void hgemitter::SetDirectionFromAngle( int flag, VECTOR *res, VECTOR *ang ) { float spd; VECTOR v; spd = speed; if ( spd != 0.0f ) spd += ((float)(rand()&4095) * FRND_4096 ) * speedopt; if ( flag == HGMODEL_FLAG_2DSPRITE ) { SetVector( res, sin(ang->z) * spd, cos(ang->z) * spd, 0.0f, 0.0f ); return; } SetVector( &v, 0.0f, 0.0f, spd, 0.0f ); InitMatrix(); switch( rotorder ) { case HGMODEL_ROTORDER_ZYX: RotZ( ang->z ); RotY( ang->y ); RotX( ang->x ); break; case HGMODEL_ROTORDER_XYZ: RotX( ang->x ); RotY( ang->y ); RotZ( ang->z ); break; case HGMODEL_ROTORDER_YXZ: RotY( ang->y ); RotX( ang->x ); RotZ( ang->z ); break; } ApplyMatrix( res, &v ); }
void OBBMeshQuery::PerformTest() { RenderTerrain(); Matrix3x3 MX,MY,MZ; RotX(MX, mAngleX); RotY(MY, mAngleY); RotY(MZ, mAngleZ); mBox.mRot = MX * MY * MZ; DrawOBB(mBox); const Model* TM = GetTerrainModel(); if(TM) { OBBCollider Collider; mSettings.SetupCollider(Collider); mProfiler.Start(); bool Status = Collider.Collide(mCache, mBox, *TM, null, null); mProfiler.End(); mProfiler.Accum(); if(Status) { if(Collider.GetContactStatus()) { udword NbTris = Collider.GetNbTouchedPrimitives(); const udword* Indices = Collider.GetTouchedPrimitives(); RenderTerrainTriangles(NbTris, Indices); } } } // Raycast hit if(mValidHit) { Point wp = mLocalHit + mBox.mCenter; DrawLine(wp, wp + Point(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Point(1,0,0), 1.0f); DrawLine(wp, wp + Point(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Point(0,1,0), 1.0f); DrawLine(wp, wp + Point(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), Point(0,0,1), 1.0f); } char Buffer[4096]; sprintf(Buffer, "OBB-mesh query = %5.1f us (%d cycles)\n", mProfiler.mMsTime, mProfiler.mCycles); GLFontRenderer::print(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.02f, Buffer); }
/* void AnObject::SetAttrib(float rd, float gr, float bl, Color a, float d, float b, float s, float ro, float r) { properties.SetAttrib(rd, gr, bl, a, d, b, s, ro, r); } */ void AnObject::RotXYZ(double ax, double ay, double az) { AnObject *o; switch(type) { case OBJ_CONE: return ((ACone *)this)->RotXYZ(ax,ay,az); case OBJ_CYLINDER: return ((ACylinder *)this)->RotXYZ(ax,ay,az); case OBJ_INTERSECTION: o = obj; while (o) { o->RotXYZ(ax,ay,az); o = o->next; } break; default: RotX(ax); RotY(ay); RotZ(az); o = obj; while (o) { o->RotXYZ(ax,ay,az); o = o->next; } } }
bool FDirectInputJoystick::IsChangedKeyState()const { // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("x %d %d"), InitialJoyBuf_.lX, joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lX); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("y %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lY, InitialJoyBuf_.lY); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("z %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lZ, InitialJoyBuf_.lZ); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Rx %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRx, InitialJoyBuf_.lRx); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Ry %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRy, InitialJoyBuf_.lRy); // UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("Rz %d %d"), joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].lRz, InitialJoyBuf_.lRz); // 軸からチェック。初期値と比較 if(InitX()!=X() || InitY()!=Y() || InitZ()!=Z() || InitRotX()!=RotX() || InitRotY()!=RotY() || InitRotZ()!=RotZ()) return true; // ボタンは、PushもReleaseもされてない for(uint32 i = 0; i<32; ++i) { if(((joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].rgbButtons[i]&0x80)>0)||((joyBuf_[1^nCurIndex_].rgbButtons[i]&0x80)>0)) return true; } // POVも押されていない if(LOWORD(joyBuf_[nCurIndex_].rgdwPOV[0])!=0xFFFF) return true; //UE_LOG(LogDirectInputPadPlugin, Log, TEXT("IsChangedState: false")); return false; }
void PyramidObject::transform( void ) { // update the angles this->angles += this->rotSpeeds; // create temp matrices Matrix Scale(SCALE, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); Matrix RotX( ROT_X, this->angles[x] ); Matrix RotY( ROT_Y, this->angles[y] ); Matrix RotZ( ROT_Z, this->angles[z] ); ///////////////////////DEMO CODE, UNECESSARY REMOVE /////////////////////////// if (this->currPos[x] <= -7.0f) this->dir[x] *= -1; if (this->currPos[x] >= -3.0f) this->dir[x] *= -1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this->currPos[x] += this->dir[x]; this->currPos[y] += this->dir[y]; this->currPos[z] += this->dir[z]; Matrix Trans( TRANS, this->currPos[x], this->currPos[y], this->currPos[z]); // Create the local to world matrix (ie Model) this->LocalToWorld = Scale * RotY * RotX * RotZ * Trans; // Create the ModelView ( LocalToWorld * View) // Some pipelines have the project concatenated, others don't // Best to keep the separated, you can always join them with a quick multiply this->ModelView = this->LocalToWorld * pCamera->getViewMatrix(); };
void initialize(void) { //VP_BASIC_RENDERER_WORLD(world); VP_FRAMEWORK_WORLD(world) VP_FRAMEWORK_CAMERA(-49.9825, 15.968, 15.5653, -109.286, 78.4562, 0.767533) vpMaterial::GetDefaultMaterial()->SetRestitution(0.2); vpMaterial::GetDefaultMaterial()->SetDynamicFriction(1.0); ground.SetGround(); ground.AddGeometry(new vpBox(Vec3(20, 20, 1))); ground.AddGeometry(new vpCapsule(0.5, 11.0), Vec3(0, 0, 5)); ground.AddGeometry(new vpCapsule(0.5, 6.0), SE3(Vec3(0, -2.5, 10))*RotX(0.5*M_PI)); for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CHAIN-1; i++ ) { chain[i].SetJoint(&J[i], Vec3(10.0 / NUM_CHAIN, 0, 0)); chain[i+1].SetJoint(&J[i], Vec3(-10.0 / NUM_CHAIN, 0, 0)); //chain[i].AddGeometry(new vpBox(Vec3(20.0 / NUM_CHAIN, 0.2, 0.2))); chain[i].AddGeometry(new vpCapsule(0.1, 20.0 / NUM_CHAIN + 0.2), RotY(0.5*M_PI)); for ( int j = -3; j < 3; j++ ) if ( i+j >= 0 && i+j <= NUM_CHAIN-1 ) world.IgnoreCollision(&chain[i], &chain[i+j]); J[i].SetDamping(SpatialDamper(20)); J[i].SetElasticity(SpatialSpring(1500)); J[i].SetOrientation(Exp(Axis(0.01, 0.01, 0.01))); chain[i].SetInertia(Inertia(.1)); } chain[NUM_CHAIN-1].SetInertia(Inertia(1)); chain[NUM_CHAIN-1].AddGeometry(new vpCapsule(0.1, 20.0 / NUM_CHAIN + 0.2), RotY(0.5*M_PI)); chain[NUM_CHAIN/2].SetFrame(Vec3(0, -2, 15)); world.AddBody(&chain[NUM_CHAIN/2]); world.AddBody(&ground); world.SetGravity(Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -10.0)); world.Initialize(); world.SetIntegrator(VP::IMPLICIT_EULER_FAST); world.SetTimeStep(0.005); world.BackupState(); vpTimer timer; timer.Tic(); for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) world.StepAhead(); cout << timer.Toc() << chain[10].GetGenVelocity() << endl; }
NjFloat4x4 NjFloat4x4::PYR( float _Pitch, float _Yaw, float _Roll ) { NjFloat4x4 Pitch = RotX( _Pitch ); NjFloat4x4 Yaw = RotY( _Yaw ); NjFloat4x4 Roll = RotZ( _Roll ); NjFloat4x4 Result = Pitch * Yaw * Roll; return Result; }
void CapsuleMeshQuery::Init() { mP0 = Point(0.0f, -4.0f, 0.0f); mP1 = Point(0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f); Matrix3x3 MX,MY; RotX(MX, 45.0f); RotY(MY, 45.0f); mWorld = MX * MY; mWorld.SetTrans(0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f); }
void APlane::Rotate(Vector rv) { if (usesTransform) { Transform T; T.CalcRotation(rv); trans.Compose(&T); return; } RotX(rv.x); RotY(rv.y); RotZ(rv.z); }
///////////////////////////// // イベント ///////////////////////////// void FDirectInputJoystick::Event(const TSharedPtr<FGenericApplicationMessageHandler>& MessageHandler) { // JoystickMapをぶん回す // 軸チェック EventAnalog(MessageHandler, X(), DIGamePad_AXIS_X, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_AxisX); EventAnalog(MessageHandler, Y(), DIGamePad_AXIS_Y, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_AxisY); EventAnalog(MessageHandler, Z(), DIGamePad_AXIS_Z, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_AxisZ); EventAnalog(MessageHandler, RotX(), DIGamePad_ROT_X, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_RotX); EventAnalog(MessageHandler, RotY(), DIGamePad_ROT_Y, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_RotY); EventAnalog(MessageHandler, RotZ(), DIGamePad_ROT_Z, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_RotZ); EventPov(MessageHandler); // ボタンチェック EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button1, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button1); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button2, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button2); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button3, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button3); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button4, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button4); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button5, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button5); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button6, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button6); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button7, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button7); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button8, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button8); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button9, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button9); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button10, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button10); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button11, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button11); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button12, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button12); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button13, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button13); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button14, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button14); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button15, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button15); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button16, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button16); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button17, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button17); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button18, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button18); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button19, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button19); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button20, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button20); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button21, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button21); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button22, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button22); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button23, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button23); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button24, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button24); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button25, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button25); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button26, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button26); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button27, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button27); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button28, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button28); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button29, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button29); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button30, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button30); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button31, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button31); EventButton(MessageHandler, DIGamePad_Button32, EKeysDirectInputPad::DIGamePad_Button32); }
void Camera::Orbit( void ) { Vect CamFocusPos; Vect focus; focus.set(0,2.5f,-18.0f); CamFocusPos = this->vPos - focus; float angle_y = 0.001f; Matrix RotY( ROT_Y, angle_y ); CamFocusPos *= RotY; CamFocusPos += focus; this->setOrientAndPosition( Vect(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f), Vect(0.0f,2.5f,-18.0f), CamFocusPos ); }
Matrix LibOVR_Adaptor::getViewMatrixAfterMovement() { //float headBaseToEyeHeight = 0.15f; // Vertical height of eye from base of head //float headBaseToEyeProtrusion = 0.09f; // Distance forward of eye from base of head //OVR::Matrix4f rollPitchYaw = OVR::Matrix4f::RotationY(EyeYaw) * OVR::Matrix4f::RotationX(EyePitch) * OVR::Matrix4f::RotationZ(EyeRoll); //OVR::Vector3f up = rollPitchYaw.Transform( OVR::Vector3f(0, Up[y], Up[z])); //OVR::Vector3f forward = rollPitchYaw.Transform( OVR::Vector3f(Dir[x], Dir[y], Dir[z])); OVR::Vector3f eyeCenterInHeadFrame(0.0f, 0.15f, -0.09f); OVR::Vector3f shiftedEyePos = this->EyePos + eyeCenterInHeadFrame; EyePos.y -= eyeCenterInHeadFrame.y; // Bring the head back down to original height //OVR::Matrix4f View = OVR::Matrix4f::LookAtRH(shiftedEyePos, shiftedEyePos + forward, up); Matrix RotX( ROT_X, this->EyePitch * -1); Matrix RotY( ROT_Y, (this->EyeYaw + 180) * -1 ); Matrix RotZ( ROT_Z, this->EyeRoll * -1 ); Matrix Trans( TRANS, this->EyePos.x, this->EyePos.y, this->EyePos.z); return (RotY * RotX * RotZ);// * Trans); }
static int MakeHedron(int np, int dp, int nq, int dq, double cp, double cq) { STri t0; double pang,qang,cosp,cosq,sinp,sinq; #ifdef DBG printf("MakeHedron: p = %d/%d q = %d/%d cp = %.4f cq = %.4f\n",np,dp,nq,dq,cp,cq); #endif nregtris = nfaces = nverts = 0; center_verts = state.verts>0?1:0; subdiv_sides = state.verts==2?1:0; nsides[0] = 4; nsides[1] = np; nsides[2] = nq; /* these are two of the angles of a right spherical triangle */ pang = PI*(double)dp/(double)np; qang = PI*(double)dq/(double)nq; /* compute the (sin,cos) of sides of the spherical triangle */ cosp = cos(pang)/sin(qang); cosq = cos(qang)/sin(pang); sinp = sqrt(1.0-cosp*cosp); sinq = sqrt(1.0-cosq*cosq); t0.p[0].x = 0.0; t0.p[0].y = 0.0; t0.p[0].z = 1.0; t0.p[1].x = sinq; t0.p[1].y = 0.0; t0.p[1].z = cosq; t0.p[2].x = 0.0; t0.p[2].y = sinp; t0.p[2].z = cosp; t0.v.x = cq*sinq; t0.v.y = cp*sinp; t0.v.z = 1.0 + cq*(cosq-1.0) + cp*(cosp-1.0); NormVect(&t0.v.x); #ifdef DBG printf(" pang = %.5f, qang = %.5f \n", RadToDeg(pang), RadToDeg(qang)); printf(" cpa = %.5f, cqa = %.5f\n", RadToDeg(acos(cosp)),RadToDeg(acos(cosq))); printf(" t = (%.4f,%.4f,%.4f) \n",t0.v.x,t0.v.y,t0.v.z); #endif switch(state.axis) { case 1: /* want P aligned with Z -- rotate into pos*/ RotY(&t0.p[0],-sinq,cosq); RotY(&t0.p[1],-sinq,cosq); RotY(&t0.p[2],-sinq,cosq); RotY(&t0.v,-sinq,cosq); break; case 2: /* Q aligned with Z -- */ RotX(&t0.p[0],sinp,cosp); RotX(&t0.p[1],sinp,cosp); RotX(&t0.p[2],sinp,cosp); RotX(&t0.v,sinp,cosp); break; } #ifdef DBG printf(" p0 = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f \n",t0.p[0].x,t0.p[0].y,t0.p[0].z); printf(" p1 = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f \n",t0.p[1].x,t0.p[1].y,t0.p[1].z); printf(" p2 = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f \n",t0.p[2].x,t0.p[2].y,t0.p[2].z); printf(" v = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f \n",t0.v.x,t0.v.y,t0.v.z); #endif memset(axis,0,3*sizeof(AxisList)); reg_vert(&t0.v); level = 0; traverse(&t0, -1); do_axis[0] = do_axis[1] = do_axis[2] = 1; star_axis[0] = star_axis[1] = star_axis[2] = 0; if (dp>1) star_axis[1] = 1; if (dq>1) star_axis[2] = 1; if (cp==0||cq==0) do_axis[0] = 0; if (cp==0.0 && cq==1.0) do_axis[1] = 0; if (cp==1.0 && cq==0.0) do_axis[2] = 0; #ifdef DBG printf(" nsides = %d,%d,%d \n",nsides[0],nsides[1],nsides[2]); printf(" do_axis= %d,%d,%d \n",do_axis[0],do_axis[1],do_axis[2]); printf(" numaxis = %d,%d,%d \n",axis[0].num,axis[1].num,axis[2].num); printf(" nverts = %d \n",nverts); printf(" ------------------ MakeHedron done -----------------\n"); #endif return(1); }
void Renderer::Sphere(int del_uhol_x, int del_uhol_y, float size) { // del_uhol_x krat 2*(del_uhol_y+1) bodov // Vertex_t v[del_uhol_x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)]; PosColNormalUVVertex* v = new PosColNormalUVVertex[del_uhol_x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)]; D3DXVECTOR3 a,b,ay,by; float dy=360.f/del_uhol_y; float dx=180.f*PI180/del_uhol_x; for(int x=0; x<del_uhol_x; x++) { float tx = (float)x/(float)del_uhol_x; float ang = (tx*180.f-90.f)*PI180; // <-90, 90) a = D3DXVECTOR3( 0, (float)sin(ang), (float)cos(ang)); b = D3DXVECTOR3( 0, (float)sin(ang+dx), (float)cos(ang+dx)); // v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+0].t0.set( 0, 1.f-tx); v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+0].Normal = a; v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+0].Coord = size*a; // v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+1].t0.set( 0, 1.f-(tx+1.f/del_uhol_x)); v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+1].Normal= b; v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+1].Coord = size*b; ay = a; by = b; for(int y=1; y<del_uhol_y+1; y++) { float ty = (float)y/(float)del_uhol_y; ay = a; RotY( ty*360.f, ay); by = b; RotY( ty*360.f, by); // v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y].t0.set( ty, 1.f-tx); v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y].Normal = ay; v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y].Coord = size*ay; // v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y+1].t0.set( ty, 1.f-(tx+1.f/del_uhol_x)); v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y+1].Normal = by; v[x*2*(del_uhol_y+1)+2*y+1].Coord = size*by; } } DiffuseUVVertexShader* pShader = NULL; if ( g_envMapSet ) { pShader = &DiffuseUVEnvVertexShader::StaticType; m_pD3DDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( g_pPosNormalColUVDeclaration ); } else { pShader = &DiffuseUVVertexShader::StaticType; m_pD3DDevice->SetVertexDeclaration( g_pPosColUVDeclaration ); } CommitTransforms( pShader ); CommitTextureState(); m_pD3DDevice->SetVertexShader( pShader->GetVertexShader() ); for(int i=0; i<del_uhol_x; i++) // g_device->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, i*2*(del_y+1), 2*del_y ); m_pD3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2*del_uhol_y, &v[i*2*(del_uhol_y+1)], sizeof(PosColNormalUVVertex)); delete v; // pd->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, i*2*(del_y+1), 2*del_y ); }
void Ambix_rotatorAudioProcessor::calcParams() { // use old sampling method for generating rotation matrix... #if 0 if (!_initialized) { sph_h.Init(AMBI_ORDER); const String t_design_txt (t_design::des_3_240_21_txt); // std::cout << t_design_txt << std::endl; String::CharPointerType lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer(); int n = 0; // how many characters been read int numsamples = 0; int i = 0; int curr_n = 0; int max_n = lineChar.length(); while (curr_n < max_n) { // check how many coordinates we have double value; sscanf(lineChar, "%lf\n%n", &value, &n); lineChar += n; curr_n += n; numsamples++; } // end parse numbers numsamples = numsamples/3; // xyz Carth_coord.resize(numsamples,3); // positions in cartesian coordinates curr_n = 0; lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer(); // parse line for numbers again and copy to carth coordinate matrix while (i < numsamples) { double x,y,z; sscanf(lineChar, "%lf%lf%lf%n", &x, &y, &z, &n); Carth_coord(i,0) = x; Carth_coord(i,1) = y; Carth_coord(i,2) = z; lineChar += n; curr_n += n; i++; } // end parse numbers Sph_coord.resize(numsamples,2); // positions in spherical coordinates Eigen::MatrixXd Sh_matrix(numsamples,AMBI_CHANNELS); for (int i=0; i < numsamples; i++) { Eigen::VectorXd Ymn(AMBI_CHANNELS); // Ymn result Sph_coord(i,0) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,1),Carth_coord(i,0)); // azimuth Sph_coord(i,1) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,2),sqrt(Carth_coord(i,0)*Carth_coord(i,0) + Carth_coord(i,1)*Carth_coord(i,1))); // elevation sph_h.Calc(Sph_coord(i,0),Sph_coord(i,1)); // phi theta sph_h.Get(Ymn); Sh_matrix.row(i) = Ymn; } // inversion would not be necessary because of t-design -> transpose is enough.. Sh_matrix_inv = (Sh_matrix.transpose()*Sh_matrix).inverse()*Sh_matrix.transpose(); _initialized = true; } Eigen::MatrixXd Sh_matrix_mod(Sph_coord.rows(),AMBI_CHANNELS); // rotation parameters in radiants // use mathematical negative angles for yaw double yaw = -((double)yaw_param*2*M_PI - M_PI); // z double pitch = (double)pitch_param*2*M_PI - M_PI; // y double roll = (double)roll_param*2*M_PI - M_PI; // x Eigen::Matrix3d RotX, RotY, RotZ, Rot; RotX = RotY = RotZ = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(3,3); RotX(0,0) = 1.f; RotX(1,1) = RotX(2,2) = cos(roll); RotX(1,2) = -sin(roll); RotX(2,1) = -RotX(1,2); RotY(0,0) = RotY(2,2) = cos(pitch); RotY(0,2) = sin(pitch); RotY(2,0) = -RotY(0,2); RotY(1,1) = 1.f; RotZ(0,0) = RotZ(1,1) = cos(yaw); RotZ(0,1) = -sin(yaw); RotZ(1,0) = -RotZ(0,1); RotZ(2,2) = 1.f; // multiply individual rotation matrices if (rot_order_param < 0.5f) { // ypr order zyx -> mutliply inverse! Rot = RotX * RotY * RotZ; } else { // rpy order xyz -> mutliply inverse! Rot = RotZ * RotY * RotX; } // combined roll-pitch-yaw rotation matrix would be here // http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node102.html for (int i=0; i < Carth_coord.rows(); i++) { // rotate carthesian coordinates Eigen::Vector3d Carth_coord_mod = Carth_coord.row(i)*Rot; Eigen::Vector2d Sph_coord_mod; // convert to spherical coordinates Sph_coord_mod(0) = atan2(Carth_coord_mod(1),Carth_coord_mod(0)); // azimuth Sph_coord_mod(1) = atan2(Carth_coord_mod(2),sqrt(Carth_coord_mod(0)*Carth_coord_mod(0) + Carth_coord_mod(1)*Carth_coord_mod(1))); // elevation Eigen::VectorXd Ymn(AMBI_CHANNELS); // Ymn result // calc spherical harmonic sph_h.Calc(Sph_coord_mod(0),Sph_coord_mod(1)); // phi theta sph_h.Get(Ymn); // save to sh matrix Sh_matrix_mod.row(i) = Ymn; } // calculate new transformation matrix Sh_transf = Sh_matrix_inv * Sh_matrix_mod; #else // use // Ivanic, J., Ruedenberg, K. (1996). Rotation Matrices for Real // Spherical Harmonics. Direct Determination by Recursion. // The Journal of Physical Chemistry // rotation parameters in radiants // use mathematical negative angles for yaw double yaw = -((double)yaw_param*2*M_PI - M_PI); // z double pitch = (double)pitch_param*2*M_PI - M_PI; // y double roll = (double)roll_param*2*M_PI - M_PI; // x Eigen::Matrix3d RotX, RotY, RotZ, Rot; RotX = RotY = RotZ = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(3,3); RotX(0,0) = 1.f; RotX(1,1) = RotX(2,2) = cos(roll); RotX(1,2) = sin(roll); RotX(2,1) = -RotX(1,2); RotY(0,0) = RotY(2,2) = cos(pitch); RotY(0,2) = sin(pitch); RotY(2,0) = -RotY(0,2); RotY(1,1) = 1.f; RotZ(0,0) = RotZ(1,1) = cos(yaw); RotZ(0,1) = sin(yaw); RotZ(1,0) = -RotZ(0,1); RotZ(2,2) = 1.f; // multiply individual rotation matrices if (rot_order_param < 0.5f) { // ypr order zyx -> mutliply inverse! Rot = RotX * RotY * RotZ; } else { // rpy order xyz -> mutliply inverse! Rot = RotZ * RotY * RotX; } // first order initialization - prototype matrix Eigen::Matrix3d R_1; R_1(0,0) = Rot(1,1); R_1(0,1) = Rot(1,2); R_1(0,2) = Rot(1,0); R_1(1,0) = Rot(2,1); R_1(1,1) = Rot(2,2); R_1(1,2) = Rot(2,0); R_1(2,0) = Rot(0,1); R_1(2,1) = Rot(0,2); R_1(2,2) = Rot(0,0); // zeroth order is invariant Sh_transf(0,0) = 1.; // set first order Sh_transf.block(1, 1, 3, 3) = R_1; Eigen::MatrixXd R_lm1 = R_1; // recursivly generate higher orders for (int l=2; l<=AMBI_ORDER; l++) { Eigen::MatrixXd R_l = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2*l+1, 2*l+1); for (int m=-l;m <= l; m++) { for (int n=-l;n <= l; n++) { // Table I int d = (m==0) ? 1 : 0; double denom = 0.; if (abs(n) == l) denom = (2*l)*(2*l-1); else denom = (l*l-n*n); double u = sqrt((l*l-m*m)/denom); double v = sqrt((1.+d)*(l+abs(m)-1.)*(l+abs(m))/denom)*(1.-2.*d)*0.5; double w = sqrt((l-abs(m)-1.)*(l-abs(m))/denom)*(1.-d)*(-0.5); if (u != 0.) u *= U(l,m,n,R_1,R_lm1); if (v != 0.) v *= V(l,m,n,R_1,R_lm1); if (w != 0.) w *= W(l,m,n,R_1,R_lm1); R_l(m+l,n+l) = u + v + w; } } Sh_transf.block(l*l, l*l, 2*l+1, 2*l+1) = R_l; R_lm1 = R_l; } #endif // threshold coefficients // maybe not needed here... for (int i = 0; i < Sh_transf.size(); i++) { if (abs(Sh_transf(i)) < 0.00001f) Sh_transf(i) = 0.f; } }