예제 #1
size_t Resampler::Transmit48kM(size_t size) {
    assert(size <= mSink->GetSinkBufferSize());

    const int16_t *__restrict__ src __attribute__((align_value(MEM_ALIGN))) = mBuffer;
    float *__restrict__ sink = mSink->GetBuffer();

    size_t p = 0; // processed
    if (mHead > 0) {
        if (size < mHead) {
            Proc48kM(src, sink, size);
            return size;
        } else {
            Proc48kM(src, sink, mHead);
            p += mHead;
            mHead = 0;
    for (; ;) {
        const size_t remain = size - p;
        const size_t srcSize = remain < mBufferSize ? remain : mBufferSize;
        if (srcSize == 0) {
        const size_t transmitted = mSrc->Transmit(srcSize);
        if (transmitted == 0) {
        Proc48kM(src, &sink[p], transmitted);
        p += transmitted;
    return p;
예제 #2
size_t Resampler::Receive48kM(size_t size) {
    mHead += size;
    assert(mHead <= mBufferSize);

    const int16_t *__restrict__ src __attribute__((align_value(MEM_ALIGN))) = mBuffer;

    size_t p = 0; // processed;
    for (; ;) {
        const size_t remain = mHead - p;
        const size_t sinkSize =
                remain < mSink->GetSinkBufferSize() ? remain : mSink->GetSinkBufferSize();
        if (sinkSize == 0) {
        float *__restrict__ sink = mSink->GetBuffer();
        Proc48kM(&src[p], sink, sinkSize);
        const size_t received = mSink->Receive(sinkSize);
        if (received == 0) {
        p += received;
    return p;
예제 #3
void chip_align(chipaddr *chip)
  int align;

  switch(chip->chip) {
  case chip_none:
  case chip_max:
    align = 1;

  case chip_cart:
    align = 2;

  case chip_bram:
    align = 2;

  case chip_zram:
  case chip_zstk:
    align = 1;

  case chip_vram:
    align = 32;

  case chip_cram:
    align = 32;

  case chip_ram:
  case chip_mstk:
    align = 2;

  case chip_pram:
  case chip_sstk:
    align = 2;

  case chip_wram:
    align = 2;

  case chip_pcm:
    align = 1;

  chip->addr = align_value(chip->addr, align);
예제 #4
// _ReadHeader
	// read the header
	resources_header header;
	read_exactly(fFile, 0, &header, kResourcesHeaderSize,
				 "Failed to read the header.");
	// check the header
	// magic
	uint32 magic = _GetUInt32(header.rh_resources_magic);
	if (magic == kResourcesHeaderMagic) {
		// everything is fine
	} else if (B_SWAP_INT32(magic) == kResourcesHeaderMagic) {
		const char* endianessStr[2] = { "little", "big" };
		int32 endianess
			= (fHostEndianess == ((bool)B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN ? 0 : 1));
		Warnings::AddCurrentWarning("Endianess seems to be %s, although %s "
									"was expected.",
									endianessStr[1 - endianess],
		fHostEndianess = !fHostEndianess;
	} else
		throw Exception("Invalid resources header magic.");
	// resource count
	uint32 resourceCount = _GetUInt32(header.rh_resource_count);
	if (resourceCount > kMaxResourceCount)
		throw Exception("Bad number of resources.");
	// index section offset
	uint32 indexSectionOffset = _GetUInt32(header.rh_index_section_offset);
	if (indexSectionOffset != kResourceIndexSectionOffset) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource index section offset. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", indexSectionOffset,
	// admin section size
	uint32 indexSectionSize = kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize
							  + kResourceIndexEntrySize * resourceCount;
	indexSectionSize = align_value(indexSectionSize,
	uint32 adminSectionSize = _GetUInt32(header.rh_admin_section_size);
	if (adminSectionSize != indexSectionOffset + indexSectionSize) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource admin section size. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", adminSectionSize,
						indexSectionOffset + indexSectionSize);
	// set the resource count
	fResourceCount = resourceCount;
예제 #5
// GetResourcesSize
ResourceFile::GetResourcesSize() const
	if (!fInfoTableItem || fFile.InitCheck())
		throw Exception("Resource file not initialized.");
	// header
	uint32 size = kResourcesHeaderSize;
	// index section
	uint32 indexSectionSize = kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize
		+ fResourceCount * kResourceIndexEntrySize;
	indexSectionSize = align_value(indexSectionSize,
	size += indexSectionSize;
	// unknown section
	size += kUnknownResourceSectionSize;
	// data
	uint32 dataSize = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		dataSize += item->GetSize();
	size += dataSize;
	// info table
	uint32 infoTableSize = 0;
	type_code type = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		if (i == 0 || type != item->GetType()) {
			if (i != 0)
				infoTableSize += kResourceInfoSeparatorSize;
			type = item->GetType();
			infoTableSize += kMinResourceInfoBlockSize;
		} else
			infoTableSize += kMinResourceInfoSize;
		uint32 nameLen = strlen(item->GetName());
		if (nameLen != 0)
			infoTableSize += nameLen + 1;
	infoTableSize += kResourceInfoSeparatorSize + kResourceInfoTableEndSize;
	size += infoTableSize;
	return size;
// RUN: %clang   -x c   -fsanitize=alignment -O0 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c   -fsanitize=alignment -O1 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c   -fsanitize=alignment -O2 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c   -fsanitize=alignment -O3 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"

// RUN: %clang   -x c++ -fsanitize=alignment -O0 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c++ -fsanitize=alignment -O1 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c++ -fsanitize=alignment -O2 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"
// RUN: %clang   -x c++ -fsanitize=alignment -O3 %s -o %t && %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=" assumption " --implicit-check-not="note:" --implicit-check-not="error:"

#include <stdlib.h>

char *passthrough(__attribute__((align_value(0x8000))) char *x) {
  return x;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  char *ptr = (char *)malloc(2);

  passthrough(ptr + 1);
  // CHECK: {{.*}}alignment-assumption-{{.*}}.cpp:[[@LINE-7]]:10: runtime error: assumption of 32768 byte alignment for pointer of type 'char *' failed
  // CHECK: {{.*}}alignment-assumption-{{.*}}.cpp:[[@LINE-9]]:34: note: alignment assumption was specified here
  // CHECK: 0x{{.*}}: note: address is {{.*}} aligned, misalignment offset is {{.*}} byte

  // FIXME: shouldn't there be an assumption on the caller's side too?


  return 0;
예제 #7
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s

typedef double * __attribute__((align_value(64))) aligned_double;

void foo(aligned_double x, double * y __attribute__((align_value(32))),
         double & z __attribute__((align_value(128)))) { };
// CHECK: define void @_Z3fooPdS_Rd(double* align 64 %x, double* align 32 %y, double* align 128 dereferenceable(8) %z)

struct ad_struct {
  aligned_double a;

double *foo(ad_struct& x) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z3fooR9ad_struct

// CHECK: [[PTRINT1:%.+]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK: [[MASKEDPTR1:%.+]] = and i64 [[PTRINT1]], 63
// CHECK: [[MASKCOND1:%.+]] = icmp eq i64 [[MASKEDPTR1]], 0
// CHECK: call void @llvm.assume(i1 [[MASKCOND1]])
  return x.a;

double *goo(ad_struct *x) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z3gooP9ad_struct

// CHECK: [[PTRINT2:%.+]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK: [[MASKEDPTR2:%.+]] = and i64 [[PTRINT2]], 63
// CHECK: [[MASKCOND2:%.+]] = icmp eq i64 [[MASKEDPTR2]], 0
// CHECK: call void @llvm.assume(i1 [[MASKCOND2]])
  return x->a;
예제 #8
// _ReadIndex
	// read the header
	resource_index_section_header header;
	read_exactly(fFile, kResourceIndexSectionOffset, &header,
				 "Failed to read the resource index section header.");
	// check the header
	// index section offset
	uint32 indexSectionOffset = _GetUInt32(header.rish_index_section_offset);
	if (indexSectionOffset != kResourceIndexSectionOffset) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource index section offset. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", indexSectionOffset,
	// index section size
	uint32 expectedIndexSectionSize = kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize
		+ kResourceIndexEntrySize * fResourceCount;
	expectedIndexSectionSize = align_value(expectedIndexSectionSize,
	uint32 indexSectionSize = _GetUInt32(header.rish_index_section_size);
	if (indexSectionSize != expectedIndexSectionSize) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource index section size. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", indexSectionSize,
	// unknown section offset
	uint32 unknownSectionOffset
		= _GetUInt32(header.rish_unknown_section_offset);
	if (unknownSectionOffset != indexSectionOffset + indexSectionSize) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource index section size. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", unknownSectionOffset,
						indexSectionOffset + indexSectionSize);
	// unknown section size
	uint32 unknownSectionSize = _GetUInt32(header.rish_unknown_section_size);
	if (unknownSectionSize != kUnknownResourceSectionSize) {
		throw Exception("Unexpected resource index section offset. Is: %lu, "
						"should be: %lu.", unknownSectionOffset,
	// info table offset and size
	uint32 infoTableOffset = _GetUInt32(header.rish_info_table_offset);
	uint32 infoTableSize = _GetUInt32(header.rish_info_table_size);
	if (infoTableOffset + infoTableSize > fFileSize)
		throw Exception("Invalid info table location.");
	fInfoTableItem = new ResourceItem;
	fInfoTableItem->SetLocation(infoTableOffset, infoTableSize);
	// read the index entries
	uint32 indexTableOffset = indexSectionOffset
							  + kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize;
	int32 maxResourceCount = (unknownSectionOffset - indexTableOffset)
							 / kResourceIndexEntrySize;
	int32 actualResourceCount = 0;
	bool tableEndReached = false;
	for (int32 i = 0; !tableEndReached && i < maxResourceCount; i++) {
		// read one entry
		tableEndReached = !_ReadIndexEntry(i, indexTableOffset,
										   (i >= fResourceCount));
		if (!tableEndReached)
	// check resource count
	if (actualResourceCount != fResourceCount) {
		if (actualResourceCount > fResourceCount) {
			Warnings::AddCurrentWarning("Resource index table contains "
										"%ld entries, although it should be "
										"%ld only.", actualResourceCount,
		fResourceCount = actualResourceCount;
예제 #9
// _InitELFFile
ResourceFile::_InitELFFile(BFile& file)
	status_t error = B_OK;
	// get the file size
	off_t fileSize = 0;
	error = file.GetSize(&fileSize);
	if (error != B_OK)
		throw Exception(error, "Failed to get the file size.");
	// read ELF header
	Elf32_Ehdr fileHeader;
	read_exactly(file, 0, &fileHeader, sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr),
				 "Failed to read ELF header.");
	// check data encoding (endianess)
	switch (fileHeader.e_ident[EI_DATA]) {
			fHostEndianess = B_HOST_IS_LENDIAN;
			fHostEndianess = B_HOST_IS_BENDIAN;
			throw Exception("Unsupported ELF data encoding.");
	// get the header values
	uint32 headerSize				= _GetUInt16(fileHeader.e_ehsize);
	uint32 programHeaderTableOffset	= _GetUInt32(fileHeader.e_phoff);
	uint32 programHeaderSize		= _GetUInt16(fileHeader.e_phentsize);
	uint32 programHeaderCount		= _GetUInt16(fileHeader.e_phnum);
	uint32 sectionHeaderTableOffset	= _GetUInt32(fileHeader.e_shoff);
	uint32 sectionHeaderSize		= _GetUInt16(fileHeader.e_shentsize);
	uint32 sectionHeaderCount		= _GetUInt16(fileHeader.e_shnum);
	bool hasProgramHeaderTable = (programHeaderTableOffset != 0);
	bool hasSectionHeaderTable = (sectionHeaderTableOffset != 0);
//printf("headerSize              : %lu\n", headerSize);
//printf("programHeaderTableOffset: %lu\n", programHeaderTableOffset);
//printf("programHeaderSize       : %lu\n", programHeaderSize);
//printf("programHeaderCount      : %lu\n", programHeaderCount);
//printf("sectionHeaderTableOffset: %lu\n", sectionHeaderTableOffset);
//printf("sectionHeaderSize       : %lu\n", sectionHeaderSize);
//printf("sectionHeaderCount      : %lu\n", sectionHeaderCount);
	// check the sanity of the header values
	// ELF header size
	if (headerSize < sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr) || headerSize > kMaxELFHeaderSize) {
		throw Exception("Invalid ELF header: invalid ELF header size: %lu.",
	uint32 resourceOffset = headerSize;
	uint32 resourceAlignment = 0;
	// program header table offset and entry count/size
	uint32 programHeaderTableSize = 0;
	if (hasProgramHeaderTable) {
		if (programHeaderTableOffset < headerSize
			|| programHeaderTableOffset > fileSize) {
			throw Exception("Invalid ELF header: invalid program header table "
							"offset: %lu.", programHeaderTableOffset);
		programHeaderTableSize = programHeaderSize * programHeaderCount;
		if (programHeaderSize < sizeof(Elf32_Phdr)
			|| programHeaderTableOffset + programHeaderTableSize > fileSize) {
			throw Exception("Invalid ELF header: program header table exceeds "
							"file: %lu.",
							programHeaderTableOffset + programHeaderTableSize);
		resourceOffset = max(resourceOffset, programHeaderTableOffset
											 + programHeaderTableSize);
		// iterate through the program headers
		for (int32 i = 0; i < (int32)programHeaderCount; i++) {
			uint32 shOffset = programHeaderTableOffset + i * programHeaderSize;
			Elf32_Phdr programHeader;
			read_exactly(file, shOffset, &programHeader, sizeof(Elf32_Shdr),
						 "Failed to read ELF program header.");
			// get the header values
			uint32 type			= _GetUInt32(programHeader.p_type);
			uint32 offset		= _GetUInt32(programHeader.p_offset);
			uint32 size			= _GetUInt32(programHeader.p_filesz);
			uint32 alignment	= _GetUInt32(programHeader.p_align);
//printf("segment: type: %ld, offset: %lu, size: %lu, alignment: %lu\n",
//type, offset, size, alignment);
			// check the values
			// PT_NULL marks the header unused,
			if (type != PT_NULL) {
				if (/*offset < headerSize ||*/ offset > fileSize) {
					throw Exception("Invalid ELF program header: invalid "
									"program offset: %lu.", offset);
				uint32 segmentEnd = offset + size;
				if (segmentEnd > fileSize) {
					throw Exception("Invalid ELF section header: segment "
									"exceeds file: %lu.", segmentEnd);
				resourceOffset = max(resourceOffset, segmentEnd);
				resourceAlignment = max(resourceAlignment, alignment);
	// section header table offset and entry count/size
	uint32 sectionHeaderTableSize = 0;
	if (hasSectionHeaderTable) {
		if (sectionHeaderTableOffset < headerSize
			|| sectionHeaderTableOffset > fileSize) {
			throw Exception("Invalid ELF header: invalid section header table "
							"offset: %lu.", sectionHeaderTableOffset);
		sectionHeaderTableSize = sectionHeaderSize * sectionHeaderCount;
		if (sectionHeaderSize < sizeof(Elf32_Shdr)
			|| sectionHeaderTableOffset + sectionHeaderTableSize > fileSize) {
			throw Exception("Invalid ELF header: section header table exceeds "
							"file: %lu.",
							sectionHeaderTableOffset + sectionHeaderTableSize);
		resourceOffset = max(resourceOffset, sectionHeaderTableOffset
											 + sectionHeaderTableSize);
		// iterate through the section headers
		for (int32 i = 0; i < (int32)sectionHeaderCount; i++) {
			uint32 shOffset = sectionHeaderTableOffset + i * sectionHeaderSize;
			Elf32_Shdr sectionHeader;
			read_exactly(file, shOffset, &sectionHeader, sizeof(Elf32_Shdr),
						 "Failed to read ELF section header.");
			// get the header values
			uint32 type		= _GetUInt32(sectionHeader.sh_type);
			uint32 offset	= _GetUInt32(sectionHeader.sh_offset);
			uint32 size		= _GetUInt32(sectionHeader.sh_size);
//printf("section: type: %ld, offset: %lu, size: %lu\n", type, offset, size);
			// check the values
			// SHT_NULL marks the header unused,
			// SHT_NOBITS sections take no space in the file
			if (type != SHT_NULL && type != SHT_NOBITS) {
				if (offset < headerSize || offset > fileSize) {
					throw Exception("Invalid ELF section header: invalid "
									"section offset: %lu.", offset);
				uint32 sectionEnd = offset + size;
				if (sectionEnd > fileSize) {
					throw Exception("Invalid ELF section header: section "
									"exceeds file: %lu.", sectionEnd);
				resourceOffset = max(resourceOffset, sectionEnd);
//printf("resourceOffset: %lu\n", resourceOffset);
	// align the offset
	if (resourceAlignment < kELFMinResourceAlignment)
		resourceAlignment = kELFMinResourceAlignment;
	if (resourceAlignment > kELFMaxResourceAlignment) {
		throw Exception("The ELF object file requires an invalid alignment: "
						"%lu.", resourceAlignment);
	resourceOffset = align_value(resourceOffset, resourceAlignment);
//printf("resourceOffset: %lu\n", resourceOffset);
	if (resourceOffset >= fileSize)
		throw Exception("The ELF object file does not contain resources.");
	// fine, init the offset file
	fFile.SetTo(file, resourceOffset);
예제 #10
// WriteResources
ResourceFile::WriteResources(void* buffer, uint32 bufferSize)
	// calculate sizes and offsets
	// header
	uint32 size = kResourcesHeaderSize;
	// index section
	uint32 indexSectionOffset = size;
	uint32 indexSectionSize = kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize
		+ fResourceCount * kResourceIndexEntrySize;
	indexSectionSize = align_value(indexSectionSize,
	size += indexSectionSize;
	// unknown section
	uint32 unknownSectionOffset = size;
	uint32 unknownSectionSize = kUnknownResourceSectionSize;
	size += unknownSectionSize;
	// data
	uint32 dataOffset = size;
	uint32 dataSize = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		dataSize += item->GetSize();
	size += dataSize;
	// info table
	uint32 infoTableOffset = size;
	uint32 infoTableSize = 0;
	type_code type = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		if (i == 0 || type != item->GetType()) {
			if (i != 0)
				infoTableSize += kResourceInfoSeparatorSize;
			type = item->GetType();
			infoTableSize += kMinResourceInfoBlockSize;
		} else
			infoTableSize += kMinResourceInfoSize;
		uint32 nameLen = strlen(item->GetName());
		if (nameLen != 0)
			infoTableSize += nameLen + 1;
	infoTableSize += kResourceInfoSeparatorSize + kResourceInfoTableEndSize;
	size += infoTableSize;
	// check whether the buffer is large enough
	if (!buffer)
		throw Exception("Supplied buffer is NULL.");
	if (bufferSize < size)
		throw Exception("Supplied buffer is too small.");
	// write...
	void* data = buffer;
	// header
	resources_header* resourcesHeader = (resources_header*)data;
	resourcesHeader->rh_resources_magic = kResourcesHeaderMagic;
	resourcesHeader->rh_resource_count = fResourceCount;
	resourcesHeader->rh_index_section_offset = indexSectionOffset;
	resourcesHeader->rh_admin_section_size = indexSectionOffset
											 + indexSectionSize;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < 13; i++)
		resourcesHeader->rh_pad[i] = 0;
	// index section
	// header
	data = skip_bytes(buffer, indexSectionOffset);
	resource_index_section_header* indexHeader
		= (resource_index_section_header*)data;
	indexHeader->rish_index_section_offset = indexSectionOffset;
	indexHeader->rish_index_section_size = indexSectionSize;
	indexHeader->rish_unknown_section_offset = unknownSectionOffset;
	indexHeader->rish_unknown_section_size = unknownSectionSize;
	indexHeader->rish_info_table_offset = infoTableOffset;
	indexHeader->rish_info_table_size = infoTableSize;
	fill_pattern(buffer, &indexHeader->rish_unused_data1, 1);
	fill_pattern(buffer, indexHeader->rish_unused_data2, 25);
	fill_pattern(buffer, &indexHeader->rish_unused_data3, 1);
	// index table
	data = skip_bytes(data, kResourceIndexSectionHeaderSize);
	resource_index_entry* entry = (resource_index_entry*)data;
	uint32 entryOffset = dataOffset;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++, entry++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		uint32 entrySize = item->GetSize();
		entry->rie_offset = entryOffset;
		entry->rie_size = entrySize;
		entry->rie_pad = 0;
		entryOffset += entrySize;
	// padding + unknown section
	data = skip_bytes(buffer, dataOffset);
	fill_pattern(buffer, entry, data);
	// data
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		status_t error = item->LoadData(fFile);
		if (error != B_OK)
			throw Exception(error, "Error loading resource data.");
		uint32 entrySize = item->GetSize();
		memcpy(data, item->GetData(), entrySize);
		data = skip_bytes(data, entrySize);
	// info table
	data = skip_bytes(buffer, infoTableOffset);
	type = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < fResourceCount; i++) {
		ResourceItem* item = ItemAt(i);
		resource_info* info = NULL;
		if (i == 0 || type != item->GetType()) {
			if (i != 0) {
				resource_info_separator* separator
					= (resource_info_separator*)data;
				separator->ris_value1 = 0xffffffff;
				separator->ris_value2 = 0xffffffff;
				data = skip_bytes(data, kResourceInfoSeparatorSize);
			type = item->GetType();
			resource_info_block* infoBlock = (resource_info_block*)data;
			infoBlock->rib_type = type;
			info = infoBlock->rib_info;
		} else
			info = (resource_info*)data;
		// info
		info->ri_id = item->GetID();
		info->ri_index = i + 1;
		info->ri_name_size = 0;
		data = info->ri_name;
		uint32 nameLen = strlen(item->GetName());
		if (nameLen != 0) {
			memcpy(info->ri_name, item->GetName(), nameLen + 1);
			data = skip_bytes(data, nameLen + 1);
			info->ri_name_size = nameLen + 1;
	// separator
	resource_info_separator* separator = (resource_info_separator*)data;
	separator->ris_value1 = 0xffffffff;
	separator->ris_value2 = 0xffffffff;
	// table end
	data = skip_bytes(data, kResourceInfoSeparatorSize);
	resource_info_table_end* tableEnd = (resource_info_table_end*)data;
	void* infoTable = skip_bytes(buffer, infoTableOffset);
	tableEnd->rite_check_sum = calculate_checksum(infoTable,
		infoTableSize - kResourceInfoTableEndSize);
	tableEnd->rite_terminator = 0;
	// final check
	data = skip_bytes(data, kResourceInfoTableEndSize);
	uint32 bytesWritten = (char*)data - (char*)buffer;
	if (bytesWritten != size) {
		throw Exception("Bad boy error: Wrote %lu bytes, though supposed to "
						"write %lu bytes.", bytesWritten, size);
	return size;
예제 #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *fout, *fasm, *fhdr = NULL, *frlist;
  const struct parsed_proto *pp;
  int no_decorations = 0;
  char comment_char = '#';
  char words[20][256];
  char word[256];
  char line[256];
  char last_sym[32];
  unsigned long val;
  unsigned long cnt;
  const char *sym;
  enum dx_type type;
  char **pub_syms;
  int pub_sym_cnt = 0;
  int pub_sym_alloc;
  char **rlist;
  int rlist_cnt = 0;
  int rlist_alloc;
  int header_mode = 0;
  int is_ro = 0;
  int is_label;
  int is_bss;
  int wordc;
  int first;
  int arg_out;
  int arg = 1;
  int len;
  int w, i;
  char *p;
  char *p2;

  if (argc < 4) {
    // -nd: no symbol decorations
    printf("usage:\n%s [-nd] [-i] [-a] <.s> <.asm> <hdrf> [rlist]*\n"
           "%s -hdr <.h> <.asm>\n",
      argv[0], argv[0]);
    return 1;

  for (arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) {
    if (IS(argv[arg], "-nd"))
      no_decorations = 1;
    else if (IS(argv[arg], "-i"))
      g_cconv_novalidate = 1;
    else if (IS(argv[arg], "-a")) {
      comment_char = '@';
      g_arm_mode = 1;
    else if (IS(argv[arg], "-hdr"))
      header_mode = 1;

  arg_out = arg++;

  asmfn = argv[arg++];
  fasm = fopen(asmfn, "r");
  my_assert_not(fasm, NULL);

  if (!header_mode) {
    hdrfn = argv[arg++];
    fhdr = fopen(hdrfn, "r");
    my_assert_not(fhdr, NULL);

  fout = fopen(argv[arg_out], "w");
  my_assert_not(fout, NULL);

  pub_sym_alloc = 64;
  pub_syms = malloc(pub_sym_alloc * sizeof(pub_syms[0]));
  my_assert_not(pub_syms, NULL);

  rlist_alloc = 64;
  rlist = malloc(rlist_alloc * sizeof(rlist[0]));
  my_assert_not(rlist, NULL);

  for (; arg < argc; arg++) {
    frlist = fopen(argv[arg], "r");
    my_assert_not(frlist, NULL);

    while (my_fgets(line, sizeof(line), frlist)) {
      p = sskip(line);
      if (*p == 0 || *p == ';')

      p = next_word(words[0], sizeof(words[0]), p);
      if (words[0][0] == 0)

      if (rlist_cnt >= rlist_alloc) {
        rlist_alloc = rlist_alloc * 2 + 64;
        rlist = realloc(rlist, rlist_alloc * sizeof(rlist[0]));
        my_assert_not(rlist, NULL);
      rlist[rlist_cnt++] = strdup(words[0]);

    frlist = NULL;

  if (rlist_cnt > 0)
    qsort(rlist, rlist_cnt, sizeof(rlist[0]), cmpstringp);

  qsort(unwanted_syms, ARRAY_SIZE(unwanted_syms),
    sizeof(unwanted_syms[0]), cmpstringp);

  last_sym[0] = 0;

  while (1) {
    next_section(fasm, line);
    if (feof(fasm))
    if (IS(line + 1, "text"))

    if (IS(line + 1, "rdata")) {
      is_ro = 1;
      if (!header_mode)
        fprintf(fout, "\n.section .rodata\n");
    else if (IS(line + 1, "data")) {
      is_ro = 0;
      if (!header_mode)
        fprintf(fout, "\n.data\n");
      aerr("unhandled section: '%s'\n", line);

    if (!header_mode)
      fprintf(fout, ".align %d\n", align_value(4));

    while (my_fgets(line, sizeof(line), fasm))
      sym = NULL;

      p = sskip(line);
      if (*p == 0)

      if (*p == ';') {
        if (IS_START(p, ";org") && sscanf(p + 5, "%Xh", &i) == 1) {
          // ;org is only seen at section start, so assume . addr 0
          i &= 0xfff;
          if (i != 0 && !header_mode)
            fprintf(fout, "\t\t  .skip 0x%x\n", i);

      for (wordc = 0; wordc < ARRAY_SIZE(words); wordc++) {
        p = sskip(next_word_s(words[wordc], sizeof(words[0]), p));
        if (*p == 0 || *p == ';') {
        if (*p == ',') {
          p = sskip(p + 1);

      if (*p == ';') {
        p = sskip(p + 1);
        if (IS_START(p, "sctclrtype"))
          g_func_sym_pp = NULL;

      if (wordc == 2 && IS(words[1], "ends"))
      if (wordc <= 2 && IS(words[0], "end"))
      if (wordc < 2)
        aerr("unhandled: '%s'\n", words[0]);

      // don't cares
      if (IS(words[0], "assume"))

      if (IS(words[0], "align")) {
        if (header_mode)

        val = parse_number(words[1]);
        fprintf(fout, "\t\t  .align %d", align_value(val));
        goto fin;

      w = 1;
      type = parse_dx_directive(words[0]);
      if (type == DXT_UNSPEC) {
        type = parse_dx_directive(words[1]);
        sym = words[0];
        w = 2;
      if (type == DXT_UNSPEC)
        aerr("unhandled decl: '%s %s'\n", words[0], words[1]);

      if (sym != NULL)
        if (header_mode) {
          int is_str = 0;

          fprintf(fout, "extern ");
          if (is_ro)
            fprintf(fout, "const ");

          switch (type) {
          case DXT_BYTE:
            for (i = w; i < wordc; i++)
              if (words[i][0] == '\'')
                is_str = 1;
            if (is_str)
              fprintf(fout, "char     %s[];\n", sym);
              fprintf(fout, "uint8_t  %s;\n", sym);

          case DXT_WORD:
            fprintf(fout, "uint16_t %s;\n", sym);

          case DXT_DWORD:
            fprintf(fout, "uint32_t %s;\n", sym);

            fprintf(fout, "_UNKNOWN %s;\n", sym);


        snprintf(last_sym, sizeof(last_sym), "%s", sym);

        pp = proto_parse(fhdr, sym, 1);
        if (pp != NULL) {
          g_func_sym_pp = NULL;

          // public/global name
          if (pub_sym_cnt >= pub_sym_alloc) {
            pub_sym_alloc *= 2;
            pub_syms = realloc(pub_syms, pub_sym_alloc * sizeof(pub_syms[0]));
            my_assert_not(pub_syms, NULL);
          pub_syms[pub_sym_cnt++] = strdup(sym);

        len = strlen(sym);
        fprintf(fout, "%s%s:", no_decorations ? "" : "_", sym);

        len += 2;
        if (len < 8)
          fprintf(fout, "\t");
        if (len < 16)
          fprintf(fout, "\t");
        if (len <= 16)
          fprintf(fout, "  ");
          fprintf(fout, " ");
      else {
        if (header_mode)

        fprintf(fout, "\t\t  ");

      // fill out some unwanted strings with zeroes..
      if (type == DXT_BYTE && words[w][0] == '\''
        && is_unwanted_sym(last_sym))
        len = 0;
        for (; w < wordc; w++) {
          if (words[w][0] == '\'') {
            p = words[w] + 1;
            for (; *p && *p != '\''; p++)
          else {
            // assume encoded byte
        fprintf(fout, ".skip %d", len);
        goto fin;
      else if (type == DXT_BYTE
        && (words[w][0] == '\''
            || (w + 1 < wordc && words[w + 1][0] == '\'')))
        // string; use asciz for most common case
        if (w == wordc - 2 && IS(words[w + 1], "0")) {
          fprintf(fout, ".asciz \"");
          fprintf(fout, ".ascii \"");

        for (; w < wordc; w++) {
          if (words[w][0] == '\'') {
            p = words[w] + 1;
            p2 = strchr(p, '\'');
            if (p2 == NULL)
              aerr("unterminated string? '%s'\n", p);
            memcpy(word, p, p2 - p);
            word[p2 - p] = 0;
            fprintf(fout, "%s", escape_string(word));
          else {
            val = parse_number(words[w]);
            if (val & ~0xff)
              aerr("bad string trailing byte?\n");
            // unfortunately \xHH is unusable - gas interprets
            // things like \x27b as 0x7b, so have to use octal here
            fprintf(fout, "\\%03lo", val);
        fprintf(fout, "\"");
        goto fin;

      if (w == wordc - 2) {
        if (IS_START(words[w + 1], "dup(")) {
          cnt = parse_number(words[w]);
          p = words[w + 1] + 4;
          p2 = strchr(p, ')');
          if (p2 == NULL)
            aerr("bad dup?\n");
          memmove(word, p, p2 - p);
          word[p2 - p] = 0;

          val = 0;
          if (!IS(word, "?"))
            val = parse_number(word);

          fprintf(fout, ".fill 0x%02lx,%d,0x%02lx",
            cnt, type_size(type), val);
          goto fin;

      if (type == DXT_DWORD && words[w][0] == '\''
        && words[w][5] == '\'' && strlen(words[w]) == 6)
        if (w != wordc - 1)

        p = words[w];
        val = (p[1] << 24) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[3] << 8) | p[4];
        fprintf(fout, ".long 0x%lx", val);
        snprintf(g_comment, sizeof(g_comment), "%s", words[w]);
        goto fin;

      if (type >= DXT_DWORD && strchr(words[w], '.'))
        if (w != wordc - 1)

        if (g_arm_mode && type == DXT_TEN) {
          fprintf(fout, ".fill 10");
          snprintf(g_comment, sizeof(g_comment), "%s %s",
            type_name_float(type), words[w]);
          fprintf(fout, "%s %s", type_name_float(type), words[w]);
        goto fin;

      first = 1;
      fprintf(fout, "%s ", type_name(type));
      for (; w < wordc; w++)
        if (!first)
          fprintf(fout, ", ");

        is_label = is_bss = 0;
        if (w <= wordc - 2 && IS(words[w], "offset")) {
          is_label = 1;
        else if (IS(words[w], "?")) {
          is_bss = 1;
        else if (type == DXT_DWORD
                 && !('0' <= words[w][0] && words[w][0] <= '9'))
          // assume label
          is_label = 1;

        if (is_bss) {
          fprintf(fout, "0");
        else if (is_label) {
          p = words[w];
          if (IS_START(p, "loc_") || IS_START(p, "__imp")
             || strchr(p, '?') || strchr(p, '@')
             || bsearch(&p, rlist, rlist_cnt, sizeof(rlist[0]),
            fprintf(fout, "0");
            snprintf(g_comment, sizeof(g_comment), "%s", p);
          else {
            pp = check_var(fhdr, sym, p);
            if (pp == NULL) {
              fprintf(fout, "%s%s",
                (no_decorations || p[0] == '_') ? "" : "_", p);
            else {
              if (no_decorations)
                fprintf(fout, "%s", pp->name);
                output_decorated_pp(fout, pp);
        else {
          val = parse_number(words[w]);
          if (val < 10)
            fprintf(fout, "%ld", val);
            fprintf(fout, "0x%lx", val);

        first = 0;

      if (g_comment[0] != 0) {
        fprintf(fout, "\t\t%c %s", comment_char, g_comment);
        g_comment[0] = 0;
      fprintf(fout, "\n");

  fprintf(fout, "\n");

  // dump public syms
  for (i = 0; i < pub_sym_cnt; i++)
    fprintf(fout, ".global %s%s\n",
      no_decorations ? "" : "_", pub_syms[i]);

  if (fhdr != NULL)

  return 0;
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-NOSANITIZE
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsanitize=alignment -fno-sanitize-recover=alignment -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="call void @__ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption" --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-SANITIZE,CHECK-SANITIZE-ANYRECOVER,CHECK-SANITIZE-NORECOVER,CHECK-SANITIZE-UNREACHABLE
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsanitize=alignment -fsanitize-recover=alignment -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="call void @__ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption" --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-SANITIZE,CHECK-SANITIZE-ANYRECOVER,CHECK-SANITIZE-RECOVER
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsanitize=alignment -fsanitize-trap=alignment -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="call void @__ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption" --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-SANITIZE,CHECK-SANITIZE-TRAP,CHECK-SANITIZE-UNREACHABLE

typedef char **__attribute__((align_value(0x80000000))) aligned_char;

struct ac_struct {
  // CHECK:  %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT:.*]] = type { i8** }
  aligned_char a;

// CHECK-SANITIZE-ANYRECOVER: @[[ALIGNED_CHAR:.*]] = {{.*}} c"'aligned_char' (aka 'char **')\00" }
// CHECK-SANITIZE-ANYRECOVER: @[[LINE_100_ALIGNMENT_ASSUMPTION:.*]] = {{.*}}, i32 100, i32 13 }, {{.*}}* @[[ALIGNED_CHAR]] }

char **load_from_ac_struct(struct ac_struct *x) {
  // CHECK:                           define i8** @{{.*}}(%[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]* %[[X:.*]])
  // CHECK-NEXT:                      [[ENTRY:.*]]:
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT_ADDR:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]*, align 8
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        store %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]* %[[X]], %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]** %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT_ADDR]], align 8
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        %[[X_RELOADED:.*]] = load %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]*, %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]** %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT_ADDR]], align 8
  // CHECK:                             %[[A_ADDR:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]], %[[STRUCT_AC_STRUCT]]* %[[X_RELOADED]], i32 0, i32 0
  // CHECK:                             %[[A:.*]] = load i8**, i8*** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        %[[PTRINT:.*]] = ptrtoint i8** %[[A]] to i64
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        %[[MASKEDPTR:.*]] = and i64 %[[PTRINT]], 2147483647
  // CHECK-NEXT:                        %[[MASKCOND:.*]] = icmp eq i64 %[[MASKEDPTR]], 0
  // CHECK-SANITIZE-NEXT:               %[[PTRINT_DUP:.*]] = ptrtoint i8** %[[A]] to i64, !nosanitize
  // CHECK-SANITIZE-NEXT:               br i1 %[[MASKCOND]], label %[[CONT:.*]], label %[[HANDLER_ALIGNMENT_ASSUMPTION:[^,]+]],{{.*}} !nosanitize
  // CHECK-SANITIZE-NORECOVER-NEXT:     call void @__ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption_abort(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}* }* @[[LINE_100_ALIGNMENT_ASSUMPTION]] to i8*), i64 %[[PTRINT_DUP]], i64 2147483648, i64 0){{.*}}, !nosanitize
  // CHECK-SANITIZE-RECOVER-NEXT:       call void @__ubsan_handle_alignment_assumption(i8* bitcast ({ {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}, {{{.*}}}* }* @[[LINE_100_ALIGNMENT_ASSUMPTION]] to i8*), i64 %[[PTRINT_DUP]], i64 2147483648, i64 0){{.*}}, !nosanitize