예제 #1
void __print_Buffer(FILE *fOut,
                    PERF_Private *perf,
                    unsigned long ulAddress1,
                    unsigned long ulAddress2,
                    unsigned long ulSize,
                    PERF_MODULETYPE eModule)
    /* get debug private structure */
    PERF_PRINT_Private *me = perf->cip.pDebug;

    unsigned long module1 = ((unsigned long) eModule) & PERF_ModuleMask;
    unsigned long module2 = (((unsigned long) eModule) >> PERF_ModuleBits) & PERF_ModuleMask;
    int xfering  = PERF_IsXfering ((unsigned long) eModule);
    int sendIx   = (PERF_GetSendRecv ((unsigned long) eModule) >> 28) & 3;
    int sending  = PERF_IsSending ((unsigned long) eModule);
    int frame    = PERF_IsFrame   ((unsigned long) eModule);
    int multiple = PERF_IsMultiple((unsigned long) eModule);

    if (!xfering && sending) module2 = module1;

    fprintf(fOut, "%s%ld.%06ld%sBuffer%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s0x%lx%s0x%lx",
            me->prompt, TIME_SECONDS(perf->time), TIME_MICROSECONDS(perf->time),
            me->csv ? "," : "(",           
            xfering ? "xfering" : sendRecvTxt[sendIx],
            me->csv ? "," : " ",
            frame ? "frame" : "buffer",
            me->csv ? "," : (xfering || !sending) ? " from=" : "",
            (xfering || !sending) ?
            (module1 < PERF_ModuleMax ? PERF_ModuleTypes[module1] : "INVALID") :
            me->csv ? "," : (xfering || sending) ? " to=" : "",
            (xfering || sending) ?
            (module2 < PERF_ModuleMax ? PERF_ModuleTypes[module2] : "INVALID") :
            me->csv ? "," : " size=",
            me->csv ? "," : " addr=",

    /* print second address if supplied */
    if (multiple)
        fprintf(fOut, "%s0x%lx",
                me->csv ? "," : " addr=",

    fprintf(fOut, "%s" __LINE_END__,
            me->csv ? "" : ")");

    print_print_location(perf, fOut, 6 + (multiple ? 1 : 0));
예제 #2
static void print_rate_info(FILE *fOut,
                            unsigned long ID, PERF_MODULETYPE modulesAndFlags,
                            unsigned long size, long n)
    unsigned long module1 = modulesAndFlags & PERF_ModuleMask;
    unsigned long module2 = (modulesAndFlags >> PERF_ModuleBits) & PERF_ModuleMask;
    int xfering  = PERF_IsXfering(modulesAndFlags);
    int sendIx   = (PERF_GetSendRecv(modulesAndFlags) >> 28) & 3;
    int sending  = PERF_IsSending(modulesAndFlags);
    int frame    = PERF_IsFrame  (modulesAndFlags);

    fprintf(fOut, "%c%c%c%c %s %ld+ %s[0x%lX]%s%s%s%s",
            xfering ? "xfering" : sendRecvTxt[sendIx],
            frame ? "frames" : "buffers",
            (xfering || !sending) ? " from " : " to ",
            (module1 < PERF_ModuleMax ? PERF_ModuleTypes[module1] : "INVALID"),
            xfering ? " to " : "",
            xfering ? (module2 < PERF_ModuleMax ? PERF_ModuleTypes[module2] : "INVALID") : "");
예제 #3
void __rt_Buffer(PERF_Private *perf,
                 unsigned long ulAddress1,
                 unsigned long ulAddress2,
                 unsigned long ulSize,
                 PERF_MODULETYPE eModuleAndFlags)
    /* get real-time private structure */
    PERF_RT_Private *me = perf->cip.pRT;

    /* see if we care about this buffer in the rate calculation */
    unsigned long module = eModuleAndFlags & PERF_ModuleMask;

    /* ------------------------ RATE METRICS ------------------------ */

    /* change HLMM to LLMM for detailed = 0 and 1 */
    if (me->detailed < 2 && module == PERF_ModuleHLMM)
        module = PERF_ModuleLLMM;

    int rate = (me->detailed == 2) ||
               (me->detailed == 0 &&
                (eModuleAndFlags == me->only_moduleandflags && ulSize >= 8)) ||
               (me->detailed == 1 &&
                ((module == PERF_ModuleHardware || module == PERF_ModuleLLMM)));

    if (rate && me->dRate && (!me->needSteadyState || me->steadyState))
        /* change encoded filled frame sizes to 0xBEEFED, as they tend to
           have varying sizes and thus not be counted */
        unsigned long sending = PERF_GetXferSendRecv(eModuleAndFlags);
        unsigned long size = ulSize;
        if ((me->encoder || me->decoder) && !PERF_IsXfering(sending))
            /* reverse sending direction to common layer or socket node */
            if (module >= PERF_ModuleCommonLayer &&
                    module <= PERF_ModuleSocketNode)
                sending ^= PERF_FlagSending;

            if ((me->encoder && (sending == PERF_FlagSending)) ||
                    (me->decoder && (sending == PERF_FlagReceived)))
                size = size ? 0xBEEFED : 0;

        /* see if we are tracking this buffer size */
        int i, j = -1;  /* j is one of the lest used indexes */
        for (i=0; i < me->nDRate; i++)
            if (me->dRate[i].modulesAndFlags == eModuleAndFlags &&
                    me->dRate[i].size == size) break;
            if (j < 0 || me->dRate[i].n < me->dRate[j].n)
                j = i;

        /* if we are not yet tracking this buffer, see if we can track
           it. */
        if (i == me->nDRate)
            /* we have space to track it */
            if (i < me->maxDRate)
            /* if we cannot replace another rate, we don't track it */
            else if (j < 0 || me->dRate[j].n < 2)
                i = me->maxDRate;
                i = j;

            /* start tracking */
            if (i < me->maxDRate)
                me->dRate[i].modulesAndFlags = eModuleAndFlags;
                me->dRate[i].size = size;
                me->dRate[i].xx = me->dRate[i].x = me->dRate[i].n = 0;
                me->dRate[i].txx = me->dRate[i].tx = me->dRate[i].tn = me->dRate[i].tn0 = 0;
                me->dRate[i].axx = me->dRate[i].ax = me->dRate[i].an = 0;
                me->dRate[i].skip = me->needSteadyState ? 0 : 4;
                TIME_COPY(me->dRate[i].last_timestamp, perf->time);
                TIME_COPY(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, perf->time);
            if (me->dRate[i].skip == 0)
                /* see if we passed our granularity */
                int steps = TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dRate[i].last_reporting);
                if (steps >= me->granularity)
                    steps /= me->granularity;

                    /* unless debug bit 4 is set, ignore temporal statistics if
                       we passed the last time by more than a second, and less than
                       the minimul frames were processed in this burst so far, and
                       the last fps was less than 1. */
                    if (!(me->debug & 4) &&
                            (me->dRate[i].tn0 < MIN_FRAMES_FOR_RATE) &&
                            (me->dRate[i].tn < me->granularity * steps))
                        if (me->debug & 256)
                            fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [%ld] IGNORED (steps=%d, tn0=%ld, tn=%ld)\n",
                                    TIME_DELTA(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, me->first_time)/1000000,
                                    steps, me->dRate[i].tn0, me->dRate[i].tn);
                        me->dRate[i].txx = me->dRate[i].tx = me->dRate[i].tn = me->dRate[i].tn0 = 0;

                        TIME_INCREASE(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, me->granularity * steps);
                        steps = 0;
                    else if (me->debug & 256)
                        fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [%ld] not-ignored (steps=%d, tn0=%ld, tn=%ld)\n",
                                TIME_DELTA(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, me->first_time)/1000000,
                                steps, me->dRate[i].tn0, me->dRate[i].tn);

                    /* see if we surpassed our granularity.  if yes, calculate
                       temporal statistics */
                    while (steps)
                        /* count temporal rate */
                        count_temporal_rate(perf->ulID, me, me->dRate + i);

                        TIME_INCREASE(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, me->granularity);

                /* rate is */
                unsigned long delta = TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dRate[i].last_timestamp);
                me->dRate[i].x   += delta;
                me->dRate[i].tx  += delta;
                me->dRate[i].xx  += delta * (double) delta;
                me->dRate[i].txx += delta * (double) delta;
                me->dRate[i].n   ++;
                me->dRate[i].tn  ++;
                me->dRate[i].tn0 ++;
                if (me->dRate[i].skip == 0)
                    TIME_COPY(me->dRate[i].last_reporting, perf->time);
                    me->dRate[i].txx = me->dRate[i].tx = me->dRate[i].tn = 0;

            TIME_COPY(me->dRate[i].last_timestamp, perf->time);

    /* ------------------------ SHOT-TO-SHOT METRICS ------------------------ */
    if (me->dSTS)
        if (eModuleAndFlags == (PERF_FlagSending | PERF_FlagFrame | PERF_ModuleHardware))
            /* queueing buffers to camera */

            /* see if resolution has changed */
            if (ulSize < me->dSTS->size_min ||
                    ulSize > me->dSTS->size_max)
                /* report burst rate if we have any */
                if (me->debug)
                    if (me->dSTS->dBurst2.n > 0)
                        count_delay(me, "Modified burst shot-to-shot", &me->dSTS->dBurst2, 0);
                    if (me->dSTS->dBurst.n > 0)
                        count_delay(me, "Raw burst shot-to-shot", &me->dSTS->dBurst, -1);

                me->dSTS->dBurst.n = -1;
                me->dSTS->dBurst2.n = 0;

                /* set new size */
                me->dSTS->size_min = ulSize > 2048 ? ulSize - 2048 : 0;
                me->dSTS->size_max = ulSize;

                /* if more than D1-PAL, we assume it is an image, not a preview */
                if (ulSize > 0x119000)
                    /* new burst mode start */
                    me->dSTS->capturing = 1;
                    /* preview start */
                    me->dSTS->capturing = 0;
        else if (eModuleAndFlags == (PERF_FlagReceived | PERF_FlagFrame | PERF_ModuleHardware))
            /* gotten buffers from camera */
            if (me->dSTS->capturing &&
                    ulSize >= me->dSTS->size_min &&
                    ulSize <= me->dSTS->size_max)
                /* see if we have a capture already (we ignore the first) to
                   count into the modified capture */
                if (me->dSTS->dBurst.n > 1)
                    /* count last time delta */
                    if (me->dSTS->dBurst.n > 2)
                        delay_add(&me->dSTS->dBurst2, me->dSTS->last_burst);
                        delay_add(&me->dSTS->dABurst2, me->dSTS->last_burst);
                        if (me->debug)
                            fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [%ld] Modified burst shot-to-shot[0x%lX]: %.3g s\n",
                                    me->dSTS->dBurst2.n, me->dSTS->size_min, 1e-6 * me->dSTS->last_burst);
                    me->dSTS->last_burst = TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dSTS->dBurst.last_timestamp);
                else if (me->dSTS->dBurst.n < 0)
                    /* if this is the first shot in the burst sequence */
                    /* calculate single shot-to-shot delay */
                    if (me->dSTS->dSingle.n >= 0)
                        if (me->debug)
                            fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [#%ld] Single shot-to-shot[0x%lX]: %.3g s\n",
                                    me->dSTS->dSingle.n + 1, me->dSTS->size_min, 1e-6 * TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dSTS->dSingle.last_timestamp));
                        delay_delta(&me->dSTS->dSingle, perf);

                if (me->dSTS->dBurst.n >= 0)
                    if (me->debug)
                        fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [#%ld] Raw burst shot-to-shot[0x%lX]: %.3g s\n",
                                me->dSTS->dBurst.n + 1, me->dSTS->size_min, 1e-6 * TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dSTS->dBurst.last_timestamp));
                    delay_add(&me->dSTS->dABurst, TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dSTS->dBurst.last_timestamp));
                delay_delta(&me->dSTS->dBurst, perf);

                /* keep last captured image time stamp for single shot-to-shot */
                TIME_COPY(me->dSTS->dSingle.last_timestamp, perf->time);
                if (me->dSTS->dSingle.n < 0)
                    me->dSTS->dSingle.n = 0;  /* captured first time stamp */

    /* ------------------------ UPTIME METRICS ------------------------ */
    if (0 && me->dUptime && me->dUptime->measuring)
        /* see if we passed our granularity.  if yes, calculate uptime */
        int steps = TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->dUptime->last_reporting);
        if (steps >= me->granularity)
            steps /= me->granularity;

            double uptime, idletime, load = 0;

            /* calculate MHz load */
            get_uptime(&uptime, &idletime);
            if (uptime > 0 && me->dUptime->success)
                me->dUptime->last_idletime = idletime - me->dUptime->last_idletime;
                me->dUptime->last_uptime = uptime - me->dUptime->last_uptime;
                if (me->dUptime->last_uptime > 0)
                    load = 100. * ((me->dUptime->last_uptime - me->dUptime->last_idletime) /

                    me->dUptime->n += steps;
                    me->dUptime->x += load * steps;
                    me->dUptime->xx += load * load * steps;

            TIME_INCREASE(me->dUptime->last_reporting, steps * me->granularity);

            if (uptime > 0 && me->dUptime->success)
                me->dUptime->last_uptime = uptime;
                me->dUptime->last_idletime = idletime;
                if (me->debug)
                    fprintf(me->fRt, "rtPERF: [%ld] ARM CPU-load is %.3g%%\n",
                            TIME_DELTA(perf->time, me->first_time)/1000000,
                me->dUptime->success = 0;