JS_REQUIRES_STACK void adjustTypes() { /* Check if the return value should be promoted. */ if (slots[downPostSlots].lastCheck == TypeCheck_Demote) rval_ins = mRecorder.lir->ins1(LIR_i2f, rval_ins); /* Adjust any global variables. */ for (unsigned i = downPostSlots + 1; i < slots.length(); i++) adjustType(slots[i]); }
void *MsgEdit::processEvent(Event *e) { if ((e->type() == EventContactChanged) && (((Contact*)(e->param()))->id() == m_userWnd->m_id)){ adjustType(); return NULL; } if (e->type() == EventClientChanged){ adjustType(); return NULL; } if (e->type() == EventMessageReceived){ Message *msg = (Message*)(e->param()); if (msg->getFlags() & MESSAGE_NOVIEW) return NULL; if ((msg->contact() == m_userWnd->id()) && (msg->type() != MessageStatus)){ if (CorePlugin::m_plugin->getContainerMode()){ bool bSetFocus = false; if (topLevelWidget() && topLevelWidget()->inherits("Container")){ Container *container = static_cast<Container*>(topLevelWidget()); if (container->wnd() == m_userWnd) bSetFocus = true; } setMessage(msg, bSetFocus); }else{ if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(setupNext())); } } } if (e->type() == EventRealSendMessage){ MsgSend *s = (MsgSend*)(e->param()); if (s->edit == this){ sendMessage(s->msg); return e->param(); } } if (e->type() == EventCheckState){ CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param()); if ((cmd->param == this) && (cmd->id == CmdTranslit)){ Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact(m_userWnd->id()); if (contact){ TranslitUserData *data = (TranslitUserData*)(contact->getUserData(CorePlugin::m_plugin->translit_data_id)); if (data){ cmd->flags &= ~COMMAND_CHECKED; if (data->Translit.bValue) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_CHECKED; } } return NULL; } if ((cmd->menu_id != MenuTextEdit) || (cmd->param != this)) return NULL; cmd->flags &= ~(COMMAND_CHECKED | COMMAND_DISABLED); switch (cmd->id){ case CmdUndo: if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) return NULL; if (!m_edit->isUndoAvailable()) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_DISABLED; return e->param(); case CmdRedo: if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) return NULL; if (!m_edit->isRedoAvailable()) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_DISABLED; return e->param(); case CmdCut: if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) return NULL; case CmdCopy: if (!m_edit->hasSelectedText()) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_DISABLED; return e->param(); case CmdPaste: if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) return NULL; if (QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty()) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_DISABLED; return e->param(); case CmdClear: if (m_edit->isReadOnly()) return NULL; case CmdSelectAll: if (m_edit->text().isEmpty()) cmd->flags |= COMMAND_DISABLED; return e->param(); } return NULL; } if (e->type() == EventCommandExec){ CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param()); #if defined(USE_KDE) #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) if (cmd->id == CmdEnableSpell){ m_edit->setCheckSpellingEnabled(cmd->flags & COMMAND_CHECKED); return NULL; } if ((cmd->id == CmdSpell) && (cmd->param == this)){ m_edit->checkSpelling(); return e->param(); } #endif #endif if ((cmd->id == CmdSmile) && (cmd->param == this)){ Event eBtn(EventCommandWidget, cmd); QToolButton *btnSmile = (QToolButton*)(eBtn.process()); if (btnSmile){ SmilePopup *popup = new SmilePopup(this); QSize s = popup->minimumSizeHint(); popup->resize(s); connect(popup, SIGNAL(insert(const char*)), this, SLOT(insertSmile(const char*))); QPoint p = CToolButton::popupPos(btnSmile, popup); popup->move(p); popup->show(); } return e->param(); }