예제 #1
int32_t main(void) 
	float32_t diff; 
	uint32_t i; 
	for(i=0; i< blockSize; i++) 
        cosOutput = arm_cos_f32(testInput_f32[i]); 
		sinOutput = arm_sin_f32(testInput_f32[i]); 
		arm_mult_f32(&cosOutput, &cosOutput, &cosSquareOutput, 1); 
		arm_mult_f32(&sinOutput, &sinOutput, &sinSquareOutput, 1); 
		arm_add_f32(&cosSquareOutput, &sinSquareOutput, &testOutput, 1);
		/* absolute value of difference between ref and test */ 
	    diff = fabsf(testRefOutput_f32 - testOutput); 
	    /* Comparison of sin_cos value with reference */ 
	    if(diff > DELTA) 
		   status = ARM_MATH_TEST_FAILURE; 
	    if( status == ARM_MATH_TEST_FAILURE) 

    while(1);                             /* main function does not return */
예제 #2
파일: main.c 프로젝트: A-Paul/RIOT
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Variance calculation test
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(void)
    arm_status status;
    float32_t mean;
    float32_t oneByBlockSize = 1.0 / (blockSize);
    float32_t variance;
    float32_t diff;
    status = ARM_MATH_SUCCESS;
    puts("ARM DSP lib test");
    puts("Note: This test is using 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers,"
         "(24 bit mantissa, 7 bit exponent)");
    puts("Expect roughly 7 decimals precision on the result.");
    /* Calculation of mean value of input */
    /* x' = 1/blockSize * (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ... + x(n-1) * 1) */
    /* Fill wire1 buffer with 1.0 value */
    arm_fill_f32(1.0, wire1, blockSize);
    /* Calculate the dot product of wire1 and wire2 */
    /* (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ...+ x(n-1) * 1) */
    arm_dot_prod_f32(testInput_f32, wire1, blockSize, &mean);
    /* 1/blockSize * (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ... + x(n-1) * 1)  */
    arm_mult_f32(&mean, &oneByBlockSize, &mean, 1);
    /* Calculation of variance value of input */
    /* (1/blockSize) * (x(0) - x') * (x(0) - x') + (x(1) - x') * (x(1) - x') + ... + (x(n-1) - x') * (x(n-1) - x') */
    /* Fill wire2 with mean value x' */
    arm_fill_f32(mean, wire2, blockSize);
    /* wire3 contains (x-x') */
    arm_sub_f32(testInput_f32, wire2, wire3, blockSize);
    /* wire2 contains (x-x') */
    arm_copy_f32(wire3, wire2, blockSize);
    /* (x(0) - x') * (x(0) - x') + (x(1) - x') * (x(1) - x') + ... + (x(n-1) - x') * (x(n-1) - x') */
    arm_dot_prod_f32(wire2, wire3, blockSize, &variance);
    /* Calculation of 1/blockSize */
    oneByBlockSize = 1.0 / (blockSize - 1);
    /* Calculation of variance */
    arm_mult_f32(&variance, &oneByBlockSize, &variance, 1);
    /* absolute value of difference between ref and test */
    diff = variance - refVarianceOut;
    /* Split into fractional and integral parts, since printing floats may not be supported on all platforms */
    float int_part;
    float frac_part = fabsf(modff(variance, &int_part));
    printf("      dsp: %3d.%09d\n", (int) int_part, (int) (frac_part * 1.0e9f + 0.5f));
    puts(  "reference:   0.903941793931839");
    frac_part = fabsf(modff(diff, &int_part));
    printf("     diff: %3d.%09d\n", (int) int_part, (int) (frac_part * 1.0e9f + 0.5f));
    /* Comparison of variance value with reference */
    if(fabsf(diff) > DELTA) {
        status = ARM_MATH_TEST_FAILURE;
    if(status != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS) {
        puts("Test failed");
    puts("Test done");
        ; /* main function does not return */
예제 #3
int32_t main(void) 
	uint32_t i;			 /* Loop counter */ 
	float32_t diff;		 /* Difference between reference and test outputs */ 
	/* Multiplication of two input buffers */ 
	arm_mult_f32(srcA_buf_f32, srcB_buf_f32, multOutput, MAX_BLOCKSIZE); 
	/* Accumulate the multiplication output values to  
	   get the dot product of the two inputs */ 
	for(i=0; i< MAX_BLOCKSIZE; i++) 
		arm_add_f32(&testOutput, &multOutput[i], &testOutput, 1);	 
	/* absolute value of difference between ref and test */ 
	diff = fabsf(refDotProdOut - testOutput); 
	/* Comparison of dot product value with reference */ 
	if(diff > DELTA) 
	if( status == ARM_MATH_TEST_FAILURE) 
int32_t main(void) 
   float32_t diff; 
   uint32_t i; 

   printf("Starting Test...\n");
   for (i=0; i < blockSize; i++) 
      cosOutput = arm_cos_f32(testInput_f32[i]); 
      printf("Cos %f = %f\n", testInput_f32[i], cosOutput);
      sinOutput = arm_sin_f32(testInput_f32[i]); 
      printf("Sin %f = %f\n", testInput_f32[i], sinOutput);

      arm_mult_f32(&cosOutput, &cosOutput, &cosSquareOutput, 1); 
      printf("Cos squared %f = %f\n", cosOutput, cosSquareOutput);

      arm_mult_f32(&sinOutput, &sinOutput, &sinSquareOutput, 1); 
      printf("Sin squared %f = %f\n", sinOutput, sinSquareOutput);

      arm_add_f32(&cosSquareOutput, &sinSquareOutput, &testOutput, 1);
      printf("Add %f and %f = %f\n", cosSquareOutput, sinSquareOutput, testOutput);
      /* absolute value of difference between ref and test */ 
      diff = fabsf(testRefOutput_f32 - testOutput); 
      /* Comparison of sin_cos value with reference */ 
      if (diff > DELTA) 
         printf("Diff failure %f\n", diff);
         exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* just for QEMU testing */
   printf("Ending Test...\n");
   exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* just for QEMU testing */
   while(1); /* main function does not return */
예제 #5
void FloatArray::multiply(FloatArray operand2, FloatArray destination){ //allows in-place
  ASSERT(operand2.size == size &&  destination.size==size, "Arrays must be same size");
  /// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/General/html/index.html">CMSIS library</a>
  /* despite not explicitely documented in the CMSIS documentation,
      this has been tested to behave properly even when pSrcA==pDst
      void 	arm_mult_f32 (float32_t *pSrcA, float32_t *pSrcB, float32_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
    arm_mult_f32(data, operand2.data, destination, size);
  for(int n=0; n<size; n++){

  #endif /* ARM_CORTEX */
int32_t main(void)
	arm_status status;
	float32_t mean, oneByBlockSize;
	float32_t variance;
	float32_t diff;
	/* Calculation of mean value of input */
	/* x' = 1/blockSize * (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ... + x(n-1) * 1) */
	/* Fill wire1 buffer with 1.0 value */
	arm_fill_f32(1.0,  wire1, blockSize);
	/* Calculate the dot product of wire1 and wire2 */
	/* (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ...+ x(n-1) * 1) */
	arm_dot_prod_f32(testInput_f32, wire1, blockSize, &mean);
	/* Calculation of 1/blockSize */
	oneByBlockSize = 1.0 / (blockSize);
	/* 1/blockSize * (x(0)* 1 + x(1) * 1 + ... + x(n-1) * 1)  */
	arm_mult_f32(&mean, &oneByBlockSize, &mean, 1);
	/* Calculation of variance value of input */
	/* (1/blockSize) * (x(0) - x') * (x(0) - x') + (x(1) - x') * (x(1) - x') + ... + (x(n-1) - x') * (x(n-1) - x') */
	/* Fill wire2 with mean value x' */
	arm_fill_f32(mean,  wire2, blockSize);
	/* wire3 contains (x-x') */		
	arm_sub_f32(testInput_f32, wire2, wire3, blockSize);
	/* wire2 contains (x-x') */				
	arm_copy_f32(wire3, wire2, blockSize);
	/* (x(0) - x') * (x(0) - x') + (x(1) - x') * (x(1) - x') + ... + (x(n-1) - x') * (x(n-1) - x') */
	arm_dot_prod_f32(wire2, wire3, blockSize, &variance); 

    /* Calculation of 1/blockSize */
	oneByBlockSize = 1.0 / (blockSize - 1);

	/* Calculation of variance */		
	arm_mult_f32(&variance, &oneByBlockSize, &variance, 1);
	/* absolute value of difference between ref and test */
	diff = fabsf(refVarianceOut - variance);
	/* Comparison of variance value with reference */
	if(diff > DELTA)
	if( status != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)