void hubo_cb(const hubo_ros::HuboCommand &msg)
    printf("Received command message\n");
    //Send the commands from the HuboCommand message onto ACH to the robot
    //Make the necessary hubo struct for ACH
    struct hubo_ref H_ref_filter;
    memset( &H_ref_filter, 0, sizeof(H_ref_filter));
    size_t fs;
    //First, get the current state of the Hubo from ACH
    int r = ach_get(&chan_hubo_ref_filter, &H_ref_filter, sizeof(H_ref_filter), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST);
    if(ACH_OK != r)
            printf("State ini r = %i\n",r);
        assert(sizeof(H_ref_filter) == fs);
    printf("Converting ROS message containing [%d] joint commands to hubo-ach\n", msg.num_joints);
    //Add the joint values one at a time into the hubo struct
    //for each joint command, we lookup the best matching
    //joint in the header to set the index
    for (int i = 0; i < msg.num_joints; i++)
        int index = IndexLookup(msg.joints[i].name);
        if (index != -1)
            printf("Mapped URDF joint name [%s] to hubo joint index [%d]\n", msg.joints[i].name.c_str(), index);
            H_ref_filter.ref[index] = msg.joints[i].position;
    //If there are any joint values not assigned in the message, don't change them in the struct!
    printf("Sending a new state on ACH\n");
    //Put the new message into the ACH channel
    ach_put(&chan_hubo_ref_filter, &H_ref_filter, sizeof(H_ref_filter));
예제 #2
 * Home a joint
 * @param  joint The joint to home
 * @return       True on success
bool CommandChannel::home(string joint) {
    BoardCommand command;
    memset(&command, 0, sizeof(command));
    int jointNum = 0;

    if (strcmp(joint.c_str(), "all") == 0) {
        command.type = D_GOTO_HOME_ALL;
    } else if ((jointNum = indexLookup(joint)) == -1) {
        return false;
    } else {
        command.type = D_GOTO_HOME;
        command.joint = jointNum;

    int r = ach_put(&huboBoardCommandChannel, &command, sizeof(command));

    if (ACH_OK != r) {
        cerr << "Error! Command home failed with state " << r << endl;
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #3
void run(cx_t *cx) {
//    somatic_d_event( &cx->d, SOMATIC__EVENT__PRIORITIES__NOTICE,
//                     SOMATIC__EVENT__CODES__PROC_RUNNING,
//                     NULL, NULL );

    fastrak_c_t fastrak;
    //printf("About to enter loop\n");
    while(!daemon_sig_quit) {
        // get tfs
        //printf("About to read\n");
        int r = fastrak_read(&cx->fk, &fastrak );
        //printf("Something was read\n");
//        somatic_verbprintf( 2, "Got reading\n");
        if( 0 == r ) { //TODO: Use c-struct
            //printf("About to put\n");
            ach_put( &chan, &fastrak, sizeof(fastrak) );
            dump( &fastrak );
            // fill protobuf with tfs
/*            for( size_t i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) {
                somatic_transform_set_vec( cx->msg->tf[i], cx->fk.tf_vq[i] );
                somatic_transform_set_quat( cx->msg->tf[i], cx->fk.tf_vq[i] + 3 );
            if( somatic_opt_verbosity >= 3 ) {
            // set time
//            somatic_metadata_set_time_now( cx->msg->meta );

            // send
//            r = SOMATIC_PACK_SEND( &cx->chan, somatic__multi_transform, cx->msg );

//    somatic_d_event( &cx->d, SOMATIC__EVENT__PRIORITIES__NOTICE,
//                     SOMATIC__EVENT__CODES__PROC_STOPPING,
//                     NULL, NULL );
예제 #4
 * Sends CAN packet to desired channel
 * @param $first
 *	"@param" is the socket you want to send to
 * @param $second
 *	CAN frame to send
int sendCan(hubo_can_t skt, struct can_frame *f) {

    errno = 0;
    int bytes_sent = write( skt, f, sizeof(*f) );

    if (bytes_sent != sizeof(*f)) {

    if (have_iotrace_chan) {
        io_trace_t trace;
        trace.timestamp = iotrace_gettime();
        trace.is_read = 0;
        trace.fd = skt;
        trace.result_errno = errno;
        trace.transmitted = bytes_sent;
        trace.frame = *f;
        ach_put(&iotrace_chan, &trace, sizeof(trace));

    if (bytes_sent < 0) { bytes_sent = 0; }
    return bytes_sent;

예제 #5
 * Enable a joint
 * @param  joint The joint to enable
 * @return       True on success
bool CommandChannel::enable(string joint) {
    BoardCommand command;
    memset(&command, 0, sizeof(command));
    int jointNum = 0;

    if (strcmp(joint.c_str(), "all") == 0) {
        command.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF_ALL;
        command.param[0] = D_ENABLE;
    } else if ((jointNum = indexLookup(joint)) == -1) {
        return false;
    } else {
        command.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF;
        command.joint = jointNum;
        command.param[0] = D_ENABLE;

    int r = ach_put(&huboBoardCommandChannel, &command, sizeof(command));

    if (ACH_OK != r) {
        cerr << "Error! Command enable failed with state " << r << endl;
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #6
파일: achtest.c 프로젝트: golems/ach
int test_basic() {
    /* unlink */
    ach_status_t r = ach_unlink(opt_channel_name);
    if( ! ach_status_match(r, ACH_MASK_OK | ACH_MASK_ENOENT) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ach_unlink failed: %s\n",
        return -1;

    /* create */
    r = ach_create(opt_channel_name, 32ul, 64ul, NULL );
    test(r, "ach_create");

    ach_channel_t chan;
    int s, p;
    size_t frame_size;
    struct timespec ts;

    /* open */
    r = ach_open(&chan, opt_channel_name, NULL);

    /* empty channel means stale */
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_STALE_FRAMES != r ) {
        printf("get stale failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_STALE_FRAMES != r ) {
        printf("get stale failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));

    /* put */
    p = 42;
    r = ach_put( &chan, &p, sizeof(p) );
    test(r, "ach_put");

    /* get */
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    test(r, "first ach_get");
    if(frame_size!= sizeof(s) || s != 42 ) exit(-1);

    /* put 2 */
    p = 43;
    r = ach_put( &chan, &p, sizeof(p) );
    test(r, "ach_put");
    p = 44;
    r = ach_put( &chan, &p, sizeof(p) );
    test(r, "ach_put");

    /* get last */
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_MISSED_FRAME != r ) {
        printf("get last failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));
    if(frame_size != sizeof(s) || s != 44 ) exit(-1);

    /* wait last */
    p = 45;
    r = ach_put( &chan, &p, sizeof(p) );
    test(r, "ach_put");
    clock_gettime(ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &ts);
    ts.tv_sec += 30; /* don't yield too long now */
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, &ts,
                 ACH_O_LAST | ACH_O_WAIT );
    if( ACH_OK != r ) {
        printf("get wait failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));
    if(frame_size != sizeof(s) || s != 45 ) exit(-1);

    /* get last stale */
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_STALE_FRAMES != r ) {
        printf("get stale failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));

    /* timeout */
    clock_gettime(ACH_DEFAULT_CLOCK, &ts);
    ts.tv_sec -= 10;
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, &ts,
                 ACH_O_LAST | ACH_O_WAIT );
    if( ACH_TIMEOUT != r ) {
        printf("get timeout failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));

    /* copy last */
    printf("> copy start\n");
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
                 ACH_O_LAST | ACH_O_COPY);
    printf("> copy done\n");
    if( ACH_OK != r ) {
        printf("copy_last failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));
    if( p != s ) {
        printf("wrong copy last : %d\n", s);

    /* get copy */
    /*printf("chan seq_num: %"PRIu64"\n", chan.seq_num);*/
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_OK != r ) {
        printf("copy_last failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));

    /* missed frames */
    size_t i;
    for( i = 0; i < 100; i ++ ) {
        r = ach_put( &chan, &p, sizeof(p) );
        test(r, "ach_put");
    r = ach_get( &chan, &s, sizeof(s), &frame_size, NULL,
    if( ACH_MISSED_FRAME != r ) {
        printf("get missed failed: %s\n", ach_result_to_string(r));

    /* close */

    r = ach_close(&chan);
    test(r, "ach_close");

    /* unlink */
    r = ach_unlink(opt_channel_name);
    test(r, "ach_unlink");

    fprintf(stderr, "basic ok\n");
    return 0;
int runTraj(char* s, int mode,  struct hubo_ref *r, struct timespec *t, struct hubo_state* H_state, bool compliance_mode, bool pause_feature) {
    int i = 0;
    // int interval = 10000000; // 100 hz (0.01 sec)

    hubo_virtual_t H_virtual;
    memset( &H_virtual, 0, sizeof(H_virtual));
    size_t fs;
    int rr = 0;
    char str[1000];
    FILE *fp;		// file pointer
    fp = fopen(s,"r");
    if(!fp) {
        printf("No Trajectory File!!!\n");
        return 1;  // exit if not file
    char c;
    bool paused=false;
//    tweak_init();

    int line_counter=0;

    double T = (double)interval/(double)NSEC_PER_SEC;

    //	printf("Reading %s\n",s);
    double id = 0.0;
    while(fgets(str,sizeof(str),fp) != NULL) {
        //	printf("i = %d\n",i);
        //	i = i+1;

        // wait until next shot
        clock_nanosleep(0,TIMER_ABSTIME,t, NULL);

        if( HUBO_VIRTUAL_MODE_OPENHUBO == mode ){
            for( id = 0 ; id < T;  id = id + HUBO_LOOP_PERIOD ){
                rr = ach_get( &chan_hubo_from_sim, &H_virtual, sizeof(H_virtual), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_WAIT );
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ---------------[ DO NOT EDIT AVBOE THIS LINE]---------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //printf("line is %d \n", line_counter);

//        if ( read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) == 1) {
//            if (c=='p' && pause_feature==true) {
//                paused=!paused;
//                printf("paused is now %s \n", paused ? "true" : "false");
//            }
//        }

//        while (paused==true){
//            usleep(1000000);//1 second
//            t->tv_sec+=1; // for the 1 sec delay in line above
//            if ( read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) == 1) {
//                if (c=='p'&& pause_feature==true) {
//                    paused=!paused;
//                    printf("paused is now %s \n", paused ? "true" : "false");
//                }
//            }
//        }

        int len = strlen(str)-1;
        if(str[len] == '\n') {
            str[len] = 0;

        // Read motion from the text file
        getArg(str, r);

        // Compliance Mode
        int joint;
        if (compliance_mode==true){
            for (joint=4; joint<18; joint++){//hard coded for arms only
            for (joint=4; joint<18; joint++){//hard coded for arms only

        if (goto_init_flag) {

            struct hubo_ref tmpref;
            int i;

            for (i=0; i<200; ++i) {

                double u = (double)(i+1)/200;

                for (joint=0; joint<HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; ++joint) {

                    tmpref.ref[joint] = u * r->ref[joint] + (1-u) * H_state->joint[joint].ref;


                ach_put( &chan_hubo_ref, &tmpref, sizeof(tmpref));

                usleep(0.01 * 1e6);


            goto_init_flag = 0;
            clock_gettime(0, t);
            // reset clock

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ---------------[ DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE]---------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Cheeting No more RAP or LAP
        r->ref[RHP] = 0.0;
        r->ref[LHP] = 0.0;
        r->ref[RAP] = 0.0;
        r->ref[LAP] = 0.0;
        r->ref[RKN] = 0.0;
        r->ref[LKN] = 0.0;
        r->ref[RAR] = 0.0;
        r->ref[LAR] = 0.0;
        r->ref[RHR] = 0.0;
        r->ref[LHR] = 0.0;

        for( i = 0 ; i < HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++){
            r->mode[i] = HUBO_REF_MODE_REF;

        ach_put( &chan_hubo_ref, r, sizeof(*r));
        //printf("Ref r = %s\n",ach_result_to_string(r));

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    Hubo_Control hubo("proto-manip-daemon");

    ach_channel_t chan_manip_cmd;

    int r = ach_open( &chan_manip_cmd, CHAN_HUBO_MANIP, NULL );
    daemon_assert( r==ACH_OK, __LINE__ );
    hubo_manip_cmd manip;
    memset( &manip, 0, sizeof(manip) );


    Eigen::Isometry3d Br, Bl;
    Vector6d right, left, zeros; zeros.setZero();
    Vector3d rtrans, ltrans, langles, rangles;


    hubo.huboArmFK( Br, right, RIGHT );
    hubo.huboArmFK( Bl, left, LEFT );
    std::cout << "Performed initial FK" << std::endl;

    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        manip.translation[RIGHT][i] = Br(i,3);
        manip.translation[LEFT][i] = Bl(i,3);

    std::cout << "Putting first transformation" << std::endl;
    ach_put( &chan_manip_cmd, &manip, sizeof(manip) );

    size_t fs;

    std::cout << "About to start loop" << std::endl;

    while( !daemon_sig_quit )
        ach_get( &chan_manip_cmd, &manip, sizeof(manip), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
        for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
            rtrans(i) = manip.translation[RIGHT][i];
            ltrans(i) = manip.translation[LEFT][i];
            rangles(i) = manip.eulerAngles[RIGHT][i];
            langles(i) = manip.eulerAngles[LEFT][i];

        // Handle the right arm
        Br = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
        Br.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(rangles(0), Vector3d(1,0,0)) );
        Br.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(rangles(1), Vector3d(0,1,0)) );
        Br.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(rangles(2), Vector3d(0,0,1)) );
        hubo.huboArmIK( right, Br, zeros, RIGHT );
        hubo.setRightArmAngles( right );

        // Handle the left arm
        Bl = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
        Bl.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(langles(0), Vector3d(1,0,0)) );
        Bl.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(langles(1), Vector3d(0,1,0)) );
        Bl.rotate( Eigen::AngleAxisd(langles(2), Vector3d(0,0,1)) ); 
        hubo.huboArmIK( left, Bl, zeros, LEFT );
        hubo.setLeftArmAngles( left );

        // Send commands off to the control daemon

    ach_close( &chan_manip_cmd );

예제 #9
void Walker::sendState()
    ach_put( &bal_state_chan, &bal_state, sizeof(bal_state) );
예제 #10
파일: hubo-loop.c 프로젝트: mpearrow/hubo
void huboLoop(struct hubo_param *H_param) {
	// get initial values for hubo
	struct hubo_ref H_ref;
	struct hubo_state H_state;
	memset( &H_ref,   0, sizeof(H_ref));
	memset( &H_state, 0, sizeof(H_state));

	size_t fs;
	//int r = ach_get( &chan_hubo_ref, &H, sizeof(H), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
	//assert( sizeof(H) == fs );
	int r = ach_get( &chan_hubo_ref, &H_ref, sizeof(H_ref), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
	if(ACH_OK != r) {
		if(hubo_debug) {
			printf("Ref ini r = %s\n",ach_result_to_string(r));}
	else{   assert( sizeof(H_ref) == fs ); }

	r = ach_get( &chan_hubo_state, &H_state, sizeof(H_state), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
	if(ACH_OK != r) {
		if(hubo_debug) {
			printf("State ini r = %s\n",ach_result_to_string(r));}
		assert( sizeof(H_state) == fs );

	// time info
	struct timespec t;
	//int interval = 500000000; // 2hz (0.5 sec)
	int interval = 10000000; // 100 hz (0.01 sec)
	//int interval = 5000000; // 200 hz (0.005 sec)
	//int interval = 2000000; // 500 hz (0.002 sec)

	/* Sampling Period */
	double T = (double)interval/(double)NSEC_PER_SEC; // (sec)

	// get current time
	//clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC,&t);
	clock_gettime( 0,&t);

	while(1) {
		// wait until next shot
		clock_nanosleep(0,TIMER_ABSTIME,&t, NULL);

		/* Get latest ACH message */
		r = ach_get( &chan_hubo_ref, &H_ref, sizeof(H_ref), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
		if(ACH_OK != r) {
			if(hubo_debug) {
				printf("Ref r = %s\n",ach_result_to_string(r));}
		else{   assert( sizeof(H_ref) == fs ); }
		r = ach_get( &chan_hubo_state, &H_state, sizeof(H_state), &fs, NULL, ACH_O_LAST );
		if(ACH_OK != r) {
			if(hubo_debug) {
				printf("State r = %s\n",ach_result_to_string(r));}
		else{   assert( sizeof(H_state) == fs ); }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------[ DO NOT EDIT AVBOE THIS LINE]---------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			H_ref.ref[RHY] = 0.3;
			H_ref.ref[LEB] = -0.4;
			H_ref.ref[RSP] = 0.3;

			double encRSP = H_state.joint[RSP].pos;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------[ DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE]---------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		ach_put( &chan_hubo_ref, &H_ref, sizeof(H_ref));

예제 #11
파일: klinuxtest.c 프로젝트: LofaroLabs/ach
static int testsig(void)
    enum ach_status r;
    /* Fork 0 */
    pid_t pid_p = fork();
    check_errno( "Fork 0", pid_p );

    /* GP: wait */
    if( pid_p ) {
        return testsig_gp(pid_p);

    /* Parent */
    /* Create Kernel Channel */
        ach_create_attr_t attr;
        attr.map = ACH_MAP_KERNEL;

        r = ach_unlink(OPT_CHAN);
        if( ! ach_status_match(r, ACH_MASK_OK | ACH_MASK_ENOENT) ) {
            fail_ach( "unlink before create", r );
        r = ach_unlink(OPT_CHAN);
        if( ACH_ENOENT != r ) fail_ach( "unlink noent", r );

        check_ach( "ach_create",
                   ach_create( OPT_CHAN, opt_msg_cnt, opt_msg_size, &attr ) );
    /* Open Kernel Channel */
    struct ach_channel chan;
        for(;;) {
            usleep(1000); /* Race against udev */
            r = ach_open( &chan, OPT_CHAN, NULL );
            if( ACH_EACCES == r ) continue;
            else if (ACH_OK == r) break;
            else fail_ach("ach_open", r);


    /* Install Parent sighandler */

    /* fork 1 */
    pid_t pid_c = fork();
    check_errno( "fork 1", pid_c );

    if( pid_c ) {
        /* Parent: */
        for(;;) {
            usleep(10000); /* Racy... */
            check_errno( "kill child", kill( pid_c, SIGUSR1) );
            int i = 42;
            check_ach( "put to child",  ach_put( &chan, &i, sizeof(i) ) );
            int status;
            pid_t wp = waitpid( pid_c, &status, WNOHANG );
            if( wp ) {
                if( wp != pid_c ) {
                    fail_errno("Wait 1");
                } else if( WIFEXITED(status) && (0 == WEXITSTATUS(status)) ) {
                } else {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Child 1 failed\n");
    } else {
        /* child */
        sig_atomic_t s0, s1;
        int i;
        do {
            size_t frame_size;
            s0 = count_sigusr1;
            r = ach_get(&chan, &i, sizeof(i), &frame_size, NULL, ACH_O_WAIT  );
            s1 = count_sigusr1;
            check_ach("child sig get", r);
        } while( s1 == s0 || s1 < 10 ); /* This is racy... */
        printf("done: %s, %d,%d,%d\n", ach_result_to_string(r), s0, s1, i);

    return 0;
예제 #12
void CrichtonView<PointT>::send( int state, void* userData ) {

  mMutex.lock(); // Don't process anything while we are sending
  printf("Sending \n");
  for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { printf("**Table coeffs [%d]: %f \n", i, mTts.mTableCoeffs[i]);}

  printf("Clusters size: %d \n", mTts.getNumClusters() );
  if( mSelectedCluster < 0 || mSelectedCluster >= mTts.getNumClusters() ) {
    printf("--> ERROR: Did not select a cloud? \n");
  // 0. Set message alloc
  sns_msg_tabletop_sq* msg = sns_msg_tabletop_sq_alloc( mTts.getNumClusters() );
  sns_msg_header_fill( &msg->header );
  msg->header.n = (uint32_t)mTts.getNumClusters();
  msg->n = (uint32_t) mTts.getNumClusters();
  msg->i = (uint32_t) mSelectedCluster;

  // Variables 
  pcl::PolygonMesh mesh;
  std::vector<SQ_parameters> ps;
  // 1. Save SQs
  for( int i = 0; i < mTts.getNumClusters(); ++i ) {  

    // Recognize 
    int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; int index; std::string label;
    mTts.getClusterBB( i, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax );
    mOd.classify( cv::Mat( mRgbImg, cv::Rect(xmin,ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin) ),
		  index, label );
    // Send this info for fitting
    //index = 5; // BOTTLE BY NOW
    printf("*** Label!!: %s index: %d \n", label.c_str(), index );
    ObjectEntry entry; entry = mOd.getEntry( index );
    fit_SQ( mTts.getCluster(i), i, ps, entry );
    copy_SQparam_msg( ps[0], msg->u[i] );    
    std::cout << "Dim ps 0: "<< ps[0].dim[0]<<", "<< ps[0].dim[1]<<", "<< ps[0].dim[2]<<std::endl;
    // Debug Store mesh
    char debug_name[100];
    if( mMirror ) { sprintf( debug_name, "%s_mirrored_%d.ply", (char*)label.c_str(), i ); }
    else { sprintf( debug_name, "%s_no_mirror_%d.ply", (char*)label.c_str(), i ); }
    SQ_utils::create_SQ_mesh( ps[0], 25, debug_name, false );

    char mesh_name[50]; sprintf( mesh_name, "%s/mesh_%d.ply", gPicturesPath.c_str(), i );
    if( ps.size() == 1 ) {
      SQ_utils::create_SQ_mesh( ps[0], 25, mesh_name, false );
    } else {
      SQ_utils::convertMeshes( ps, mesh_name );
      std::cout << "Mesh name: "<< mesh_name << std::endl;
    msg->u[i].mesh_generated = true;
    strcpy( msg->u[i].mesh_filename, mesh_name );      
  // 2. Get the table
  char tableName[50]; sprintf( tableName, "%s/tableMesh.ply", gPicturesPath.c_str() );
  create_table_mesh( mesh, tableName );

  pcl::io::savePLYFile( tableName, mesh ); 

  for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { msg->table_coeffs[i] = mTts.mTableCoeffs[i]; }
  sprintf( msg->table_meshfile, "%s", tableName );

  ach_status_t r = ach_put( &mObj_param_chan, msg, sns_msg_tabletop_sq_size(msg) );
  if( r != ACH_OK ) {
    printf("\t [BAD] Error sending message \n");
  } else {
    printf("\t [GOOD] Message sent all right \n ");
  msg = 0;
  mMutex.unlock(); // Let the processing go on with its life
예제 #13
int readCan(hubo_can_t skt, struct can_frame *f, double timeoD) {

    fd_set read_fds;

    int result;

    // note timeo is the time out in nanoseconds
    int64_t timeo = (int64_t)(timeoD*1e9);
    struct timespec timeout;

    int bytes_read = 0;
    int read_errno = 0;

    FD_SET(skt, &read_fds);

    timeout.tv_sec = timeo / (int64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC;
    timeout.tv_nsec = timeo % (int64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC;
    errno = 0;
    result = pselect(skt+1, &read_fds, 0, 0, &timeout, NULL);

    if (result < 0) {

        if (errno != EINTR) {

    } else if (result && FD_ISSET(skt, &read_fds)) {
        errno = 0;
        bytes_read = read( skt, f, sizeof(*f) );
        read_errno = errno;

        if (bytes_read < 0) {


    if (have_iotrace_chan) {
        io_trace_t trace;
        trace.timestamp = iotrace_gettime();
        trace.is_read = 1;
        trace.fd = skt;
        trace.result_errno = read_errno;
        trace.transmitted = bytes_read;
        trace.frame = *f;

        ach_put(&iotrace_chan, &trace, sizeof(trace));


    // just turn errors into no read
    if (bytes_read < 0) { bytes_read = 0; }

    return bytes_read;

예제 #14
파일: ach-bench.c 프로젝트: LofaroLabs/ach
static void send_time(float t) {
    int r = ach_put(&time_chan, &t, sizeof(t));
    assert(ACH_OK == r);
    if( ACH_OK != r ) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
예제 #15
void Aggregator::_send_output()
    ach_put(&_agg_chan, _output_data, hubo_cmd_data_get_size(_output_data));
예제 #16
 * Update the reference channel
void ReferenceChannel::update(){
    if (errored) return;
    ach_put(&huboReferenceChannel, &currentReference, sizeof(currentReference));
void com_cb(const hubo_ros::AchCommand &msg){
	printf("Received Ach Command Message!\n");

	hubo_board_cmd_t H_cmd;
	memset(&H_cmd, 0, sizeof(H_cmd));

	int r = 0;

	if (msg.commandName.compare("enableJoint") == 0){
		int index = IndexLookup(msg.jointName);
		if (index == -1){
			printf("Error! Unable to convert joint name [%s] to hubo joint index! Aborting...", msg.jointName.c_str());
		printf("Mapped URDF joint name [%s] to hubo joint index [%d]\n", msg.jointName.c_str(), index);
		H_cmd.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF;
		H_cmd.joint = IndexLookup(msg.jointName);
		H_cmd.param[0] = D_ENABLE;

	} else if (msg.commandName.compare("disableJoint") == 0){

		int index = IndexLookup(msg.jointName);
		if (index == -1){
			printf("Error! Unable to convert joint name [%s] to hubo joint index! Aborting...", msg.jointName.c_str());
		printf("Mapped URDF joint name [%s] to hubo joint index [%d]\n", msg.jointName.c_str(), index);
		H_cmd.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF;
		H_cmd.joint = IndexLookup(msg.jointName);
		H_cmd.param[0] = D_DISABLE;

	} else if (msg.commandName.compare("enableAll") == 0){

		H_cmd.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF_ALL;
		H_cmd.param[0] = D_ENABLE;

	} else if (msg.commandName.compare("disableAll") == 0){

		H_cmd.type = D_CTRL_ON_OFF_ALL;
		H_cmd.param[0] = D_DISABLE;

	} else if (msg.commandName.compare("homeJoint") == 0){

		int index = IndexLookup(msg.jointName);
		if (index == -1){
			printf("Error! Unable to convert joint name [%s] to hubo joint index! Aborting...", msg.jointName.c_str());
		printf("Mapped URDF joint name [%s] to hubo joint index [%d]\n", msg.jointName.c_str(), index);

		H_cmd.type = D_GOTO_HOME;
		H_cmd.joint = index;

	} else if (msg.commandName.compare("homeAll") == 0){

		H_cmd.type = D_GOTO_HOME_ALL;

	} else {
		printf("Unable to identify Ach Command. Discarding message.\n");

	printf("Sending a new command out on ACH.");
	r = ach_put(&chan_hubo_board_cmd, &H_cmd, sizeof(H_cmd));
