예제 #1
static FILE *
XcursorScanTheme (const char *theme, const char *name)
    FILE	*f = NULL;
    char	*full;
    char	*dir;
    const char  *path;
    char	*inherits = NULL;
    const char	*i;

    if (!theme || !name)
        return NULL;

     * XCURSOR_CORE_THEME is a magic name; cursors from the core set
     * are never found in any directory.  Instead, a magic value is
     * returned which truncates any search so that overlying functions
     * can switch to equivalent core cursors
    if (!strcmp (theme, XCURSOR_CORE_THEME) && XcursorLibraryShape (name) >= 0)
     * Scan this theme
    for (path = XcursorLibraryPath ();
	 path && f == NULL;
	 path = _XcursorNextPath (path))
	dir = _XcursorBuildThemeDir (path, theme);
	if (dir)
	    full = _XcursorBuildFullname (dir, "cursors", name);
	    if (full)
		f = fopen (full, "r");
		free (full);
	    if (!f && !inherits)
		full = _XcursorBuildFullname (dir, "", "index.theme");
		if (full)
		    inherits = _XcursorThemeInherits (full);
		    free (full);
	    free (dir);
     * Recurse to scan inherited themes
    for (i = inherits; i && f == NULL; i = _XcursorNextPath (i))
	f = XcursorScanTheme (i, name);
    if (inherits != NULL)
	free (inherits);
    return f;
예제 #2
const QStringList CursorThemeModel::searchPaths()
    if (!baseDirs.isEmpty())
        return baseDirs;

    // These are the default paths Xcursor will scan for cursor themes
    QString path("~/.icons:/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons");

    // If XCURSOR_PATH is set, use that instead of the default path
    char *xcursorPath = std::getenv("XCURSOR_PATH");
    if (xcursorPath)
        path = xcursorPath;
    // Get the search path from Xcursor
    QString path = XcursorLibraryPath();

    // Separate the paths
    baseDirs = path.split(':', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    // Remove duplicates
    QMutableStringListIterator i(baseDirs);
    while (i.hasNext())
        const QString path = i.next();
        QMutableStringListIterator j(i);
        while (j.hasNext())
            if (j.next() == path)

    // Expand all occurrences of ~/ to the home dir
    baseDirs.replaceInStrings(QRegExp("^~\\/"), QDir::home().path() + '/');
    return baseDirs;
GtkListStore *
mouse_settings_themes_populate_store (void)
    const gchar        *path;
    gchar             **basedirs;
    gint                i;
    gchar              *homedir;
    GDir               *dir;
    const gchar        *theme;
    gchar              *filename;
    gchar              *index_file;
    GKeyFile           *rc;
    const gchar        *name;
    const gchar        *comment;
    GtkTreeIter         iter;
    gint                position = 0;
    GdkPixbuf          *pixbuf;
    gchar              *active_theme = NULL;
    GtkTreePath        *active_path = NULL;
    GtkListStore       *store;
    GtkCellRenderer    *renderer;
    GtkTreeViewColumn  *column;
    GObject            *treeview;
    GtkTreeSelection   *selection;
    gchar              *comment_escaped;

    /* get the cursor paths */
    path = "~/.icons:/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons";
    path = XcursorLibraryPath ();

    /* split the paths */
    basedirs = g_strsplit (path, ":", -1);

    /* get the active theme */
    //active_theme = xfconf_channel_get_string (xsettings_channel, "/Gtk/CursorThemeName", "default");

    /* create the store */
    store = gtk_list_store_new (N_THEME_COLUMNS, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING,
                                G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING);

    /* insert default */
    gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (store, &iter, position++,
                                       COLUMN_THEME_NAME, "default",
                                       COLUMN_THEME_DISPLAY_NAME, _("Default"), -1);

    /* store the default path, so we always select a theme */
    active_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter);

    if (G_LIKELY (basedirs))
        /* walk the base directories */
        for (i = 0; basedirs[i] != NULL; i++)
            /* init */
            homedir = NULL;

            /* parse the homedir if needed */
            if (strstr (basedirs[i], "~/") != NULL)
                path = homedir = g_strconcat (g_get_home_dir (), basedirs[i] + 1, NULL);
                path = basedirs[i];

            /* open directory */
            dir = g_dir_open (path, 0, NULL);
            if (G_LIKELY (dir))
                for (;;)
                    /* get the directory name */
                    theme = g_dir_read_name (dir);
                    if (G_UNLIKELY (theme == NULL))

                    /* build the full cursor path */
                    filename = g_build_filename (path, theme, "cursors", NULL);

                    /* check if it looks like a cursor theme */
                    if (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
                        /* try to load a pixbuf */
                        pixbuf = mouse_settings_themes_preview_icon (filename);

                        /* insert in the store */
                        gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (store, &iter, position++,
                                                           COLUMN_THEME_PIXBUF, pixbuf,
                                                           COLUMN_THEME_NAME, theme,
                                                           COLUMN_THEME_DISPLAY_NAME, theme,
                                                           COLUMN_THEME_PATH, filename, -1);

                        /* check if this is the active theme, set the path */
                        if (active_theme && strcmp (active_theme, theme) == 0)
                            gtk_tree_path_free (active_path);
                            active_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter);

                        /* release pixbuf */
                        if (G_LIKELY (pixbuf))
                            g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf));

                        /* check for a index.theme file for additional information */
                        index_file = g_build_filename (path, theme, "index.theme", NULL);
                        if (g_file_test (index_file, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
                            /* open theme desktop file */
                            rc = g_key_file_new ();
                            if (G_LIKELY (g_key_file_load_from_file (rc, index_file, G_KEY_FILE_NONE, NULL)))
                                /* check for the theme group */
                                if (g_key_file_has_group (rc, "Icon Theme"))
                                    /* read values */
                                    name = g_key_file_get_string (rc, "Icon Theme", "Name", NULL);
                                    comment = g_key_file_get_string (rc, "Icon Theme", "Comment", NULL);

                                    /* escape the comment */
                                    comment_escaped = comment ? g_markup_escape_text (comment, -1) : NULL;

                                    /* update store */
                                    gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter,
                                                        COLUMN_THEME_DISPLAY_NAME, name,
                                                        COLUMN_THEME_COMMENT, comment_escaped, -1);

                                    /* cleanup */
                                    g_free (comment_escaped);

                                /* close rc file */
                                g_key_file_free (rc);

                        /* cleanup */
                        g_free (index_file);

                    /* cleanup */
                    g_free (filename);

                /* close directory */
                g_dir_close (dir);

            /* cleanup */
            g_free (homedir);

        /* cleanup */
        g_strfreev (basedirs);

    /* cleanup */
    g_free (active_theme);

    /* setup the columns */
    renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new ();
    column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes ("", renderer, "pixbuf", COLUMN_THEME_PIXBUF, NULL);

    renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (renderer), "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL);

    /* sort the store */
    gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store), COLUMN_THEME_DISPLAY_NAME, mouse_settings_themes_sort_func, NULL, NULL);
    gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (store), COLUMN_THEME_DISPLAY_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);

    /* release the store */
    return store;