예제 #1
ImxVpuDecReturnCodes imx_vpu_dec_get_decoded_frame(ImxVpuDecoder *decoder, ImxVpuDecodedFrame *decoded_frame)
	VpuDecRetCode ret;
	VpuDecOutFrameInfo out_frame_info;
	int fb_index;
	void *user_data;

	ret = VPU_DecGetOutputFrame(decoder->handle, &out_frame_info);
	if (ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
		ImxVpuDecReturnCodes imxret = dec_convert_retcode(ret);
		IMX_VPU_ERROR("error getting decoded output frame: %s", imx_vpu_dec_error_string(imxret));
		return imxret;

	fb_index = dec_get_wrapper_framebuffer_index(decoder, out_frame_info.pDisplayFrameBuf);

	user_data = NULL;
	if (decoder->consumption_info_available)
		if ((fb_index >= 0) && (fb_index < (int)(decoder->num_framebuffers)))
			user_data = decoder->user_data_for_frames[fb_index];
			IMX_VPU_LOG("framebuffer index %d for framebuffer %p and user data %p", fb_index, (void *)(out_frame_info.pDisplayFrameBuf), user_data);
			decoder->user_data_for_frames[fb_index] = NULL;
			IMX_VPU_ERROR("framebuffer index %d for framebuffer %p and user data %p out of bounds", fb_index, (void *)(out_frame_info.pDisplayFrameBuf), user_data);
		if (decoder->num_user_data > 0)
			user_data = decoder->user_data_for_frames[0];
			decoder->user_data_for_frames[0] = NULL;
			IMX_VPU_LOG("framebuffer index %d user data %p retrieved as oldest", fb_index, user_data);
			memmove(decoder->user_data_for_frames, decoder->user_data_for_frames + 1, sizeof(void*) * (decoder->num_user_data - 1));

	decoded_frame->pic_type = convert_from_wrapper_pic_type(out_frame_info.ePicType);
	decoded_frame->user_data = user_data;

	/* XXX
	 * This association assumes that the order of internal framebuffer entries
	 * inside the VPU wrapper is the same as the order of the framebuffers here.
	 * So, decoder->framebuffers[1] equals internal framebuffer entry with index 1 etc.
	decoded_frame->framebuffer = &(decoder->framebuffers[fb_index]);
	/* This is used in imx_vpu_dec_mark_framebuffer_as_displayed() to be able
	 * to mark the vpuwrapper framebuffer as displayed */
	decoded_frame->framebuffer->internal = out_frame_info.pDisplayFrameBuf;


예제 #2
int CDVDVideoCodecIMX::Decode(BYTE *pData, int iSize, double dts, double pts)
  VpuDecFrameLengthInfo frameLengthInfo;
  VpuBufferNode inData;
  VpuDecRetCode ret;
  int decRet = 0;
  int retStatus = 0;
  int demuxer_bytes = iSize;
  uint8_t *demuxer_content = pData;
  int retries = 0;
  int idx;

  static unsigned long long previous, current;
  unsigned long long before_dec;

  if (!m_vpuHandle)
    if (!m_vpuHandle)
      return VC_ERROR;

  for (int i=0; i < m_vpuFrameBufferNum; i++)
    if (m_outputBuffers[i]->Rendered())
      ret = m_outputBuffers[i]->ReleaseFramebuffer(&m_vpuHandle);
      if(ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: vpu clear frame display failure: ret=%d \r\n",__FUNCTION__,ret);

  current = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis();
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - delta time decode : %llu - demux size : %d  dts : %f - pts : %f\n", __FUNCTION__, current - previous, iSize, dts, pts);
  previous = current;

  if ((pData && iSize) ||
    if ((m_convert_bitstream) && (iSize))
      // convert demuxer packet from bitstream to bytestream (AnnexB)
      if (m_converter->Convert(demuxer_content, demuxer_bytes))
        demuxer_content = m_converter->GetConvertBuffer();
        demuxer_bytes = m_converter->GetConvertSize();
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"%s - bitstream_convert error", __FUNCTION__);

    inData.nSize = demuxer_bytes;
    inData.pPhyAddr = NULL;
    inData.pVirAddr = demuxer_content;
    if ((m_decOpenParam.CodecFormat == VPU_V_MPEG2) ||
        (m_decOpenParam.CodecFormat == VPU_V_VC1_AP)||
        (m_decOpenParam.CodecFormat == VPU_V_XVID))
      inData.sCodecData.pData = (unsigned char *)m_hints.extradata;
      inData.sCodecData.nSize = m_hints.extrasize;
      inData.sCodecData.pData = NULL;
      inData.sCodecData.nSize = 0;

    while (true) // Decode as long as the VPU consumes data
      before_dec = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis();
      if (m_frameReported)
        m_bytesToBeConsumed += inData.nSize;
      ret = VPU_DecDecodeBuf(m_vpuHandle, &inData, &decRet);
        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - VPU dec 0x%x decode takes : %lld\n\n", __FUNCTION__, decRet,  XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - before_dec);

      if (ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU decode failed with error code %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
        goto out_error;

      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_INIT_OK)
      // VPU decoding init OK : We can retrieve stream info
        ret = VPU_DecGetInitialInfo(m_vpuHandle, &m_initInfo);
        if (ret == VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
          if (g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGVIDEO))
            CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - VPU Init Stream Info : %dx%d (interlaced : %d - Minframe : %d)"\
                      " - Align : %d bytes - crop : %d %d %d %d - Q16Ratio : %x\n", __FUNCTION__,
              m_initInfo.nPicWidth, m_initInfo.nPicHeight, m_initInfo.nInterlace, m_initInfo.nMinFrameBufferCount,
              m_initInfo.nAddressAlignment, m_initInfo.PicCropRect.nLeft, m_initInfo.PicCropRect.nTop,
              m_initInfo.PicCropRect.nRight, m_initInfo.PicCropRect.nBottom, m_initInfo.nQ16ShiftWidthDivHeightRatio);
          if (VpuAllocFrameBuffers())
            ret = VPU_DecRegisterFrameBuffer(m_vpuHandle, m_vpuFrameBuffers, m_vpuFrameBufferNum);
            if (ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
              CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU error while registering frame buffers (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
              goto out_error;
            goto out_error;
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU get initial info failed (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
          goto out_error;
      } //VPU_DEC_INIT_OK

      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_ONE_FRM_CONSUMED)
        ret = VPU_DecGetConsumedFrameInfo(m_vpuHandle, &frameLengthInfo);
        if (ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU error retireving info about consummed frame (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
        m_bytesToBeConsumed -= (frameLengthInfo.nFrameLength + frameLengthInfo.nStuffLength);
        if (frameLengthInfo.pFrame)
          idx = VpuFindBuffer(frameLengthInfo.pFrame->pbufY);
          if (m_bytesToBeConsumed < 50)
            m_bytesToBeConsumed = 0;
          if (idx != -1)
            if (m_previousPts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
              m_previousPts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - could not find frame buffer\n", __FUNCTION__);

      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_DIS)
      // Frame ready to be displayed
        if (retStatus & VC_PICTURE)
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Second picture in the same decode call !\n", __FUNCTION__);

        ret = VPU_DecGetOutputFrame(m_vpuHandle, &m_frameInfo);
        if(ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU Cannot get output frame(%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
          goto out_error;

        // Some codecs (VC1?) lie about their frame size (mod 16). Adjust...
        m_frameInfo.pExtInfo->nFrmWidth  = (((m_frameInfo.pExtInfo->nFrmWidth) + 15) & ~15);
        m_frameInfo.pExtInfo->nFrmHeight = (((m_frameInfo.pExtInfo->nFrmHeight) + 15) & ~15);

        retStatus |= VC_PICTURE;

      // According to libfslvpuwrap: If this flag is set then the frame should
      // be dropped. It is just returned to gather decoder information but not
      // for display.
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_MOSAIC_DIS)
        ret = VPU_DecGetOutputFrame(m_vpuHandle, &m_frameInfo);
        if(ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - VPU Cannot get output frame(%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, ret);
          goto out_error;

        // Display frame
        ret = VPU_DecOutFrameDisplayed(m_vpuHandle, m_frameInfo.pDisplayFrameBuf);
        if(ret != VPU_DEC_RET_SUCCESS)
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: VPU Clear frame display failure(%d)\n",__FUNCTION__,ret);
          goto out_error;

      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_REPEAT)
        if (g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGVIDEO))
          CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Frame repeat.\n", __FUNCTION__);
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_DROPPED)
        if (g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGVIDEO))
          CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Frame dropped.\n", __FUNCTION__);
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_NO_ENOUGH_BUF)
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - No frame buffer available.\n", __FUNCTION__);
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_SKIP)
        if (g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGVIDEO))
          CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Frame skipped.\n", __FUNCTION__);
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_FLUSH)
        CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s - VPU requires a flush.\n", __FUNCTION__);
        retStatus = VC_FLUSHED;
      if (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_EOS)
        CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "%s - EOS encountered.\n", __FUNCTION__);
      if ((decRet & VPU_DEC_NO_ENOUGH_INBUF) ||
          (decRet & VPU_DEC_OUTPUT_DIS))
        // We are done with VPU decoder that time

      if (retries >= m_maxVpuDecodeLoops)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - Leaving VPU decoding loop after %d iterations\n", __FUNCTION__, m_maxVpuDecodeLoops);

      if (!(decRet & VPU_DEC_INPUT_USED))
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - input not used : addr %p  size :%d!\n", __FUNCTION__, inData.pVirAddr, inData.nSize);

      // Let's process again as VPU_DEC_NO_ENOUGH_INBUF was not set
      // and we don't have an image ready if we reach that point
      inData.pVirAddr = NULL;
      inData.nSize = 0;
    } // Decode loop
  } //(pData && iSize)

  if (retStatus == 0)
    retStatus |= VC_BUFFER;

  if (m_bytesToBeConsumed > 0)
    // Remember the current pts because the data which has just
    // been sent to the VPU has not yet been consumed.
    // This pts is related to the frame that will be consumed
    // at next call...
    m_previousPts = pts;
  // Store current dts (will be used only if VC_PICTURE is set)
  m_dts = dts;

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - returns %x - duration %lld\n", __FUNCTION__, retStatus, XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - previous);
  return retStatus;

  return VC_ERROR;