예제 #1
파일: SPI.c 프로젝트: SecretTank/ARM
void RFID_setRegister(uint8_t  data,uint8_t address) 
	SPI_tradeByte( address << 1 ); //transmit command start 0x01 is address 
예제 #2
void RTC_SPI_writeByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t data) //Writes a byte to the desired address
    SLAVE_SELECT_RTC;			//Enable the RTC comms
    SPI_tradeByte(address);		//Send the address to be written to
    SPI_tradeByte(data);		//Send the data to be written to address
    SLAVE_DESELECT_RTC;			//Disable the RTC comms
예제 #3
파일: SPI.c 프로젝트: SecretTank/ARM
uint8_t RFID_readRegister(uint8_t address)
	SPI_tradeByte( address << 1 | 0x80 ); //transmit command start 0x01 is address 
  return (SPDR);                                  /* return the result */
예제 #4
uint8_t RTC_SPI_readByte(uint8_t address) //Reads and returns a byte at the desired address
    SLAVE_SELECT_RTC;			//Enable the RTC comms
    SPI_tradeByte(address);		//Send the address to be read from
    SPI_tradeByte(0);			//Send dummy byte to load SPDR with byte at address
    SLAVE_DESELECT_RTC;			//Disable the RTC comms
    return(SPDR);				//Return the byte.  SPDR=SPI Data Register
예제 #5
파일: MAX7219.c 프로젝트: Clewsy/GPSClock
void SEV_SEG_writeByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)	//Writes a byte to an address in the MAX7219
	SEV_SEG_LOAD_LOW;			//Drop the level of the LOAD pin
	SPI_tradeByte(address);		//Send the register address where the data will be stored
	SPI_tradeByte(data);		//Send the data to be stored
	SEV_SEG_LOAD_HIGH;			//Raise the level of the LOAD pin - this triggers latching of the sent bytes (last 16 bits of data are latched).
예제 #6
파일: MAX7219.c 프로젝트: Clewsy/GPSClock
void SEV_SEG_allClear(void)	//Clears all digits.  Bypasses function "SEV_SEG_writeByte" and clears equivalent digits on both drivers simultaneously (~halves clear time).
	uint8_t i;
	for (i=8; i>0; i--)	//Counts down through the digits from digit 7 (8) to digit 0 (1).
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_LOW;						//Drop the level of the LOAD pin
		SPI_tradeByte(i);						//Push in digit address i (will be in driver B at latch)
		SPI_tradeByte(SEV_SEG_CODEB_BLANK);		//Push in data to clear digit at i (will be in driver B at latch)
		SPI_tradeByte(i);						//Push in digit address i (will be in driver A at latch)
		SPI_tradeByte(SEV_SEG_CODEB_BLANK);		//Push in data to clear digit at i (will be in driver A at latch)
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_HIGH;						//Raise the level of the LOAD pin - this triggers latching of the sent bytes (last 16 bits of data in driver are latched).
예제 #7
파일: MAX7219.c 프로젝트: Clewsy/GPSClock
void SEV_SEG_writeByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)	//Writes a byte to an address in both of the MAX7219s although one driver will receive data, the other will receive no-op command.
	if(address & 0x80)	//Check driver flag.  If set, address is for driver B (DIG_8 to DIG_15).
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_LOW;			//Drop the level of the LOAD pin
		SPI_tradeByte(address);		//Send the register address where the data will be stored
		SPI_tradeByte(data);		//Send the data to be stored
		SPI_tradeByte(0);			//Roll no-op data through to push real data out of driver A and into driver B (address byte)
		SPI_tradeByte(0);			//Roll no-op data through to push real data out of driver A and into driver B (data byte)
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_HIGH;			//Raise the level of the LOAD pin - this triggers latching of the sent bytes (last 16 bits of data are latched).
	else				//Not set, therefore address is for driver A (DIG_0 to DIG_7).
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_LOW;			//Drop the level of the LOAD pin
		SPI_tradeByte(0);			//Roll no-op data in first for driver B when real data for driver A pushes it through (address byte)
		SPI_tradeByte(0);			//Roll no-op data in first for driver B when real data for driver A pushes it through (data byte)
		SPI_tradeByte(address);		//Send the register address where the data will be stored
		SPI_tradeByte(data);		//Send the data to be stored
		SEV_SEG_LOAD_HIGH;			//Raise the level of the LOAD pin - this triggers latching of the sent bytes (last 16 bits of data are latched).
