예제 #1
void UserRecommendation::write() {
	m_time = _get_current_time();
	prepared_statement_ptr& insertStmt =
	insertStmt->setString(1, m_user_id);
	insertStmt->setString(2, m_rec_list);
예제 #2
파일: log.cpp 프로젝트: M4rtinch0/AR
void log(const char *format, ...)
    va_list arg_list;
	char log_text[1024+1] = "LOG: ";
	int n = 5;

	n += _get_current_time(log_text+n, 1024-n);
	va_start (arg_list,format);
	n += _vsnprintf (log_text+n, 1024-n, format, arg_list);
	va_end (arg_list);
	n += _snprintf (log_text+n, 1024-n, "\r\n");
	log_text[1024] = '\0';

	OutputDebugString (log_text);
예제 #3
gboolean cd_clock_update_with_time (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	//\________________ On recupere l'heure courante.
	time_t epoch = (time_t) time (NULL);
	_get_current_time (epoch, myApplet);
	//\________________ On change la date si necessaire.
	int iWidth, iHeight;
	CD_APPLET_GET_MY_ICON_EXTENT (&iWidth, &iHeight);
	gboolean bNewDate = (myData.currentTime.tm_mday != myData.iLastCheckedDay || myData.currentTime.tm_mon != myData.iLastCheckedMonth || myData.currentTime.tm_year != myData.iLastCheckedYear);
	if (bNewDate)
		strftime (s_cDateBuffer, CD_CLOCK_DATE_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%a %d %b", &myData.currentTime);
		myData.iLastCheckedDay = myData.currentTime.tm_mday;
		myData.iLastCheckedMonth = myData.currentTime.tm_mon;
		myData.iLastCheckedYear = myData.currentTime.tm_year;
	if (CD_APPLET_MY_CONTAINER_IS_OPENGL && myConfig.bOldStyle && myConfig.iShowDate == CAIRO_DOCK_INFO_ON_ICON)
		if (bNewDate || myData.iDateTexture == 0)
			if (myData.iDateTexture != 0)
				_cairo_dock_delete_texture (myData.iDateTexture);
			double fScale = (double) iWidth / (double) myData.DimensionData.width;
			GldiTextDescription labelDescription;
			memset (&labelDescription, 0, sizeof (GldiTextDescription));
			gldi_text_description_set_font (&labelDescription, (gchar*)"Sans 8");  // casted and then set to null
			labelDescription.fColorStart.rgba.red = myConfig.fDateColor[0];
			labelDescription.fColorStart.rgba.green = myConfig.fDateColor[1];
			labelDescription.fColorStart.rgba.blue = myConfig.fDateColor[2];
			labelDescription.fColorStart.rgba.alpha = 1.;
			labelDescription.bNoDecorations = TRUE;
			cairo_surface_t *pDateSurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_text_full (s_cDateBuffer,
				&myData.iDateWidth, &myData.iDateHeight);
			//g_print ("date : %dx%d\n", myData.iDateWidth, myData.iDateHeight);
			myData.iDateTexture = cairo_dock_create_texture_from_surface (pDateSurface);
			cairo_surface_destroy (pDateSurface);
			labelDescription.cFont = NULL;
			gldi_text_description_reset (&labelDescription);
	if (bNewDate && myConfig.iShowDate == CAIRO_DOCK_INFO_ON_LABEL)
	//\________________ On dessine avec cette heure.
	myData.iSmoothAnimationStep = 0;
	if (myConfig.bOldStyle)
			cd_clock_render_analogic_to_texture (myApplet, iWidth, iHeight, &myData.currentTime, 0.);
			cd_clock_draw_analogic (myApplet, iWidth, iHeight, &myData.currentTime);
		cd_clock_draw_text (myApplet, iWidth, iHeight, &myData.currentTime);
		///if (CD_APPLET_MY_CONTAINER_IS_OPENGL)  // on ne sait pas bien dessiner du texte, donc on le fait en cairo, et on transfere tout sur notre texture.
		///	cairo_dock_update_icon_texture (myIcon);
	//\________________ On teste les alarmes et les taches.
	if (!myConfig.bShowSeconds || myData.currentTime.tm_min != myData.iLastCheckedMinute)  // un g_timeout de 1min ne s'effectue pas forcement a exectement 1 minute d'intervalle, et donc pourrait "sauter" la minute de l'alarme, d'ou le test sur bShowSeconds dans le cas ou l'applet ne verifie que chaque minute.
		myData.iLastCheckedMinute = myData.currentTime.tm_min;
		// les alarmes.
		CDClockAlarm *pAlarm;
		guint i;
		for (i = 0; i < myConfig.pAlarms->len; i ++)
			pAlarm = g_ptr_array_index (myConfig.pAlarms, i);
			if (myData.currentTime.tm_hour == pAlarm->iHour && myData.currentTime.tm_min == pAlarm->iMinute)
				gboolean bShowAlarm = FALSE, bRemoveAlarm = FALSE;
				if (pAlarm->iDayOfWeek > 0)
					if (pAlarm->iDayOfWeek == 1)
						bShowAlarm = TRUE;
					else if (pAlarm->iDayOfWeek - 1 == myData.currentTime.tm_wday)
						bShowAlarm = TRUE;
					else if (myData.currentTime.tm_wday == 0 || myData.currentTime.tm_wday == 6)  // week-end
						if (pAlarm->iDayOfWeek == 9)
							bShowAlarm = TRUE;
					else if (pAlarm->iDayOfWeek == 8)
						bShowAlarm = TRUE;
				else if (pAlarm->iDayOfMonth > 0)
					bShowAlarm = (pAlarm->iDayOfMonth - 1 == myData.currentTime.tm_mday);
				else  // c'est une alarme qui ne se repete pas.
					bShowAlarm = TRUE;
					bRemoveAlarm = TRUE;
				if (bShowAlarm)
					cd_message ("Dring ! %s", pAlarm->cMessage);
					gldi_dialog_show_temporary (pAlarm->cMessage, myIcon, myContainer, 60e3);
					if (pAlarm->cCommand != NULL)
						if (myData.iAlarmPID > 0)
							kill (myData.iAlarmPID, 1);
							myData.iAlarmPID = 0;
						GError *erreur = NULL;
						gchar **argv = g_strsplit (pAlarm->cCommand, " ", -1);
						g_spawn_async (NULL,
						if (erreur != NULL)
							cd_warning ("clock : when trying to execute '%s' : %s", pAlarm->cCommand, erreur->message);
							g_error_free (erreur);
							myData.iAlarmPID = 0;
						g_strfreev (argv);
						cd_message (" --> child_pid : %d", myData.iAlarmPID);
				if (bRemoveAlarm)
					cd_message ("Cette alarme ne sera pas repetee");
					g_ptr_array_remove_index (myConfig.pAlarms, i);
					cd_clock_free_alarm (pAlarm);
					/// A FAIRE : effacer l'heure dans le fichier de conf pour cette alarme.
		// display missed tasks.
		if (!myData.bTaskCheckedOnce)
			myData.bTaskCheckedOnce = TRUE;
			myData.pMissedTasks = cd_clock_get_missed_tasks (myApplet);
		if (myData.pMissedTasks != NULL)  // so if the dialog was closed before we could acknowledge all the tasks, it will re-open.
			CDClockTask *pTask = myData.pMissedTasks->data;
			gchar *cMessage = _make_missed_task_message (pTask, myApplet);
			CairoDialogAttr attr;
			memset (&attr, 0, sizeof (CairoDialogAttr));
			attr.cText = cMessage;
			attr.bUseMarkup = TRUE;
			attr.cImageFilePath = (gchar *)MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/icon-task.png";
			const gchar *cButtonsImage[3] = {"ok", NULL, NULL};
			if (myData.pMissedTasks->next != NULL)
				cButtonsImage[0] = "cancel";
				cButtonsImage[1] = "next.png";
			attr.cButtonsImage = cButtonsImage;
			attr.pActionFunc = (CairoDockActionOnAnswerFunc)_on_next_missed_task;
			attr.pUserData = myApplet;
			attr.pFreeDataFunc = NULL;
			attr.iTimeLength = 0;
			attr.pIcon = myIcon;
			attr.pContainer = myContainer;
			gldi_dialog_new (&attr);
			g_free (cMessage);
		// display next task.
		if (myData.pNextTask != NULL)
			//g_print ("next task : %s\n", myData.pNextTask->cTitle);
			struct tm st;
			st.tm_min = myData.pNextTask->iMinute;
			st.tm_hour = myData.pNextTask->iHour;
			st.tm_mday = myData.pNextTask->iDay;
			st.tm_mon = myData.pNextTask->iMonth;
			st.tm_year = myData.pNextTask->iYear - 1900;
			st.tm_sec = 0;
			st.tm_isdst = myData.currentTime.tm_isdst;
			time_t t = mktime (&st);
			//g_print ("time : %ld, task : %ld\n", epoch, t);
			if (t < epoch)  // la tache est depassee.
				// acknowledge this task
				myData.pNextTask->bAcknowledged = TRUE;
				myData.pBackend->update_task (myData.pNextTask, myApplet);
				// look for next task.
				myData.pNextTask = cd_clock_get_next_scheduled_task (myApplet);
			else if (t < epoch + 15*60 && t >= epoch)
				if (t < epoch + 60)
					if (! myData.pNextTask->bFirstWarning)
						//g_print ("first warning\n");
						myData.pNextTask->bFirstWarning = TRUE;
						gchar *cText = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n<b>%s</b>\n %s\n\n%s",
							D_("It's time for the following task:"),
							myData.pNextTask->cTitle?myData.pNextTask->cTitle:D_("No title"),
							D_("Repeat this message every:"));
						_task_warning (myData.pNextTask, cText);
						g_free (cText);
				else if (! myData.pNextTask->b15mnWarning)
					//g_print ("15 mn warning\n");
					myData.pNextTask->b15mnWarning = TRUE;
					gchar *cText = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n<b>%s</b>\n %s",
						D_("This task will begin in 15 minutes:"),
						myData.pNextTask->cTitle?myData.pNextTask->cTitle:D_("No title"),
					CairoDialogAttr attr;
					memset (&attr, 0, sizeof (CairoDialogAttr));
					attr.cText = (gchar *)cText;
					attr.cImageFilePath = (gchar *)MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/icon-task.png";
					attr.iTimeLength = 60e3;
					attr.bUseMarkup = TRUE;
					attr.pIcon = myIcon;
					attr.pContainer = myContainer;
					gldi_dialog_new (&attr);
			// display next anniversary if it is scheduled in less than 1 day, because anniversary require time to prepare.
			if (myData.pNextAnniversary != NULL)
				if (!myData.pNextAnniversary->b1DayWarning && ! myData.pNextAnniversary->bFirstWarning && ! myData.pNextAnniversary->b15mnWarning)
					GDate* pCurrentDate = g_date_new_dmy (myData.currentTime.tm_mday, myData.currentTime.tm_mon + 1, myData.currentTime.tm_year+1900);
					GDate* pAnnivDate = g_date_new_dmy (myData.pNextAnniversary->iDay, myData.pNextAnniversary->iMonth + 1, myData.currentTime.tm_year+1900);
					gint iDaysToNextAnniversary = g_date_days_between (pCurrentDate, pAnnivDate);
					if (iDaysToNextAnniversary >= 0 && iDaysToNextAnniversary <= 1)
						myData.pNextAnniversary->b1DayWarning = TRUE;
						gchar *cText = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n<b>%s</b>\n %s\n\n%s",
							iDaysToNextAnniversary == 0 ? D_("Today is the following anniversary:") : D_("Tomorrow is the following anniversary:"),
							myData.pNextTask->cTitle?myData.pNextTask->cTitle:D_("No title"),
							D_("Repeat this message every:"));
						_task_warning (myData.pNextTask, cText);
						g_free (cText);
						myData.pNextAnniversary = cd_clock_get_next_anniversary (myApplet);
					g_date_free (pCurrentDate);
					g_date_free (pAnnivDate);
예제 #4
void cd_clock_init_time (GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	time_t epoch = (time_t) time (NULL);
	_get_current_time (epoch, myApplet);