예제 #1
void _starpu_cg_list_init(struct _starpu_cg_list *list)
	list->ndeps = 0;
	list->ndeps_completed = 0;

	list->terminated = 0;

	list->nsuccs = 0;
	/* this is a small initial default value ... may be changed */
	list->succ_list_size = 0;
	list->succ = NULL;
예제 #2
static struct _starpu_tag *_starpu_tag_init(starpu_tag_t id)
	struct _starpu_tag *tag;
	tag = (struct _starpu_tag *) malloc(sizeof(struct _starpu_tag));

	tag->job = NULL;
	tag->is_assigned = 0;
	tag->is_submitted = 0;

	tag->id = id;



	return tag;
예제 #3
/* handle->lock should already be taken !  */
starpu_data_request_t _starpu_create_data_request(starpu_data_handle src_handle, uint32_t src_node, starpu_data_handle dst_handle, uint32_t dst_node, uint32_t handling_node, starpu_access_mode mode, unsigned is_prefetch)
	starpu_data_request_t r = starpu_data_request_new();


   r->event = _starpu_event_create();
	r->src_handle = src_handle;
	r->dst_handle = dst_handle;
	r->src_node = src_node;
	r->dst_node = dst_node;
	r->mode = mode;

	r->handling_node = handling_node;

	r->completed = 0;
	r->retval = -1;

	r->next_req_count = 0;

	r->callbacks = NULL;

	r->is_a_prefetch_request = is_prefetch;

	/* associate that request with the handle so that further similar
	 * requests will reuse that one  */


	dst_handle->per_node[dst_node].request = r;


	if (mode & STARPU_R)

	r->refcnt = 1;


	return r;
예제 #4
static void _starpu_data_partition(starpu_data_handle_t initial_handle, starpu_data_handle_t *childrenp, unsigned nparts, struct starpu_data_filter *f, int inherit_state)
	unsigned i;
	unsigned node;

	/* first take care to properly lock the data header */


	STARPU_ASSERT_MSG(nparts > 0, "Partitioning data %p in 0 piece does not make sense", initial_handle);

	/* allocate the children */
	if (inherit_state)
		initial_handle->children = (struct _starpu_data_state *) calloc(nparts, sizeof(struct _starpu_data_state));

		/* this handle now has children */
		initial_handle->nchildren = nparts;

	unsigned nworkers = starpu_worker_get_count();

	for (node = 0; node < STARPU_MAXNODES; node++)
		if (initial_handle->per_node[node].state != STARPU_INVALID)
	if (node == STARPU_MAXNODES)
		/* This is lazy allocation, allocate it now in main RAM, so as
		 * to have somewhere to gather pieces later */
		/* FIXME: mark as unevictable! */
		int ret = _starpu_allocate_memory_on_node(initial_handle, &initial_handle->per_node[STARPU_MAIN_RAM], 0);
#warning we should reclaim memory if allocation failed

	for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++)
		starpu_data_handle_t child;

		if (inherit_state)
			child = &initial_handle->children[i];
			child = childrenp[i];

		struct starpu_data_interface_ops *ops;

		/* each child may have his own interface type */
		/* what's this child's interface ? */
		if (f->get_child_ops)
			ops = f->get_child_ops(f, i);
			ops = initial_handle->ops;

		_starpu_data_handle_init(child, ops, initial_handle->mf_node);

		child->nchildren = 0;
		child->nplans = 0;
		child->switch_cl = NULL;
		child->partitioned = 0;
		child->readonly = 0;
                child->mpi_data = initial_handle->mpi_data;
		child->root_handle = initial_handle->root_handle;
		child->father_handle = initial_handle;
		child->sibling_index = i;
		child->depth = initial_handle->depth + 1;

		child->is_not_important = initial_handle->is_not_important;
		child->wt_mask = initial_handle->wt_mask;
		child->home_node = initial_handle->home_node;
		child->is_readonly = initial_handle->is_readonly;

		/* initialize the chunk lock */
		child->reduction_tmp_handles = NULL;
		child->write_invalidation_req = NULL;
		child->refcnt = 0;
		child->unlocking_reqs = 0;
		child->busy_count = 0;
		child->busy_waiting = 0;
		STARPU_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(&child->busy_mutex, NULL);
		STARPU_PTHREAD_COND_INIT(&child->busy_cond, NULL);
		child->reduction_refcnt = 0;

		child->sequential_consistency = initial_handle->sequential_consistency;

		STARPU_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(&child->sequential_consistency_mutex, NULL);
		child->last_submitted_mode = STARPU_R;
		child->last_sync_task = NULL;
		child->last_submitted_accessors.task = NULL;
		child->last_submitted_accessors.next = &child->last_submitted_accessors;
		child->last_submitted_accessors.prev = &child->last_submitted_accessors;
		child->post_sync_tasks = NULL;
		/* Tell helgrind that the race in _starpu_unlock_post_sync_tasks is fine */
		child->post_sync_tasks_cnt = 0;

		/* The methods used for reduction are propagated to the
		 * children. */
		child->redux_cl = initial_handle->redux_cl;
		child->init_cl = initial_handle->init_cl;

		child->last_submitted_ghost_sync_id_is_valid = 0;
		child->last_submitted_ghost_sync_id = 0;
		child->last_submitted_ghost_accessors_id = NULL;

		if (_starpu_global_arbiter)
			/* Just for testing purpose */
			starpu_data_assign_arbiter(child, _starpu_global_arbiter);
			child->arbiter = NULL;

		for (node = 0; node < STARPU_MAXNODES; node++)
			struct _starpu_data_replicate *initial_replicate;
			struct _starpu_data_replicate *child_replicate;

			initial_replicate = &initial_handle->per_node[node];
			child_replicate = &child->per_node[node];

			if (inherit_state)
				child_replicate->state = initial_replicate->state;
				child_replicate->state = STARPU_INVALID;
			if (inherit_state || !initial_replicate->automatically_allocated)
				child_replicate->allocated = initial_replicate->allocated;
				child_replicate->allocated = 0;
			/* Do not allow memory reclaiming within the child for parent bits */
			child_replicate->automatically_allocated = 0;
			child_replicate->refcnt = 0;
			child_replicate->memory_node = node;
			child_replicate->relaxed_coherency = 0;
			if (inherit_state)
				child_replicate->initialized = initial_replicate->initialized;
				child_replicate->initialized = 0;

			/* update the interface */
			void *initial_interface = starpu_data_get_interface_on_node(initial_handle, node);
			void *child_interface = starpu_data_get_interface_on_node(child, node);

			STARPU_ASSERT_MSG(!(!inherit_state && child_replicate->automatically_allocated && child_replicate->allocated), "partition planning is currently not supported when handle has some automatically allocated buffers");
			f->filter_func(initial_interface, child_interface, f, i, nparts);

		unsigned worker;
		for (worker = 0; worker < nworkers; worker++)
			struct _starpu_data_replicate *child_replicate;
			child_replicate = &child->per_worker[worker];

			child_replicate->state = STARPU_INVALID;
			child_replicate->allocated = 0;
			child_replicate->automatically_allocated = 0;
			child_replicate->refcnt = 0;
			child_replicate->memory_node = starpu_worker_get_memory_node(worker);
			child_replicate->requested = 0;

			for (node = 0; node < STARPU_MAXNODES; node++)
				child_replicate->request[node] = NULL;

			child_replicate->relaxed_coherency = 1;
			child_replicate->initialized = 0;

			/* duplicate  the content of the interface on node 0 */
			memcpy(child_replicate->data_interface, child->per_node[0].data_interface, child->ops->interface_size);

		/* We compute the size and the footprint of the child once and
		 * store it in the handle */
		child->footprint = _starpu_compute_data_footprint(child);

		void *ptr;
		ptr = starpu_data_handle_to_pointer(child, STARPU_MAIN_RAM);
		if (ptr != NULL)
			_starpu_data_register_ram_pointer(child, ptr);
	/* now let the header */
void _starpu_mpi_tag_init(void)