예제 #1
파일: nbtpage.c 프로젝트: 50wu/gpdb
 * Subroutine to pre-check whether a page deletion is safe, that is, its
 * parent page would be left in a valid or deletable state.
 * "target" is the page we wish to delete, and "stack" is a search stack
 * leading to it (approximately).  Note that we will update the stack
 * entry(s) to reflect current downlink positions --- this is harmless and
 * indeed saves later search effort in _bt_pagedel.
 * Note: it's OK to release page locks after checking, because a safe
 * deletion can't become unsafe due to concurrent activity.  A non-rightmost
 * page cannot become rightmost unless there's a concurrent page deletion,
 * but only VACUUM does page deletion and we only allow one VACUUM on an index
 * at a time.  An only child could acquire a sibling (of the same parent) only
 * by being split ... but that would make it a non-rightmost child so the
 * deletion is still safe.
static bool
_bt_parent_deletion_safe(Relation rel, BlockNumber target, BTStack stack)
	BlockNumber parent;
	OffsetNumber poffset,
	Buffer		pbuf;
	Page		page;
	BTPageOpaque opaque;


	 * In recovery mode, assume the deletion being replayed is valid.  We
	 * can't always check it because we won't have a full search stack, and we
	 * should complain if there's a problem, anyway.
	if (InRecovery)
		return true;

	/* Locate the parent's downlink (updating the stack entry if needed) */
	ItemPointerSet(&(stack->bts_btentry.t_tid), target, P_HIKEY);
	pbuf = _bt_getstackbuf(rel, stack, BT_READ);
	if (pbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent key in index \"%s\" for deletion target page %u",
			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), target);
	parent = stack->bts_blkno;
	poffset = stack->bts_offset;

	page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

	 * If the target is the rightmost child of its parent, then we can't
	 * delete, unless it's also the only child.
	if (poffset >= maxoff)
		/* It's rightmost child... */
		if (poffset == P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque))
			 * It's only child, so safe if parent would itself be removable.
			 * We have to check the parent itself, and then recurse to test
			 * the conditions at the parent's parent.
			if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) || P_ISROOT(opaque))
				_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
				return false;

			_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
			return _bt_parent_deletion_safe(rel, parent, stack->bts_parent);
			/* Unsafe to delete */
			_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
			return false;
		/* Not rightmost child, so safe to delete */
		_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
		return true;
예제 #2
파일: nbtpage.c 프로젝트: 50wu/gpdb
 * _bt_pagedel() -- Delete a page from the b-tree, if legal to do so.
 * This action unlinks the page from the b-tree structure, removing all
 * pointers leading to it --- but not touching its own left and right links.
 * The page cannot be physically reclaimed right away, since other processes
 * may currently be trying to follow links leading to the page; they have to
 * be allowed to use its right-link to recover.  See nbtree/README.
 * On entry, the target buffer must be pinned and locked (either read or write
 * lock is OK).  This lock and pin will be dropped before exiting.
 * The "stack" argument can be a search stack leading (approximately) to the
 * target page, or NULL --- outside callers typically pass NULL since they
 * have not done such a search, but internal recursion cases pass the stack
 * to avoid duplicated search effort.
 * Returns the number of pages successfully deleted (zero if page cannot
 * be deleted now; could be more than one if parent pages were deleted too).
 * NOTE: this leaks memory.  Rather than trying to clean up everything
 * carefully, it's better to run it in a temp context that can be reset
 * frequently.
_bt_pagedel(Relation rel, Buffer buf, BTStack stack, bool vacuum_full)
	int			result;
	BlockNumber target,
	OffsetNumber poffset,
	uint32		targetlevel,
	ItemId		itemid;
	IndexTuple	targetkey,
	ScanKey		itup_scankey;
	Buffer		lbuf,
	bool		parent_half_dead;
	bool		parent_one_child;
	bool		rightsib_empty;
	Buffer		metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
	Page		metapg = NULL;
	BTMetaPageData *metad = NULL;
	Page		page;
	BTPageOpaque opaque;


	// Fetch gp_persistent_relation_node information that will be added to XLOG record.

	 * We can never delete rightmost pages nor root pages.	While at it, check
	 * that page is not already deleted and is empty.
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) || P_ISROOT(opaque) || P_ISDELETED(opaque) ||
		P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
		/* Should never fail to delete a half-dead page */

		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		return 0;

	 * Save info about page, including a copy of its high key (it must have
	 * one, being non-rightmost).
	target = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);
	targetlevel = opaque->btpo.level;
	leftsib = opaque->btpo_prev;
	itemid = PageGetItemId(page, P_HIKEY);
	targetkey = CopyIndexTuple((IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid));

	 * To avoid deadlocks, we'd better drop the target page lock before going
	 * further.
	_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);

	 * We need an approximate pointer to the page's parent page.  We use the
	 * standard search mechanism to search for the page's high key; this will
	 * give us a link to either the current parent or someplace to its left
	 * (if there are multiple equal high keys).  In recursion cases, the
	 * caller already generated a search stack and we can just re-use that
	 * work.
	if (stack == NULL)
		if (!InRecovery)
			/* we need an insertion scan key to do our search, so build one */
			itup_scankey = _bt_mkscankey(rel, targetkey);
			/* find the leftmost leaf page containing this key */
			stack = _bt_search(rel, rel->rd_rel->relnatts, itup_scankey, false,
							   &lbuf, BT_READ);
			/* don't need a pin on that either */
			_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);

			 * If we are trying to delete an interior page, _bt_search did
			 * more than we needed.  Locate the stack item pointing to our
			 * parent level.
			ilevel = 0;
			for (;;)
				if (stack == NULL)
					elog(ERROR, "not enough stack items");
				if (ilevel == targetlevel)
				stack = stack->bts_parent;
			 * During WAL recovery, we can't use _bt_search (for one reason,
			 * it might invoke user-defined comparison functions that expect
			 * facilities not available in recovery mode).	Instead, just set
			 * up a dummy stack pointing to the left end of the parent tree
			 * level, from which _bt_getstackbuf will walk right to the parent
			 * page.  Painful, but we don't care too much about performance in
			 * this scenario.
			pbuf = _bt_get_endpoint(rel, targetlevel + 1, false);
			stack = (BTStack) palloc(sizeof(BTStackData));
			stack->bts_blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(pbuf);
			stack->bts_offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;
			/* bts_btentry will be initialized below */
			stack->bts_parent = NULL;
			_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);

	 * We cannot delete a page that is the rightmost child of its immediate
	 * parent, unless it is the only child --- in which case the parent has to
	 * be deleted too, and the same condition applies recursively to it. We
	 * have to check this condition all the way up before trying to delete. We
	 * don't need to re-test when deleting a non-leaf page, though.
	if (targetlevel == 0 &&
		!_bt_parent_deletion_safe(rel, target, stack))
		return 0;

	 * We have to lock the pages we need to modify in the standard order:
	 * moving right, then up.  Else we will deadlock against other writers.
	 * So, we need to find and write-lock the current left sibling of the
	 * target page.  The sibling that was current a moment ago could have
	 * split, so we may have to move right.  This search could fail if either
	 * the sibling or the target page was deleted by someone else meanwhile;
	 * if so, give up.	(Right now, that should never happen, since page
	 * deletion is only done in VACUUM and there shouldn't be multiple VACUUMs
	 * concurrently on the same table.)
	if (leftsib != P_NONE)
		lbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, leftsib, BT_WRITE);
		page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		while (P_ISDELETED(opaque) || opaque->btpo_next != target)
			/* step right one page */
			leftsib = opaque->btpo_next;
			_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);
			if (leftsib == P_NONE)
				elog(LOG, "no left sibling (concurrent deletion?) in \"%s\"",
				return 0;
			lbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, leftsib, BT_WRITE);
			page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
			opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		lbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Next write-lock the target page itself.	It should be okay to take just
	 * a write lock not a superexclusive lock, since no scans would stop on an
	 * empty page.
	buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, target, BT_WRITE);
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

	 * Check page is still empty etc, else abandon deletion.  The empty check
	 * is necessary since someone else might have inserted into it while we
	 * didn't have it locked; the others are just for paranoia's sake.
	if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) || P_ISROOT(opaque) || P_ISDELETED(opaque) ||
		P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);
		return 0;
	if (opaque->btpo_prev != leftsib)
		elog(ERROR, "left link changed unexpectedly in block %u of index \"%s\"",
			 target, RelationGetRelationName(rel));

	 * And next write-lock the (current) right sibling.
	rightsib = opaque->btpo_next;
	rbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, rightsib, BT_WRITE);
	page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	if (opaque->btpo_prev != target)
		elog(ERROR, "right sibling's left-link doesn't match: "
			 "block %u links to %u instead of expected %u in index \"%s\"",
			 rightsib, opaque->btpo_prev, target,

	 * Next find and write-lock the current parent of the target page. This is
	 * essentially the same as the corresponding step of splitting.
	ItemPointerSet(&(stack->bts_btentry.t_tid), target, P_HIKEY);
	pbuf = _bt_getstackbuf(rel, stack, BT_WRITE);
	if (pbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent key in index \"%s\" for deletion target page %u",
			 RelationGetRelationName(rel), target);
	parent = stack->bts_blkno;
	poffset = stack->bts_offset;

	 * If the target is the rightmost child of its parent, then we can't
	 * delete, unless it's also the only child --- in which case the parent
	 * changes to half-dead status.  The "can't delete" case should have been
	 * detected by _bt_parent_deletion_safe, so complain if we see it now.
	page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
	parent_half_dead = false;
	parent_one_child = false;
	if (poffset >= maxoff)
		if (poffset == P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque))
			parent_half_dead = true;
			elog(ERROR, "failed to delete rightmost child %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
				 target, parent, RelationGetRelationName(rel));
		/* Will there be exactly one child left in this parent? */
		if (OffsetNumberNext(P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque)) == maxoff)
			parent_one_child = true;

	 * If we are deleting the next-to-last page on the target's level, then
	 * the rightsib is a candidate to become the new fast root. (In theory, it
	 * might be possible to push the fast root even further down, but the odds
	 * of doing so are slim, and the locking considerations daunting.)
	 * We don't support handling this in the case where the parent is becoming
	 * half-dead, even though it theoretically could occur.
	 * We can safely acquire a lock on the metapage here --- see comments for
	 * _bt_newroot().
	if (leftsib == P_NONE && !parent_half_dead)
		page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		Assert(opaque->btpo.level == targetlevel);
		if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque))
			/* rightsib will be the only one left on the level */
			metabuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, BTREE_METAPAGE, BT_WRITE);
			metapg = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
			metad = BTPageGetMeta(metapg);

			 * The expected case here is btm_fastlevel == targetlevel+1; if
			 * the fastlevel is <= targetlevel, something is wrong, and we
			 * choose to overwrite it to fix it.
			if (metad->btm_fastlevel > targetlevel + 1)
				/* no update wanted */
				_bt_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
				metabuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Check that the parent-page index items we're about to delete/overwrite
	 * contain what we expect.  This can fail if the index has become
	 * corrupt for some reason.  We want to throw any error before entering
	 * the critical section --- otherwise it'd be a PANIC.
	 * The test on the target item is just an Assert because _bt_getstackbuf
	 * should have guaranteed it has the expected contents.  The test on the
	 * next-child downlink is known to sometimes fail in the field, though.
	page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

	itemid = PageGetItemId(page, poffset);
	itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
	Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(itup->t_tid)) == target);

	if (!parent_half_dead)
		OffsetNumber nextoffset;

		nextoffset = OffsetNumberNext(poffset);
		itemid = PageGetItemId(page, nextoffset);
		itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
		if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(itup->t_tid)) != rightsib)
			elog(ERROR, "right sibling %u of block %u is not next child %u of block %u in index \"%s\"",
				 rightsib, target, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(itup->t_tid)),
				 parent, RelationGetRelationName(rel));

	 * Here we begin doing the deletion.

	/* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */

	 * Update parent.  The normal case is a tad tricky because we want to
	 * delete the target's downlink and the *following* key.  Easiest way is
	 * to copy the right sibling's downlink over the target downlink, and then
	 * delete the following item.
	if (parent_half_dead)
		PageIndexTupleDelete(page, poffset);
		opaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_HALF_DEAD;
		OffsetNumber nextoffset;

		itemid = PageGetItemId(page, poffset);
		itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
		ItemPointerSet(&(itup->t_tid), rightsib, P_HIKEY);

		nextoffset = OffsetNumberNext(poffset);
		PageIndexTupleDelete(page, nextoffset);

	 * Update siblings' side-links.  Note the target page's side-links will
	 * continue to point to the siblings.  Asserts here are just rechecking
	 * things we already verified above.
	if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
		page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		Assert(opaque->btpo_next == target);
		opaque->btpo_next = rightsib;
	page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	Assert(opaque->btpo_prev == target);
	opaque->btpo_prev = leftsib;
	rightsib_empty = (P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page));

	 * Mark the page itself deleted.  It can be recycled when all current
	 * transactions are gone; or immediately if we're doing VACUUM FULL.
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	opaque->btpo_flags &= ~BTP_HALF_DEAD;
	opaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_DELETED;
	opaque->btpo.xact =
		vacuum_full ? FrozenTransactionId : ReadNewTransactionId();

	/* And update the metapage, if needed */
	if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
		metad->btm_fastroot = rightsib;
		metad->btm_fastlevel = targetlevel;

	/* Must mark buffers dirty before XLogInsert */
	if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (!rel->rd_istemp)
		xl_btree_delete_page xlrec;
		xl_btree_metadata xlmeta;
		uint8		xlinfo;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;
		XLogRecData rdata[5];
		XLogRecData *nextrdata;

		xl_btreetid_set(&(xlrec.target), rel, parent, poffset);
		xlrec.deadblk = target;
		xlrec.leftblk = leftsib;
		xlrec.rightblk = rightsib;

		rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
		rdata[0].len = SizeOfBtreeDeletePage;
		rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
		rdata[0].next = nextrdata = &(rdata[1]);

		if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
			xlmeta.root = metad->btm_root;
			xlmeta.level = metad->btm_level;
			xlmeta.fastroot = metad->btm_fastroot;
			xlmeta.fastlevel = metad->btm_fastlevel;

			nextrdata->data = (char *) &xlmeta;
			nextrdata->len = sizeof(xl_btree_metadata);
			nextrdata->buffer = InvalidBuffer;
			nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;
		else if (parent_half_dead)

		nextrdata->data = NULL;
		nextrdata->len = 0;
		nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;
		nextrdata->buffer = pbuf;
		nextrdata->buffer_std = true;

		nextrdata->data = NULL;
		nextrdata->len = 0;
		nextrdata->buffer = rbuf;
		nextrdata->buffer_std = true;
		nextrdata->next = NULL;

		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;
			nextrdata->data = NULL;
			nextrdata->len = 0;
			nextrdata->buffer = lbuf;
			nextrdata->buffer_std = true;
			nextrdata->next = NULL;

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BTREE_ID, xlinfo, rdata);

		if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
			PageSetLSN(metapg, recptr);
			PageSetTLI(metapg, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
			PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);


	/* release metapage; send out relcache inval if metapage changed */
	if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
		_bt_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
	/* can always release leftsib immediately */
	if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
		_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);

	 * If parent became half dead, recurse to delete it. Otherwise, if right
	 * sibling is empty and is now the last child of the parent, recurse to
	 * try to delete it.  (These cases cannot apply at the same time, though
	 * the second case might itself recurse to the first.)
	 * When recursing to parent, we hold the lock on the target page until
	 * done.  This delays any insertions into the keyspace that was just
	 * effectively reassigned to the parent's right sibling.  If we allowed
	 * that, and there were enough such insertions before we finish deleting
	 * the parent, page splits within that keyspace could lead to inserting
	 * out-of-order keys into the grandparent level.  It is thought that that
	 * wouldn't have any serious consequences, but it still seems like a
	 * pretty bad idea.
	if (parent_half_dead)
		/* recursive call will release pbuf */
		_bt_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
		result = _bt_pagedel(rel, pbuf, stack->bts_parent, vacuum_full) + 1;
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
	else if (parent_one_child && rightsib_empty)
		_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		/* recursive call will release rbuf */
		result = _bt_pagedel(rel, rbuf, stack, vacuum_full) + 1;
		_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		_bt_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
		result = 1;

	return result;
예제 #3
 * _bt_pagedel() -- Delete a page from the b-tree.
 * This action unlinks the page from the b-tree structure, removing all
 * pointers leading to it --- but not touching its own left and right links.
 * The page cannot be physically reclaimed right away, since other processes
 * may currently be trying to follow links leading to the page; they have to
 * be allowed to use its right-link to recover.  See nbtree/README.
 * On entry, the target buffer must be pinned and read-locked.	This lock and
 * pin will be dropped before exiting.
 * Returns the number of pages successfully deleted (zero on failure; could
 * be more than one if parent blocks were deleted).
 * NOTE: this leaks memory.  Rather than trying to clean up everything
 * carefully, it's better to run it in a temp context that can be reset
 * frequently.
_bt_pagedel(Relation rel, Buffer buf, bool vacuum_full)
	BlockNumber target,
	OffsetNumber poffset,
	uint32		targetlevel,
	ItemId		itemid;
	BTItem		targetkey,
	ScanKey		itup_scankey;
	BTStack		stack;
	Buffer		lbuf,
	bool		parent_half_dead;
	bool		parent_one_child;
	bool		rightsib_empty;
	Buffer		metabuf = InvalidBuffer;
	Page		metapg = NULL;
	BTMetaPageData *metad = NULL;
	Page		page;
	BTPageOpaque opaque;

	 * We can never delete rightmost pages nor root pages.	While at it, check
	 * that page is not already deleted and is empty.
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) || P_ISROOT(opaque) || P_ISDELETED(opaque) ||
		P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		return 0;

	 * Save info about page, including a copy of its high key (it must have
	 * one, being non-rightmost).
	target = BufferGetBlockNumber(buf);
	targetlevel = opaque->btpo.level;
	leftsib = opaque->btpo_prev;
	itemid = PageGetItemId(page, P_HIKEY);
	targetkey = CopyBTItem((BTItem) PageGetItem(page, itemid));

	 * We need to get an approximate pointer to the page's parent page. Use
	 * the standard search mechanism to search for the page's high key; this
	 * will give us a link to either the current parent or someplace to its
	 * left (if there are multiple equal high keys).  To avoid deadlocks, we'd
	 * better drop the target page lock first.
	_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
	/* we need a scan key to do our search, so build one */
	itup_scankey = _bt_mkscankey(rel, &(targetkey->bti_itup));
	/* find the leftmost leaf page containing this key */
	stack = _bt_search(rel, rel->rd_rel->relnatts, itup_scankey, false,
					   &lbuf, BT_READ);
	/* don't need a pin on that either */
	_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);

	 * If we are trying to delete an interior page, _bt_search did more than
	 * we needed.  Locate the stack item pointing to our parent level.
	ilevel = 0;
	for (;;)
		if (stack == NULL)
			elog(ERROR, "not enough stack items");
		if (ilevel == targetlevel)
		stack = stack->bts_parent;

	 * We have to lock the pages we need to modify in the standard order:
	 * moving right, then up.  Else we will deadlock against other writers.
	 * So, we need to find and write-lock the current left sibling of the
	 * target page.  The sibling that was current a moment ago could have
	 * split, so we may have to move right.  This search could fail if either
	 * the sibling or the target page was deleted by someone else meanwhile;
	 * if so, give up.	(Right now, that should never happen, since page
	 * deletion is only done in VACUUM and there shouldn't be multiple VACUUMs
	 * concurrently on the same table.)
	if (leftsib != P_NONE)
		lbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, leftsib, BT_WRITE);
		page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		while (P_ISDELETED(opaque) || opaque->btpo_next != target)
			/* step right one page */
			leftsib = opaque->btpo_next;
			_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);
			if (leftsib == P_NONE)
				elog(LOG, "no left sibling (concurrent deletion?) in \"%s\"",
				return 0;
			lbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, leftsib, BT_WRITE);
			page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
			opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		lbuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Next write-lock the target page itself.	It should be okay to take just
	 * a write lock not a superexclusive lock, since no scans would stop on an
	 * empty page.
	buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, target, BT_WRITE);
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);

	 * Check page is still empty etc, else abandon deletion.  The empty check
	 * is necessary since someone else might have inserted into it while we
	 * didn't have it locked; the others are just for paranoia's sake.
	if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) || P_ISROOT(opaque) || P_ISDELETED(opaque) ||
		P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) <= PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page))
		_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);
		return 0;
	if (opaque->btpo_prev != leftsib)
		elog(ERROR, "left link changed unexpectedly in block %u of \"%s\"",
			 target, RelationGetRelationName(rel));

	 * And next write-lock the (current) right sibling.
	rightsib = opaque->btpo_next;
	rbuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, rightsib, BT_WRITE);

	 * Next find and write-lock the current parent of the target page. This is
	 * essentially the same as the corresponding step of splitting.  However,
	 * it's possible for the search to fail (for reasons explained in README).
	 * If that happens, we recover by searching the whole parent level, which
	 * is a tad inefficient but doesn't happen often enough to be a problem.
				   target, P_HIKEY);
	pbuf = _bt_getstackbuf(rel, stack, BT_WRITE);
	if (pbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		/* Find the leftmost page in the parent level */
		pbuf = _bt_get_endpoint(rel, opaque->btpo.level + 1, false);
		stack->bts_blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(pbuf);
		stack->bts_offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;
		_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
		/* and repeat search from there */
		pbuf = _bt_getstackbuf(rel, stack, BT_WRITE);
		if (pbuf == InvalidBuffer)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent key in \"%s\" for deletion target page %u",
				 RelationGetRelationName(rel), target);
	parent = stack->bts_blkno;
	poffset = stack->bts_offset;

	 * If the target is the rightmost child of its parent, then we can't
	 * delete, unless it's also the only child --- in which case the parent
	 * changes to half-dead status.
	page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
	parent_half_dead = false;
	parent_one_child = false;
	if (poffset >= maxoff)
		if (poffset == P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque))
			parent_half_dead = true;
			_bt_relbuf(rel, pbuf);
			_bt_relbuf(rel, rbuf);
			_bt_relbuf(rel, buf);
			if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
				_bt_relbuf(rel, lbuf);
			return 0;
		/* Will there be exactly one child left in this parent? */
		if (OffsetNumberNext(P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque)) == maxoff)
			parent_one_child = true;

	 * If we are deleting the next-to-last page on the target's level, then
	 * the rightsib is a candidate to become the new fast root. (In theory, it
	 * might be possible to push the fast root even further down, but the odds
	 * of doing so are slim, and the locking considerations daunting.)
	 * We can safely acquire a lock on the metapage here --- see comments for
	 * _bt_newroot().
	if (leftsib == P_NONE)
		page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		Assert(opaque->btpo.level == targetlevel);
		if (P_RIGHTMOST(opaque))
			/* rightsib will be the only one left on the level */
			metabuf = _bt_getbuf(rel, BTREE_METAPAGE, BT_WRITE);
			metapg = BufferGetPage(metabuf);
			metad = BTPageGetMeta(metapg);

			 * The expected case here is btm_fastlevel == targetlevel+1; if
			 * the fastlevel is <= targetlevel, something is wrong, and we
			 * choose to overwrite it to fix it.
			if (metad->btm_fastlevel > targetlevel + 1)
				/* no update wanted */
				_bt_relbuf(rel, metabuf);
				metabuf = InvalidBuffer;

	 * Here we begin doing the deletion.

	/* No ereport(ERROR) until changes are logged */

	 * Update parent.  The normal case is a tad tricky because we want to
	 * delete the target's downlink and the *following* key.  Easiest way is
	 * to copy the right sibling's downlink over the target downlink, and then
	 * delete the following item.
	page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	if (parent_half_dead)
		PageIndexTupleDelete(page, poffset);
		opaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_HALF_DEAD;
		OffsetNumber nextoffset;

		itemid = PageGetItemId(page, poffset);
		btitem = (BTItem) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
		Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(btitem->bti_itup.t_tid)) == target);
		ItemPointerSet(&(btitem->bti_itup.t_tid), rightsib, P_HIKEY);

		nextoffset = OffsetNumberNext(poffset);
		/* This part is just for double-checking */
		itemid = PageGetItemId(page, nextoffset);
		btitem = (BTItem) PageGetItem(page, itemid);
		if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(btitem->bti_itup.t_tid)) != rightsib)
			elog(PANIC, "right sibling is not next child in \"%s\"",
		PageIndexTupleDelete(page, nextoffset);

	 * Update siblings' side-links.  Note the target page's side-links will
	 * continue to point to the siblings.
	if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
		page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
		opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
		Assert(opaque->btpo_next == target);
		opaque->btpo_next = rightsib;
	page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	Assert(opaque->btpo_prev == target);
	opaque->btpo_prev = leftsib;
	rightsib_empty = (P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque) > PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page));

	 * Mark the page itself deleted.  It can be recycled when all current
	 * transactions are gone; or immediately if we're doing VACUUM FULL.
	page = BufferGetPage(buf);
	opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
	opaque->btpo_flags |= BTP_DELETED;
	opaque->btpo.xact =
		vacuum_full ? FrozenTransactionId : ReadNewTransactionId();

	/* And update the metapage, if needed */
	if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
		metad->btm_fastroot = rightsib;
		metad->btm_fastlevel = targetlevel;

	/* XLOG stuff */
	if (!rel->rd_istemp)
		xl_btree_delete_page xlrec;
		xl_btree_metadata xlmeta;
		uint8		xlinfo;
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;
		XLogRecData rdata[5];
		XLogRecData *nextrdata;

		xlrec.target.node = rel->rd_node;
		ItemPointerSet(&(xlrec.target.tid), parent, poffset);
		xlrec.deadblk = target;
		xlrec.leftblk = leftsib;
		xlrec.rightblk = rightsib;

		rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
		rdata[0].len = SizeOfBtreeDeletePage;
		rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
		rdata[0].next = nextrdata = &(rdata[1]);

		if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
			xlmeta.root = metad->btm_root;
			xlmeta.level = metad->btm_level;
			xlmeta.fastroot = metad->btm_fastroot;
			xlmeta.fastlevel = metad->btm_fastlevel;

			nextrdata->data = (char *) &xlmeta;
			nextrdata->len = sizeof(xl_btree_metadata);
			nextrdata->buffer = InvalidBuffer;
			nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;

		nextrdata->data = NULL;
		nextrdata->len = 0;
		nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;
		nextrdata->buffer = pbuf;
		nextrdata->buffer_std = true;

		nextrdata->data = NULL;
		nextrdata->len = 0;
		nextrdata->buffer = rbuf;
		nextrdata->buffer_std = true;
		nextrdata->next = NULL;

		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			nextrdata->next = nextrdata + 1;
			nextrdata->data = NULL;
			nextrdata->len = 0;
			nextrdata->buffer = lbuf;
			nextrdata->buffer_std = true;
			nextrdata->next = NULL;

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BTREE_ID, xlinfo, rdata);

		if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
			PageSetLSN(metapg, recptr);
			PageSetTLI(metapg, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(pbuf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(rbuf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);
		if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
			page = BufferGetPage(lbuf);
			PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
			PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);


	/* Write and release buffers */
	if (BufferIsValid(metabuf))
		_bt_wrtbuf(rel, metabuf);
	_bt_wrtbuf(rel, pbuf);
	_bt_wrtbuf(rel, rbuf);
	_bt_wrtbuf(rel, buf);
	if (BufferIsValid(lbuf))
		_bt_wrtbuf(rel, lbuf);

	 * If parent became half dead, recurse to try to delete it. Otherwise, if
	 * right sibling is empty and is now the last child of the parent, recurse
	 * to try to delete it.  (These cases cannot apply at the same time,
	 * though the second case might itself recurse to the first.)
	if (parent_half_dead)
		buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, parent, BT_READ);
		return _bt_pagedel(rel, buf, vacuum_full) + 1;
	if (parent_one_child && rightsib_empty)
		buf = _bt_getbuf(rel, rightsib, BT_READ);
		return _bt_pagedel(rel, buf, vacuum_full) + 1;

	return 1;