Py_BuildValue("sssss", language, country, variant, language_country, language_variant); MEM_SAFE_FREE(language); MEM_SAFE_FREE(country); MEM_SAFE_FREE(variant); MEM_SAFE_FREE(language_country); MEM_SAFE_FREE(language_variant); return ret_tuple; }
/** * Free (or release) any data used by this ViewLayer. */ void BKE_view_layer_free_ex(ViewLayer *view_layer, const bool do_id_user) { view_layer->basact = NULL; BLI_freelistN(&view_layer->object_bases); if (view_layer->object_bases_hash) { BLI_ghash_free(view_layer->object_bases_hash, NULL, NULL); } for (LayerCollection *lc = view_layer->layer_collections.first; lc; lc = lc->next) { layer_collection_free(view_layer, lc); } BLI_freelistN(&view_layer->layer_collections); for (ViewLayerEngineData *sled = view_layer->drawdata.first; sled; sled = sled->next) { if (sled->storage) { if (sled->free) { sled->free(sled->storage); } MEM_freeN(sled->storage); } } BLI_freelistN(&view_layer->drawdata); MEM_SAFE_FREE(view_layer->stats); BKE_freestyle_config_free(&view_layer->freestyle_config, do_id_user); if (view_layer->id_properties) { IDP_FreeProperty(view_layer->id_properties); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(view_layer->object_bases_array); MEM_freeN(view_layer); }
void render_result_rect_from_ibuf(RenderResult *rr, RenderData *UNUSED(rd), ImBuf *ibuf, const int view_id) { RenderView *rv = RE_RenderViewGetById(rr, view_id); if (ibuf->rect_float) { if (!rv->rectf) rv->rectf = MEM_mallocN(4 * sizeof(float) * rr->rectx * rr->recty, "render_seq rectf"); memcpy(rv->rectf, ibuf->rect_float, 4 * sizeof(float) * rr->rectx * rr->recty); /* TSK! Since sequence render doesn't free the *rr render result, the old rect32 * can hang around when sequence render has rendered a 32 bits one before */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(rv->rect32); } else if (ibuf->rect) { if (!rv->rect32) rv->rect32 = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * rr->rectx * rr->recty, "render_seq rect"); memcpy(rv->rect32, ibuf->rect, 4 * rr->rectx * rr->recty); /* Same things as above, old rectf can hang around from previous render. */ MEM_SAFE_FREE(rv->rectf); } }
static void layer_eval_view_layer(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *UNUSED(scene), ViewLayer *view_layer) { DEG_debug_print_eval(depsgraph, __func__, view_layer->name, view_layer); /* Create array of bases, for fast index-based lookup. */ const int num_object_bases = BLI_listbase_count(&view_layer->object_bases); MEM_SAFE_FREE(view_layer->object_bases_array); view_layer->object_bases_array = MEM_malloc_arrayN( num_object_bases, sizeof(Base *), "view_layer->object_bases_array"); int base_index = 0; for (Base *base = view_layer->object_bases.first; base; base = base->next) { view_layer->object_bases_array[base_index++] = base; } }
void filelist_free(struct FileList *filelist) { if (!filelist) { printf("Attempting to delete empty filelist.\n"); return; } MEM_SAFE_FREE(filelist->fidx); filelist->numfiltered = 0; memset(&filelist->filter_data, 0, sizeof(filelist->filter_data)); filelist->need_sorting = false; filelist->sort = FILE_SORT_NONE; BLI_filelist_free(filelist->filelist, filelist->numfiles, NULL); filelist->numfiles = 0; filelist->filelist = NULL; }
/** * This calculates #CorrectiveSmoothModifierData.delta_cache * It's not run on every update (during animation for example). */ static void calc_deltas(CorrectiveSmoothModifierData *csmd, Mesh *mesh, MDeformVert *dvert, const int defgrp_index, const float (*rest_coords)[3], unsigned int numVerts) { float(*smooth_vertex_coords)[3] = MEM_dupallocN(rest_coords); float(*tangent_spaces)[3][3]; unsigned int i; tangent_spaces = MEM_calloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float[3][3]), __func__); if (csmd->delta_cache_num != numVerts) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(csmd->delta_cache); } /* allocate deltas if they have not yet been allocated, otheriwse we will just write over them */ if (!csmd->delta_cache) { csmd->delta_cache_num = numVerts; csmd->delta_cache = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float[3]), __func__); } smooth_verts(csmd, mesh, dvert, defgrp_index, smooth_vertex_coords, numVerts); calc_tangent_spaces(mesh, smooth_vertex_coords, tangent_spaces); for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { float imat[3][3], delta[3]; #ifdef USE_TANGENT_CALC_INLINE calc_tangent_ortho(tangent_spaces[i]); #endif sub_v3_v3v3(delta, rest_coords[i], smooth_vertex_coords[i]); if (UNLIKELY(!invert_m3_m3(imat, tangent_spaces[i]))) { transpose_m3_m3(imat, tangent_spaces[i]); } mul_v3_m3v3(csmd->delta_cache[i], imat, delta); } MEM_freeN(tangent_spaces); MEM_freeN(smooth_vertex_coords); }
static void delete_laplacian_system(LaplacianSystem *sys) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->eweights); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->fweights); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->numNeEd); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->numNeFa); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->ring_areas); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->vlengths); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->vweights); MEM_SAFE_FREE(sys->zerola); if (sys->context) { EIG_linear_solver_delete(sys->context); } sys->vertexCos = NULL; sys->mpoly = NULL; sys->mloop = NULL; sys->medges = NULL; MEM_freeN(sys); }
/* Note this modifies nos_new in-place. */ static void mix_normals( const float mix_factor, MDeformVert *dvert, const int defgrp_index, const bool use_invert_vgroup, const float mix_limit, const short mix_mode, const int num_verts, MLoop *mloop, float (*nos_old)[3], float (*nos_new)[3], const int num_loops) { /* Mix with org normals... */ float *facs = NULL, *wfac; float (*no_new)[3], (*no_old)[3]; int i; if (dvert) { facs = MEM_malloc_arrayN((size_t)num_loops, sizeof(*facs), __func__); BKE_defvert_extract_vgroup_to_loopweights( dvert, defgrp_index, num_verts, mloop, num_loops, facs, use_invert_vgroup); } for (i = num_loops, no_new = nos_new, no_old = nos_old, wfac = facs; i--; no_new++, no_old++, wfac++) { const float fac = facs ? *wfac * mix_factor : mix_factor; switch (mix_mode) { case MOD_NORMALEDIT_MIX_ADD: add_v3_v3(*no_new, *no_old); normalize_v3(*no_new); break; case MOD_NORMALEDIT_MIX_SUB: sub_v3_v3(*no_new, *no_old); normalize_v3(*no_new); break; case MOD_NORMALEDIT_MIX_MUL: mul_v3_v3(*no_new, *no_old); normalize_v3(*no_new); break; case MOD_NORMALEDIT_MIX_COPY: break; } interp_v3_v3v3_slerp_safe( *no_new, *no_old, *no_new, (mix_limit < (float)M_PI) ? min_ff(fac, mix_limit / angle_v3v3(*no_new, *no_old)) : fac); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(facs); }
/** * Clear and reset \a gh buckets, reserve again buckets for given number of entries. */ BLI_INLINE void ghash_buckets_reset(GHash *gh, const unsigned int nentries) { MEM_SAFE_FREE(gh->buckets); #ifdef GHASH_USE_MODULO_BUCKETS gh->cursize = 0; gh->size_min = 0; gh->nbuckets = hashsizes[gh->cursize]; #else gh->bucket_bit = GHASH_BUCKET_BIT_MIN; gh->bucket_bit_min = GHASH_BUCKET_BIT_MIN; gh->nbuckets = 1u << gh->bucket_bit; gh->bucket_mask = gh->nbuckets - 1; #endif gh->limit_grow = GHASH_LIMIT_GROW(gh->nbuckets); gh->limit_shrink = GHASH_LIMIT_SHRINK(gh->nbuckets); gh->nentries = 0; ghash_buckets_expand(gh, nentries, (nentries != 0)); }