예제 #1
void add_to_list(
  ZZ *zz,
  int include_procs,  /* Flag:  Compute proc lists. */
  int include_parts,  /* Flag:  Compute part lists. */
  int *proc_array,    /* Array of size Num_Proc; entry i is
                         incremented if a found partition is on proc i. */
  int *parts,         /* partitions that box is in */
  int *numparts,      /* current number of partitions on list */
  int  add_part       /* partition to be added to list */
/* Adds partitions and processors to arrays that for the box */
int last_proc;        /* First processor for partition add_part+1. */
int add_proc;         /* First processor for partition add_part.   */
int i;

     if (zz->LB.Remap) add_part = zz->LB.Remap[add_part];

     if (include_parts) {
        /* Add partition to partition list */
        parts[*numparts] = add_part;

     if (include_procs) {
        /* Increment appropriate entry of proc_array for partition add_part. */
        add_proc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, add_part, NULL);
        if (!zz->LB.Single_Proc_Per_Part) {
           /* Partition may be spread across multiple procs.
              Include them all. */
           if (add_part < zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts - 1)
              last_proc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, add_part+1, NULL);
              last_proc = zz->Num_Proc;
           for (i = add_proc+1; i < last_proc; i++)
예제 #2
static int Zoltan_Reftree_Export_Lists(ZZ *zz, ZOLTAN_REFTREE *subroot, 
                            int *num_export, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_global_ids,
                            ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_local_ids,
                            int **export_to_partition, int **export_procs)
 * Function to build the export lists
int i, ierr;

 * if this subtree has no leaves assigned to this processor then there can be
 * no exports below it

  if (!subroot->assigned_to_me) return(ZOLTAN_OK);

  if (subroot->num_child == 0) {

 * if this is a leaf, put it on the export lists if it is to be exported

    if (export_it(subroot,zz,&ierr)) {
      ZOLTAN_SET_GID(zz, &((*export_global_ids)[(*num_export)*zz->Num_GID]),
      ZOLTAN_SET_LID(zz, &((*export_local_ids)[(*num_export)*zz->Num_LID]),
      (*export_to_partition)[*num_export] = subroot->partition;
      (*export_procs)[*num_export] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz,subroot->partition,subroot->global_id);
      *num_export += 1;
    if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK && ierr != ZOLTAN_WARN) return(ierr);
  else {

 * if it is not a leaf, traverse the subtree

    for (i=0; i<subroot->num_child; i++) {
      ierr = Zoltan_Reftree_Export_Lists(zz, &(subroot->children[i]),num_export,
      if (ierr != ZOLTAN_OK && ierr != ZOLTAN_WARN) return(ierr);
예제 #3
static int export_it(ZOLTAN_REFTREE *subroot, ZZ *zz, int *ierr)
 * Function to determine if an object belongs on the export list.

int current_part;

/* return TRUE if it is currently assigned to this processor and
   either the new partition is not the old partition or the new
   partition is not assigned to this processor */

  current_part = get_current_part(subroot,zz,ierr);
  if (*ierr != ZOLTAN_OK && *ierr != ZOLTAN_WARN) return(FALSE);

  if ((current_part != subroot->partition ||
       Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz,subroot->partition,subroot->global_id) != zz->Proc)
       && subroot->assigned_to_me) return(TRUE);

예제 #4
int Zoltan_Random(
  ZZ *zz,                       /* The Zoltan structure.                     */
  float *part_sizes,            /* Input:  Array of size zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts
                                   * zz->Obj_Weight_Dim
                                   containing the percentage of work to be
                                   assigned to each partition.               */
  int *num_import,              /* Return -1. Random uses only export lists. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_global_ids, /* Not used. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_local_ids,  /* Not used. */
  int **import_procs,           /* Not used. */
  int **import_to_part,         /* Not used. */
  int *num_export,              /* Output: Number of objects to export. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_global_ids, /* Output: GIDs to export. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_local_ids,  /* Output: LIDs to export. */
  int **export_procs,           /* Output: Processsors to export to. */
  int **export_to_part          /* Output: Partitions to export to. */
  int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  int i, count, num_obj;
  int max_export;
  double rand_frac = 1.0;       /* Default is to move all objects. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR global_ids = NULL;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR local_ids = NULL; 
  int *parts = NULL;
  float *dummy = NULL;
  static char *yo = "Zoltan_Random";
  static int first_time = 1;


  /* Synchronize the random number generator. 
   * This synchronization is needed only for sanity in our nightly testing. 
   * If some other operation (eg., Zoltan_LB_Eval) changes the status of 
   * the random number generator, the answers here will change.  They won't
   * be wrong, but they will be different from our accepted answers.
  if (first_time) {
    Zoltan_Srand(zz->Seed, NULL);

  /* No import lists computed. */
  *num_import = -1;

  /* Get parameter values. */
  Zoltan_Bind_Param(Random_params, "RANDOM_MOVE_FRACTION", (void *) &rand_frac);
  Zoltan_Assign_Param_Vals(zz->Params, Random_params, zz->Debug_Level, 
                           zz->Proc, zz->Debug_Proc);

  /* Get list of local objects. */
  ierr = Zoltan_Get_Obj_List(zz, &num_obj, &global_ids, &local_ids, 0,
                             &dummy, &parts);

  /* Bound number of objects to export. */
  max_export = 1.5*rand_frac*num_obj;

  /* Allocate export lists. */
  *export_global_ids = *export_local_ids = NULL;
  *export_procs = *export_to_part = NULL;
  if (max_export > 0) {
    if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_global_ids, max_export,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_local_ids, max_export,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_procs, max_export,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_to_part, max_export,
                               ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
      ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      goto End;

  /* Randomly assign ids to procs. */
  for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++){
    /* Randomly select some objects to move (export) */
    if ((count<max_export) && (Zoltan_Rand(NULL)<rand_frac*ZOLTAN_RAND_MAX)){
      /* export_global_ids[count] = global_ids[i]; */
      ZOLTAN_SET_GID(zz, &((*export_global_ids)[count*zz->Num_GID]),
      if (local_ids)
        /* export_local_ids[count] = local_ids[i]; */
        ZOLTAN_SET_LID(zz, &((*export_local_ids)[count*zz->Num_LID]),
      /* Randomly pick new partition number. */
      (*export_to_part)[count] = Zoltan_Rand_InRange(NULL, zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts);
      /* Processor number is derived from partition number. */
      (*export_procs)[count] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, 
                     (*export_to_part)[count], &global_ids[i*zz->Num_GID]);

      /* printf("Debug: Export gid %u to part %d and proc %d.\n", (*export_global_ids)[count], (*export_to_part)[count], (*export_procs)[count]); */

  (*num_export) = count;

  /* Free local memory, but not export lists. */

  return ierr;
예제 #5
int Zoltan_Divide_Machine(
   ZZ *zz,             /* The Zoltan structure (not used now, will be
                          used for pointer to machine details */
   int obj_wgt_dim,    /* Number of different weights (loads). */
   float *part_sizes,  /* Array of partition sizes, containing percentage of 
                          work per partition. (length= obj_wgt_dim*num_parts) */
   int proc,           /* my processor number in global sense */
   MPI_Comm comm,      /* communicator for part of machine to be divided */
   int *set,           /* set that proc is in after divide (lowest global
                          numbered processor in set 0) */
   int *proclower,     /* lowest numbered processor in first set */
   int *procmid,       /* lowest numbered processor in second set */
   int *num_procs,     /* on input, # of procs to be divided
                          on exit, # of procs in the set that proc is in */
   int *partlower,     /* lowest numbered partition in first set */
   int *partmid,       /* lowest numbered partition in second set */
   int *num_parts,     /* on input, # of partitions to be divided
                          on exit, # of parts in the set that proc is in */
   double *fractionlo  /* actual division of machine: % of work to be assigned
                          to first set (length obj_wgt_dim) */
int i, j, k;
int np = 0;     /* Number of partitions on procmid */
int fpartmid;   /* First partition on procmid */
int totalparts; /* Total number of partitions in input set. */
int totalprocs; /* Total number of processors in input set. */
int dim = obj_wgt_dim;
double *sum = NULL;

/* This routine divides the current machine (defined by the communicator)
 * into two pieces.
 * For now, it simply divides the machine in half.  In the future, it will
 * be a more complicated routine taking into account the architecture of
 * the machine and communication network. 
 * The two resulting sets contain contiguously numbered processors 
 * and partitions.

  if (dim<1) dim = 1;   /* In case obj_wgt_dim==0. */

  /* The following statement assumes that proclower is being set correctly in
     the calling routine if Tflops_Special flag is set */
  if (!zz->Tflops_Special)
     MPI_Allreduce(&proc, proclower, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, comm);

  totalparts = *partlower + *num_parts;
  totalprocs = *proclower + *num_procs;

  /* Compute procmid as roughly half the number of processors. */
  /* Then partmid is the lowest-numbered partition on procmid. */

  *procmid = *proclower + (*num_procs - 1)/2 + 1;
  if (*procmid < totalprocs)
    Zoltan_LB_Proc_To_Part(zz, *procmid, &np, &fpartmid);
  if (np > 0)
    *partmid = fpartmid;
  else {
    /* No partitions on procmid; find next part number in procs > procmid */
    i = *procmid;
    while (np == 0 && (++i) < totalprocs) {
      Zoltan_LB_Proc_To_Part(zz, i, &np, &fpartmid);
    if (np) 
      *partmid = fpartmid;
      *partmid = totalparts;

  /* Check special cases */

  if (!zz->LB.Single_Proc_Per_Part && *partmid != totalparts) {
    i = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, *partmid, NULL);
    if (i != *procmid) {

      /* Partition is spread across several processors. 
         Don't allow mid to fall within a partition; reset procmid so that it
         falls at a partition boundary.  */

      if (i != *proclower) {
        /* set procmid to lowest processor containing partmid */
        *procmid = i;
      else { /* i == *proclower */
        /* Move mid to next partition so that procmid != proclower */
        *procmid = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, *partmid, NULL);

  /* Sum up desired partition sizes. */
  sum = (double *)ZOLTAN_MALLOC(dim*sizeof(double));

  for (k=0; k<dim; k++){
    sum[k] = 0.0;
    fractionlo[k] = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < *num_parts; i++) {
    j = *partlower + i;
    for (k=0; k<dim; k++){
      if (j < *partmid)
        fractionlo[k] += (double) part_sizes[j*dim+k];
      sum[k] += (double) part_sizes[j*dim+k];
  for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
    if (sum[k] != 0.0) fractionlo[k] /= sum[k];

  if (proc < *procmid) {
    *set = 0;
    *num_parts = *partmid - *partlower;
    *num_procs = *procmid - *proclower;
  else {
    *set = 1;
    *num_parts = totalparts - *partmid;
    *num_procs = totalprocs - *procmid;

  return ZOLTAN_OK;
예제 #6
int Zoltan_LB_Remap(
  ZZ *zz,
  int *new_map,        /* Upon return, flag indicating whether part or proc
                          assignments actually changed due to remapping. */
  int nobj,            /* # objs the processor knows about after partitioning */
  int *proc,           /* processors for the objs; 
                          if export_list_flag == 1, 
                             proc contains new proc assignment
                             proc contains old proc assignment
                          Upon return, proc contains remapped new proc 
                          assignment regardless of export_list_flag's value. */
  int *old_part,       /* old partition assignments for the objs */
  int *new_part,       /* new partition assignments for the objs.
                          Upon return, new_part contains remapped new
                          partition assignments */
  int export_list_flag /* Flag indicating whether the algorithm computes
                          export lists or import lists. The HG for matching
                          is built differently depending on whether 
                          the algorithm knows export or import info.  */
char *yo = "Zoltan_LB_Remap";
int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
int i;
int remap_type;               /* Type of remapping to be done: 
                                 Procs, Parts, or None */
int HEcnt = 0;                /* Number of local hyperedges */
int *HEinfo = NULL;           /* Array of HE info; for each HE, two pins and 
                                 one edge weight. Stored as a single vector
                                 to minimize communication calls.  */

  *new_map = 0;

  /* Determine type of remapping that is appropriate */
  ierr = set_remap_type(zz, &remap_type);

  if (remap_type != ZOLTAN_LB_REMAP_NONE) {
    /* Build local hyperedges */
    if (export_list_flag) 
      ierr = local_HEs_from_export_lists(zz, remap_type,
                                         nobj, proc, old_part, new_part,
                                         &HEcnt, &HEinfo);
      ierr = local_HEs_from_import_lists(zz, remap_type,
                                         nobj, proc, old_part, new_part,
                                         &HEcnt, &HEinfo);

    if (ierr < 0) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Error building local HEs");
      goto End;

    /* Gather local hyperedges to each processor; build remap vector */
    ierr = gather_and_build_remap(zz, new_map, HEcnt, HEinfo);
    if (ierr < 0) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo,
                         "Error returned from gather_and_build_remap.");
      goto End;
    if (*new_map) {
      /* Update partition and processor information for algorithms */
      for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
        new_part[i] = zz->LB.Remap[new_part[i]];
        proc[i] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, new_part[i], NULL);


예제 #7
파일: block.c 프로젝트: 00liujj/trilinos
int Zoltan_Block(
  ZZ *zz,                       /* The Zoltan structure.                     */
  float *part_sizes,            /* Input:  Array of size zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts
                                   containing the percentage of work to be
                                   assigned to each partition.               */
  int *num_import,              /* Return -1. We use only export lists. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_global_ids, /* Not used. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *import_local_ids,  /* Not used. */
  int **import_procs,           /* Not used. */
  int **import_to_part,         /* Not used. */
  int *num_export,              /* Output: Number of objects to export. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_global_ids, /* Output: GIDs to export. */
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *export_local_ids,  /* Output: LIDs to export. */
  int **export_procs,           /* Output: Processsors to export to. */
  int **export_to_part          /* Output: Partitions to export to. */
  int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  int i, count, num_obj;
  int wtflag = 0;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR global_ids = NULL;
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR local_ids = NULL; 
  int *parts = NULL;
  int *newparts = NULL;
  float *wgts = NULL;
  static char *yo = "Zoltan_Block";


  /* No import lists computed. */
  *num_import = -1;
  *export_global_ids = *export_local_ids = NULL;
  *export_procs = *export_to_part = NULL;

  /* Get list of local objects. */
  if (zz->Obj_Weight_Dim > 1) {
    ierr = ZOLTAN_FATAL;
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, 
                      "OBJ_WEIGHT_DIM > 1 not supported by LB_METHOD BLOCK.");
    goto End;
  wtflag = (zz->Obj_Weight_Dim>0 ? 1 : 0);
  ierr = Zoltan_Get_Obj_List(zz, &num_obj, &global_ids, &local_ids, wtflag,
                             &wgts, &parts);

  /* Compute the new partition numbers. */
  newparts = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(num_obj * sizeof(int));
  if (num_obj && (!newparts)){
    ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
    ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
    goto End;
  block_part(zz, num_obj, wtflag, wgts, part_sizes, newparts);

  /* Check how many partition numbers changed. */
  for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++){
    if (newparts[i] != parts[i])
  (*num_export) = count;

  /* Allocate export lists. */
  if ((*num_export) > 0) {
    if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_global_ids, (*num_export),
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_local_ids, (*num_export),
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_procs, (*num_export),
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void **)export_to_part, (*num_export),
                               ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
      ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      goto End;

  /* Loop over objects and fill export lists. */
  for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++){
    if (newparts[i] != parts[i]){
      /* export_global_ids[count] = global_ids[i]; */
      ZOLTAN_SET_GID(zz, &((*export_global_ids)[count*zz->Num_GID]),
      if (local_ids)
        /* export_local_ids[count] = local_ids[i]; */
        ZOLTAN_SET_LID(zz, &((*export_local_ids)[count*zz->Num_LID]),
      /* Set new partition number. */
      (*export_to_part)[count] = newparts[i];
      /* Processor is derived from partition number. */
      (*export_procs)[count] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, 
                     (*export_to_part)[count], &global_ids[i*zz->Num_GID]);


  /* Free local memory, but not export lists. */
  if (wtflag) ZOLTAN_FREE(&wgts);

  return ierr;
예제 #8
파일: phg.c 프로젝트: askhl/octopus-dfrt2
static int Zoltan_PHG_Return_Lists (
  ZZ *zz,
  ZHG *zhg,
  int *num_exp,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *exp_gids,
  ZOLTAN_ID_PTR *exp_lids,
  int **exp_procs,
  int **exp_to_part)
/* Routine to build export lists of ZOLTAN_LB_FN. */
char *yo = "Zoltan_PHG_Return_Lists";
int i, j;
int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
int eproc;
int num_gid_entries   = zz->Num_GID;
int num_lid_entries   = zz->Num_LID;
int nObj              = zhg->nObj;
Partition input_parts = zhg->Input_Parts;
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids    = zhg->GIDs;
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids    = zhg->LIDs;
int *outparts         = zhg->Output_Parts; 

  if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_NO_LISTS) 
    goto End;

  /* Count number of objects with new partitions or new processors. */
  *num_exp = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nObj; i++) {
    eproc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, outparts[i], &gids[i*num_gid_entries]);
    if (outparts[i] != input_parts[i] || zz->Proc != eproc)

  /* Allocate memory for return lists. */
  if (*num_exp > 0) {
    if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void**)exp_gids, *num_exp,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void**)exp_lids, *num_exp,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void**)exp_procs, *num_exp,
     || !Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz, (void**)exp_to_part, *num_exp,
                               ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)) {
        Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void**)exp_gids,   ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_GID);
        Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void**)exp_lids,   ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_LID);
        Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void**)exp_procs,  ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT);
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
        ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
        goto End;

    for (j = 0, i = 0; i < nObj; i++) {
      eproc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, outparts[i], &gids[i*num_gid_entries]);
      if (outparts[i] != input_parts[i] || eproc != zz->Proc) {
        ZOLTAN_SET_GID(zz, &((*exp_gids)[j*num_gid_entries]),
        if (num_lid_entries > 0)
          ZOLTAN_SET_LID(zz, &((*exp_lids)[j*num_lid_entries]),
        (*exp_procs)  [j] = eproc;
        (*exp_to_part)[j] = outparts[i];


  return ierr;
예제 #9
파일: phg.c 프로젝트: askhl/octopus-dfrt2
static int Zoltan_PHG_Output_Parts (
  ZZ *zz,
  ZHG *zhg,
  Partition hg_parts   /* Output partitions relative to the 2D distribution
                          of zhg->HG */
/* Function to map the computed partition from the distribution in HGraph
 * to the input distribution 

static char *yo = "Zoltan_PHG_Output_Parts";
int i;
int msg_tag = 31000;
int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
int nObj = zhg->nObj;
int *outparts = NULL;
int *sendbuf = NULL;  
HGraph *phg = &(zhg->HG);

  zhg->Output_Parts = outparts 
                     = (int*) ZOLTAN_MALLOC (nObj * sizeof(int));
  if (zhg->VtxPlan != NULL) {
    /* Get the partition information from the 2D decomposition back to the
     * original owning processor for each GID.  */
    sendbuf = (int*) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(zhg->nRecv_GNOs * sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < zhg->nRecv_GNOs; i++)
      sendbuf[i] = hg_parts[VTX_GNO_TO_LNO(phg, zhg->Recv_GNOs[i])];
    ierr = Zoltan_Comm_Do_Reverse(zhg->VtxPlan, msg_tag, (char*) sendbuf,
                                  sizeof(int), NULL, (char *) outparts);
    if (ierr) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Error from Zoltan_Comm_Do_Reverse");
      goto End;

  else {
    for (i = 0; i < zhg->nRecv_GNOs; i++)
      outparts[i] = hg_parts[zhg->Recv_GNOs[i]];

  if (zz->LB.Remap_Flag) {
    int new_map;
    int *newproc = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(nObj * sizeof(int));
    int num_gid_entries = zz->Num_GID;

    if (nObj && !newproc) {
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Memory error.");
      ierr = ZOLTAN_MEMERR;
      goto End;
    for (i = 0; i < nObj; i++){
      newproc[i] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, outparts[i],
      if (newproc[i]<0){
        ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo,
         "Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc returned invalid processor number.");
        ierr = ZOLTAN_FATAL;
        goto End;
    ierr = Zoltan_LB_Remap(zz, &new_map, nObj, newproc, zhg->Input_Parts,
                           outparts, 1);
    if (ierr < 0) 
      ZOLTAN_PRINT_ERROR(zz->Proc, yo, "Error returned from Zoltan_LB_Remap");

  if (zhg->Recv_GNOs) ZOLTAN_FREE(&(zhg->Recv_GNOs));
  zhg->nRecv_GNOs = 0;
  return ierr;
예제 #10
static int
Zoltan_Postprocess_Partition (ZZ *zz,
			      ZOLTAN_Third_Graph *gr,
			      ZOLTAN_Third_Part  *prt,
			      ZOLTAN_Output_Part *part,
			      ZOLTAN_ID_PTR      global_ids,
			      ZOLTAN_ID_PTR      local_ids)
  static char * yo = "Zoltan_Postprocess_Partition";

  int ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
  int i, j, nsend;
  int *newproc, *tmp_part, *tmp_input_part;

  int num_gid_entries = zz->Num_GID;
  int num_lid_entries = zz->Num_LID;

  /* Partitioning */
  /* Determine new processor and number of objects to export */
  newproc = (int *) ZOLTAN_MALLOC(gr->num_obj * sizeof(int));
  if (gr->num_obj && !newproc){
    /* Not enough memory */
  for (i=0; i<gr->num_obj; i++){
    newproc[i] = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, (int)prt->part[i],
    if (newproc[i]<0){
			    "Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc returned invalid processor number.");

  if (zz->LB.Remap_Flag) {
    int new_map;

    if (sizeof(indextype) == sizeof(int)){
      ierr = Zoltan_LB_Remap(zz, &new_map, gr->num_obj, newproc, (int *)prt->input_part,
			   (int *)prt->part, 1);
      tmp_part = (int *)ZOLTAN_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * gr->num_obj);
      tmp_input_part = (int *)ZOLTAN_MALLOC(sizeof(int) * gr->num_obj);

      if (gr->num_obj && (!tmp_part || !tmp_input_part)){
      for (i=0; i < gr->num_obj; i++){
        tmp_part[i] = (int)prt->part[i];
        tmp_input_part[i] = (int)prt->input_part[i];
      ierr = Zoltan_LB_Remap(zz, &new_map, gr->num_obj, newproc, tmp_input_part, tmp_part, 1);

      for (i=0; i < gr->num_obj; i++){
        prt->part[i] = (indextype)tmp_part[i];
        prt->input_part[i] = (indextype)tmp_input_part[i];


    if (ierr < 0) {
			    "Error returned from Zoltan_LB_Remap");

  nsend = 0;
  for (i=0; i<gr->num_obj; i++){
    if ((prt->part[i] != prt->input_part[i]) || ((!part->compute_only_part_changes) &&
						  (newproc[i] != zz->Proc)))
    if (zz->Debug_Level >= ZOLTAN_DEBUG_ALL)
      printf("[%1d] DEBUG: local object %1d: old part = " TPL_IDX_SPEC ", new part = " TPL_IDX_SPEC "\n",
	     zz->Proc, i, prt->input_part[i], prt->part[i]);

  /* Create export lists */
  if (zz->LB.Return_Lists){
    if (zz->LB.Return_Lists == ZOLTAN_LB_CANDIDATE_LISTS) {
      ZOLTAN_THIRD_ERROR(ZOLTAN_FATAL, "Candidate Lists not supported in GRAPH;"
                                       "change RETURN_LISTS parameter.");
    part->num_exp = nsend;
    if (nsend > 0) {
      if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz,(void **)part->exp_gids,nsend,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_GID)) {
      if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz,(void **)part->exp_lids,nsend,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_LID)) {
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_gids,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_GID);
      if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz,(void **)part->exp_procs,nsend,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)) {
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_lids,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_LID);
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_gids,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_GID);
      if (!Zoltan_Special_Malloc(zz,(void **)part->exp_part,nsend,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT)) {
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_lids,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_LID);
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_gids,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_GID);
	Zoltan_Special_Free(zz,(void **)part->exp_procs,ZOLTAN_SPECIAL_MALLOC_INT);
      j = 0;
      for (i=0; i<gr->num_obj; i++){
	if ((prt->part[i] != prt->input_part[i]) || ((!part->compute_only_part_changes)
						      && (newproc[i] != zz->Proc))){
	  /* Object should move to new partition or processor */
	  ZOLTAN_SET_GID(zz, &((*(part->exp_gids))[j*num_gid_entries]),
	  if (num_lid_entries)
	    ZOLTAN_SET_LID(zz, &((*(part->exp_lids))[j*num_lid_entries]),
	  (*(part->exp_part))[j] = (int)prt->part[i];
	  (*(part->exp_procs))[j] = newproc[i];
/*	  printf("[%1d] Debug: Move object %1d to part %1d, proc %1d\n", */
/*	     zz->Proc, i, prt->part[i], newproc[i]); */


  return (ZOLTAN_OK);
예제 #11
/* Point drop for refinement after above partitioning */
int Zoltan_HSFC_Point_Assign (
   ZZ *zz, 
   double *x, 
   int *proc,
   int *part)
   double     scaled[3];
   double     pt[3];
   double     fsfc;
   Partition *p;
   int        i;
   int        dim;
   HSFC_Data *d;
   int        err;
   char *yo = "Zoltan_HSFC_Point_Assign";

   d = (HSFC_Data *) zz->LB.Data_Structure;
   if (d == NULL)
       "No Decomposition Data available; use KEEP_CUTS parameter.");

   for (i=0; i<d->ndimension; i++){
     pt[i] = x[i];  /* we don't want to change caller's "x" */

   if (d->tran.Target_Dim > 0){   /* degenerate geometry */
     dim = d->tran.Target_Dim;
     Zoltan_Transform_Point(pt, d->tran.Transformation, d->tran.Permutation,
       d->ndimension, dim, pt);
     dim = d->ndimension;

   /* Calculate scaled coordinates, calculate HSFC coordinate */
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
      scaled[i] = (pt[i] - d->bbox_lo[i]) / d->bbox_extent[i];
      if (scaled[i] < HSFC_EPSILON)         scaled[i] = HSFC_EPSILON;
      if (scaled[i] > 1.0 - HSFC_EPSILON)   scaled[i] = 1.0 - HSFC_EPSILON;
   fsfc = d->fhsfc (zz, scaled);           /* Note, this is a function call */

   /* Find partition containing point and return its number */
   p = (Partition *) bsearch (&fsfc, d->final_partition, zz->LB.Num_Global_Parts,
    sizeof (Partition), Zoltan_HSFC_compare);

   if (p == NULL)
      ZOLTAN_HSFC_ERROR (ZOLTAN_FATAL, "programming error, shouldn't happen");
   if (part != NULL) {
      if (zz->LB.Remap)
         *part = zz->LB.Remap[p->index];
         *part = p->index;
   if (proc != NULL) {
      if (zz->LB.Remap) 
         *proc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, zz->LB.Remap[p->index], NULL);
         *proc = Zoltan_LB_Part_To_Proc(zz, p->index, NULL);
   err = ZOLTAN_OK;

   ZOLTAN_TRACE_EXIT (zz, yo);
   return err;