예제 #1
    bool countLoops(AstAssign *initp, AstNode *condp, AstNode *incp, int max, int &outLoopsr) {
	outLoopsr = 0;
	V3Number loopValue = V3Number(initp->fileline());
	if (!simulateTree(initp->rhsp(), NULL, initp, loopValue)) {
	    return false;
	while (1) {
	    V3Number res = V3Number(initp->fileline());
	    if (!simulateTree(condp, &loopValue, NULL, res)) {
		return false;
	    if (!res.isEqOne()) {


	    // Run inc
	    AstAssign* incpass = incp->castAssign();
	    V3Number newLoopValue = V3Number(initp->fileline());
	    if (!simulateTree(incpass->rhsp(), &loopValue, incpass, newLoopValue)) {
		return false;
	    if (outLoopsr > max) {
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #2
    AstVar* createEnableVar(AstNode* outp, AstVarRef* outrefp, AstNode* enrhsp, int width, string suffix="") {
	// this function creates an  __en Var that corresponds to
	// the outp and outrefp and creates an assignw to enrhsp
        AstVar* enp = new AstVar (outrefp->varp()->fileline(),
				  outrefp->name() + "__en" + suffix + cvtToStr(m_unique++),
				  AstLogicPacked(), width);

	if (enp->width() != enrhsp->width()) {
	    if (enrhsp->width1()) { // it seems from my futzing that the linter guarantees this condition
		enrhsp = new AstReplicate(enrhsp->fileline(), enrhsp,
					  new AstConst(enrhsp->fileline(), V3Number(enrhsp->fileline(), 32, enp->width())));
		enrhsp->width(enp->width(), enp->width());  //minwidth==width
	    } else {
		enrhsp->v3error("Don't know how to deal with selection logic wider than 1 bit");

	AstNode* newassp = new AstAssignW (enp->fileline(),
					   new AstVarRef (enp->fileline(), enp, true),
	if (debug()>=9) enp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-   cev-out: ");
	if (debug()>=9) newassp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-   cev-out: ");

	outrefp->user1p(enp); // put __en signal into varref for later usage
	outrefp->varp()->user1p(enp); // put __en signal into var as well in the event this is a single lhs driver and this needs passed up one level

	return enp;
예제 #3
    AstNode* newSubNeg(AstNode* lhsp, vlsint32_t rhs) {
	// Return lhs-rhs, but if rhs is negative use an add, so we won't
	// have to deal with signed math and related 32bit sign extension problems
	if (rhs == 0) {
	    return lhsp;
	} else if (lhsp->castConst()) {
	    // Optional vs just making add/sub below, but saves constification some work
	    V3Number num (lhsp->fileline(), lhsp->width());
	    num.opSub(lhsp->castConst()->num(), V3Number(lhsp->fileline(), 32, rhs));
	    AstNode* newp = new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), num);
	    return newp;
	} else if (rhs > 0) {
	    AstNode* newp = new AstSub(lhsp->fileline(), lhsp,
				       new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), rhs));
	    // We must make sure sub gets sign of original value, not from the constant
	    return newp;
	} else {  // rhs < 0;
	    AstNode* newp = new AstAdd(lhsp->fileline(), lhsp,
				       new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), AstConst::Unsized32(), -rhs));
	    // We must make sure sub gets sign of original value, not from the constant
	    return newp;
예제 #4
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	if (!nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {
	    // This is the top of an ArraySel, setup for iteration
	    m_refp = nodep->user1p()->castNode()->castVarRef();
	    m_vecIdx += 1;
	    if (m_vecIdx == (int)m_selBits.size()) {
		AstVar* varp = m_refp->varp();
		pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> arrDim = varp->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
		uint32_t dimensions = arrDim.second;
		// for 3-dimensions we want m_selBits[m_vecIdx]=[0,0,0]
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) {
	if (nodep->fromp()->castVarRef()) {
	    m_depth = 0;
	} else {
	// Check if m_selBits has overflowed
	if (m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] >= nodep->length()) {
	    m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] = 0;
	    if (m_depth + 1 < m_selBits[m_vecIdx].size())
		m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth+1] += 1;
	// Reassign the bitp()
	if (nodep->length() > 1) {
	    if (AstConst* bitp = nodep->bitp()->castConst()) {
		AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp()->castUnpackArrayDType();
		if (!adtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("slice select tried to expand an array without an ArrayDType");
		unsigned idx = nodep->start() + m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] - adtypep->lsb();
		AstNode* constp = new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), V3Number(bitp->fileline(), bitp->castConst()->num().width(), idx));
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Only constants supported in slices");
	if (!nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {
	    // Top ArraySel, increment m_selBits
	    m_selBits[m_vecIdx][0] += 1;
void ParamVisitor::visitCell(AstCell* nodep) {
    // Cell: Check for parameters in the instantiation.
    if (!nodep->modp()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Not linked?");
    if (nodep->paramsp()
	|| 1  // Need to look for interfaces; could track when one exists, but should be harmless to always do this
	) {
	UINFO(4,"De-parameterize: "<<nodep<<endl);
	// Create new module name with _'s between the constants
	if (debug()>=10) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-cell:\t");
	// Evaluate all module constants

	// Make sure constification worked
	// Must be a separate loop, as constant conversion may have changed some pointers.
	//if (debug()) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-cel2:\t");
	string longname = nodep->modp()->name();
	bool any_overrides = false;
	longname += "_";
	if (debug()>8) nodep->paramsp()->dumpTreeAndNext(cout,"-cellparams:\t");
	for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
	    if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; // No-connect
	    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
	    if (!modvarp) {
		pinp->v3error("Parameter not found in sub-module: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
	    } else if (!modvarp->isGParam()) {
		pinp->v3error("Attempted parameter setting of non-parameter: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
	    } else {
		AstConst* constp = pinp->exprp()->castConst();
		AstConst* origconstp = modvarp->valuep()->castConst();
		if (!constp) {
		    //if (debug()) pinp->dumpTree(cout,"error:");
		    pinp->v3error("Can't convert defparam value to constant: Param "<<pinp->name()<<" of "<<nodep->prettyName());
		    pinp->exprp()->replaceWith(new AstConst(pinp->fileline(), V3Number(pinp->fileline(), modvarp->width(), 0)));
		} else if (origconstp && constp->sameTree(origconstp)) {
		    // Setting parameter to its default value.  Just ignore it.
		    // This prevents making additional modules, and makes coverage more
		    // obvious as it won't show up under a unique module page name.
		} else {
		    longname += "_" + paramSmallName(nodep->modp(),pinp->modVarp())+constp->num().ascii(false);
		    any_overrides = true;
	IfaceRefRefs ifaceRefRefs;
	for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
	    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
	    if (modvarp->isIfaceRef()) {
		AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = modvarp->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		//UINFO(9,"     portIfaceRef "<<portIrefp<<endl);
		if (!pinp->exprp()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()
		    || !pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType()) {
		    pinp->v3error("Interface port '"<<modvarp->prettyName()<<"' is not connected to interface/modport pin expression");
		} else {
		    AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef()->varp()->subDTypep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		    //UINFO(9,"     pinIfaceRef "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
		    if (portIrefp->ifaceViaCellp() != pinIrefp->ifaceViaCellp()) {
			UINFO(9,"     IfaceRefDType needs reconnect  "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
			longname += "_" + paramSmallName(nodep->modp(),pinp->modVarp())+paramValueNumber(pinIrefp);
			any_overrides = true;

	if (!any_overrides) {
	    UINFO(8,"Cell parameters all match original values, skipping expansion.\n");
	} else {
	    // If the name is very long, we don't want to overwhelm the filename limit
	    // We don't do this always, as it aids debugability to have intuitive naming.
	    // TODO can use new V3Name hash replacement instead of this
	    string newname = longname;
	    if (longname.length()>30) {
		LongMap::iterator iter = m_longMap.find(longname);
		if (iter != m_longMap.end()) {
		    newname = iter->second;
		} else {
		    newname = nodep->modp()->name();
		    newname += "__pi"+cvtToStr(++m_longId);  // We use all upper case above, so lower here can't conflict
		    m_longMap.insert(make_pair(longname, newname));
	    UINFO(4,"Name: "<<nodep->modp()->name()<<"->"<<longname<<"->"<<newname<<endl);

	    // Already made this flavor?
	    AstNodeModule* modp = NULL;
	    ModNameMap::iterator iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
	    if (iter != m_modNameMap.end()) modp = iter->second.m_modp;
	    if (!modp) {
		// Deep clone of new module
		// Note all module internal variables will be re-linked to the new modules by clone
		// However links outside the module (like on the upper cells) will not.
		modp = nodep->modp()->cloneTree(false);
		modp->user5(false); // We need to re-recurse this module once changed
		nodep->modp()->addNextHere(modp);  // Keep tree sorted by cell occurrences

		m_modNameMap.insert(make_pair(modp->name(), ModInfo(modp)));
		iter = m_modNameMap.find(newname);
		VarCloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
		UINFO(4,"     De-parameterize to new: "<<modp<<endl);

		// Grab all I/O so we can remap our pins later
		// Note we allow multiple users of a parameterized model, thus we need to stash this info.
		for (AstNode* stmtp=modp->stmtsp(); stmtp; stmtp = stmtp->nextp()) {
		    if (AstVar* varp = stmtp->castVar()) {
			if (varp->isIO() || varp->isGParam() || varp->isIfaceRef()) {
			    // Cloning saved a pointer to the new node for us, so just follow that link.
			    AstVar* oldvarp = varp->clonep()->castVar();
			    //UINFO(8,"Clone list 0x"<<hex<<(uint32_t)oldvarp<<" -> 0x"<<(uint32_t)varp<<endl);
			    clonemapp->insert(make_pair(oldvarp, varp));

		// Relink parameter vars to the new module
		relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->paramsp());

		// Fix any interface references
		for (IfaceRefRefs::iterator it=ifaceRefRefs.begin(); it!=ifaceRefRefs.end(); ++it) {
		    AstIfaceRefDType* portIrefp = it->first;
		    AstIfaceRefDType* pinIrefp = it->second;
		    AstIfaceRefDType* cloneIrefp = portIrefp->clonep()->castIfaceRefDType();
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceOld "<<portIrefp<<endl);
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceTo  "<<pinIrefp<<endl);
		    if (!cloneIrefp) portIrefp->v3fatalSrc("parameter clone didn't hit AstIfaceRefDType");
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceClo "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);
		    UINFO(8,"     IfaceNew "<<cloneIrefp<<endl);

		// Assign parameters to the constants specified
		// DOES clone() so must be finished with module clonep() before here
		for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->paramsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) {
		    AstVar* modvarp = pinp->modVarp();
		    if (modvarp && pinp->exprp()) {
			AstConst* constp = pinp->exprp()->castConst();
			// Remove any existing parameter
			if (modvarp->valuep()) modvarp->valuep()->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree();
			// Set this parameter to value requested by cell
	    } else {
		UINFO(4,"     De-parameterize to old: "<<modp<<endl);

	    // Have child use this module instead.

	    // We need to relink the pins to the new module
	    VarCloneMap* clonemapp = &(iter->second.m_cloneMap);
	    relinkPins(clonemapp, nodep->pinsp());
	    UINFO(8,"     Done with "<<modp<<endl);
	} // if any_overrides

	// Delete the parameters from the cell; they're not relevant any longer.
	if (nodep->paramsp()) nodep->paramsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext()->deleteTree();
	UINFO(8,"     Done with "<<nodep<<endl);
	//if (debug()>=10) v3Global.rootp()->dumpTreeFile(v3Global.debugFilename("param-out.tree"));

    // Now remember to process the child module at the end of the module
예제 #6
    bool forUnroller(AstNode* nodep,
		     AstAssign* initp,
		     AstNode* condp,
		     AstNode* precondsp,
		     AstNode* incp, AstNode* bodysp) {
	V3Number loopValue = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
	if (!simulateTree(initp->rhsp(), NULL, initp, loopValue)) {
	    return false;
	AstNode* stmtsp = NULL;
	if (initp) {
	    initp->unlinkFrBack();	// Always a single statement; nextp() may be nodep
	    // Don't add to list, we do it once, and setting loop index isn't needed as we're constant propagating it
	if (precondsp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(precondsp);
	if (bodysp) {
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(bodysp);  // Maybe null if no body
	if (incp && !nodep->castGenFor()) {  // Generates don't need to increment loop index
	    // cppcheck-suppress nullPointer  // addNextNull deals with it
	    stmtsp = stmtsp->addNextNull(incp);  // Maybe null if no body
	// Mark variable to disable some later warnings

	AstNode* newbodysp = NULL;
	if (stmtsp) {
	    int times = 0;
	    while (1) {
		UINFO(8,"      Looping "<<loopValue<<endl);
		V3Number res = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
		if (!simulateTree(condp, &loopValue, NULL, res)) {
		    nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling failed.");
		    return false;
		if (!res.isEqOne()) {
		    break;  // Done with the loop
		else {
		    // Replace iterator values with constant.
		    AstNode* oneloopp = stmtsp->cloneTree(true);

		    m_varValuep = new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), loopValue);

		    // Iteration requires a back, so put under temporary node
		    if (oneloopp) {
			AstBegin* tempp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),"[EditWrapper]",oneloopp);
			m_varModeReplace = true;
			m_varModeReplace = false;
			oneloopp = tempp->stmtsp()->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); tempp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(tempp);
		    if (m_generate) {
			string index = AstNode::encodeNumber(m_varValuep->toSInt());
			string nname = m_beginName + "__BRA__" + index + "__KET__";
			oneloopp = new AstBegin(oneloopp->fileline(),nname,oneloopp,true);
		    pushDeletep(m_varValuep); m_varValuep=NULL;
		    if (newbodysp) newbodysp->addNext(oneloopp);
		    else newbodysp = oneloopp;

		    if (++times > unrollCount()*3) {
			nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling took too long; probably this is an infinite loop, or set --unroll-count above "<<unrollCount());

		    // loopValue += valInc
		    AstAssign *incpass = incp->castAssign();
		    V3Number newLoopValue = V3Number(nodep->fileline());
		    if (!simulateTree(incpass->rhsp(), &loopValue, incpass, newLoopValue)) {
			nodep->v3error("Loop unrolling failed");
			return false;
	// Replace the FOR()
	if (newbodysp) nodep->replaceWith(newbodysp);
	else nodep->unlinkFrBack();
	if (bodysp) { pushDeletep(bodysp); VL_DANGLING(bodysp); }
	if (precondsp) { pushDeletep(precondsp); VL_DANGLING(precondsp); }
	if (initp) { pushDeletep(initp); VL_DANGLING(initp); }
	if (incp && !incp->backp()) { pushDeletep(incp); VL_DANGLING(incp); }
	if (debug()>=9) newbodysp->dumpTree(cout,"-  _new: ");
	return true;
예제 #7
    virtual void visit(AstNodeModule* nodep, AstNUser*) {
	UINFO(9," MOD   "<<nodep<<endl);
	m_unique = 0;
	VarMap* lhsmapp = new VarMap();

	// expand tristate nodes and detect multiple LHS drivers for this module
	TristateExpander(nodep, lhsmapp);

	// iterate the children to grab any  __en signals from subcells
	m_modp = nodep;
	m_modp = NULL;

	// go through each multiple lhs driver & collapse it to a single driver
	for (VarMap::iterator nextit, it=lhsmapp->begin(); it != lhsmapp->end(); it=nextit) {
	    nextit = it; ++nextit;
	    m_unique = 0;
	    AstVar* lhsp = (*it).first;
	    RefVec* refs = (*it).second;
	    bool isOutput = (lhsp->varType() == AstVarType::OUTPUT) && (nodep->level() > 1); // force termination at top level

	    if (refs->size() < 2 && isOutput) {
		// if only one driver and this is an output, then exit and
		// let the driver propagate on its own.  If the signals
		// terminates at this level, then we need to let the
		// undriven state get generated.
		delete refs;

	    UINFO(9, "       Checking " << refs->size() << " drivers for tristates signals on net " << lhsp << endl);
	    int pull = 0;  // initially assume no pull direction

	    // Now remove and multple lhs signals that do not have __en for
	    // all possible drivers.
	    bool complete = true;
	    int found_one = 0;

	    for (RefVec::iterator ii=refs->begin(); ii != refs->end(); ++ii) {
		AstVarRef* refp = (*ii);
		if (!refp->user1p()) { // if no __en signal, then delete the entry
		    complete = false;
		} else {
	    if (!complete) {
		if (found_one) {
		    UINFO(9, "       Problem mixing tristate and low-Z on " << lhsp << endl);
		    UINFO(9, "       Found " << found_one << " __en signals from of " << refs->size() << " possible drivers" << endl);
		    // not sure what I should do here other than error that they are mixing low-Z and tristate drivers.
		    // The other scenerio, and probably more likely, is that they are using a high-Z construct that
		    // is not supported.  Improving the high-Z detection logic will reduce the occurance of this failure.
		    nodep->v3error("Mixing tristate and low-Z drivers.  Perhaps you are using a high-Z construct not supported");
		} else  {
		    UINFO(9, "       No tristates found on " << lhsp <<endl);
		delete refs;

	    UINFO(9, "       TRISTATE LHS DRIVER FOUND:" << lhsp << endl);

	    AstNode* orp = NULL,* andp = NULL,* undrivenp = NULL,* newenlogicp = NULL;

	    // loop through the lhs drivers to build the driver resolution logic
	    for (RefVec::iterator ii=refs->begin(); ii != refs->end(); ++ii) {
		AstVarRef* refp = (*ii);
		int w = lhsp->width();
		int wfill = 0; // width filler when necessary due to sels
		AstSel* selp = NULL;
		if (refp->user3p()) { // this varref has a sel
		    selp = (AstSel*) refp->user3p();
		    w = selp->widthConst();
		    wfill = lhsp->width() - w;

		// create a new var for this assignment.
		AstVar* enp = (AstVar*)refp->user1p();
		AstVar* newlhsp = new AstVar(lhsp->fileline(),
					     AstLogicPacked(), w);

		// now append this driver to the driver logic.
		AstNode* ref1 = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), newlhsp,false);
		AstNode* ref2 = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, false);
		andp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), ref1, ref2);

		AstVar* bitselp = NULL;
		if (selp) { // this varref has a sel
		    int ws = V3Number::log2b(lhsp->width())+1;
		    bitselp = new AstVar(lhsp->fileline(),
					 AstLogicPacked(), ws);
		    nodep->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(lhsp->fileline(),
						   new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), bitselp, true),
		    andp = new AstShiftL(lhsp->fileline(),
					 new AstConcat(lhsp->fileline(), new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), V3Number(lhsp->fileline(), wfill, 0)), andp),
					 new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), bitselp, false),

		    selp->replaceWith(new AstVarRef(refp->fileline(), newlhsp, true));
		    pushDeletep(selp);  // Setting selp here or deleting immediately
		    // breaks the t_tri_select test, this probably indicates a problem
		} else {
		    refp->varp(newlhsp); // assign the new var to the varref

		// or this to the others
		orp = (!orp) ? andp : new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), orp, andp);

		if (isOutput) {
		    AstNode *en1p = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, false);
		    if (selp) {
			en1p = new AstShiftL(enp->fileline(),
					     new AstConcat(lhsp->fileline(), new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), V3Number(lhsp->fileline(), wfill, 0)), en1p),
					     new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), bitselp, false),
		    if (!newenlogicp) {
			newenlogicp = en1p;
		    } else {
			newenlogicp = new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), newenlogicp, en1p);
		} else {
		    if (!undrivenp) {
			undrivenp = new AstNot(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, false));
			if (selp)
			    undrivenp = new AstShiftL(enp->fileline(),
						      new AstConcat(lhsp->fileline(), new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), V3Number(lhsp->fileline(), wfill, 0)), undrivenp),
						      new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), bitselp, false),
		    } else {
			AstNode *tmp = new AstNot(nodep->fileline(), new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), enp, false));
			if (selp) {
			    tmp = new AstShiftL(enp->fileline(),
						new AstConcat(lhsp->fileline(), new AstConst(lhsp->fileline(), V3Number(lhsp->fileline(), wfill, 0)), tmp),
						new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), bitselp, false),
			undrivenp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), tmp, undrivenp);

		refp->user1p(NULL); // clear the user1p() as we done with it in the VarRef at this point

		if (enp->user2()) { // if this net is pulled up/down
		    int newpull = enp->user2();
		    if (pull == 0) {
			pull = newpull;
		    } else if (newpull != pull) {
			pull = -1; // conflict over the pull direction
	    if (isOutput) {
		AstVar* newenp = new AstVar(lhsp->fileline(),
		nodep->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(lhsp->fileline(),
					       new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), newenp, true),
		newenp->user2(pull); // put the pull direction in the next __en signal to pass it up
		lhsp->user1p(newenp); // put the new __en signal in the var so it can be pushed up the hierarchy.

	    } else { // this is the level where the signal terminates, we do final conflict resolution here
		UINFO(9, "       Terminating tristate logic for " << lhsp->name() << endl);
		UINFO(9, "       Pull direction is " << pull << " where -1=X, 0=Z, 1=low, 2=high." << endl);
		// figure out what to drive when no one is driving the bus
		V3Number num(nodep->fileline(), lhsp->width());
		if (pull==0) {
		} else if (pull==1) {
		} else if (pull==2) {
		} else {
		undrivenp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), undrivenp,
				       new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), num));
		orp = new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), orp, undrivenp);
	    nodep->addStmtp(new AstAssignW(lhsp->fileline(),
					   new AstVarRef(lhsp->fileline(), lhsp, true), orp));

	    // delete the map and vector list now that we have collapsed it.
	    delete refs;
	delete lhsmapp; // delete the map now that we are done
예제 #8
    virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) {
	if (!nodep->user1SetOnce()) {
	    if (debug()==9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"-in: ");
	    // Guard against reading/writing past end of arrays
	    AstNode* basefromp = AstArraySel::baseFromp(nodep->fromp());
	    bool lvalue = false;
	    if (AstNodeVarRef* varrefp = basefromp->castNodeVarRef()) {
		lvalue = varrefp->lvalue();
	    } else if (basefromp->castConst()) {
		// If it's a PARAMETER[bit], then basefromp may be a constant instead of a varrefp
	    } else {
		nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef or Const under ArraySel");
	    // Find range of dtype we are selecting from
	    int declElements = -1;
	    AstNodeDType* dtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
	    if (!dtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Select of non-selectable type");
	    if (AstNodeArrayDType* adtypep = dtypep->castNodeArrayDType()) {
		declElements = adtypep->elementsConst();
	    } else {
		nodep->v3error("Select from non-array "<<dtypep->prettyTypeName());
	    if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout,"arraysel_old: ");
	    V3Number widthnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->bitp()->width(), declElements-1);

	    // See if the condition is constant true
	    AstNode* condp = new AstGte (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), widthnum),
	    // Note below has null backp(); the Edit function knows how to deal with that.
	    condp = V3Const::constifyEdit(condp);
	    if (condp->isOne()) {
		// We don't need to add a conditional; we know the existing expression is ok
	    else if (!lvalue
		     && !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {	// Too complicated and slow if mid-multidimension
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> COND(LT(bit<maxbit), ARRAYSEL(...), {width{1'bx}})
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		V3Number xnum (nodep->fileline(), nodep->width());
		if (nodep->isString()) {
		    xnum = V3Number(V3Number::String(), nodep->fileline(), "");
		} else {
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (nodep->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), xnum));
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
		// Link in conditional, can blow away temp xor
		// Added X's, tristate them too
	    else if (!lvalue) {  // Mid-multidimension read, just use zero
		// ARRAYSEL(...) -> ARRAYSEL(COND(LT(bit<maxbit), bit, 0))
		AstNRelinker replaceHandle;
		AstNode* bitp = nodep->bitp()->unlinkFrBack(&replaceHandle);
		V3Number zeronum (nodep->fileline(), bitp->width(), 0);
		AstNode* newp = new AstCondBound (bitp->fileline(),
						  new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), zeronum));
		// Added X's, tristate them too
		if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTree(cout,"        _new: ");
	    else {  // lvalue
		replaceBoundLvalue(nodep, condp);
예제 #9
파일: V3Delayed.cpp 프로젝트: torc-isi/torc
    AstNode* createDlyArray(AstAssignDly* nodep, AstNode* lhsp) {
	// Create delayed assignment
	// See top of this file for transformation
	// Return the new LHS for the assignment, Null = unlink
	// Find selects
	AstNode* newlhsp = NULL;	// NULL = unlink old assign
	AstSel*  bitselp = NULL;
	AstArraySel*  arrayselp = NULL;
	if (lhsp->castSel()) {
	    bitselp = lhsp->castSel();
	    arrayselp = bitselp->fromp()->castArraySel();
	} else {
	    arrayselp = lhsp->castArraySel();
	if (!arrayselp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No arraysel under bitsel?");
	if (arrayselp->length()!=1) nodep->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel with length!=1 should have been removed in V3Slice");

	UINFO(4,"AssignDlyArray: "<<nodep<<endl);
	//=== Dimensions: __Vdlyvdim__
	deque<AstNode*> dimvalp;		// Assignment value for each dimension of assignment
	AstNode* dimselp=arrayselp;
	for (; dimselp->castArraySel(); dimselp=dimselp->castArraySel()->fromp()) {
	    AstNode* valp = dimselp->castArraySel()->bitp()->unlinkFrBack();
	AstVarRef* varrefp = dimselp->castVarRef();
	if (!varrefp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No var underneath arraysels\n");
	if (!varrefp->varScopep()) varrefp->v3fatalSrc("Var didn't get varscoped in V3Scope.cpp\n");
	AstVar* oldvarp = varrefp->varp();
	int modVecNum = oldvarp->user4();  oldvarp->user4(modVecNum+1);
	deque<AstNode*> dimreadps;		// Read value for each dimension of assignment
	for (unsigned dimension=0; dimension<dimvalp.size(); dimension++) {
	    AstNode* dimp = dimvalp[dimension];
	    if (dimp->castConst()) { // bit = const, can just use it
	    } else {
		string bitvarname = (string("__Vdlyvdim")+cvtToStr(dimension)
		AstVarScope* bitvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), bitvarname, dimp->width());
		AstAssign* bitassignp
		    = new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
				     new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, true),
		dimreadps.push_front(new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, false));
	//=== Bitselect: __Vdlyvlsb__
	AstNode* bitreadp=NULL;  // Code to read Vdlyvlsb
	if (bitselp) {
	    AstNode* lsbvaluep = bitselp->lsbp()->unlinkFrBack();
	    if (bitselp->fromp()->castConst()) {// vlsb = constant, can just push constant into where we use it
		bitreadp = lsbvaluep;
	    } else {
		string bitvarname = (string("__Vdlyvlsb__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
		AstVarScope* bitvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), bitvarname, lsbvaluep->width());
		AstAssign* bitassignp = new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
						       new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, true),
		bitreadp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), bitvscp, false);
	//=== Value: __Vdlyvval__
	AstNode* valreadp;	// Code to read Vdlyvval
	if (nodep->rhsp()->castConst()) {	// vval = constant, can just push constant into where we use it
	    valreadp = nodep->rhsp()->unlinkFrBack();
	} else {
	    string valvarname = (string("__Vdlyvval__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
	    AstVarScope* valvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), valvarname, nodep->rhsp()->width());
	    newlhsp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), valvscp, true);
	    valreadp = new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), valvscp, false);
	//=== Setting/not setting boolean: __Vdlyvset__
	AstVarScope* setvscp;
	AstAssignPre* setinitp = NULL;

	if (nodep->user3p()) {
	    // Simplistic optimization.  If the previous statement in same scope was also a =>,
	    // then we told this nodep->user3 we can use its Vdlyvset rather than making a new one.
	    // This is good for code like:
	    //    for (i=0; i<5; i++)  vector[i] <= something;
	    setvscp = nodep->user3p()->castNode()->castVarScope();
	} else {  // Create new one
	    string setvarname = (string("__Vdlyvset__")+oldvarp->shortName()+"__v"+cvtToStr(modVecNum));
	    setvscp = createVarSc(varrefp->varScopep(), setvarname, 1);
	    setinitp = new AstAssignPre (nodep->fileline(),
					 new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, true),
					 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), 0));
	    AstAssign* setassignp
		= new AstAssign (nodep->fileline(),
				 new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, true),
				 new AstConst(nodep->fileline(),
	if (m_nextDlyp) {  // Tell next assigndly it can share the variable
	// Create ALWAYSPOST for delayed variable
	// We add all logic to the same block if it's for the same memory
	// This insures that multiple assignments to the same memory will result
	// in correctly ordered code - the last assignment must be last.
	// It also has the nice side effect of assisting cache locality.
	AstNode* selectsp = varrefp;
	for (int dimension=int(dimreadps.size())-1; dimension>=0; --dimension) {
	    selectsp = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, dimreadps[dimension]);
	if (bitselp) {
	    selectsp = new AstSel(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, bitreadp,
	// Build "IF (changeit) ...
	UINFO(9,"   For "<<setvscp<<endl);
	UINFO(9,"     & "<<varrefp<<endl);
	AstAlwaysPost* finalp = varrefp->varScopep()->user4p()->castNode()->castAlwaysPost();
	if (finalp) {
	    AstActive* oldactivep = finalp->user2p()->castNode()->castActive();
	    checkActivePost(varrefp, oldactivep);
	    if (setinitp) oldactivep->addStmtsp(setinitp);
	} else { // first time we've dealt with this memory
	    finalp = new AstAlwaysPost(nodep->fileline(), NULL/*sens*/, NULL/*body*/);
	    UINFO(9,"     Created "<<finalp<<endl);
	    AstActive* newactp = createActivePost(varrefp);
	    if (setinitp) newactp->addStmtsp(setinitp);
	AstIf* postLogicp;
	if (finalp->user3p()->castNode() == setvscp) {
	    // Optimize as above; if sharing Vdlyvset *ON SAME VARIABLE*,
	    // we can share the IF statement too
	    postLogicp = finalp->user4p()->castNode()->castIf();
	    if (!postLogicp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Delayed assignment misoptimized; prev var found w/o associated IF");
	} else {
	    postLogicp = new AstIf (nodep->fileline(),
				    new AstVarRef(nodep->fileline(), setvscp, false),
	    UINFO(9,"     Created "<<postLogicp<<endl);
	    finalp->user3p(setvscp);	// Remember IF's vset variable
	    finalp->user4p(postLogicp);	// and the associated IF, as we may be able to reuse it
	postLogicp->addIfsp(new AstAssign(nodep->fileline(), selectsp, valreadp));
	return newlhsp;