예제 #1
Processes mouse clicks that potentially hit an embedded cell control

BOOL CGridBtnCellBase::ProcessCtlClick(UINT uMsg,          // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                                const CPoint& arPoint)  // point to check for hit
// returns:  T=hit a control / F=no control hit
    int iCtlHit = RelPointInCtl( arPoint);  // Relative point coords
    // returns:  Index of control that this point is within bounds of or -1 if no control matches

    if( iCtlHit >= 0)
        ClickedCellCtl( uMsg,   // Command that invoked.  e.g. WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                        iCtlHit);    // zero-based index of image to draw
        return TRUE;
    m_sLastCtlClicked = -1;
    return FALSE;
예제 #2
May mean end of a button click sequence or to edit text

BOOL CGridBtnCellCombo::Edit(int nRow, int nCol, CRect rect, CPoint point, UINT nID, UINT nChar)
    int iCtlHit = RelPointInCtl( point);  // Relative point coords
    // returns:  Index of control that this point is within bounds of or -1 if no control matches

    BOOL bShowDropDownNow = FALSE;
    if( iCtlHit >= 0)
        // if user clicked on scroll down button picture, then show
        //  the drop-down, too

        UINT uiType = GetDrawCtlType( iCtlHit);
        UINT uiState = GetDrawCtlState( iCtlHit);

        bShowDropDownNow =  ( uiType == DFC_SCROLL)
                            && uiState & DFCS_SCROLLDOWN;
    BOOL bHitNonComboButton =   ( iCtlHit >= 0)
                                && !bShowDropDownNow;

    if( HasCellText()
        && !bHitNonComboButton )
        m_ucEditing = TRUE;

        // InPlaceList auto-deletes itself
        CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid();
        CInPlaceList* pInPlaceList = new CInPlaceList(  pGrid, rect, m_dwComboStyle, nID, nRow, nCol,
                                                        GetTextClr(), GetBackClr(), m_StringArrayCombo, GetText(), nChar);

        if( bShowDropDownNow)
            if( m_dwComboStyle & CBS_DROPDOWN
                || m_dwComboStyle & CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)
                pInPlaceList->ShowDropDown( TRUE);

        m_pBtnDataBase->SetEditWnd( pInPlaceList);
        return TRUE;
    // call base class, otherwise
    return CGridBtnCell::Edit( nRow, nCol, rect, point, nID, nChar);
예제 #3
void CGridBtnCellCombo::OnClick( CPoint PointCellRelative)
    // immediately edit if user clicked on scroll down button picture

    int iCtlHit = RelPointInCtl( PointCellRelative);  // Relative point coords
    // returns:  Index of control that this point is within bounds of or -1 if no control matches

    BOOL bHitScrollDown = FALSE;
    if( iCtlHit >= 0)
        // if user clicked on scroll down button picture, then show
        //  the drop-down, too

        UINT uiType = GetDrawCtlType( iCtlHit);
        UINT uiState = GetDrawCtlState( iCtlHit);

        bHitScrollDown =    ( uiType == DFC_SCROLL)
                            && uiState & DFCS_SCROLLDOWN;
    if( bHitScrollDown)
        // invoke the edit, now -- similar to CGridCtl::OnEditCell() logic
        CGridCtrl* pGrid = GetGrid();
        ASSERT( pGrid != NULL);

        CRect rect;
        if (!pGrid->GetCellRect( m_iRow, m_iCol, rect))

        SendMessageToParent(m_iRow, m_iCol, GVN_BEGINLABELEDIT);

        Edit( m_iRow, m_iCol, rect, PointCellRelative, IDC_INPLACE_CONTROL, VK_LBUTTON);

    CGridBtnCell::OnClick( PointCellRelative);