void ofVideoPlayer::start(){


	if (bLoaded == true && bStarted == false){
		SetMovieActive(moviePtr, true);

		//------------------ set the movie rate to default
		//------------------ and preroll, so the first frames come correct

		TimeValue timeNow 	= 	GetMovieTime(moviePtr, 0);
		Fixed playRate 		=	GetMoviePreferredRate(moviePtr); 		//Not being used!

		PrerollMovie(moviePtr, timeNow, X2Fix(speed));
		SetMovieRate(moviePtr,  X2Fix(speed));

		// get some pixels in there right away:
		convertPixels(offscreenGWorldPixels, pixels, width, height);
		bHavePixelsChanged = true;
		if (bUseTexture == true){
			tex.loadData(pixels, width, height, GL_RGB);

		bStarted = true;
		bPlaying = true;

void ofQuickTimePlayer::start(){


	if (bLoaded == true && bStarted == false){
		SetMovieActive(moviePtr, true);

		//------------------ set the movie rate to default
		//------------------ and preroll, so the first frames come correct

		TimeValue timeNow 	= 	GetMovieTime(moviePtr, 0);
		Fixed playRate 		=	GetMoviePreferredRate(moviePtr); 		//Not being used!

		PrerollMovie(moviePtr, timeNow, X2Fix(speed));
		SetMovieRate(moviePtr,  X2Fix(speed));

		// get some pixels in there right away:
		#if defined(TARGET_OSX) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
			convertPixels(offscreenGWorldPixels, pixels.getPixels(), width, height);
		bHavePixelsChanged = true;

		bStarted = true;
		bPlaying = true;

void ofVideoPlayer::play(){


	if (!bStarted){
	}else {
		// ------------ lower level "startMovie"
		// ------------ use desired speed & time (-1,1,etc) to Preroll...
		bPlaying = true;
		TimeValue timeNow;
	   	timeNow = GetMovieTime(moviePtr, nil);
		PrerollMovie(moviePtr, timeNow, X2Fix(speed));
		SetMovieRate(moviePtr,  X2Fix(speed));
		MoviesTask(moviePtr, 0);


예제 #4
void Gosu::drawText(Bitmap& bitmap, const std::wstring& text, int x, int y,
    Color c, const std::wstring& fontName, unsigned fontHeight,
    unsigned fontFlags)
    if (text.find_first_of(L"\r\n") != std::wstring::npos)
        throw std::invalid_argument("the argument to drawText cannot contain line breaks");
    if (text.empty())

    CachedFontInfo& font = getFont(fontName);
    ATSULayoutAndStyle atlas(text, fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags);
    Rect rect = atlas.textExtents();
    unsigned width = rect.right + 1 - rect.left + 1; // add one pixel on OS X
    std::vector<std::tr1::uint32_t> buf(width * fontHeight);
        MacBitmap helper(&buf[0], width, fontHeight);
        atlas.drawToContext(X2Fix(-rect.left), X2Fix(fontHeight / font.heightAt1Pt * font.descentAt1Pt),

    for (unsigned relY = 0; relY < fontHeight; ++relY)
        for (unsigned relX = 0; relX < width; ++relX)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
            Color::Channel alpha = buf[relY * width + relX];
            Color::Channel alpha = Color(buf[relY * width + relX]).alpha();
            if (alpha != 0)
                bitmap.setPixel(x + relX, y + relY, multiply(c, Color(alpha, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)));
void ofQuickTimePlayer::play(){
	if( !isLoaded() ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "ofQuickTimePlayer::play - movie not loaded!");

	bPlaying = true;
	bPaused = false;

	if (!bStarted){
	}else {
		// ------------ lower level "startMovie"
		// ------------ use desired speed & time (-1,1,etc) to Preroll...
		TimeValue timeNow;
	   	timeNow = GetMovieTime(moviePtr, nil);
		PrerollMovie(moviePtr, timeNow, X2Fix(speed));
		SetMovieRate(moviePtr,  X2Fix(speed));
		MoviesTask(moviePtr, 0);

	//this is if we set the speed first but it only can be set when we are playing.

void ofVideoPlayer::setPaused(bool _bPause){

	bPaused = _bPause;


		// there might be a more "quicktime-ish" way (or smarter way)
		// to do this for now, to pause, just set the movie's speed to zero,
		// on un-pause, set the movie's speed to "speed"
		// (and hope that speed != 0...)
		if (bPlaying == true){
			if (bPaused == true) 	SetMovieRate(moviePtr, X2Fix(0));
			else 					SetMovieRate(moviePtr, X2Fix(speed));



// virtual
bool LLMediaImplQuickTime::setMovieBoxEnhanced( Rect* rect )
	// get movie rect
	GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect( mMovieHandle, rect );

	int natural_width  = ( rect->right - rect->left );
	int natural_height = ( rect->bottom - rect->top );

	int width  = natural_width;
	int height = natural_height;
	// if the user has requested a specific size, use it:
	if ((mMediaRequestedWidth != 0) && (mMediaRequestedHeight != 0))
		width = mMediaRequestedWidth;
		height = mMediaRequestedHeight;

	// if the user has requested, resize media to exactly fit texture
	if (mAutoScaled)
		width = LLMediaManager::textureWidthFromMediaWidth( width );
		height = LLMediaManager::textureHeightFromMediaHeight( height );

	// make sure it falls in valid range
	if ( width < mMinWidth )
		width = mMinWidth;

	if ( width > mMaxWidth )
		width = mMaxWidth;

	if ( height < mMinHeight )
		height = mMinHeight;

	if ( height > mMaxHeight )
		height = mMaxHeight;

	// scale movie to fit rect and invert vertically to match opengl image format
	MatrixRecord transform;
	SetIdentityMatrix( &transform );	// transforms are additive so start from identify matrix
	double scaleX = (double) width / natural_width;
	double scaleY = -1.0 * (double) height / natural_height;
	double centerX = width / 2.0;
	double centerY = height / 2.0;
	ScaleMatrix( &transform, X2Fix ( scaleX ), X2Fix ( scaleY ), X2Fix ( centerX ), X2Fix ( centerY ) );
	SetMovieMatrix( mMovieHandle, &transform );

	// return the new rect
	rect->right = width;
	rect->bottom = height;
	rect->left = 0;
	rect->top = 0;

	return true;
예제 #8
OSStatus ATSUStyleSetFontIDAndSize(ATSUStyle iStyle, ATSUFontID fid, float fsize) {
  ATSUAttributeTag        tags[2] = {kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag};
  Fixed ffsize = X2Fix(fsize);
  ByteCount             counts[2] = {sizeof(ATSUFontID*), sizeof(Fixed*)};
  ATSUAttributeValuePtr   vals[2] = {&fid, &ffsize};
  return ATSUSetAttributes( iStyle, 2, tags, counts, vals);
예제 #9
getotmathitalcorr(int f, int g)
	int	rval = 0;
	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);

		const char* table = (const char*)font->getFontTable(kMATHTableTag);
		if (table == NULL)
			return rval;

		le_uint16	offset = SWAPW(((const MathTableHeader*)table)->mathGlyphInfo);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathGlyphInfo* glyphInfo = (const MathGlyphInfo*)(table + offset);

		offset = SWAPW(glyphInfo->mathItalicsCorrectionInfo);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathItalicsCorrectionInfo* italCorrInfo = (const MathItalicsCorrectionInfo*)(((const char*)glyphInfo) + offset);

		offset = SWAPW(italCorrInfo->coverage);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const CoverageTable* coverage = (const CoverageTable*)(((const char*)italCorrInfo) + offset);

		le_int32	index = coverage->getGlyphCoverage(g);
		if (index >= 0 && index < SWAPW(italCorrInfo->italicsCorrectionCount))
			rval = X2Fix(SWAPW(italCorrInfo->italicsCorrection[index].value) * Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());
	return rval;
void ofVideoPlayer::setFrame(int frame){


	// frame 0 = first frame...

	// this is the simple way...
	//float durationPerFrame = getDuration() / getTotalNumFrames();

	// seems that freezing, doing this and unfreezing seems to work alot
	// better then just SetMovieTimeValue() ;

	if (!bPaused) SetMovieRate(moviePtr, X2Fix(0));

	// this is better with mpeg, etc:
	double frameRate = 0;
	double movieTimeScale = 0;
	MovieGetStaticFrameRate(moviePtr, &frameRate);
	movieTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(moviePtr);

	if (frameRate > 0){
		double frameDuration = 1 / frameRate;
		TimeValue t = (TimeValue)(frame * frameDuration * movieTimeScale);
		SetMovieTimeValue(moviePtr, t);
		MoviesTask(moviePtr, 0);

   if (!bPaused) SetMovieRate(moviePtr, X2Fix(speed));




예제 #11
oop ATSUGetGlyphBounds_wrap( ATSUTextLayout     iTextLayout, 
                             float              fTextBasePointX,
                             float              fTextBasePointY,
                             int                iBoundsCharStart,  // uint32
                             int                iBoundsCharLength, // uint32
                             uint16             iTypeOfBounds,
                             void*              FH ) {
  ATSUTextMeasurement iTextBasePointX = X2Fix(fTextBasePointX);
  ATSUTextMeasurement iTextBasePointY = X2Fix(fTextBasePointY);
  ATSTrapezoid b;
  ItemCount oActualNumberOfBounds;
  OSStatus e = ATSUGetGlyphBounds( 
    iTextBasePointX,  iTextBasePointY,
    iBoundsCharStart, iBoundsCharLength,
    1, //   ItemCount iMaxNumberOfBounds,
    &b, &oActualNumberOfBounds);       /* can be NULL */ 

  if (e != noErr) {
      return  (oop)reportOSError(e, "ATSUGetGlyphBounds", FH);
  if (oActualNumberOfBounds < 1) {
   static char buf[1000];
    sprintf(buf, "ATSUGetGlyphBounds failed: returned %d bounds instead of 1", (int)oActualNumberOfBounds);
    failure(FH, buf);
    return NULL;
  float L = min((float)Fix2X(b.upperLeft.x), (float)Fix2X(b.lowerLeft.x ));
  float T = max((float)Fix2X(b.upperLeft.y), (float)Fix2X(b.upperRight.y));
  float R = min((float)Fix2X(b.upperRight.x), (float)Fix2X(b.lowerRight.x));
  float B = max((float)Fix2X(b.lowerLeft.y ), (float)Fix2X(b.lowerRight.y));

  objVectorOop r = Memory->objVectorObj->cloneSize(4);
  r->obj_at_put(0, as_floatOop(L), false);
  r->obj_at_put(1, as_floatOop(T), false);
  r->obj_at_put(2, as_floatOop(R), false);
  r->obj_at_put(3, as_floatOop(B), false);
  return r;
void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setSpeed(float spd){
	if (getIsPlaying() == true){
		if (fabs(spd - 0) < FLT_EPSILON){
			bIWasPlayingAndMySpeedWasSetToZero = true;	
		} else {
			bIWasPlayingAndMySpeedWasSetToZero = false;
		SetMovieRate(soundToPlay, X2Fix(spd));
	speed = spd;
예제 #13
파일: toolmath.c 프로젝트: LarBob/executor
A2(PUBLIC, Fixed, FixATan2, LONGINT, x, LONGINT, y)	/* IMIV-65 */
    Extended z;

    if (y == 0) {
	if (x & 0x80000000)
/*-->*/	    return x & 0x7FFFFFFF ? 205888 : 234019;	/* trial and error */
/*-->*/	return 0;
    z = atan2((double) y, (double) x);
    return X2Fix(&z);
예제 #14
otpartfulladvance(int f, const GlyphAssembly* a, int i)
	int	rval = 0;
	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);
		rval = X2Fix(SWAPW(a->partRecords[i].fullAdvance) * Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());
	return rval;
예제 #15
getotmathconstant(int f, int n)
	int	rval = 0;

	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);
		rval = getMathConstant(font, (mathConstantIndex)n);
		/* scale according to font size, except the ones that are percentages */
		if (n > scriptScriptPercentScaleDown && n < radicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent)
			rval = X2Fix(rval * Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());
	return rval;
void ofVideoPlayer::setSpeed(float _speed){

	speed 				= _speed;

	if (bPlaying == true){
		//setMovieRate actually plays, so let's call it only when we are playing
		SetMovieRate(moviePtr, X2Fix(speed));
예제 #17
otminconnectoroverlap(int f)
	int	rval = 0;
	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);

		const char* table = (const char*)font->getFontTable(kMATHTableTag);
		if (table == NULL)
			return rval;

		le_uint16	offset = SWAPW(((const MathTableHeader*)table)->mathVariants);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathVariants* variants = (const MathVariants*)(table + offset);

		rval = X2Fix(SWAPW(variants->minConnectorOverlap) * Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());

	return rval;
예제 #18
getotmathvariant(int f, int g, int v, integer* adv, int horiz)
	int	rval = g;
	*adv = -1;
	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);

		const char* table = (const char*)font->getFontTable(kMATHTableTag);
		if (table == NULL)
			return rval;

		le_uint16	offset = SWAPW(((const MathTableHeader*)table)->mathVariants);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathVariants* variants = (const MathVariants*)(table + offset);

		offset = horiz ? SWAPW(variants->horizGlyphCoverage) : SWAPW(variants->vertGlyphCoverage);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const CoverageTable* coverage = (const CoverageTable*)(((const char*)variants) + offset);

		le_int32	index = coverage->getGlyphCoverage(g);
		if (index >= 0) {
			if (horiz)
				index += SWAPW(variants->vertGlyphCount);
			const MathGlyphConstruction*	construction = (const MathGlyphConstruction*)(((const char*)variants)
															+ SWAPW(variants->vertGlyphConstruction[index]));
			if (v < SWAPW(construction->variantCount)) {
				rval = SWAPW(construction->mathGlyphVariantRecord[v].variantGlyph);
				*adv = X2Fix(SWAPW(construction->mathGlyphVariantRecord[v].advanceMeasurement)
								* Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());
	return rval;
예제 #19
getotmathaccentpos(int f, int g)
	int	rval = 0x7fffffffUL;
	if (fontarea[f] == OTGR_FONT_FLAG) {
		XeTeXFontInst*	font = (XeTeXFontInst*)getFont((XeTeXLayoutEngine)fontlayoutengine[f]);

		const char* table = (const char*)font->getFontTable(kMATHTableTag);
		if (table == NULL)
			return rval;

		le_uint16	offset = SWAPW(((const MathTableHeader*)table)->mathGlyphInfo);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathGlyphInfo* glyphInfo = (const MathGlyphInfo*)(table + offset);

		offset = SWAPW(glyphInfo->mathTopAccentAttachment);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const MathTopAccentAttachment* accentAttachment = (const MathTopAccentAttachment*)(((const char*)glyphInfo) + offset);

		offset = SWAPW(accentAttachment->coverage);
		if (offset == 0)
			return rval;
		const CoverageTable* coverage = (const CoverageTable*)(((const char*)accentAttachment) + offset);

		le_int32	index = coverage->getGlyphCoverage(g);
		if (index >= 0 && index < SWAPW(accentAttachment->topAccentAttachmentCount)) {
			rval = (le_int16)SWAPW(accentAttachment->topAccentAttachment[index].value);
			rval = X2Fix(rval * Fix2X(fontsize[f]) / font->getUnitsPerEM());
	return rval;
예제 #20
loadAATfont(ATSFontRef fontRef, long scaled_size, const char* cp1)
	ATSUFontID	fontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(fontRef);
	ATSUStyle	style = 0;
	OSStatus	status = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
	float		extend = 1.0;
	float		slant = 0.0;
	float		embolden = 0.0;
	float		letterspace = 0.0;
	int i;
	if (status == noErr) {
		UInt32	rgbValue;
		Fixed	tracking = 0x80000000;
		Fixed	atsuSize = FixedTeXtoPSPoints(scaled_size);
		ATSStyleRenderingOptions	options = kATSStyleNoHinting;
		Fract						hangInhibit = fract1;
		ATSUAttributeTag		tags[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSUStyleRenderingOptionsTag, kATSUHangingInhibitFactorTag };
		ByteCount				sizes[] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(ATSStyleRenderingOptions), sizeof(Fract) };
		ATSUAttributeValuePtr	attrs[] = { &fontID, &atsuSize, &options, &hangInhibit };
		ATSUSetAttributes(style, sizeof(tags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag), tags, sizes, attrs);
#define VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK		4

		if (cp1 != NULL) {
			int	allocFeats = FEAT_ALLOC_CHUNK;
			UInt16*	featureTypes = (UInt16*)xmalloc(allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16));
			UInt16*	selectorValues = (UInt16*)xmalloc(allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16));
			int	numFeatures = 0;
			int	allocVars = VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK;
			UInt32*	axes = (UInt32*)xmalloc(allocVars * sizeof(UInt32));
			SInt32*	values = (SInt32*)xmalloc(allocVars * sizeof(SInt32));
			int	numVariations = 0;
			// interpret features & variations following ":"
			while (*cp1) {
				// locate beginning of name=value pair
				if (*cp1 == ':' || *cp1 == ';')	// skip over separator
				while (*cp1 == ' ' || *cp1 == '\t')	// skip leading whitespace
				if (*cp1 == 0)	// break if end of string
				// scan to end of pair
				const char*	cp2 = cp1;
				while (*cp2 && *cp2 != ';' && *cp2 != ':')
				// look for the '=' separator
				const char*	cp3 = cp1;
				while (cp3 < cp2 && *cp3 != '=')
				if (cp3 == cp2)
					goto bad_option;
				// now cp1 points to option name, cp3 to '=', cp2 to ';' or null
				// first try for a feature by this name
				ATSUFontFeatureType	featureType;
				featureType = find_feature_by_name(fontID, cp1, cp3 - cp1);
				if (featureType != 0x0000FFFF) {
					// look past the '=' separator for setting names
					int	featLen = cp3 - cp1;
					while (cp3 < cp2) {
						// skip leading whitespace
						while (*cp3 == ' ' || *cp3 == '\t')
						// possibly multiple settings...
						int	disable = 0;
						if (*cp3 == '!') {	// check for negation
							disable = 1;
						// scan for end of setting name
						const char*	cp4 = cp3;
						while (cp4 < cp2 && *cp4 != ',')
						// now cp3 points to name, cp4 to ',' or ';' or null
						ATSUFontFeatureSelector	selectorValue = find_selector_by_name(fontID, featureType, cp3, cp4 - cp3);
						if (selectorValue != 0x0000FFFF) {
							if (numFeatures == allocFeats) {
								allocFeats += FEAT_ALLOC_CHUNK;
								featureTypes = xrealloc(featureTypes, allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16));
								selectorValues = xrealloc(selectorValues, allocFeats * sizeof(UInt16));
							featureTypes[numFeatures] = featureType;
							selectorValues[numFeatures] = selectorValue + disable;
						else {
							fontfeaturewarning(cp1, featLen, cp3, cp4 - cp3);
						// point beyond setting name terminator
						cp3 = cp4 + 1;
					goto next_option;
				// try to find a variation by this name
				ATSUFontVariationAxis	axis;
				axis = find_axis_by_name(fontID, cp1, cp3 - cp1);
				if (axis != 0) {
					// look past the '=' separator for the value
					double	value = 0.0, decimal = 1.0;
					bool		negate = false;
					if (*cp3 == '-') {
						negate = true;
					while (cp3 < cp2) {
						int	v = *cp3 - '0';
						if (v >= 0 && v <= 9) {
							if (decimal != 1.0) {
								value += v / decimal;
								decimal *= 10.0;
								value = value * 10.0 + v;
						else if (*cp3 == '.') {
							if (decimal != 1.0)
							decimal = 10.0;
					if (negate)
						value = -value;
					if (numVariations == allocVars) {
						allocVars += VAR_ALLOC_CHUNK;
						axes = xrealloc(axes, allocVars * sizeof(UInt32));
						values = xrealloc(values, allocVars * sizeof(SInt32));
					axes[numVariations] = axis;
					values[numVariations] = value * 65536.0;	//	X2Fix(value);
					goto next_option;
				// didn't find feature or variation, try other options....
				i = readCommonFeatures(cp1, cp2, &extend, &slant, &embolden, &letterspace, &rgbValue);
				if (i == 1)
					goto next_option;
				else if (i == -1)
					goto bad_option;
				if (strncmp(cp1, "tracking", 8) == 0) {
					cp3 = cp1 + 8;
					if (*cp3 != '=')
						goto bad_option;
					double	val = read_double(&cp3);
					tracking = X2Fix(val);
					goto next_option;
				// not a name=value pair, or not recognized.... 
				// check for plain "vertical" before complaining
				if (strncmp(cp1, "vertical", 8) == 0) {
					cp3 = cp2;
					if (*cp3 == ';' || *cp3 == ':')
					while (*cp3 == '\0' || *cp3 == ' ' || *cp3 == '\t')
					if (*cp3)
					if (cp3 == cp1 + 8) {
						ATSUVerticalCharacterType	vert = kATSUStronglyVertical;
						tags[0] = kATSUVerticalCharacterTag;
						sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUVerticalCharacterType);
						attrs[0] = &vert;
						ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs);
						goto next_option;
				fontfeaturewarning(cp1, cp2 - cp1, 0, 0);
				// go to next name=value pair
				cp1 = cp2;
			if (numFeatures > 0)
				ATSUSetFontFeatures(style, numFeatures, featureTypes, selectorValues);
			if (numVariations > 0)
				ATSUSetVariations(style, numVariations, axes, values);
			if ((loadedfontflags & FONT_FLAGS_COLORED) != 0) {
				ATSURGBAlphaColor	rgba;
				rgba.red	= ((rgbValue & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.0;
				rgba.green	= ((rgbValue & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 255.0;
				rgba.blue	= ((rgbValue & 0x0000FF00) >> 8 ) / 255.0;
				rgba.alpha	= ((rgbValue & 0x000000FF)      ) / 255.0;
				tags[0] = kATSURGBAlphaColorTag;
				sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSURGBAlphaColor);
				attrs[0] = &rgba;
				ATSUSetAttributes(style, 1, tags, sizes, attrs);
예제 #21
static inline Fixed
FixedTeXtoPSPoints(Fixed pts)
	return X2Fix(TeXtoPSPoints(Fix2X(pts)));
예제 #22
static inline Fixed
FixedPStoTeXPoints(Fixed pts)
	return X2Fix(PStoTeXPoints(Fix2X(pts)));
예제 #23
ATSUTextLayout nsATSUIToolkit::GetTextLayout(short aFontNum, short aSize, PRBool aBold, PRBool aItalic, nscolor aColor)
	ATSUTextLayout txLayout = nsnull;
	OSStatus err;
	if (nsATSUIUtils::gTxLayoutCache->Get(aFontNum, aSize, aBold, aItalic, aColor, &txLayout))
		return txLayout;
	UniChar dmy[1];
	err = ::ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr (dmy, 0,0,0,0,NULL, NULL, &txLayout);
	if(noErr != err) {
		NS_WARNING("ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr failed");
    // goto errorDone;
    return nsnull;

	ATSUStyle				theStyle;
	err = ::ATSUCreateStyle(&theStyle);
	if(noErr != err) {
		NS_WARNING("ATSUCreateStyle failed");
    // goto errorDoneDestroyTextLayout;
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(txLayout);
    return nsnull;

	ATSUAttributeTag 		theTag[ATTR_CNT];
	ByteCount				theValueSize[ATTR_CNT];
	ATSUAttributeValuePtr 	theValue[ATTR_CNT];

	//--- Font ID & Face -----		
	ATSUFontID atsuFontID;
	// The use of ATSUFONDtoFontID is not recommended, see
	// http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/ATSUI_Reference/atsu_reference_Reference/chapter_1.2_section_19.html
	FMFontStyle fbStyle;
	if (::FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance(aFontNum, 0, &atsuFontID, &fbStyle) == kFMInvalidFontErr) {
		NS_WARNING("FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance failed");
    // goto errorDoneDestroyStyle;
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeStyle(theStyle);
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(txLayout);
    return nsnull;
	theTag[0] = kATSUFontTag;
	theValueSize[0] = (ByteCount) sizeof(ATSUFontID);
	theValue[0] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &atsuFontID;
	//--- Font ID & Face  -----		
	//--- Size -----		
	float  dev2app;
	short fontsize = aSize;

	dev2app = mContext->DevUnitsToAppUnits();
  //	Fixed size = FloatToFixed( roundf(float(fontsize) / dev2app));
  Fixed size = FloatToFixed( (float) rint(float(fontsize) / dev2app));
	if( FixRound ( size ) < 9  && !nsFontUtils::DisplayVerySmallFonts())
		size = X2Fix(9);

	theTag[1] = kATSUSizeTag;
	theValueSize[1] = (ByteCount) sizeof(Fixed);
	theValue[1] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &size;
	//--- Size -----		
	//--- Color -----		
	RGBColor color;

	#define COLOR8TOCOLOR16(color8)	 ((color8 << 8) | color8) 		

	color.red = COLOR8TOCOLOR16(NS_GET_R(aColor));
	color.green = COLOR8TOCOLOR16(NS_GET_G(aColor));
	color.blue = COLOR8TOCOLOR16(NS_GET_B(aColor));				
	theTag[2] = kATSUColorTag;
	theValueSize[2] = (ByteCount) sizeof(RGBColor);
	theValue[2] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &color;
	//--- Color -----		

	//--- Bold -----
	Boolean isBold = aBold ? true : false;
	theTag[3] = kATSUQDBoldfaceTag;
	theValueSize[3] = (ByteCount) sizeof(Boolean);
	theValue[3] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &isBold;
	//--- Bold -----

	//--- Italic -----
	Boolean isItalic = aItalic ? true : false;
	theTag[4] = kATSUQDItalicTag;
	theValueSize[4] = (ByteCount) sizeof(Boolean);
	theValue[4] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &isItalic;
	//--- Italic -----

	err =  ::ATSUSetAttributes(theStyle, ATTR_CNT, theTag, theValueSize, theValue);
	if(noErr != err) {
		NS_WARNING("ATSUSetAttributes failed");
    // goto errorDoneDestroyStyle;
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeStyle(theStyle);
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(txLayout);
    return nsnull;
	err = ::ATSUSetRunStyle(txLayout, theStyle, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd);
	if(noErr != err) {
		NS_WARNING("ATSUSetRunStyle failed");
    // goto errorDoneDestroyStyle;
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeStyle(theStyle);
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(txLayout);
    return nsnull;
    err = ::ATSUSetTransientFontMatching(txLayout, true);
	if(noErr != err) {
		NS_WARNING( "ATSUSetTransientFontMatching failed");
    // goto errorDoneDestroyStyle;
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeStyle(theStyle);
  	err = ::ATSUDisposeTextLayout(txLayout);
    return nsnull;
	nsATSUIUtils::gTxLayoutCache->Set(aFontNum, aSize, aBold, aItalic, aColor,  txLayout);	

	return txLayout;
예제 #24
bool LLMediaImplQuickTime::processState()
	// start stream
	if ( nextCommand() == LLMediaBase::COMMAND_START )
		// valid when we are in these states
		if ( getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_NAVIGATING|| getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_STOPPED || getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_PAUSED )
			// it appears that the movie must be in a loaded state before we do this command
			if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
				MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPrerollAndPlay, (void*)GetMoviePreferredRate( mMovieHandle ) );

				MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionSetVolume, (void*)mCurVolume );

				setStatus( LLMediaBase::STATUS_STARTED );

	if ( nextCommand() == LLMediaBase::COMMAND_STOP )
		// valid when we are in these states
		if ( getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_NAVIGATING || getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_STARTED || getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_PAUSED )
			// it appears that the movie must be in a loaded state before we do this command
			if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
				// stop playing
				Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
				MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );

				// go back to start

				setStatus( LLMediaBase::STATUS_STOPPED );
	if ( nextCommand() == LLMediaBase::COMMAND_PAUSE )
		// valid when we are in these states
		if ( getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_NAVIGATING || getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_STARTED || getStatus() == LLMediaBase::STATUS_STOPPED )
			// it appears that the movie must be in a loaded state before we do this command
			if ( GetMovieLoadState( mMovieHandle ) >= kMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK )
				// stop playing
				Fixed rate = X2Fix( 0.0 );
				MCDoAction( mMovieController, mcActionPlay, (void*)rate );

				setStatus( LLMediaBase::STATUS_PAUSED );

	return true;
예제 #25
static int
mac_open(register gx_device *dev)
	gx_device_macos				* mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
	static short picHeader[42] = {	0x0000,									// picture size
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// bounding rect at 72dpi
									0x0011, 0x02ff, 0x0c00, 0xfffe, 0x0000,	// version/header opcodes
									0x0048, 0x0000,							// best x resolution
									0x0048, 0x0000,							// best y resolution
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// optimal src rect at 72dpi
									0x0000,									// reserved
									0x0000, 0x001e,							// DefHilite
									0x0008, 0x0048,							// PenMode
									0x001a, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000,			// RGBFgCol = Black
									0x001b, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF,			// RGBBkCol = White
									0x0001, 0x000A,							// set clipping
									0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264,			// clipping rect
									0x0032, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0318, 0x0264	// erase rect

	mac_set_colordepth(dev, mdev->color_info.depth);
	mdev->numUsedFonts = 0;
	mdev->lastFontFace = -1;
	mdev->lastFontSize = -1;
	mdev->lastFontID = -1;
	mdev->pic		= (PicHandle) NewHandle(500000);
	if (mdev->pic == 0)	// error, not enough memory
		return gs_error_VMerror;
	HLockHi((Handle) mdev->pic);	// move handle high and lock it
	mdev->currPicPos	= (short*) *mdev->pic;
	memcpy(mdev->currPicPos, picHeader, 42*2);
	mdev->currPicPos += 42;
	// enter correct dimensions and resolutions
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 3]	= mdev->MediaSize[1];
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[ 4]	= mdev->MediaSize[0];
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[16] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[35]	= ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[40] = mdev->height;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[17] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[36] = ((short*)(*mdev->pic))[41] = mdev->width;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[10]	= (((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[11]	=  ((long) X2Fix( mdev->x_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[12]	= (((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
	((short*)(*mdev->pic))[13]	=  ((long) X2Fix( mdev->y_pixels_per_inch )) & 0x0000FFFF;
	// finish picture, but dont increment pointer, we want to go on drawing
	*mdev->currPicPos = 0x00ff;
	// notify the caller that a new device was opened
	if (pgsdll_callback)
		(*pgsdll_callback) (GSDLL_DEVICE, (char *)mdev, 1);
	return 0;
예제 #26
/* that's why this will only work on a fully white background!!!! */
static int
mac_copy_alpha(gx_device *dev, const unsigned char *base, int data_x,
		   int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h,
		   gx_color_index color, int depth)
	gx_device_macos		* mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
	ColorSpec			*colorTable;
	short				copyMode, shade, maxShade = (1 << depth) - 1, byteCount = raster * h;
	gx_color_value		rgb[3];
	colorHSV			colHSV;
	colorRGB			colRGB;
	float				saturation, value;
	fit_copy(dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
	CheckMem( byteCount*4 + 200*1024, byteCount*4 + 500*1024 );
	colorTable = (ColorSpec*) malloc(sizeof(ColorSpec) * (maxShade+1));
	if (colorTable == NULL)
		return gs_error_VMerror;
	(*dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb))(dev, color, rgb);
	colRGB.red = rgb[0];
	colRGB.green = rgb[1];
	colRGB.blue = rgb[2];
	mac_convert_rgb_hsv(&colRGB, &colHSV);
	saturation = colHSV.s;
	value = colHSV.v;
	for (shade=0; shade <= maxShade; shade++) {
		colorTable[shade].value = maxShade -  shade;
		colHSV.s = saturation * (1.0 - (float)shade/(float)maxShade);
		colHSV.v = value + ((1.0 - value) * (float)shade/(float)maxShade);
		mac_convert_hsv_rgb(&colHSV, &colRGB);
		colorTable[shade].rgb.red   = colRGB.red;
		colorTable[shade].rgb.green = colRGB.green;
		colorTable[shade].rgb.blue  = colRGB.blue;
	copyMode = srcCopy + ditherCopy;
	if (raster < 8) {
		PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0090);
	} else {
		PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0098);
	PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster*8/depth, h, raster, 0, 0,
					X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch), depth);
	PICTWriteColorTable(mdev->currPicPos, 0, maxShade+1, colorTable);
	PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
	PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
	PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, copyMode);
	PICTWriteDataPackBits(mdev->currPicPos, base, raster, h);
	return 0;
예제 #27
/* Copy a color bitmap. */
static int
mac_copy_color (register gx_device *dev,
				const unsigned char *base, int data_x, int raster,  gx_bitmap_id id,
				int x, int y, int w, int h)
	gx_device_macos		* mdev = (gx_device_macos *)dev;
	int				byteCount = raster * h, color;
	gx_color_value	rgb[3];
	fit_copy(dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
	CheckMem(10*1024 + byteCount*4, 100*1024 + byteCount*4);
	GSSetStdCol(mdev->currPicPos);		// Sets FgCol to Black and BkCol to White
	if (mdev->color_info.depth == 24) {
		PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x009A);
		PICTWriteLong(mdev->currPicPos, 0x000000FF);
		PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster/4, h, raster, 2, 0,
						X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch), 32);
		PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
		PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
		PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, srcCopy);
/*		memcpy(mdev->currPicPos, base, byteCount);
		(char*)(mdev->currPicPos) += byteCount;*/
			short	i;
			byteCount = 0;
			for (i=0; i<raster/4*h; i++) {
			//	PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
				PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
				PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
				PICTWriteByte(mdev->currPicPos, 0x00);
				byteCount += 3;
		if (byteCount % 2)
	} else if (mdev->color_info.depth <= 8) {
		ColorSpec		*colorTable;
		colorTable = (ColorSpec*) malloc(sizeof(ColorSpec) * (1 << mdev->color_info.depth));
		for (color=0; color < (1 << mdev->color_info.depth); color++) {
			(*dev_proc(dev, map_color_rgb))(dev, color, rgb);
			colorTable[color].value		= color;
			colorTable[color].rgb.red	= rgb[0];
			colorTable[color].rgb.green	= rgb[1];
			colorTable[color].rgb.blue	= rgb[2];
		PICTWriteOpcode(mdev->currPicPos, 0x0098);
		PICTWritePixMap(mdev->currPicPos, 0, 0, raster*8/mdev->color_info.depth, h, raster, 1, 0,
						X2Fix(mdev->x_pixels_per_inch), X2Fix(mdev->y_pixels_per_inch),
		PICTWriteColorTable(mdev->currPicPos, 0, (1 << mdev->color_info.depth), colorTable);
		PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, data_x, 0, w, h);
		PICTWriteRect(mdev->currPicPos, x, y, w, h);
		PICTWriteInt(mdev->currPicPos, srcCopy);
		PICTWriteDataPackBits(mdev->currPicPos, base, raster, h);
	} else {
		gx_default_copy_color( dev, base, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h );
	return 0;
예제 #28
GLuint platformLoadTextureFile(string theFilename, bool generateMipmaps, int *width, int *height)
#ifdef QuickTimeInstalled
	GLuint					textureName;				// the "name" by which OpenGL knows the texture
	unsigned char 			*pImageBuffer;				// the buffer that contains the image data 
	GWorldPtr				pGWorld;					// a gworld to load the image into
	int						imageDepth;
	FSSpec 					fsspecImage;				// FSSpec of the image to load
#ifdef __APPLE__	
	CFURLRef				imageURL;
	FSRef					imagefsRef;
	OSStatus				err = noErr;				// err return value
	long					rowStride;					// length, in bytes, of a pixel row in the image
	GraphicsImportComponent giComp;						// component for importing image
	MatrixRecord			matrix;
	Rect 					rectImage;					// rectangle of source image
	PixMapHandle			hPixMap;					// handle to image pix map
	ImageDescriptionHandle	hImageDesc;					// handle to image description used to get image depth

	long					imageWidth;
	long					imageHeight;
	float					imageAspect;
	long					textureWidth;
	long					textureHeight;

	// get the full path to the texture file
	string fileLocation;
	fileLocation = pathToResourceDirectory() + theFilename;

#ifdef __APPLE__	
	// create a URL to the file from the C string
	imageURL = CFURLCreateWithBytes (kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8 *)fileLocation.c_str(), fileLocation.length(), kCFStringEncodingASCII, NULL);
	if (imageURL == NULL)
		cout << "error getting URL for image file (image file may not exist): " << theFilename << endl;
		return 0;

	// get a FSRef from the URL
	if (!CFURLGetFSRef(imageURL, &imagefsRef))
		cout << "error getting FSRef for image file:: " << theFilename << endl;
		return 0;

	// get the FSSpec from the FSRef
	if (FSGetCatalogInfo (&imagefsRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &fsspecImage, NULL))
		cout << "error getting FSSpec for image file: " << theFilename << endl;
		return 0;
	// release the URL (not needed any more)

#ifdef _WIN32
	// get an FSSpec from the pathname
	if (NativePathNameToFSSpec ((char *)fileLocation.c_str(), &fsspecImage, kErrorIfFileNotFound))
		cout << "error getting FSSpec for image file: " << fileLocation << endl;
		return 0;

	// save the onscreen graphics port
	GDHandle	origDevice;
	CGrafPtr	origPort;
	GetGWorld (&origPort, &origDevice);

	// get an importer for the file
	err = GetGraphicsImporterForFileWithFlags (&fsspecImage, &giComp, kDontUseValidateToFindGraphicsImporter);
	if (err != noErr) return 0;

	// get the image bounds
	err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds (giComp, &rectImage); 
	if (err != noErr) return 0;

	// create a handle for the image description and lock it
	hImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandle (sizeof (ImageDescriptionHandle)); 
	HLock ((Handle) hImageDesc);

	// retrieve the image description
	err = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription (giComp, &hImageDesc); 
	if (err != noErr) return 0;
	// find width and height
	imageWidth = (int) (rectImage.right - rectImage.left);
	imageHeight = (int) (rectImage.bottom - rectImage.top);

	// now calculate the aspect ratio (width/height), used to restore image correctly
	imageAspect = ((float) imageWidth) / ((float) imageHeight);

	// get the image's pixel depth
	imageDepth = (**hImageDesc).depth;

	// find nearest acceptable texture size (width and height) for the image
	textureWidth = GetTextureDimFromImageDim (imageWidth);
	textureHeight = GetTextureDimFromImageDim (imageHeight);
	// pass the optimised (and scaled) size back out to the caller
	*width = textureWidth;
	*height = textureHeight;

	// set texture rectangle for creation of GWorld
#ifdef __APPLE__
	SetRect (&rectImage, 0, 0, (int) textureWidth, (int) textureHeight);
#ifdef _WIN32
	MacSetRect (&rectImage, 0, 0, (int) textureWidth, (int) textureHeight);

	// set stride in bytes width of image * 4 bytes per pixel
	rowStride = textureWidth * 4;
	// build new buffer exact size of image (stride * height)
	pImageBuffer = (unsigned char *) NewPtr (rowStride * textureHeight); 

	// check we got the buffer we wanted
	if (pImageBuffer == NULL)
		// failed - release the component and return an error
		return 0;

	// create a new gworld using our unpadded buffer, setting the pixel type correctly for the expected image depth
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k32ARGBPixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k32RGBAPixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
	// could we allocate the GWorld?
	if (pGWorld == NULL)
		// failed - release the buffer, component and return an error
		DisposePtr ((Ptr) pImageBuffer);
		return 0;

	// build a transformation matrix to scale the image to the texture size
	// this also flips the image horizontally, so that texture coordinates map correctly
	float	horizontalScale = (float) textureWidth / (float) imageWidth;
	float	verticalScale = (float) textureHeight / (float) imageHeight;

	SetIdentityMatrix (&matrix);
	ScaleMatrix (&matrix, X2Fix(horizontalScale), X2Fix(-verticalScale), 0, 0);
	TranslateMatrix (&matrix, 0, X2Fix((float)textureHeight));

	// set the matrix as the importer matrix
	err = GraphicsImportSetMatrix(giComp, &matrix); 

	// set the destination of the importer component
	if (err == noErr) err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld (giComp, pGWorld, NULL);
	// ensure lossless decompression (if the CODEC supports this)
	if (err == noErr) err = GraphicsImportSetQuality(giComp, codecLosslessQuality); 

	if (err != noErr)
		// failed - release the GWorld, buffer, component and return an error
		DisposeGWorld (pGWorld);
		DisposePtr ((Ptr) pImageBuffer);
		return 0;

	// get the address of the GWorld's pixmap
	hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld);
	// if everything looks good draw the image to the locked pixmap
	if ((hPixMap) && (LockPixels (hPixMap)))
		GraphicsImportDraw (giComp);
		// the pixmap doesn't exist, or we couldn't lock it
		// release the GWorld, buffer, component and return an error
		DisposeGWorld (pGWorld);
		DisposePtr ((Ptr) pImageBuffer);
		return 0;

	// for images without an alpha channel, initialise the alpha bytes since QuickTime won't
	if (imageDepth < 32)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
		for( unsigned char *p = pImageBuffer; p < pImageBuffer + (rowStride * textureHeight); p+=4)
			*p = 0xFF;
		for( unsigned char *p = pImageBuffer+3; p < pImageBuffer + (rowStride * textureHeight) +3; p+=4)
			*p = 0xFF;

	// unlock the pixmap
	UnlockPixels (hPixMap);
	// dump the component

	// set image width in groups (pixels), accounts for border this ensures proper image alignment row to row
	glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, textureWidth);

	// generate a "name" for the texture
	glGenTextures (1, &textureName);
	// create the texture in OpenGL
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureName);

	// tell OpenGL about the texture and have GLU build mipmaps
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, pImageBuffer);
	glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, textureWidth, textureHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pImageBuffer);
	if (generateMipmaps)
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	if (gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, textureWidth, textureHeight, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, pImageBuffer) != 0)
	if (gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RGBA, textureWidth, textureHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pImageBuffer) != 0)
	// good time to check for errors?

	// finished with the GWorld but not the image buffer (it's used by OpenGL as the "live" image buffer)
	DisposeGWorld (pGWorld);

	// restore the current graphics port we saved earlier
	SetGWorld(origPort, origDevice);

	// all done - return the texture name
	return textureName; 
#endif // QuickTimeInstalled
예제 #29
// This example is almost identical to the helloworld example, except that
// in this case, there are two styles instead of just one. ATSUSetRunStyle
// is used to apply a style to different parts of the text.
void DrawMultipleStylesContents(WindowRef window)
	CFStringRef					string;
	UniChar						*text;
	UniCharCount				length;
    UniCharArrayOffset			currentStart, currentEnd;
	ATSUStyle					style1, style2;
	ATSUTextLayout				layout;
	ATSUFontID					font;
	Fixed						pointSize;
    ATSUAttributeTag			tags[2];
    ByteCount					sizes[2];
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr		values[2];
	Fixed						lineWidth, ascent, descent;
	CGContextRef				cgContext;
	float						x, y, cgY, windowHeight;
    ItemCount					numSoftBreaks;
    UniCharArrayOffset			*theSoftBreaks;
    int							i;
    GrafPtr						port, savedPort;
	Rect						portBounds;

    // Set up the graphics port
	port = GetWindowPort(window);
    GetPortBounds(port, &portBounds);

	// Create a style object. This is one of two objects necessary to draw using ATSUI.
	// (The layout is the other.)
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateStyle(&style1) );

    // Look up the font we are going to use, and set it in the style object, using
	// the aforementioned "triple" (tag, size, value) semantics. This is how almost
	// all settings in ATSUI are applied.
	verify_noerr( ATSUFindFontFromName(kMultipleStylesFontName, strlen(kMultipleStylesFontName), kFontFullName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &font) );
    tags[0] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    values[0] = &font;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style1, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

    // Set the point size, also using a triple. You can actually set multiple triples at once,
	// since the tag, size, and value parameters are arrays. Other examples do this, such as
	// the vertical text example.
	pointSize = Long2Fix(kMultipleStylesFontSize);
	tags[0] = kATSUSizeTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(Fixed);
    values[0] = &pointSize;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style1, 1, tags, sizes, values) );
	// Now we create the second of two objects necessary to draw text using ATSUI, the layout.
	// You can specify a pointer to the text buffer at layout creation time, or later using
	// the routine ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(). Below, we do it after layout creation time.
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateTextLayout(&layout) );

	// Before assigning text to the layout, we must first convert the string we plan to draw
	// from a CFStringRef into an array of UniChar.
	string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "In this example, various parts of the text have different styles applied. The same style is used more than once.", kCFStringEncodingASCII);

    // Extract the raw Unicode from the CFString, then dispose of the CFString
    length = CFStringGetLength(string);
    text = (UniChar *)malloc(length * sizeof(UniChar));
    CFStringGetCharacters(string, CFRangeMake(0, length), text);

    // Attach the resulting UTF-16 Unicode text to the layout
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, text, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, length) );
	// Now we tie the two necessary objects, the layout and the style, together
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style1, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd) );

	// Now, for this example we create a second style, and assign it to various runs within
	// the text. For our example, the run offsets are hard-coded for simplicity's sake. In
	// a real application, style runs are often assigned from external sources, such as user
	// selection.
	verify_noerr( ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle(style1, &style2) );

	// Change the font for the second style
	verify_noerr( ATSUFindFontFromName(kMultipleStylesFontName2, strlen(kMultipleStylesFontName2), kFontFullName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &font) );
    tags[0] = kATSUFontTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    values[0] = &font;
    verify_noerr( ATSUSetAttributes(style2, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

	// Apply the new style to the text in various places
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 8, 7) ); // The word "example"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 65, 7) ); // The word "applied"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 83, 5) ); // The word "style"
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style2, 107, 4) ); // The word "once"

	// In this example, we are breaking text into lines.
	// Therefore, we need to know the width of the line.
    lineWidth = X2Fix(portBounds.right - portBounds.left - 2.0*kMultipleStylesMargin);
    tags[0] = kATSULineWidthTag;
    sizes[0] = sizeof(Fixed);
    values[0] = &lineWidth;
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, tags, sizes, values) );

	// Prepare the CGContext for drawing
	QDBeginCGContext(port, &cgContext);
	tags[0] = kATSUCGContextTag;
	sizes[0] = sizeof(CGContextRef);
	values[0] = &cgContext;
	verify_noerr( ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, tags, sizes, values) );
	// Prepare the coordinates for drawing. In our example, "x" and "y" are the coordinates
	// in QD space. "cgY" contains the y coordinate in CG space.
	windowHeight = portBounds.bottom - portBounds.top;
	x = kMultipleStylesMargin; // leave a small left margin
	y = kMultipleStylesMargin; // leave a small top margin
	cgY = windowHeight - y; // Subtract the y coordinate from the height of the
							// window to get the coordinate in CG-aware space.

	// Break the text into lines
	verify_noerr( ATSUBatchBreakLines(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, length, lineWidth, &numSoftBreaks) );
    verify_noerr( ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, 0, NULL, &numSoftBreaks) );
    theSoftBreaks = (UniCharArrayOffset *) malloc(numSoftBreaks * sizeof(UniCharArrayOffset));
    verify_noerr( ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, numSoftBreaks, theSoftBreaks, &numSoftBreaks) );
    // Loop over all the lines and draw them
    currentStart = 0;
    for (i=0; i <= numSoftBreaks; i++) {
        currentEnd = ((numSoftBreaks > 0 ) && (numSoftBreaks > i)) ? theSoftBreaks[i] : length;

        // This is the height of a line, the ascent and descent. Getting the values this way is the preferred method.
		ATSUGetLineControl(layout, currentStart, kATSULineAscentTag, sizeof(ATSUTextMeasurement), &ascent, NULL);
        ATSUGetLineControl(layout, currentStart, kATSULineDescentTag, sizeof(ATSUTextMeasurement), &descent, NULL);

        // Make room for the area above the baseline
		y += Fix2X(ascent);
		cgY = windowHeight - y;

		// Draw the text
        verify_noerr( ATSUDrawText(layout, currentStart, currentEnd - currentStart, X2Fix(x), X2Fix(cgY)) );

		// Make room for the area beloww the baseline
        y += Fix2X(descent);
		// Prepare for next line
        currentStart = currentEnd;

	// This is a one-shot window, so we are now ready to dispose of all our objects.
	// Normally, we would want to keep everything around in case we needed to redraw or change
	// the text at some point.
    // Tear down the CGContext
	QDEndCGContext(port, &cgContext);

	// Deallocate string storage

	// Layout and styles also need to be disposed
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeStyle(style1) );
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeStyle(style2) );
	verify_noerr( ATSUDisposeTextLayout(layout) );

    // Restore the graphics port
예제 #30
파일: main.c 프로젝트: fruitsamples/CTMDemo
GWorldPtr OpenImage (void)
    unsigned long rowStride;
    GraphicsImportComponent giComp;
    NavReplyRecord replyNav;
    NavTypeListHandle hTypeList = (NavTypeListHandle) NewHandleClear (sizeof (NavTypeList) + sizeof (OSType) * 13);
    FSSpec fsspecImage;
    AEKeyword theKeyword;
    DescType actualType;
    Size actualSize;
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    Rect rectImage;
    GDHandle origDevice;
    CGrafPtr origPort;
    PixMapHandle hPixMap;
    ImageDescriptionHandle hImageDesc;
    MatrixRecord matrix;
    GWorldPtr pGWorld;
    unsigned char * pImageBuffer;
    long imageWidth;
    long imageHeight;
    float imageAspect;
    long imageDepth;
    long textureWidth;
    long textureHeight;

    GetGWorld (&origPort, &origDevice); // save onscreen graphics port

    HLock ((Handle) hTypeList);
    (**hTypeList).osTypeCount = 14;
    (**hTypeList).osType[0] = 'qtif';
    (**hTypeList).osType[1] = 'SGI ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[2] = '8BPS';
    (**hTypeList).osType[3] = 'GIF ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[4] = 'GIFf';
    (**hTypeList).osType[5] = 'JPEG';
    (**hTypeList).osType[6] = 'JPG ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[7] = 'PICT';
    (**hTypeList).osType[8] = 'PNTG';
    (**hTypeList).osType[9] = 'grip';
    (**hTypeList).osType[10] = 'BMPp';
    (**hTypeList).osType[11] = 'TIFF';
    (**hTypeList).osType[12] = 'TEXT';
    (**hTypeList).osType[13] = '????';

    err = NavChooseFile (NULL, &replyNav, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, hTypeList, NULL); 
    if ((err == noErr) && (replyNav.validRecord))
	    err = AEGetNthPtr (&(replyNav.selection), 1, typeFSS, &theKeyword, &actualType,
						&fsspecImage, sizeof (fsspecImage), &actualSize);
    NavDisposeReply (&replyNav);
    if (err != noErr)
	    return NULL;

    GetGraphicsImporterForFile (&fsspecImage, &giComp);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;

	// create GWorld
    err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds (giComp, &rectImage);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    hImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandle (sizeof (ImageDescriptionHandle));
    HLock ((Handle) hImageDesc);
    err = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription (giComp, &hImageDesc); 
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    imageWidth = rectImage.right - rectImage.left;
    imageHeight = rectImage.bottom - rectImage.top;
    imageAspect = ((float) imageWidth) / ((float) imageHeight);
    imageDepth = (**hImageDesc).depth; // bits
    if (imageDepth <= 16)
        imageDepth = 16;
        imageDepth = 32;
    #if 1
    textureWidth = imageWidth;//40;//imageWidth;//256;
    textureHeight = imageHeight;//40 * imageHeight / imageWidth;//imageHeight;//256;
    textureWidth = imageWidth;//256;
    textureHeight = imageHeight;//256;
    SetRect (&rectImage, 0, 0, textureWidth, textureHeight); // l, t, r. b  reset to texture rectangle
    rowStride = textureWidth * imageDepth / 8; 
    pImageBuffer = (unsigned char *) NewPtrClear (rowStride * (textureHeight));
    if (imageDepth == 32)
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k32ARGBPixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k16BE555PixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
    if (NULL == pGWorld)
	    return NULL;
    // decompress to gworld
    SetIdentityMatrix (&matrix);
	ScaleMatrix (&matrix, X2Fix ((float) textureWidth / (float) imageWidth), X2Fix ((float) textureHeight / (float) imageHeight), X2Fix (0.0), X2Fix (0.0));
	err = GraphicsImportSetMatrix(giComp, &matrix);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
	err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld (giComp, pGWorld, NULL);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
	err = GraphicsImportSetQuality(giComp, codecLosslessQuality);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld);
    if ((hPixMap) && (LockPixels (hPixMap))) // lock offscreen pixel map
		GraphicsImportDraw (giComp);
		return NULL;
    // modify alpha
    if ( imageDepth == 32 )
        unsigned long i;
        unsigned long * pixel = (unsigned long *)GetPixBaseAddr( hPixMap );
        for (i = 0; i < textureWidth * textureHeight; i++)
            if ((*pixel & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0x00FF00) // mask only color bits and look for green
                *pixel = 0x00000000;//0x00303040; // replace green with dark gray transparent (to help filtering)
                *pixel |= 0xFF000000; // ensure alpha is set for opaque pixels
        unsigned short i;
        unsigned short * pixel = (unsigned short *)GetPixBaseAddr( hPixMap );
        for (i = 0; i < textureWidth * textureHeight; i++)
            if ((*pixel & 0x7FFF) == 0x03E0) // mask only color bits and look for green
                *pixel = 0x0000;//0x0363; // replace green with dark gray transparent (to help filtering)
                *pixel |= 0x8000; // ensure alpha is set for opaque pixels

    return pGWorld;