예제 #1
    glm::dvec4 StdMaterial::lightAttenuation(const Raycast& ray) const
        double opa = opacity(ray.origin);

        if(opa >= 1.0)
            // Fully pigmented -> no propagation
            return glm::dvec4(0.0);
        else if(opa <= 0.0)
            // Never hits a pigment
            return glm::dvec4(1.0);
            glm::dvec3 col = color(ray.origin);
            double scatterRate = 1 / (1 / opa - 1);
            glm::dvec3 accumulation( ray.limit * scatterRate );
            return glm::dvec4(cellar::fast_pow(col, accumulation), 1.0);
예제 #2
void analyzeVideo(const std::string& folder, const Camera& calibrated_camera, float label_width)
    // Start with a single hypotheses of the cube.
    std::vector<ProbabalisticCube> cube_hypotheses;
    for (int frame_i = 0;;)
        printf("Frame %i\n", frame_i);

        char buf[1024];
        sprintf(buf, "%s/frame%05d.png", folder.c_str(), frame_i);
        cv::Mat3b img = cv::imread(buf, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
        if (img.empty())

        const size_t num_hypotheses_before = cube_hypotheses.size();
        printf("Num hypotheses before: %lu\n", num_hypotheses_before);

        cube_hypotheses = predict(cube_hypotheses);
        const size_t num_hypotheses_after = cube_hypotheses.size();
        printf("Num hypotheses after:  %lu\n", num_hypotheses_after);
        printf("Brancing factor:  %f\n", double(num_hypotheses_after) / num_hypotheses_before);

        const size_t max_hypotheses = 216;
        if (num_hypotheses_after > max_hypotheses)
            const size_t pruned_num = num_hypotheses_after - max_hypotheses;
            const double removed_percentage = pruned_num * 100.0 / num_hypotheses_after;
            printf("Pruning to %lu hypotheses, removing %lu (%.1f%%) hypotheses.\n",
                max_hypotheses, pruned_num, removed_percentage);
        prune(cube_hypotheses, max_hypotheses);

        printf("Most likely cubes:\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < cube_hypotheses.size() && i < 5; ++i)
            const ProbabalisticCube& cube = cube_hypotheses[i];
            const std::string permutation = cube.cube_permutation.to_String();
            const double likelihood_percent = exp(cube.log_likelihood) * 100.0;
            printf("%d: %s %3.5f%%\n", i, permutation.c_str(), likelihood_percent);

        std::vector<LabelContour> labels = findLabelContours(img, 12, true);
        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> detected_corners = findLabelCorners(labels);

        std::vector<Camera> all_camera_candidates;
        for (const auto& corners : detected_corners)
            std::vector<Camera> cameras = predictCameraPosesForLabel(calibrated_camera, corners, label_width);
            all_camera_candidates.insert(all_camera_candidates.end(), cameras.begin(), cameras.end());

        std::vector<double> camera_scores;
            cv::Mat1f accumulation(img.size(), 0.f);
            for (const auto& cam : all_camera_candidates)
                cv::Mat1f contribution(img.size(), 0.f);
                std::vector<cv::Point2f> predicted_corners = projectCubeCorners(cam, label_width);
                double score = scorePredictedCorners(predicted_corners, detected_corners);

                for (int i = 0; i < predicted_corners.size(); i += 4)
                    std::vector<cv::Point> corners = {
                        predicted_corners[i + 0],
                        predicted_corners[i + 1],
                        predicted_corners[i + 2],
                        predicted_corners[i + 3],
                    cv::polylines(contribution, corners, true, cv::Scalar(score * score));
                accumulation += contribution;
            double minval;
            double maxval;
            cv::minMaxLoc(accumulation, &minval, &maxval);
            cv::imshow("accumulation", accumulation / maxval);
        if (!camera_scores.empty())
            std::vector<double> sorted_camera_scores = camera_scores;
            std::sort(sorted_camera_scores.begin(), sorted_camera_scores.end());
            std::reverse(sorted_camera_scores.begin(), sorted_camera_scores.end());
            printf("Min score: %f max score: %f\n", sorted_camera_scores.back(), sorted_camera_scores.front());

            for (int i = 0; i < sorted_camera_scores.size() && i < 5; ++i)
                double score = sorted_camera_scores[i];
                printf("#%d score: %f\n", i + 1, score);

        if (!all_camera_candidates.empty())
            const size_t index = std::distance(camera_scores.begin(),
                std::max_element(camera_scores.begin(), camera_scores.end()));
            printf("detected_corners size: %lu index: %lu\n", detected_corners.size(), index);

            const Camera& cam = all_camera_candidates[index];
            std::vector<cv::Point2f> predicted_corners = projectCubeCorners(cam, label_width);

            cv::Mat3b canvas = img * 0.25f;
            for (int i = 0; i < predicted_corners.size(); i += 4)
                std::vector<cv::Point> corners = {
                    predicted_corners[i + 0],
                    predicted_corners[i + 1],
                    predicted_corners[i + 2],
                    predicted_corners[i + 3],
                cv::polylines(canvas, corners, true, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));

                std::vector<cv::Point> corners = {
                    detected_corners[index / 9][0],
                    detected_corners[index / 9][1],
                    detected_corners[index / 9][2],
                    detected_corners[index / 9][3],
                cv::polylines(canvas, corners, true, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 255));

            cv::imshow("predicted labels", canvas);

            cv::Mat3b canvas = img * 0.25f;
            drawLabels(canvas, labels, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));

            for (const auto& corners : detected_corners)
                cv::polylines(canvas, cast<cv::Point>(corners), true, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
                for (size_t i = 0; i < corners.size(); ++i)
                    char text[12];
                    sprintf(text, "%lu", i);
                    cv::putText(canvas, text, corners[i],
                        cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));

            cv::imshow("detected labels", canvas);

        if (int key = cv::waitKey(0) & 255)
            if (key == 27)
                break; // stop by pressing ESC
            if (key == 32) // space
            if (key == 83) // right arrow
            if (key == 82) // up arrow

            if (key == 81) // left arrow
            if (key == 84) // down arrow

            if (key != 255)
                printf("Key: %d\n", key);