bool ApResourceUnit::SetRowColumnType(eRowColumnType rcType) { if (rcType == m_RowColumnType) return true; MkStr ssPrefix; switch (rcType) { case eRCT_None: break; case eRCT_Light: ssPrefix = L"ResIndexLight_"; break; case eRCT_Dark: ssPrefix = L"ResIndexDark_"; break; } if (ssPrefix.Empty()) { if (m_SceneNode != NULL) { m_SceneNode->DeletePanel(L"Row"); m_SceneNode->DeletePanel(L"Column"); } m_RowColumnType = rcType; return true; } bool ok = (_AddImagePanelToLeftTop(L"Row", m_ImagePath, ssPrefix + MkStr(m_Type.GetRow()), -0.1f) && _AddImagePanelToRightBottom(L"Column", m_ImagePath, ssPrefix + MkStr(m_Type.GetColumn()), -0.1f)); if (ok) { m_RowColumnType = rcType; } return ok; }
virtual bool SetUp(MkDataNode& sharingNode) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(0, L"vector 멤버 수 : " + MkStr(VECTOR_MEMBER_COUNT)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(1, L"map 멤버 수 : " + MkStr(MAP_MEMBER_COUNT)); return true; }
void MkSystemEnvironment::_Initialize(void) { // build mode #ifdef _DEBUG m_BuildMode = eDebug; #else #ifdef MK_SHIPPING m_BuildMode = eShipping; #else m_BuildMode = eRelease; #endif // MK_SHIPPING #endif // _DEBUG // system 정보 SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo; GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo); // cpu 연산방식 m_ProcessorArchitecture = eEtcPA; if (systemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) { m_ProcessorArchitecture = eX86; } else if (systemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { m_ProcessorArchitecture = eX64; } // core 수 m_NumberOfProcessors = static_cast<unsigned int>(systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors); // OS 버전 OSVERSIONINFO osVer; osVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVer); GetVersionEx(&osVer); unsigned int osMajor = static_cast<unsigned int>(osVer.dwMajorVersion); unsigned int osMinor = static_cast<unsigned int>(osVer.dwMinorVersion); m_WindowsVersion = MkStr(osMajor) + L"." + MkStr(osMinor) + MkStr::SPACE + MkStr(osVer.szCSDVersion); m_WindowsIsXpOrHigher = ((osMajor * 10 + osMinor) >= 51); // XP == 5.1 m_WindowsIsVistaOrHigher = ((osMajor * 10) >= 60); // Vista == 6.0 // 바탕화면 해상도 RECT rect; GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rect); m_BackgroundResolution.x = static_cast<int>(rect.right); m_BackgroundResolution.y = static_cast<int>(rect.bottom); // 유저 정보 DWORD userNameSize = 256; wchar_t userName[256]; GetUserName(userName, &userNameSize); m_CurrentUserName = userName; }
SupplementDef::eResult SupplementDef::GetResult(const MkArray<eUnit>& units, MkArray<unsigned int>& targetIndice) { unsigned int unitSize = units.GetSize(); // 유효성 검증 MK_CHECK(unitSize <= ADEF_MAX_COMBINATION_SLOT_SIZE, L"입력된 unit 갯수가 " + MkStr(ADEF_MAX_COMBINATION_SLOT_SIZE) + L"개를 넘음 : " + MkStr(unitSize)) return eR_None; MK_INDEXING_LOOP(units, i) { eUnit unit = units[i]; MK_CHECK((unit == eU_Void) || IsNormalUnit(unit), L"입력된 unit list의 " + MkStr(i) + L"번째에 비정상 unit 존재 : " + MkStr(unit)) return eR_None; }
void MkHiddenEditBox::Update(const MkSceneNode* ownerMgr) { // target node가 존재할 경우 해당 owner manager update시 실행 if ((m_hWnd != NULL) && (m_TargetEditBox != NULL) && (ownerMgr == m_TargetWindowMgr)) { // target node가 disable이면 자동 해제 if (!m_TargetEditBox->GetEnable()) { _ClearTargetEditBox(true); } // target node가 그려지지 않으면 자동 해제 else { MkSceneNode* targetNode = m_TargetEditBox; while (targetNode != NULL) { if (targetNode->GetVisible()) { targetNode = targetNode->GetParentNode(); } else { _ClearTargetEditBox(true); break; } } } // 해제되지 않았으면 갱신 if (m_TargetEditBox != NULL) { // cursor toggle MkTimeState timeState; MK_TIME_MGR.GetCurrentTimeState(timeState); if (m_ToggleCursorCounter.OnTick(timeState)) { m_TargetEditBox->__ToggleNormalCursor(); } // input에 변경이 감지되었으면 반영 if (m_Modified) { wchar_t buffer[MKDEF_MAX_INPUT_COUNT + 1] = {0, }; GetWindowText(m_hWnd, buffer, MKDEF_MAX_INPUT_COUNT + 1); DWORD selStart, selEnd; SendMessage(m_hWnd, EM_GETSEL, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(&selStart), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&selEnd)); m_TargetEditBox->__UpdateText(MkStr(buffer), selStart, selEnd); m_Modified = false; } } } }
virtual bool SetUp(MkDataNode& sharingNode) { // 파일로부터 읽음 MkDataNode dataNode; dataNode.Load(L"..\\..\\test01.txt"); // 노드 탐색 MkDataNode* orcNode = dataNode.GetChildNode(L"MonsterTable")->GetChildNode(L"Orc"); // 값 확인 : KoreanName(overwrite) MkStr koreanName; if (orcNode->GetData(L"KoreanName", koreanName, 0)) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L""); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"KoreanName : " + koreanName); } // 값 확인 : intelligence(overwrite) int intelligence; if (orcNode->GetData(L"intelligence", intelligence, 0)) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L""); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"intelligence : " + MkStr(intelligence)); } // 값 확인 : threeSize(템플릿에만 존재) MkArray<unsigned int> threeSize; if (orcNode->GetData(L"threeSize", threeSize)) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L""); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"threeSize :"); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(threeSize, i) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" - " + MkStr(threeSize[i])); }
bool MkCheck::ExceptionForRelease(const char* function, long lineNum, const wchar_t* expression, const wchar_t* message) { MkStr funcBuf; funcBuf.ImportMultiByteString(std::string(function)); MkStr msg; msg.Reserve(1024); msg += L"FUNCTION : "; msg += funcBuf; msg += L" ("; msg += MkStr(lineNum); msg += L")\nEXPRESSION : "; msg += expression; msg += L"\nMESSAGE : "; msg += message; #if (MKDEF_CHECK_EXCEPTION_BREAK) int rlt = MessageBox(NULL, msg.GetPtr(), L"Oops!!! Break?", MB_YESNO); if (rlt == IDYES) { // crash log MK_LOG_MGR.CreateCrashPage(msg); // 강제예외 throw; } else if (rlt == IDNO) #else int rlt = MessageBox(NULL, msg.GetPtr(), L"Oops!!!", MB_OK); if (rlt == IDOK) #endif { // log 기록 후 진행 MK_LOG_MGR.Msg(L"<Error> " + msg, true); } return true; // excute action }
#include "MkCore_MkCheck.h" #include "MkCore_MkDataNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkProjectDefinition.h" #include "MkPA_MkStaticResourceContainer.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowTagNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkCheckBoxControlNode.h" const MkHashStr MkCheckBoxControlNode::CaptionNodeName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"Caption"; const MkHashStr MkCheckBoxControlNode::CheckIconName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"CheckIcon"; const MkHashStr MkCheckBoxControlNode::ObjKey_CaptionTextName(L"CaptionTextName"); const MkHashStr MkCheckBoxControlNode::ObjKey_CaptionString(L"CaptionString"); const MkHashStr MkCheckBoxControlNode::ObjKey_OnCheck(L"OnCheck"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// MkCheckBoxControlNode* MkCheckBoxControlNode::CreateChildNode(MkSceneNode* parentNode, const MkHashStr& childNodeName) { MkCheckBoxControlNode* node = __TSI_SceneNodeDerivedInstanceOp<MkCheckBoxControlNode>::Alloc(parentNode, childNodeName); MK_CHECK(node != NULL, childNodeName.GetString() + L" MkCheckBoxControlNode 생성 실패") {} return node; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void MkCheckBoxControlNode::SetCheckBox(const MkHashStr& themeName, MkWindowThemeData::eFrameType frameType, const MkArray<MkHashStr>& textNode, bool onCheck) { _SetCheckBox(themeName, frameType, textNode, MkStr::EMPTY, onCheck);
virtual bool SetUp(MkDataNode& sharingNode) { // 선택 할 테이블들의 pair 수 const unsigned int sampleCount = 100000; MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(0, L"선택 할 테이블들의 pair 수 : " + MkStr(sampleCount)); // 샘플 문자열의 최소 길이 const unsigned int minLengthOfString = 20; // 샘플 문자열의 최대 길이 const unsigned int maxLengthOfString = 50; MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(1, L"샘플 문자열의 길이 : " + MkStr(minLengthOfString) + L" ~ " + MkStr(maxLengthOfString)); m_SelectionDice.SetMinMax(0, sampleCount - 1); m_Keys.Reserve(sampleCount); // 샘플 테이블 생성 MkUniformDice lengthDice(minLengthOfString, maxLengthOfString); lengthDice.SetSeed(static_cast<unsigned int>(timeGetTime())); MkUniformDice charDice(32, 126); charDice.SetSeed(static_cast<unsigned int>(timeGetTime()) + 12345); wchar_t buffer[maxLengthOfString + 1]; unsigned int bufSize = sizeof(wchar_t) * (maxLengthOfString + 1); unsigned int length; MkHashStr keyStr; for (unsigned int i=0; i<sampleCount; ++i) { ZeroMemory(buffer, bufSize); length = lengthDice.GenerateRandomNumber(); for (unsigned int j=0; j<length; ++j) { buffer[j] = static_cast<wchar_t>(charDice.GenerateRandomNumber()); } keyStr = buffer; // key list m_Keys.PushBack(keyStr); // MkMap & int m_MapAndInt.Create(i, i); // MkMap & MkStr m_MapAndStr.Create(keyStr.GetString(), i); // MkHashMap & int m_HashMapAndInt.Create(i, i); // MkHashMap & MkHashStr m_HashMapAndHashStr.Create(keyStr, i); } m_HashMapAndInt.Rehash(); m_HashMapAndHashStr.Rehash(); return true; }
bool GameTroopState::SetUp(const GameNormalPlayer* player) { m_Player = player; if (m_Player == NULL) return false; // wizard unsigned int wizardID = m_Player->GetWizardInfo().GetWizardID(); MkHashStr wizardKey = MkStr(wizardID); const MkDataNode* wizardData = GameDataNode::WizardSet->GetChildNode(wizardKey); if (wizardData == NULL) return false; const MkDataNode* baseState = wizardData->GetChildNode(L"BaseState"); int wizardLvIndex = m_Player->GetWizardInfo().GetWizardLevel() - 1; int baseHP = 0; wizardData->GetData(L"BaseHP", baseHP, 0); int levelHP = 0; wizardData->GetData(L"LevelHP", levelHP, 0); // base m_HitPointGage.Initialize(baseHP + wizardLvIndex * levelHP); // attack _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_BonusAttackPower, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_AttackPowerRate, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_OnPairBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_TrippleBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FullHouseBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FourCardBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_FiveCardBonusAP, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_CriticalDamageRate, 20, 1, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DrainHPAtFourCard, 0, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DrainHPAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::A_DecayEnemyHPt, 0, 0, 100); // defense _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_DamageResistance, 5, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_DefensePower, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_BonusDRAtRest, 5, 0, 100); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_Toughness, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_CritRecoveryAtFourCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::D_CritRecoveryAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); // support _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_SupplimentCapacity, 4, 0, 20); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_BonusTransformTime, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HealPower, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_PtToGainHeal, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtAtRest, 15, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtForEveryTurn, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_HPtAtLoss, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_ViewEnemyInfo, eSTIL_None, eSTIL_None, eSTIL_All); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::S_WinnerBonusAPR, 100, 0, 0xffff); // resource _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RedResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_GreenResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_VioletResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_BlueResWeight, 100, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_VoidResWeight, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_PtToGainRes, 100, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RPtAtRest, 10, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_RPtForEveryTurn, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_ResSlotSize, 5, 0, 8); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_OnPairPower, 10, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_TripplePower, 20, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FullHousePower, 40, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FourCardPower, 45, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_FiveCardPower, 60, 1, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_DecayEnemyRPtAtFourCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); _SetState(baseState, GameStateName::Troop::R_DecayEnemyRPtAtFiveCard, 0, 0, 0xffff); return true; }
#include "MkCore_MkCheck.h" //#include "MkCore_MkDataNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkProjectDefinition.h" #include "MkPA_MkStaticResourceContainer.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowTagNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkBodyFrameControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkSystemWindow.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// const MkHashStr MkSystemWindow::OneAndOnlyTagName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"OAOTag"; MkWindowBaseNode* MkSystemWindow::CreateNormalButton(const MkHashStr& name) { return NULL; } MkWindowBaseNode* MkSystemWindow::CreateOkButton(const MkHashStr& name) { return NULL; } MkWindowBaseNode* MkSystemWindow::CreateCancelButton(const MkHashStr& name) { return NULL; } const MkHashStr MkSystemWindow::MkMessageBox::TitleNodeName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"Title"; const MkHashStr MkSystemWindow::MkMessageBox::BodyNodeName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"Body";
virtual bool SetUp(MkDataNode& sharingNode) { // [ data 형태 정의 ] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // int a; // float b; // MkVec3 c; // wchar_t d[64]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // srcArray 생성 MkInterfaceForDataWriting dwInterface; dwInterface.SetInputSize(ePDT_Int, SIZE_COUNT); dwInterface.SetInputSize(ePDT_Float, SIZE_COUNT); dwInterface.SetInputSize(ePDT_Vec3, SIZE_COUNT); dwInterface.SetInputSize(ePDT_Str, SIZE_COUNT); dwInterface.UpdateInputSize(); for (int i=0; i<SIZE_COUNT; ++i) { float f = static_cast<float>(i); dwInterface.Write(static_cast<int>(i)); dwInterface.Write(static_cast<float>(f * -10.f)); dwInterface.Write(MkVec3(f, f * -2.f, f * 3.f)); dwInterface.Write(MkStr(L"잘생겨서 죄송요~")); } MkByteArray srcArray; dwInterface.Flush(srcArray); dwInterface.Clear(); // srcArray -> 파일로 출력 MkInterfaceForFileWriting fwInterface; fwInterface.SetUp(L"", true, true); fwInterface.Write(srcArray, MkArraySection(0)); fwInterface.Clear(); srcArray.Clear(); // 파일을 destBuffer에 읽음 MkByteArray destBuffer; MkInterfaceForFileReading frInterface; frInterface.SetUp(L""); frInterface.Read(destBuffer, MkArraySection(0)); frInterface.Clear(); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(MkStr::EMPTY); // 빈 칸 하나 넣고, // 읽어들인 결과 출력. 첫번째와 마지막 unit 대상 MkInterfaceForDataReading drInterface; drInterface.SetUp(destBuffer, 0); for (int i=0; i<SIZE_COUNT; ++i) { int a = 0; drInterface.Read(a); float b = 0.f; drInterface.Read(b); MkVec3 c = MkVec3::Zero; drInterface.Read(c); MkStr d; drInterface.Read(d); if (i == 0) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"[ First unit ]"); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" a : " + MkStr(a)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" b : " + MkStr(b)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" c : " + MkStr(c)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" d : " + MkStr(d)); } else if (i == (SIZE_COUNT - 1)) { MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"[ Last unit ]"); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" a : " + MkStr(a)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" b : " + MkStr(b)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" c : " + MkStr(c)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" d : " + MkStr(d)); } } destBuffer.Clear(); // 출력 폴더 열기 MkPathName::GetRootDirectory().OpenDirectoryInExplorer(); return true; }
#include "MkCore_MkCheck.h" #include "MkCore_MkDataNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkProjectDefinition.h" #include "MkPA_MkStaticResourceContainer.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowThemedNode.h" const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ShadowNodeName(MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_VISUAL_PATTERN_PREFIX) + L"Shadow"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ArgKey_ChangeTheme(L"ChangeTheme"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_ThemeName(L"ThemeName"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_ComponentType(L"ComponentType"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_CustomFormName(L"CustomFormName"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_UseShadow(L"UseShadow"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_ClientSize(L"ClientSize"); const MkHashStr MkWindowThemedNode::ObjKey_FrameType(L"FrameType"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// MkWindowThemedNode* MkWindowThemedNode::CreateChildNode(MkSceneNode* parentNode, const MkHashStr& childNodeName) { MkWindowThemedNode* node = __TSI_SceneNodeDerivedInstanceOp<MkWindowThemedNode>::Alloc(parentNode, childNodeName); MK_CHECK(node != NULL, childNodeName.GetString() + L" MkWindowThemedNode 생성 실패") {} return node; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
virtual void Update(const MkTimeState& timeState) { // 한 프레임에 검색 할 횟수 // 최종적으로 sampleCount 크기의 테이블에서 findCount 번 검색 한 결과가 프로파일링 됨 const unsigned int findCount = 1000; MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(2, L"검색 횟수 : " + MkStr(findCount)); MkArray<unsigned int> index(findCount); MkArray<MkHashStr> hashKey(findCount); MkArray<MkStr> strKey(findCount); unsigned int target; for (unsigned int i=0; i<findCount; ++i) { target = m_SelectionDice.GenerateRandomNumber(); index.PushBack(target); hashKey.PushBack(m_Keys[target]); strKey.PushBack(m_Keys[target].GetString()); } const static MkHashStr ProfKeyMI = L"MkMap<int>"; const static MkHashStr ProfKeyMS = L"MkMap<MkStr>"; const static MkHashStr ProfKeyHI = L"MkHashMap<int>"; const static MkHashStr ProfKeyHS = L"MkHashMap<MkHashStr>"; unsigned int tmp = 0; // MkMap & int MK_PROF_MGR.Begin(ProfKeyMI); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(index, i) { tmp = m_MapAndInt[index[i]]; } MK_PROF_MGR.End(ProfKeyMI); // MkMap & MkStr MK_PROF_MGR.Begin(ProfKeyMS); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(strKey, i) { tmp = m_MapAndStr[strKey[i]]; } MK_PROF_MGR.End(ProfKeyMS); // MkHashMap & int MK_PROF_MGR.Begin(ProfKeyHI); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(index, i) { tmp = m_HashMapAndInt[index[i]]; } MK_PROF_MGR.End(ProfKeyHI); // MkHashMap & MkHashStr MK_PROF_MGR.Begin(ProfKeyHS); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(hashKey, i) { tmp = m_HashMapAndHashStr[hashKey[i]]; } MK_PROF_MGR.End(ProfKeyHS); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToFreeboard(4, MkStr(tmp)); }
void MkSystemEnvironment::__PrintSystemInformationToLog(void) const { // 시스템 기본 정보 출력 MkStr buffer; buffer.Reserve(2048); buffer += L"< System environment >"; buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // application version buffer += L" - Application version : "; buffer += m_ApplicationVersion.ToString(); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // minikey version buffer += L" - MiniKey version : "; buffer += m_MiniKeyVersion.ToString(); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // build mode MkStr currMode; buffer += L" - Build mode : "; switch (m_BuildMode) { case eDebug: buffer += L"Debug"; break; case eRelease: buffer += L"Release"; break; case eShipping: buffer += L"Shipping"; break; } buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // user buffer += L" - User name : "; buffer += m_CurrentUserName; buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // OS buffer += L" - OS : Windows "; buffer += m_WindowsVersion; switch (m_ProcessorArchitecture) { case eEtcPA: buffer += L" (EtcPA)"; break; case eX86: buffer += L" (x86)"; break; case eX64: buffer += L" (x64)"; break; } buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // core buffer += L" - Cores : "; buffer += MkStr(m_NumberOfProcessors); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // locale buffer += L" - Code page : "; buffer += MkStr(MkStr::GetCodePage()); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // background resolution buffer += L" - Background resolution : "; buffer += m_BackgroundResolution.x; buffer += L" * "; buffer += m_BackgroundResolution.y; buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // module directory buffer += L" - Module directory :"; buffer += MkStr::CRLF; buffer += L" "; buffer += MkStr(MkPathName::GetModuleDirectory()); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // root directory buffer += L" - Root directory :"; buffer += MkStr::CRLF; buffer += L" "; buffer += MkStr(MkPathName::GetRootDirectory()); buffer += MkStr::CRLF; // print to log MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(buffer, false); }
#include "MkCore_MkCheck.h" //#include "MkCore_MkDataNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkProjectDefinition.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowDispositioner.h" #include "MkPA_MkStaticResourceContainer.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowTagNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkTitleBarControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkBodyFrameControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowFactory.h" const MkHashStr MkWindowFactory::OneAndOnlyTagName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"OAOTag"; const MkHashStr MkWindowFactory::OkButtonName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"Ok"; const MkHashStr MkWindowFactory::CancelButtonName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"Cancel"; const MkHashStr MkWindowFactory::BodyFrameName = MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"BodyFrame"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void MkWindowFactory::SetThemeName(const MkHashStr& themeName) { m_ThemeName = MK_STATIC_RES.GetWindowThemeSet().IsValidTheme(themeName) ? themeName : MkWindowThemeData::DefaultThemeName; } MkWindowTagNode* MkWindowFactory::CreateTextTagNode(const MkHashStr& name, const MkStr& message, MkFloat2& textRegion) const { MkArray<MkHashStr> textName; return _CreateTextTagNode(name, message, textName, textRegion); } MkWindowTagNode* MkWindowFactory::CreateTextTagNode(const MkHashStr& name, const MkArray<MkHashStr>& message, MkFloat2& textRegion) const
virtual bool SetUp(MkDataNode& sharingNode) { // [ data 형태 정의 ] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // int a; // float b; // MkVec3 c; // wchar_t d[64]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // data 크기 계산 const unsigned int sizeOfUnit = sizeof(int) // a + sizeof(float) // b + sizeof(MkVec3) // c + sizeof(wchar_t) * 64; // d const unsigned int sizeOfData = sizeOfUnit * SIZE_COUNT; // chunk data 생성 unsigned char* chunkData = new unsigned char[sizeOfData]; ZeroMemory(chunkData, sizeOfData); unsigned int recordPosition = 0; for (int i=0; i<SIZE_COUNT; ++i) { float f = static_cast<float>(i); // a const int a = i; memcpy_s(&chunkData[recordPosition], sizeof(int), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&a), sizeof(int)); recordPosition += sizeof(int); // b const float b = f * -10.f; memcpy_s(&chunkData[recordPosition], sizeof(float), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&b), sizeof(float)); recordPosition += sizeof(float); // c const MkVec3 c = MkVec3(f, f * -2.f, f * 3.f); memcpy_s(&chunkData[recordPosition], sizeof(MkVec3), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&c), sizeof(MkVec3)); recordPosition += sizeof(MkVec3); // d wcscpy_s(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(&chunkData[recordPosition]), 64, L"잘생겨서 죄송요~"); recordPosition += sizeof(wchar_t) * 64; } // chunkData -> 파일로 출력 std::ofstream ostream;"", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc); if (ostream.is_open()) { ostream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(chunkData), sizeOfData); ostream.close(); } delete [] chunkData; // chunk data 버퍼 생성 및 초기화 unsigned char* chunkBuffer = new unsigned char[sizeOfData]; ZeroMemory(chunkBuffer, sizeOfData); // 파일에서 읽기 -> chunkBuffer std::ifstream rstream;"", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (rstream.is_open()) {<char*>(chunkBuffer), sizeOfData); rstream.close(); } MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(MkStr::EMPTY); // 빈 칸 하나 넣고, // 읽어들인 결과 출력. 첫번째와 마지막 unit 대상 unsigned int readPosition = 0; // 첫번째 unit int a = 0; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&a), sizeof(int), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(int)); readPosition += sizeof(int); float b = 0.f; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&b), sizeof(float), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(float)); readPosition += sizeof(float); MkVec3 c = MkVec3::Zero; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), sizeof(MkVec3), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(MkVec3)); readPosition += sizeof(MkVec3); wchar_t d[64] = {0, }; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(d), sizeof(wchar_t) * 64, &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(wchar_t) * 64); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"[ First unit ]"); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" a : " + MkStr(a)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" b : " + MkStr(b)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" c : " + MkStr(c)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" d : " + MkStr(d)); // 마지막 unit readPosition = sizeOfUnit * (SIZE_COUNT - 1); a = 0; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&a), sizeof(int), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(int)); readPosition += sizeof(int); b = 0.f; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&b), sizeof(float), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(float)); readPosition += sizeof(float); c = MkVec3::Zero; memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), sizeof(MkVec3), &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(MkVec3)); readPosition += sizeof(MkVec3); ZeroMemory(d, sizeof(wchar_t) * 64); memcpy_s(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(d), sizeof(wchar_t) * 64, &chunkBuffer[readPosition], sizeof(wchar_t) * 64); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L"[ Last unit ]"); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" a : " + MkStr(a)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" b : " + MkStr(b)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" c : " + MkStr(c)); MK_DEV_PANEL.MsgToLog(L" d : " + MkStr(d)); delete [] chunkBuffer; // 출력 폴더 열기 MkPathName targetDir = MkPathName::GetRootDirectory() + L"..\\..\\"; // project foler targetDir.OpenDirectoryInExplorer(); return true; }
#include "MkCore_MkInputManager.h" #include "MkCore_MkDevPanel.h" #include "MkCore_MkDataNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkProjectDefinition.h" #include "MkPA_MkDeviceManager.h" #include "MkPA_MkRenderer.h" #include "MkPA_MkHiddenEditBox.h" #include "MkPA_MkScrollBarControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkSliderControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkEditBoxControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkListBoxControlNode.h" #include "MkPA_MkWindowManagerNode.h" const MkHashStr MkWindowManagerNode::ModalEffectNodeName(MkStr(MKDEF_PA_WIN_CONTROL_PREFIX) + L"MEN"); const MkHashStr MkWindowManagerNode::ObjKey_DepthBandwidth(L"DepthBW"); const MkHashStr MkWindowManagerNode::ObjKey_DeactivatingWindows(L"DeactivateWins"); const MkHashStr MkWindowManagerNode::ObjKey_ActivatingWindows(L"ActivateWins"); const MkHashStr MkWindowManagerNode::ObjKey_ModalWindow(L"Modal"); #define MKDEF_DEAULT_DEPTH_BANDWIDTH 1000.f //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// MkWindowManagerNode* MkWindowManagerNode::CreateChildNode(MkSceneNode* parentNode, const MkHashStr& childNodeName) { MkWindowManagerNode* node = __TSI_SceneNodeDerivedInstanceOp<MkWindowManagerNode>::Alloc(parentNode, childNodeName); MK_CHECK(node != NULL, childNodeName.GetString() + L" MkWindowManagerNode 생성 실패") {} return node;
void MkImageInfo::SetUp(const MkInt2& imageSize, const MkDataNode* node) { Clear(); // ready to uv converting MkFloat2 fImageSize(static_cast<float>(imageSize.x), static_cast<float>(imageSize.y)); // empty subset Subset& emptySubset = m_Subsets.Create(MkHashStr::EMPTY); emptySubset.rectSize = fImageSize; emptySubset.uv[MkFloatRect::eLeftTop] = MkFloat2::Zero; emptySubset.uv[MkFloatRect::eRightTop] = MkFloat2(1.f, 0.f); emptySubset.uv[MkFloatRect::eLeftBottom] = MkFloat2(0.f, 1.f); emptySubset.uv[MkFloatRect::eRightBottom] = MkFloat2(1.f, 1.f); if (node == NULL) return; // group node->GetDataEx(GROUP_KEY, m_Group, 0); // parse nodes MkArray<MkHashStr> keyList; node->GetChildNodeList(keyList); MK_INDEXING_LOOP(keyList, i) { const MkHashStr& childName = keyList[i]; const MkDataNode& childNode = *node->GetChildNode(childName); do { // 필수 key로 subset/sequence 종류 판단 if (childNode.IsValidKey(SIZE_KEY)) // subset { MkInt2 position; childNode.GetData(POSITION_KEY, position, 0); MkInt2 size; childNode.GetData(SIZE_KEY, size, 0); MK_CHECK(size.IsPositive(), childName.GetString() + L" 노드의 " + SIZE_KEY.GetString() + L" 값 오류") break; MkInt2 table(1, 1); childNode.GetData(TABLE_KEY, table, 0); MK_CHECK(table.IsPositive(), childName.GetString() + L" 노드의 " + TABLE_KEY.GetString() + L" 값 오류") break; MkFloat2 fSubsetSize(static_cast<float>(size.x), static_cast<float>(size.y)); MkFloat2 fUVSize(fSubsetSize.x / fImageSize.x, fSubsetSize.y / fImageSize.y); // single subset if ((table.x == 1) && (table.y == 1)) { _RegisterSubset(childName, fSubsetSize, position, fImageSize, fUVSize); } // multi subset else { MkInt2 offset = size; childNode.GetData(OFFSET_KEY, offset, 0); MkInt2 currPivot = position; for (int y = 0; y < table.y; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < table.x; ++x) { _RegisterSubset(childName.GetString() + MkStr(y * table.x + x), fSubsetSize, currPivot, fImageSize, fUVSize); currPivot.x += offset.x; } currPivot.x = position.x; currPivot.y += offset.y; } } } else if (childNode.IsValidKey(TOTAL_RANGE_KEY) && childNode.IsValidKey(SUBSET_LIST_KEY)) // sequence { float totalRange = 0.f; childNode.GetData(TOTAL_RANGE_KEY, totalRange, 0); MK_CHECK(totalRange > 0.f, childName.GetString() + L" 노드의 " + TOTAL_RANGE_KEY.GetString() + L" 값 오류") break; MkArray<MkHashStr> subsetList; childNode.GetDataEx(SUBSET_LIST_KEY, subsetList); MK_CHECK(!subsetList.Empty(), childName.GetString() + L" 노드의 " + SUBSET_LIST_KEY.GetString() + L" 값 오류") break; MkArray<float> timeList; childNode.GetData(TIME_LIST_KEY, timeList); bool loop = true; childNode.GetData(LOOP_KEY, loop, 0); // time list 검증 및 자동생성 if (timeList.Empty()) { timeList.Reserve(subsetList.GetSize()); float oneFrameTime = totalRange / static_cast<float>(subsetList.GetSize()); float timeStamp = 0.f; MK_INDEXING_LOOP(subsetList, j) { timeList.PushBack(timeStamp); timeStamp += oneFrameTime; } }