/** @todo Move this part in VbglR3 and just provide a callback for the platform-specific
          notification stuff, since this is very similar to the VBoxClient code. */
int VBoxCheckHostVersion(void)
    int rc;
    uint32_t uGuestPropSvcClientID;

    rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&uGuestPropSvcClientID);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        char *pszHostVersion;
        char *pszGuestVersion;
        bool bUpdate;
        rc = VbglR3HostVersionCheckForUpdate(uGuestPropSvcClientID, &bUpdate, &pszHostVersion, &pszGuestVersion);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            if (bUpdate)
                char szMsg[256]; /* Sizes according to MSDN. */
                char szTitle[64];

                /** @todo Add some translation macros here. */
                _snprintf(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle), "VirtualBox Guest Additions update available!");
                _snprintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "Your guest is currently running the Guest Additions version %s. "
                                                "We recommend updating to the latest version (%s) by choosing the "
                                                "install option from the Devices menu.", pszGuestVersion, pszHostVersion);

                rc = hlpShowBalloonTip(g_hInstance, g_hwndToolWindow, ID_TRAYICON,
                                       szMsg, szTitle,
                                       5000 /* Time to display in msec */, NIIF_INFO);
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    LogFlowFunc(("Guest Additions update found; however: could not show version notifier balloon tooltip, rc=%Rrc\n", rc));

            /* Store host version to not notify again. */
            rc = VbglR3HostVersionLastCheckedStore(uGuestPropSvcClientID, pszHostVersion);

    return rc;
예제 #2
/** @todo Move this part in VbglR3 and just provide a callback for the platform-specific
          notification stuff, since this is very similar to the VBoxTray code. */
static int run(struct VBCLSERVICE **ppInterface, bool fDaemonised)
    int rc;

    /* Initialise the guest library. */
    rc = VbglR3InitUser();
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        VBClFatalError(("Failed to connect to the VirtualBox kernel service, rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
    /* Because we need desktop notifications to be displayed, wait
     * some time to make the desktop environment load (as a work around). */
    if (fDaemonised)
        RTThreadSleep(30 * 1000 /* Wait 30 seconds */);

    rc = RTDBusLoadLib();
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        LogRel(("VBoxClient: D-Bus seems not to be installed; no host version check/notification done.\n"));
# else
# endif /* VBOX_WITH_DBUS */

    uint32_t uGuestPropSvcClientID;
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        rc = VbglR3GuestPropConnect(&uGuestPropSvcClientID);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            LogRel(("VBoxClient: Cannot connect to guest property service while chcking for host version! rc = %Rrc\n", rc));

    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        char *pszHostVersion;
        char *pszGuestVersion;
        bool bUpdate;

        rc = VbglR3HostVersionCheckForUpdate(uGuestPropSvcClientID, &bUpdate, &pszHostVersion, &pszGuestVersion);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            if (bUpdate)
                char szMsg[1024];
                char szTitle[64];

                /** @todo add some translation macros here */
                RTStrPrintf(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle), "VirtualBox Guest Additions update available!");
#ifndef VBOX_OSE
                RTStrPrintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "Your guest is currently running the Guest Additions version %s. "
                                                  "We recommend updating to the latest version (%s) by choosing the "
                                                  "install option from the Devices menu.", pszGuestVersion, pszHostVersion);
/* This is the message which appears for non-Oracle builds of the
* Guest Additions.  Distributors are encouraged to customise this. */
                RTStrPrintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "Your virtual machine is currently running the Guest Additions version %s. Since you are running a version of the Guest Additions provided by the operating system you installed in the virtual machine we recommend that you update it to at least version %s using that system's update features, or alternatively that you remove this version and then install the " VBOX_VENDOR_SHORT " Guest Additions package using the install option from the Devices menu. Please consult the documentation for the operating system you are running to find out how to update or remove the current Guest Additions package.", pszGuestVersion, pszHostVersion);
                rc = showNotify(szTitle, szMsg);
                LogRel(("VBoxClient: VirtualBox Guest Additions update available!"));
                if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                    LogRel(("VBoxClient: Could not show version notifier tooltip! rc = %d\n", rc));

            /* Store host version to not notify again */
            rc = VbglR3HostVersionLastCheckedStore(uGuestPropSvcClientID, pszHostVersion);

    LogFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc));
    return rc;