예제 #1
 * @brief	Parse a chunk of input into an array of IMAP arguments.
 * @see		imap_parse_qstring(), imap_parse_literal(), imap_parse_array(), imap_parse_astring()
 * @note	This function scans a string for an array of arguments, performing the following logic when a particular character is encountered:
 * 			"      : Parse argument as quoted string with imap_parse_qstring().
 * 			{      : Parse argument as literal string with imap_parse_literal().
 * 			( or [ : Parse argument as array with imap_parse_astring().
 * 			other  : Defaults to parsing argument as atomic string with imap_parse_atomic().
 * 			The supplied start and length pointers will be updated to reflect the input stream if the quoted string is parsed successfully.

 * @param	start	the address of a pointer to the start of the buffer to be parsed, that will be continually updated
 * 					to point to the next argument in the sequence during the parsing loop.
 * @param	length	a pointer to a size_t variable that contains the length of the string to be parsed, that will be continually updated
 * 					with the input stream position during the parsing loop.
 * @return	-1 on parsing error or 1 on success.
int_t imap_parse_arguments(connection_t *con, chr_t **start, size_t *length) {

	stringer_t *result = NULL;
	imap_arguments_t *array = NULL;

	while (*length && **start >= '!' && **start <= '~') {
		// Quoted strings.
		if (**start == '"') {

			if (imap_parse_qstring(&result, start, length) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(&(con->imap.arguments), IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_QSTRING, result);
		// Literal strings.
		else if (**start == '{') {

			if (imap_parse_literal(con, &result, start, length) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(&(con->imap.arguments), IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_LITERAL, result);
		// Parenthetical/blocked arrays.
		else if (**start == '(' || **start == '[') {

			if (imap_parse_array(0, con, &array, start, length) != 1) {

				if (array != NULL) {

				return -1;

			ar_append(&(con->imap.arguments), IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ARRAY, array);
			array = NULL;
		// Atomic strings.
		else if (**start >= '!' && **start <= '~') {

			if (imap_parse_astring(&result, start, length) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(&(con->imap.arguments), IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ASTRING, result);


	return 1;
예제 #2
/* This function frees all memory associated with the filesystem table. */
	int n;

	if (fs_tab_used == 0) {

	for (n = 0; n < fs_tab_used; n++) {

예제 #3
void imap_session_destroy(connection_t *con) {

	inx_cursor_t *cursor;
	meta_message_t *active;


	// If a folder was selected, clear the recent flag before closing the mailbox.
	if (con->imap.session_state == 1 && con->imap.user && con->imap.selected && !con->imap.read_only &&
		(cursor = inx_cursor_alloc(con->imap.user->messages))) {

		while ((active = inx_cursor_value_next(cursor))) {

			if (active->foldernum == con->imap.selected && (active->status & MAIL_STATUS_RECENT) == MAIL_STATUS_RECENT) {
				active->status = (active->status | MAIL_STATUS_RECENT) ^ MAIL_STATUS_RECENT;




	// Is there a user session.
	if (con->imap.user) {

		if (con->imap.username) {
			meta_remove(con->imap.username, META_PROT_IMAP);



	if (con->imap.arguments) {


예제 #4
 * @brief	Get an array of the key/value pairs of parameters passed to the value of the mime Content-Type header.
 * @note	The parameters of the Content-Type header value will be examined, and each found parameter will result in the addition of
 * 			TWO managed strings to the returned array: the first containing the parameter key name, and the second with the parameter value.
 * @param	header	a placer pointing to the mime header to be parsed.
 * @return	NULL on failure, or on success, an array of managed strings structured as the key name followed by the value of each parameter
 * 			passed in the Content-Type header.
array_t * mail_mime_type_parameters(placer_t header) {

	array_t *output;
	stringer_t *key, *holder;
	placer_t parameter;
	unsigned increment, tokens;

	if (!(holder = mail_header_fetch_cleaned(&header, PLACER("Content-Type", 12)))) {
		return NULL;

	if ((tokens = tok_get_count_st(holder, ';')) <= 1) {
		return NULL;

	// Allocate an array.
	if (!(output = ar_alloc((tokens - 1) * 2))) {
		return NULL;

	for (increment = 1; increment < tokens; increment++) {
		tok_get_st(holder, ';', increment, &parameter);

		if ((key = mail_mime_type_parameters_key(&parameter))) {
			ar_append(&output, ARRAY_TYPE_STRINGER, key);
			ar_append(&output, ARRAY_TYPE_STRINGER, mail_mime_type_parameters_value(&parameter));



	if (!ar_length_get(output)) {
		return NULL;

	return output;
예제 #5
 * @brief	Free a mail mime object and its underlying data, and recursively free its children parts.
 * @param	mime	a pointer to the mail mime object to be freed.
 * @return	This function returns no value.
void mail_mime_free(mail_mime_t *mime) {

	size_t increment, elements;

	if (!mime) {

	if (mime->children) {
		elements = ar_length_get(mime->children);

		for (increment = 0; increment < elements; increment++) {
			mail_mime_free((mail_mime_t *)ar_field_ptr(mime->children, increment));



예제 #6
 * @brief	Parse a block of data into a mail mime object.
 * @note	By parsing the specified mime part, this function fills in the content type and encoding of the resulting mail mime object.
 * 			If the message is multipart, the boundary string is determined and then used to split the body into children;
 * 			then each child part is passed to mail_mime_part() to be parsed likewise, recursively.
 * @param	part		a managed string containing the mime part data to be parsed.
 * @param	recursion	an incremented recursion level tracker for calling this function, to prevent an overflow from occurring.
 * @return	NULL on failure or a pointer to a newly allocated and updated mail mime object parsed from the part data on success.
mail_mime_t * mail_mime_part(stringer_t *part, uint32_t recursion) {

	array_t *holder;
	size_t elements, increment;
	mail_mime_t *result, *subpart;

	// Recursion limiter.
	if (recursion >= MAIL_MIME_RECURSION_LIMIT) {
		log_pedantic("Recursion limit hit.");
		return NULL;

	if (st_empty(part)) {
		log_pedantic("Passed an empty placer_t.");
		return NULL;

	if (!(result = mm_alloc(sizeof(mail_mime_t)))) {
		log_pedantic("Could not allocate %zu bytes for the MIME structure.", sizeof(mail_mime_t));
		return NULL;

	// Store the entire part, and figure out the length of the header.
	result->entire = pl_init(st_data_get(part), st_length_get(part));
	result->header = mail_mime_header(part);

	// Check to make sure the header doesn't take up the entire part.
	if (st_length_get(&(result->header)) != st_length_get(part)) {
		result->body = pl_init(st_char_get(part) + st_length_get(&(result->header)), st_length_get(part) - st_length_get(&(result->header)));

	// Determine the content type.
	result->type = mail_mime_type(result->header);
	result->encoding = mail_mime_encoding(result->header);

	// If were dealing with a multipart message, get the boundary.
	if ((result->type == MESSAGE_TYPE_MULTI_ALTERNATIVE || result->type == MESSAGE_TYPE_MULTI_MIXED || result->type == MESSAGE_TYPE_MULTI_RELATED ||
		result->type == MESSAGE_TYPE_MULTI_RFC822 || result->type == MESSAGE_TYPE_MULTI_UNKOWN) && (result->boundary = mail_mime_boundary(result->header))) {

		// Get an array of message parts.
		if ((holder = mail_mime_split(result->body, result->boundary)) && (elements = ar_length_get(holder))) {

			if ((result->children = ar_alloc(elements))) {

				for (increment = 0; increment < elements; increment++) {

					if ((subpart = mail_mime_part(ar_field_st(holder, increment), recursion + 1))) {

						if (ar_append(&(result->children), ARRAY_TYPE_POINTER, subpart) != 1) {





		if (holder) {


	return result;
예제 #7
파일: artest.c 프로젝트: binaryWorld/ctsa
int main(void) {
	int i, N, L,method;
	double *inp;
	int p;
	double *phi;
	double *xpred, *amse;

	ar_object obj;
	p = 0;

	L = 5;

	phi = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)* p);

	xpred = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)* L);
	amse = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)* L);

	FILE *ifp;
	double temp[2000];

	ifp = fopen("seriesA.txt", "r");
	i = 0;
	if (!ifp) {
		printf("Cannot Open File");
	while (!feof(ifp)) {
		fscanf(ifp, "%lf \n", &temp[i]);
	N = i;

	inp = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)* N);
	//wmean = mean(temp, N);

	for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
		inp[i] = temp[i];
		//printf("%g \n",inp[i]);

	method = 0; // method 0 - Yule Walker, Method 1 - Burg, Method 2, MLE (Box-Jenkins)
	obj = ar_init(method, N);
	ar_exec(obj, inp);
	// Predict the next 5 values using the obtained ARIMA model
	ar_predict(obj, inp, L, xpred, amse);
	printf("Predicted Values : ");
	for (i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
		printf("%g ", xpred[i]);
	printf("Standard Errors  : ");
	for (i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
		printf("%g ", sqrt(amse[i]));

	//ar_estimate(inp, N, 2);
	return 0;

예제 #8
 * @brief	Create the data of an outbound smtp message that will be specified with the smtp DATA command.
 * @param	attachments		an optional inx holder containing a list of attachments to be included in the message.
 * @param	from			a managed string containing the email address sending the message.
 * @param	to				an inx holder containing a list of To: email recipients as managed strings.
 * @param	cc				an inx holder containing a list of 0 or more CC: recipients as managed strings.
 * @param	bcc				an inx holder containing a list of 0 or more BCC: recipients as managed strings.
 * @param	subject			a managed string containing the subject of the message.
 * @param	body_plain		an optional managed string containing the plain text body of the message.
 * @param	body_html		an optional managed string containing the html-formatted body of the message.
 * @return	NULL on failure or a managed string containing the packaged outbound smtp message data on success.
stringer_t * portal_smtp_create_data(inx_t *attachments, stringer_t *from, inx_t *to, inx_t *cc, inx_t *bcc, stringer_t *subject, stringer_t *body_plain, stringer_t *body_html) {

		inx_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
		array_t *all_attachments = NULL;
		attachment_t *attachment;
		stringer_t *result = NULL, *boundary = NULL, *mime_data, *tmp;
		size_t nattached = 0;

		if (attachments && (!(cursor = inx_cursor_alloc(attachments)))) {
			log_pedantic("Unable to read message attachments.");
			return NULL;
		} else if (attachments) {

			while ((attachment = inx_cursor_value_next(cursor))) {

					// We are creating an array of all the attachment data. It needs to be ARRAY_TYPE_POINTER so deallocating the array doesn't free the underlying data.
					if (attachment->filedata && !ar_append(&all_attachments, ARRAY_TYPE_POINTER, attachment->filedata)) {
						log_pedantic("Unable to parse message attachments.");
						if (all_attachments) ar_free(all_attachments);
						return NULL;


			if (all_attachments) {
				nattached = ar_length_get(all_attachments);


		if (!nattached) {

			if (cursor) {

			if (!(result = mail_mime_get_smtp_envelope(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, boundary, false))) {
						log_pedantic("Unable to generate smtp envelope for outbound mail.");
						return NULL;

		} else {

			// TODO: This should really happen after encoding is performed, but the chances of a collision are still infinitesimal.
			// Now that we have all the attachment data in an array, we can generate a unique boundary string.
			if (!(boundary = mail_mime_generate_boundary(all_attachments))) {
				log_pedantic("Unable to generate boundary for MIME attachments.");
				return NULL;


			// Get the envelope for a message that has attachments.
			if (!(result = mail_mime_get_smtp_envelope(from, to, cc, bcc, subject, boundary, true))) {
				log_pedantic("Unable to generate smtp envelope for outbound mail.");
				return NULL;

			// Now that we have the envelope, the first content is the actual email body.
			if (!(tmp = st_merge("snsnsn", result, "--------------", boundary, "\r\nContent-Type: text-plain\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n", body_plain, "\r\n"))) {
				log_pedantic("Unable to pack message body into outbound message.");
				return NULL;

			result = tmp;

			// Now go through each attachment, encode it, and append it to the envelope.

			while ((attachment = inx_cursor_value_next(cursor))) {

				if (!(mime_data = mail_mime_encode_part(attachment->filedata, attachment->filename, boundary))) {
					log_pedantic("Unable to mime encode part for message attachment.");
					return NULL;

				tmp = st_merge("ss", result, mime_data);

				if (!tmp) {
					log_pedantic("Unable to allocate space for portal smtp message.");
					return NULL;

				result = tmp;


			// One final boundary at the end.
			tmp = st_merge("snsn", result, "\r\n--------------", boundary, "--");

			if (!tmp) {
				log_pedantic("Unable to allocate space for portal smtp message.");
				return NULL;

			result = tmp;

		return result;
예제 #9
 * @brief	Parse an input line containing an IMAP command.
 * @note	This function updates the protocol-specific IMAP structure with parsed values for the session's tag, command, and arguments fields.
 * 			Special handling is performed for any command that is preceded by a "UID" prefix.
 * @param	con		the IMAP client connection issuing the command.
 * @return	1 on success or < 0 on error.
 *         -1: the tag could not be read.
 *         -2: the IMAP command could not be read.
 *         -3: the arguments to the IMAP command could not be read.
int_t imap_command_parser(connection_t *con) {

	chr_t *holder;
	size_t length;

	if (!con) {
		log_pedantic("Invalid data was passed in for parsing.");
		return 0;

	// Free the previous tag.
	con->imap.tag = NULL;

	// Free the previous command.
	con->imap.command = NULL;

	// Free the previous arguments array.
	if (con->imap.arguments) {
		con->imap.arguments = NULL;

	// Debug info.
	if (magma.log.imap) {

	// Get setup.
	holder = st_data_get(&(con->network.line));
	length = st_length_get(&(con->network.line));

	// Get the tag.
	if (imap_parse_astring(&(con->imap.tag), &holder, &length) != 1 || !con->imap.tag) {
		return -1;

	// Get the command.
	if (imap_parse_astring(&(con->imap.command), &holder, &length) != 1 || !con->imap.command) {
		return -2;

	// Check for the UID modifier.
	if (!st_cmp_ci_eq(con->imap.command, PLACER("UID", 3))) {
		con->imap.uid = 1;
		con->imap.command = NULL;

		if (imap_parse_astring(&(con->imap.command), &holder, &length) != 1 || con->imap.command == NULL) {
			return -2;

	else if (con->imap.uid == 1) {
		con->imap.uid = 0;

	// Now append the arguments to the array.
	if (imap_parse_arguments(con, &holder, &length) != 1) {
		return -3;

	// Debug info.
		print_ar(0, con->imap.arguments);

	return 1;
예제 #10
 * @brief	Extract the contents of an array argument and advance the position of the parser stream.
 * @note	This function expects as input a string beginning either with '(' or '['.

 * @param	length	a pointer to a size_t variable that contains the length of the string to be parsed, and that will be updated to reflect
 * 					the length of the remainder of the input string that follows the parsed literal string.
 * @param	recursion	d
 * @param	con			the client IMAP connection passing the array as input to the server.
 * @param	array		-
 * @param	start		-
 * @param	length		-
 * @return
int_t imap_parse_array(int_t recursion, connection_t *con, imap_arguments_t **array, chr_t **start, size_t *length) {

	chr_t type;
	stringer_t *result = NULL;
	imap_arguments_t *inner = NULL;

	// Recursion limiter.
	if (recursion >= IMAP_ARRAY_RECURSION_LIMIT) {
		log_pedantic("Recursion limit hit.");
		return -1;

	if (!*start || !*length) {
		log_pedantic("Could not parse NULL IMAP argument array.");
		return -1;

	// Skip the opening parentheses.
	if (**start == '(') {
		type = ')';
	else if (**start == '[') {
		type = ']';
	else {
		return -1;

	while (*length && **start != type && **start >= '!' && **start <= '~') {
		// Quoted strings.
		if (**start == '"') {

			if (imap_parse_qstring(&result, start, length) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(array, IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_QSTRING, result);
		// Literal strings.
		else if (**start == '{') {

			if (imap_parse_literal(con, &result, start, length) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(array, IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_LITERAL, result);
		// Parenthetical/blocked arrays.
		else if (**start == '(' || **start == '[') {

			if (imap_parse_array(recursion + 1, con, &inner, start, length) != 1) {

				if (inner) {

				return -1;

			ar_append(array, IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ARRAY, inner);
			inner = NULL;
		// Nil strings.
		else if (**start >= '!' && **start <= '~') {

			if (imap_parse_nstring(&result, start, length, type) != 1) {
				return -1;

			ar_append(array, IMAP_ARGUMENT_TYPE_NSTRING, result);

	// Parser error.
	if (**start != type) {
		return -1;

	// Skip the closing token.
	if (length && **start == type) {

	// Advance a space to the next argument.
	if (length && **start == ' ') {

	return 1;