예제 #1
파일: attr.c 프로젝트: PanchoManera/cc65
void AddAttr (Collection* C, const char* Name, const char* Value)
/* Add an attribute to an alphabetically sorted attribute collection */
    /* Create a new attribute entry */
    Attr* A = NewAttr (Name, Value);

    /* Search for the attribute. If it is there, we have a duplicate, otherwise
     * we have the insert position.
    unsigned Index;
    if (FindAttr (C, Name, &Index)) {
        Error ("Duplicate command line attribute `%s'", Name);

    /* Insert the attribute */
    CollInsert (C, A, Index);
예제 #2
파일: attr.c 프로젝트: Ascronia/fieldtrip
void VAppendAttr (VAttrList list, VStringConst name,
		  VDictEntry *dict, VRepnKind repn, ...)
    va_list args;
    VAttrRec *a;

    /* Create the new attribute node: */
    va_start (args, repn);
    a = NewAttr (name, dict, repn, & args);
    va_end (args);

    /* Append it: */
    a->next = NULL; a->prev = list->prev;
    if (a->prev) a->prev->next = a;
    else list->next = a;
    list->prev = a;
예제 #3
파일: Attr.c 프로젝트: Rollmops/via
void VSetAttr (VAttrList list, VStringConst name,
	       VDictEntry *dict, VRepnKind repn, ...)
    va_list args;
    VAttrListPosn posn;
    VAttrRec *a;

    /* Locate any existing attribute of the specified name: */
    va_start (args, repn);
    if (VLookupAttr (list, name, & posn))
	SetAttr (& posn, dict, repn, & args);
    else {

	/* None exists -- append a new attribute of that name: */
	a = NewAttr (name, dict, repn, & args);
	a->next = NULL;
	if (a->prev = list->prev)
	    a->prev->next = a;
	else list->next = a;
	list->prev = a;
    va_end (args);
예제 #4
파일: Attr.c 프로젝트: Rollmops/via
void VInsertAttr (VAttrListPosn *posn, VBooleanPromoted after,
		  VStringConst name, VDictEntry *dict, VRepnKind repn, ...)
    va_list args;
    VAttrRec *a;

    /* Create the new attribute node: */
    va_start (args, repn);
    a = NewAttr (name, dict, repn, & args);
    va_end (args);

    /* Insert it at the specified position: */
    if (! posn->ptr) {			/* the pointer points nowhere */
	if (a->next = posn->list->next)
	    a->next->prev = a;
	a->prev = 0;
	posn->list->next = a;
	if (! posn->list->prev)
	    posn->list->prev = a;
    } else if (after) {
	if (a->next = posn->ptr->next)
	    a->next->prev = a;
	else posn->list->prev = a;
	a->prev = posn->ptr;
	a->prev->next = a;
	if (posn->list->prev == a->prev)
	    posn->list->prev = a;
    } else {
	a->next = posn->ptr;
	if (a->prev = posn->ptr->prev)
	    a->prev->next = a;
	else posn->list->next = a;
	a->next->prev = a;
	if (posn->list->next == a->next)
	    posn->list->next = a;