예제 #1
void gyroUpdate(void)
	int16_t gyroADCRaw[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
	int axis;

    // range: +/- 8192; +/- 2000 deg/sec
    if (!gyro.read(gyroADCRaw)) {

    for (axis = 0; axis < XYZ_AXIS_COUNT; axis++) {
        if (debugMode == DEBUG_GYRO) debug[axis] = gyroADC[axis];
        gyroADC[axis] = gyroADCRaw[axis];

    alignSensors(gyroADC, gyroADC, gyroAlign);

    if (gyroLpfCutFreq) {
        if (!gyroFilterStateIsSet) initGyroFilterCoefficients(); /* initialise filter coefficients */

        if (gyroFilterStateIsSet) {
            for (axis = 0; axis < XYZ_AXIS_COUNT; axis++) gyroADC[axis] = lrintf(applyBiQuadFilter((float) gyroADC[axis], &gyroFilterState[axis]));

    if (!isGyroCalibrationComplete()) {

예제 #2
static void updateBatteryVoltage(void)
    uint16_t vbatSample;
    // store the battery voltage with some other recent battery voltage readings
    vbatSample = vbatLatestADC = adcGetChannel(ADC_BATTERY);
    vbatSample = applyBiQuadFilter(vbatSample, &vbatFilterState);
    vbat = batteryAdcToVoltage(vbatSample);
예제 #3
파일: imu.c 프로젝트: gamani/betaflight-bak
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(void)
    static biquad_t accLPFState[3];
    static bool accStateIsSet;
    static uint32_t previousIMUUpdateTime;
    float rawYawError = 0;
    int32_t axis;
    bool useAcc = false;
    bool useMag = false;
    bool useYaw = false;

    uint32_t currentTime = micros();
    uint32_t deltaT = currentTime - previousIMUUpdateTime;
    previousIMUUpdateTime = currentTime;

    // Smooth and use only valid accelerometer readings
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz) {
            if (accStateIsSet) {
                accSmooth[axis] = lrintf(applyBiQuadFilter((float) accADC[axis], &accLPFState[axis]));
            } else {
                for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(imuRuntimeConfig->acc_cut_hz, &accLPFState[axis], 1000);
                accStateIsSet = true;
        } else {
            accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];

    if (imuIsAccelerometerHealthy()) {
        useAcc = true;

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && isMagnetometerHealthy()) {
        useMag = true;
#if defined(GPS)
    else if (STATE(FIXED_WING) && sensors(SENSOR_GPS) && STATE(GPS_FIX) && GPS_numSat >= 5 && GPS_speed >= 300) {
        // In case of a fixed-wing aircraft we can use GPS course over ground to correct heading
        rawYawError = DECIDEGREES_TO_RADIANS(attitude.values.yaw - GPS_ground_course);
        useYaw = true;

    imuMahonyAHRSupdate(deltaT * 1e-6f,
                        gyroADC[X] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Y] * gyroScale, gyroADC[Z] * gyroScale,
                        useAcc, accSmooth[X], accSmooth[Y], accSmooth[Z],
                        useMag, magADC[X], magADC[Y], magADC[Z],
                        useYaw, rawYawError);


    imuCalculateAcceleration(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame
예제 #4
파일: gyro.c 프로젝트: AXH2O/raceflight
void gyroUpdate(void)
    // range: +/- 8192; +/- 2000 deg/sec
    if (!gyro.read(gyroADC)) {

    alignSensors(gyroADC, gyroADC, gyroAlign);

    if (gyroLpfCutFreq) {
        if (!gyroFilterStateIsSet) {
        } else {
        	for (axis = 0; axis < XYZ_AXIS_COUNT; axis++) gyroADC[axis] = lrintf(applyBiQuadFilter((float) gyroADC[axis], &gyroBiQuadState[axis]));

    if (!isGyroCalibrationComplete()) {

예제 #5
STATIC_UNIT_TESTED int16_t pidLuxFloatCore(int axis, const pidProfile_t *pidProfile, float gyroRate, float angleRate)
    static float lastRateForDelta[3];
    static float deltaState[3][DTERM_AVERAGE_COUNT];


    const float rateError = angleRate - gyroRate;

    // -----calculate P component
    float PTerm = luxPTermScale * rateError * pidProfile->P8[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100;
    // Constrain YAW by yaw_p_limit value if not servo driven, in that case servolimits apply
    if (axis == YAW && pidProfile->yaw_p_limit && motorCount >= 4) {
        PTerm = constrainf(PTerm, -pidProfile->yaw_p_limit, pidProfile->yaw_p_limit);

    // -----calculate I component
    float ITerm = lastITermf[axis] + luxITermScale * rateError * dT * pidProfile->I8[axis];
    // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
    // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
    ITerm = constrainf(ITerm, -PID_MAX_I, PID_MAX_I);
    // Anti windup protection
    if (rcModeIsActive(BOXAIRMODE)) {
        if (STATE(ANTI_WINDUP) || motorLimitReached) {
            ITerm = constrainf(ITerm, -ITermLimitf[axis], ITermLimitf[axis]);
        } else {
            ITermLimitf[axis] = ABS(ITerm);
    lastITermf[axis] = ITerm;

    // -----calculate D component
    float DTerm;
    if (pidProfile->D8[axis] == 0) {
        // optimisation for when D8 is zero, often used by YAW axis
        DTerm = 0;
    } else {
        // delta calculated from measurement
        float delta = -(gyroRate - lastRateForDelta[axis]);
        lastRateForDelta[axis] = gyroRate;
        // Divide delta by dT to get differential (ie dr/dt)
        delta *= (1.0f / dT);
        if (pidProfile->dterm_cut_hz) {
            // DTerm delta low pass filter
            delta = applyBiQuadFilter(delta, &deltaFilterState[axis]);
        } else {
            // When DTerm low pass filter disabled apply moving average to reduce noise
            delta = filterApplyAveragef(delta, DTERM_AVERAGE_COUNT, deltaState[axis]);
        DTerm = luxDTermScale * delta * pidProfile->D8[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100;
        DTerm = constrainf(DTerm, -PID_MAX_D, PID_MAX_D);

    axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
    axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
    axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm;
    // -----calculate total PID output
    return lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm);
예제 #6
파일: pid.c 프로젝트: gamani/betaflight-bak
static void pidLuxFloat(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig,
        uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    float RateError, AngleRate, gyroRate;
    float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm;
    static float lastError[3];
    float delta;
    int axis;
    float horizonLevelStrength = 1;
    static float previousErrorGyroIf[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

    if (!deltaStateIsSet && pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) BiQuadNewLpf(pidProfile->dterm_lpf_hz, &deltaBiQuadState[axis], 0);
        deltaStateIsSet = true;

        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        const int32_t stickPosAil = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t stickPosEle = ABS(getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc));
        const int32_t mostDeflectedPos = MAX(stickPosAil, stickPosEle);
        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->H_sensitivity == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->H_sensitivity)) + 1, 0, 1);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        uint8_t rate = 10;
        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        if (axis == YAW || !pidProfile->airModeInsaneAcrobilityFactor || !IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXAIRMODE)) {
            rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate
            AngleRate = (float)((rate + 10) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 50.0f;
         } else {
             // ACRO mode, control is GYRO based, direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
             AngleRate = (float)((rate + 20) * rcCommand[axis]) / 50.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max roll/pitch rate
                // calculate error angle and limit the angle to the max inclination
#ifdef GPS
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
                const float errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - attitude.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
                if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                    // ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
                    AngleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->A_level;
                } else {
                    // HORIZON mode - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
                    // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel
                    AngleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->H_level * horizonLevelStrength;

        gyroRate = gyroADC[axis] * gyro.scale; // gyro output scaled to dps

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
        // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
        // -----calculate scaled error.AngleRates
        // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
        RateError = AngleRate - gyroRate;

        // -----calculate P component
        PTerm = RateError * pidProfile->P_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100;

        // -----calculate I component.
        errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + RateError * dT * pidProfile->I_f[axis] * 10, -250.0f, 250.0f);

            airModePlus(&airModePlusAxisState[axis], axis, pidProfile);
            errorGyroIf[axis] *= airModePlusAxisState[axis].iTermScaler;

        if (allowITermShrinkOnly || motorLimitReached) {
            if (ABS(errorGyroIf[axis]) < ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis])) {
                previousErrorGyroIf[axis] = errorGyroIf[axis];
            } else {
                errorGyroIf[axis] = constrain(errorGyroIf[axis], -ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis]), ABS(previousErrorGyroIf[axis]));
        } else {
            previousErrorGyroIf[axis] = errorGyroIf[axis];

        // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
        // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
        ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis];

        //-----calculate D-term
        delta = RateError - lastError[axis];
        lastError[axis] = RateError;

        if (deltaStateIsSet) {
            delta = applyBiQuadFilter(delta, &deltaBiQuadState[axis]);

        // Correct difference by cycle time. Cycle time is jittery (can be different 2 times), so calculated difference
        // would be scaled by different dt each time. Division by dT fixes that.
        delta *= (1.0f / dT);

        DTerm = constrainf(delta * pidProfile->D_f[axis] * PIDweight[axis] / 100, -300.0f, 300.0f);

        // -----calculate total PID output
        axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm + DTerm), -1000, 1000);

            axisPID[axis] = lrintf(airModePlusAxisState[axis].factor + airModePlusAxisState[axis].wowFactor * axisPID[axis]);

#ifdef GTUNE

        axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
        axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
        axisPID_D[axis] = DTerm;