예제 #1
파일: blocks.c 프로젝트: 8l/openvmtil
BlockInfo *
CfrTil_BeginBlock ( )
    Compiler * compiler = _Context_->Compiler0 ;
    BlockInfo *bi = _CfrTil_BeginBlock ( ) ;
    _Stack_Push ( compiler->BlockStack, ( int32 ) bi ) ; // _Context->CompileSpace->IndexStart before set frame size after turn on
    _Stack_Push ( compiler->CombinatorBlockInfoStack, ( int32 ) bi ) ; // _Context->CompileSpace->IndexStart before set frame size after turn on
    SetState ( _Context_, C_LHS, true ) ;
    _Context_->Compiler0->LHS_Word = 0 ;
    return bi ;
예제 #2
Class_Object_Init ( Word * word, Namespace * ns )
    DebugShow_Off ;
    Stack * nsstack = _Context_->Compiler0->NamespacesStack ;
    Stack_Init ( nsstack ) ; // !! ?? put this in Compiler ?? !!
    // init needs to be done by the most super class first successively down to the current class 
        Word * initWord ;
        if ( ( initWord = Word_FindInOneNamespace ( ns, ( byte* ) "init" ) ) )
            _Stack_Push ( nsstack, ( int32 ) initWord ) ;
        ns = ns->ContainingNamespace ;
    while ( ns ) ;
    int32 i, * svDsp = Dsp ;
    //DebugShow_Off ;
    SetState ( _Debugger_, DEBUG_SHTL_OFF, true ) ;
    for ( i = Stack_Depth ( nsstack ) ; i > 0 ; i -- )
        _Push ( ( int32 ) * word->W_PtrToValue ) ;
        Word * initWord = ( Word* ) _Stack_Pop ( nsstack ) ;
        _Word_Eval ( initWord ) ;
    Dsp = svDsp ; // this seems a little too presumptive -- a finer tuned stack adjust maybe be more correct
    SetState ( _Debugger_, DEBUG_SHTL_OFF, false ) ;
    //DebugShow_StateRestore ;
예제 #3
_CfrTil_Init ( CfrTil * cfrTil, Namespace * nss )
    uint32 type = CFRTIL ;
    _Q_->OVT_CfrTil = cfrTil ;
    // TODO : organize these buffers and their use 
    cfrTil->OriginalInputLineB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->InputLineB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->SourceCodeSPB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( SOURCE_CODE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->LambdaCalculusPB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->TokenB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->PrintfB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->Scratch1B = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->StringB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->DebugB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->DebugB1 = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->DebugB2 = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->StringInsertB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->StringInsertB2 = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->StringInsertB3 = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->TabCompletionBuf = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->StringMacroB = _Buffer_NewPermanent ( BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
    cfrTil->OriginalInputLine = Buffer_Data ( cfrTil->OriginalInputLineB ) ;
    cfrTil->SourceCodeScratchPad = Buffer_Data ( cfrTil->SourceCodeSPB ) ;
    cfrTil->LispPrintBuffer = Buffer_Data ( cfrTil->LambdaCalculusPB ) ;
    cfrTil->TokenBuffer = Buffer_Data ( cfrTil->TokenB ) ;
    SetState ( cfrTil, CFRTIL_RUN | OPTIMIZE_ON | INLINE_ON, true ) ;
    if ( _Q_->Verbosity > 2 ) Printf ( ( byte* ) "\nSystem Memory is being reallocated.  " ) ;
    cfrTil->ContextStack = Stack_New ( 256, type ) ;
    cfrTil->ObjectStack = Stack_New ( 1 * K, type ) ;
    cfrTil->DebugStateStack = Stack_New ( 1 * K, type ) ;
    _Stack_Push ( cfrTil->DebugStateStack, 0 ) ;
    cfrTil->TokenList = _dllist_New ( type ) ;
    cfrTil->DebugWordList = _dllist_New ( type ) ;
    _Context_ = cfrTil->Context0 = _Context_New ( cfrTil, type ) ;
    cfrTil->Debugger0 = _Debugger_New ( type ) ; // nb : must be after System_NamespacesInit
    cfrTil->cs_CpuState = CpuState_New ( type ) ;
    if ( cfrTil->SaveDsp && cfrTil->DataStack )// with _Q_->RestartCondition = STOP from Debugger_Stop
        Dsp = cfrTil->SaveDsp ;
        cfrTil->DataStack = Stack_New ( _Q_->DataStackSize, CFRTIL ) ;
        _CfrTil_DataStack_Init ( cfrTil ) ;
    if ( nss )
        cfrTil->Namespaces = nss ;
        _CfrTil_NamespacesInit ( cfrTil ) ;
    cfrTil->StoreWord = _Word_FindAny ( ( byte* ) "store" ) ;
    cfrTil->PokeWord = _Word_FindAny ( ( byte* ) "poke" ) ;
    cfrTil->LispNamespace = Namespace_Find ( ( byte* ) "Lisp" ) ;
    CfrTil_MachineCodePrimitive_AddWords ( ) ; // in any case we need to reinit these for eg. debugger->SaveCpuState (), etc.
    CfrTil_ReadTables_Setup ( cfrTil ) ;
    CfrTil_LexerTables_Setup ( cfrTil ) ;
    cfrTil->LC = 0 ; //LC_New ( ) ;
    //cfrTil->SCA_BlockedIndex = - 1 ;