예제 #1
//' rcpp_neutral_hotspots_ntests
//' Performs repeated neutral tests to yield average distributions of both
//' hotspot values and spatial autocorrelation statistics.
//' @param nbs An \code{spdep} \code{nb} object listing all neighbours of each
//' point. 
//' @param wts Weighting factors for each neighbour; must have same length as
//' nbs. 
//' @param nbsi List of matrices as returned from \code{get_nbsi}. each element
//' of which contains the i-th nearest neighbour to each point.
//' @param alpha Strength of spatial autocorrelation
//' @param sd0 Standard deviation of truncated normal distribution used to model
//' environmental variation (with mean of 1)
//' @param nt Number of successive layers of temporal and spatial autocorrelation
//' used to generate final modelled values
//' @param ntests Number of tests used to obtain average values
//' @param ac_type Character string specifying type of aucorrelation
//' (\code{moran}, \code{geary}, or code{getis-ord}).
//' @return A matrix of dimension (size, 2), with first column containing
//' sorted and re-scaled hotspot values, and second column containing sorted and
//' re-scaled spatial autocorrelation statistics.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix rcpp_neutral_hotspots_ntests (Rcpp::List nbs, 
        Rcpp::List wts, Rcpp::List nbsi, double alpha, double sd0, int niters,
        std::string ac_type, bool log_scale, int ntests)
    const int size = nbs.size ();

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix hs1;
    Rcpp::NumericVector z (size), z1 (size), ac (size), ac1 (size);
    std::fill (ac.begin (), ac.end (), 0.0);
    std::fill (z.begin (), z.end (), 0.0);

    for (int n=0; n<ntests; n++)
        hs1 = rcpp_neutral_hotspots (nbs, wts, nbsi, alpha, sd0, log_scale,
                niters, ac_type);

        z += hs1 (Rcpp::_, 0);
        ac += hs1 (Rcpp::_, 1);

    Rcpp::NumericMatrix result (size, 2);
    result (Rcpp::_, 0) = z / (double) ntests;
    result (Rcpp::_, 1) = ac / (double) ntests;
    Rcpp::colnames (result) = Rcpp::CharacterVector::create ("z", "ac");

    return result;
예제 #2
파일: DataStorage.cpp 프로젝트: Uaman/ATM
//creates accounts and cards in the system
void DataStorage::initATM(){
    Account ac("Petro","Petrov","16.03.1984");


    Account ac1("Ivan","Ivanov","27.05.1975");


    Account ac2("Sergiy","Sergeev","22.11.1989");


void LeaderFollowerPoolTest::NoReactorTest() {
	LeaderFollowerPool lfp(0);

	Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
	Anything lfpConfig;
	lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
	if (t_assertm( !lfp.Init(2, lfpConfig), "no reactor is configured; init should fail")) {
		t_assertm(lfp.GetPoolSize() == 0, "expected no threads in pool");
		t_assertm(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == -1, "expected Start to fail");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	ros::init(argc, argv, "spiri_go_client");

	//It's better to wait sonme time, for this file has no NodeHandle, we should add ros::Time::init()
	actionlib::SimpleActionClient<spiri_go::TakeoffAction> ac("spiri_take_off", true);      //first param: server name, second param: true means a new thread
	actionlib::SimpleActionClient<spiri_go::LandHereAction> ac1("spiri_land_here", true);  //first param: server name, second param: false means not to use threads

	ROS_INFO("Waiting for action server(takeOff) to start.");

	ROS_INFO("Action server started--Taking off!");

	spiri_go::TakeoffGoal goal;

	//set the target height to take off!
	goal.height = 3;

	//wait for action(takeOff) to return
	bool is_takeOff_finished = ac.waitForResult(ros::Duration(60.0));

	if(is_takeOff_finished ) {
		ROS_INFO("reached target height!");

		//do something
	else {
		ROS_INFO("should set mode Land!");

	ROS_INFO("Waiting for action server(land) to start.");
	ROS_INFO("Start to land!.");
	spiri_go::LandHereGoal goal_1;
	goal_1.height = 0;

	//wait for action(land) to return
	bool is_land_finished = ac1.waitForResult(ros::Duration(60.0));
	if(is_land_finished ) {
		ROS_INFO("Land success!");

	return 0;

void LeaderFollowerPoolTest::InvalidAcceptorTest() {

	LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

	Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
	Anything lfpConfig;
	lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
	if (t_assertm( !lfp.Init(3, lfpConfig), "should not bind to already bound port and needs root privilege anyway")) {
		t_assertm(lfp.GetPoolSize() == 0, "expected no threads in pool");
		t_assertm(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == -1, "expected Start to fail");
void LeaderFollowerPoolTest::OneAcceptorTest() {

	LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

	Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
	Anything lfpConfig;
	lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
	if (t_assertm( lfp.Init(3, lfpConfig), "some port maybe already bound")) {
		if (t_assert(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == 0 )) {
			t_assertm(lfp.Join() == 0, "expected Join to succeed");
void LeaderFollowerPoolTest::ManyAcceptorsTest() {
		LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

		Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac2(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac3(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Anything lfpConfig;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac2;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac3;
		if (t_assertm( !lfp.Init(0, lfpConfig), "should not allow LFPool to run without threads")) {
			t_assertm(lfp.GetPoolSize() == 0, "expected no threads in pool");
			t_assertm(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == -1, "expected Start to fail");
		LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

		Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac2(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac3(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Anything lfpConfig;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac2;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac3;
		if (t_assertm( lfp.Init(1, lfpConfig), "some port maybe already bound")) {
			if (t_assert(lfp.Start(false, 1000, 10) == 0 )) {
				t_assertm(lfp.Join() == 0, "expected Join to succeed");
		LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

		Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac2(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac3(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Anything lfpConfig;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac2;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac3;
		if (t_assertm( lfp.Init(2, lfpConfig), "some port maybe already bound")) {
			if (t_assert(lfp.Start(false, 1000, 10) == 0 )) {
				t_assertm(lfp.Join() == 0, "expected Join to succeed");
		LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

		Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac2(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac3(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Anything lfpConfig;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac2;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac3;
		if (t_assertm( lfp.Init(3, lfpConfig), "some port maybe already bound")) {
			if (t_assert(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == 0 )) {
				t_assertm(lfp.Join() == 0, "expected Join to succeed");
		LeaderFollowerPool lfp(new TestReactor(this));

		Acceptor ac1(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac2(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Acceptor ac3(GetConfig()["Testhost"]["ip"].AsString(), GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsLong(), 5, 0);
		Anything lfpConfig;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port1"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac1;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port2"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac2;
		lfpConfig[String("Accept") << GetConfig()["Testhost"]["port3"].AsString()] = (IFAObject *) &ac3;
		if (t_assertm( lfp.Init(4, lfpConfig), "some port maybe already bound")) {
			if (t_assert(lfp.Start(true, 1000, 11) == 0 )) {
				t_assertm(lfp.Join() == 0, "expected Join to succeed");