예제 #1
파일: disk.c 프로젝트: ArakniD/dynawa
const char *diskErrorText (DRESULT d)
  unsigned int i;

  typedef struct errorStrings_s
    DRESULT dresult;
    const char *string;

  static const errorStrings_t errorStrings [] =
    { DRESULT_OK,       "OK"           },
    { DRESULT_ERROR,    "R/W ERROR"    },
    { DRESULT_WRPRT,    "WP ERROR"     },

  for (i = 0; i < arrsizeof (errorStrings); i++)
    if (errorStrings [i].dresult == d)
      return errorStrings [d].string;

  return "(no err text)";
예제 #2
static void sighandlerSEGV(int signo, struct siginfo *si, void *ctx)
    mprotect((char*)(((ucontext_t*)ctx)->uc_mcontext.gregs[8]), 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
    void *bt[128];
    int bt_size;

    bt_size = backtrace(bt, arrsizeof(bt));
    sighandlerPrint(stderr, signo, si->si_code, (ucontext_t *)ctx, bt, bt_size);
예제 #3
파일: leds.c 프로젝트: kidfiction/openDrive
static portTASK_FUNCTION (vLEDFlashTask, pvParameters __attribute__ ((unused)))
  portTickType ledTimeOn = 1;
  portTickType ledTimeOff = 1;
  portTickType lastTickTime;
  int dutyCycle = 0;

  //  Create the queue, turn on LED and die if we can't
  if (!xLEDQueue)
    if ((xLEDQueue = xQueueCreate (1, sizeof (dutyCycle))) == 0)
      ledsLED1On ();

      while (1)
        vTaskDelay (100);

  //  Send ourselves a message to init the flash time
  xQueueSend (xLEDQueue, &dutyCycle, (portTickType) 0);

  //  We need to initialise lastTickTime prior to the first call to vTaskDelayUntil()
  lastTickTime = xTaskGetTickCount ();

  for (;;)
    vTaskDelayUntil (&lastTickTime, ledTimeOn);
    ledsLED1Off ();
    vTaskDelayUntil (&lastTickTime, ledTimeOff);
    ledsLED1On ();

    if (xQueueReceive (xLEDQueue, &dutyCycle, (portTickType) 0))
      dutyCycle %= arrsizeof (ledDutyCycles);

      ledTimeOn  = ledDutyCycles [dutyCycle].timeOn;
      ledTimeOff = ledDutyCycles [dutyCycle].timeOff;
int enableMMU()
	// provided by linker script, must be placed in RAM, because they need to be writeable, typical setting is : L0Table spans 4KB,L1Table spans the successive 4KB,and L0Table must start at a 4KB boundary.
	extern RegDescriptor4KBL0 L0Table[];
	extern RegDescriptor4KBL1 L1Table[];
	// must be at EL1
	auto curEl = RegCurrentEL::read();
	if(curEl.EL != 1)
		kout << FATAL << " Not at EL1 \n";
		return 1;
	// set SPSel to 1
	RegSPSel spsel{0};
	spsel.SP = 1;

	// set exception vector of EL1
	extern char ExceptionVectorEL1[];
	RegVBAR_EL1 vbar;
	vbar.Addr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(ExceptionVectorEL1);

	// determine PARange
	auto aa64 = RegID_AA64MMFR0_EL1::read();
	if(aa64.TGran4 != 0b0000)
		kout << FATAL << "4KB granule is not supported\n";
		return 1;

	int paBitsMap[]=   {32,  36,  40,  42,  44,  48,  52};
	int indexBitsMap[]={2,   6,   1,   3,   5,   9,   INT32_MAX};
//	int levelsMap[]=   {3,   3,   4,   4,   4,   4,   INT32_MAX};
	int initLevelMap[]={1,   1,   0,   0,   0,   0,   INT32_MAX};
//	int tnszMap[]=     {32,  28,  24,  22,  20,  16,  INT32_MAX};
	if(aa64.PARange >= arrsizeof(paBitsMap))
		kout << FATAL << "PARange not supported\n";
		return 1;
	int effPARange = aa64.PARange;
	if(paBitsMap[effPARange] == 52 )
		kout << INFO << "PARange is 52, we need to reduce it to 48\n";

	if(initLevelMap[effPARange] != 0)
		kout << FATAL << "Initial level not at 0,which this program designed for specifically.";
		return 1;

	auto tcr = RegTCR_EL1::read();
	// disable address tag
	tcr.TBI0 = tcr.TBI1 = 0;
	// set output address size,same with PARange
	tcr.IPS = effPARange & 0b0111;// reserve lower 3 bits
	// set input address size, TxSZ is the most significant bits
	tcr.T0SZ = tcr.T1SZ = 64 - paBitsMap[effPARange];
	tcr.A1 = 0; //ASID is in ttbr0
	tcr.TG0 = 0b00;//TTBR0 4KB
	tcr.TG1 = 0b10;//TTBR1 4KB
	tcr.SH0 = tcr.SH1 = 0b10;//outer shareable
	tcr.IRGN0 = tcr.IRGN1 = 0b01;//inner cacheable
	tcr.ORGN0 = tcr.ORGN1 =0b01;// outer cacheable
	tcr.EPD0 = tcr.EPD1 = 0; // not disable page walk on TLB miss


	// memory attribute
	// peri: DevicenGnRnE,Execute Never,Not Shared,(auto)noncacheable,privileged
	// flash and others:Normal,Read/Write,Shared,Cacheable
	//   ram: + unprivileged
	//   flash: + privileged
	//    peri: +privileged
	// mair--> 0:device, 0x00, 1:normal, 0xff  2:normal,non-cacheable,0x44
	RegMAIR_EL1 mair{0};
	mair.Attr0 = 0x00; // Device-nGnRnE
	mair.Attr1 = 0xff; //Normal
	mair.Attr3 = 0x44; // Normal,Non-Cacheable
//	mair.Attr3 = ; //Normal, read only

	// initial level resolves (9-extra) bits
	// every following level resolves 9 bits, the lower 12 bits are flatten mapped
//	int levelsNeeded = (paBitsMap[effPARange] - 12)/9;

	// make sure that this section is placed at the lowest 4KB, so that it can be successfully flatten mapped.That is, mainEnd <= 4KB
	// because we just use L1 as block descriptor,so it allows more that 12 bits of flatten mapping, i.e. at least 12+9 = 21 bits

	extern char mainEnd[];
	if( (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(mainEnd) >> 30) >= 1) // >1GB, overflows
		kout << FATAL << "end of main overflows, meaning that it may not be flatten mapped.\n";
		return 1;

	// There is alignment requirement of translation table address
	// translation table's lower 12 bits must be 0

	// we have simplified the condition, by promising that L0Index=L1Index=0, L1 is a block descriptor, whose output address is 0
	// use the preallocated memory in the RAM.
	RegDescriptor4KBL0 & descrL0 = L0Table[0];
	descrL0.IsTable = 1;
	descrL0.Valid = 1;
	descrL0.RES0 = 0;
	descrL0.NSTable = 0;// non-secure, res0,also ignored.TODO test if 1 is working
	descrL0.NextLevelTableAddr = ( reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L1Table) & upperMaskBits(64-12)) >> 12;
	descrL0.APTable = 0b00; // no effect on permissions
	descrL0.PXNTable = 0;//no effect
	descrL0.XNTable = 0 ;// no effect

	// map RAM
//	RegDescriptor4KBL0 & descrRAML0 = L0Table[0];
//	descrL0.IsTable = 1;
//	descrL0.Valid = 1;
//	descrL0.RES0 = 0;
//	descrL0.NextLevelTableAddr = (L1Table >> 12);

	// map peri.

	// starts at next level
	// not all are read-only, the PERIPHABSE is writeable
	RegDescriptor4KBL1 & descrL1= L1Table[0];
	descrL1.S0.OutputAddr = (0 >> 30); //VA[29:0] = OA[29:0]
	descrL1.S0.AF = 1; // if AF=0, the first access will generate a fault
	descrL1.S0.AttrIndex = 1;// normal memory
	descrL1.S0.Valid = 1;
	descrL1.S0.PXN = 0;
	descrL1.S0.UXN = 0;
	descrL1.S0.Contiguous = 1;
	descrL1.S0.nG = 0; // apply to all ASID
	// no AP[0], AP[2]=0:read-write 1:read-only  AP[1]= can be access from EL0
//	descrL1.S0.AP = 0b01; // read-write, also from EL0
	descrL1.S0.AP = 0b00;
	descrL1.S0.NS = 1; // non-secure
	descrL1.S0.SH = 0b10; //outer-shareable
	descrL1.S0.Ignored = 0;

	// RAM starts from 1GB
	L1Table[1] = L1Table[0]; // all the same, except the following changes
	L1Table[1].S0.AP = 0b00;
	L1Table[1].S0.OutputAddr = (0x40000000 >> 30);

	// currently, TTBR0 is flatten mapped
	RegTTBR0_EL1 ttbr0 {0};

	// original : TTBR[47:12], modified: TTBR[47:12-extraBits]
	//  that is, originally, ttbr.BADDR's lower 11bits are 0,now its number reduces by extraBits
	int extraBits = 9 - indexBitsMap[effPARange]; // extraBits
//	ttbr0.BADDR = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L0Table) & upperMaskBits(63 - (12-extraBits)+1) >> 1;// keep bits[63:(12-extraBits)]
//	ttbr0.BADDR = 0x400; // level 3 fault
//	ttbr0.BADDR = 0x40; // level 3
//	ttbr0.BADDR = 0x4; // level 2 fault
	ttbr0.BADDR = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L0Table)>>1;
	ttbr0.ASID = 0;
	ttbr0.CnP = 0;

//	uint64_t & lttbr0 = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&ttbr0);
//	lttbr0 = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L0Table);

	RegTTBR1_EL1 ttbr1 {0};
	ttbr1.BADDR = ttbr0.BADDR;
	ttbr1.ASID = 0;
	ttbr1.CnP = 0;

	asm_isb();// seen by following instructions

	// dump information
	kout << "L0Table = " << Hex(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L0Table)) << "\n";
	kout << "L1Table = " << Hex(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(L1Table)) << "\n";



	if(RegID_AA64MMFR1_EL1::read().PAN == 0)
		kout << INFO << "PAN not supported\n";
		// this may fail,because architechure does not support armv8.1-PAN

	// test it, not working before enabling MMU
	// Stage1, EL1,as if read from that address
//	__asm__ __volatile__("at S1E1R,%0 \n\t"::"r"(mainEnd));
//	RegPAR_EL1::read().dump();

//	__asm__("MRS X0, S3_1_C15_C2_1 \n\t"
//			"ORR X0, X0, #(0x1 << 6) \n\t" // The SMP bit.
//			"MSR S3_1_C15_C2_1, X0 \n\t"
//			);

	// enable it
	auto sctl = RegSCTLR_EL1::read();
	sctl.EE = 0;//little endian
	sctl.E0E = 0;
	sctl.WXN = 0; // no effect,XNs normal
	sctl.I = 1;
	sctl.SA = 0;
	sctl.SA0 = 0;
	sctl.C = 1;
	sctl.A = 0;
	sctl.M = 1;
//	__asm__("DSB SY \n\t");

	kout << INFO << "Successfully set TTBR0\n";
	// change vbar to ttbr1
	vbar.Addr |= upperMaskBits(tcr.T1SZ);

	RegPC pc{0};
	extern char afterMMUSet[];
	kout << INFO << "afterMMUSet = ";
	kout << Hex(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(afterMMUSet))<<"\n";
	kout << INFO << "mainEnd = " ;
	kout << Hex(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(mainEnd))<<"\n";

	// set the upper tcr.T1SZ bits to 1,so TTBR1 is used
	pc.PC = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(afterMMUSet) | upperMaskBits(tcr.T1SZ);
	pc.write(); // just jump to the next instruction, but TTBR0 is changed to TTBR1

	// 设置栈值为高端地址
	__asm__ __volatile__(
			"mov x0,sp \n\t"
			"orr x0,x0,%0 \n\t"
			"mov sp,x0 \n\t"
			"orr x29,x29, %0 \n\t"::"r"(upperMaskBits(tcr.T1SZ)):"sp","x0");

	// define a local symbol:afterMMUSet
	ASM_DEFINE_LOCAL_SYM(afterMMUSet);//if local,3b38, wrong value
	kout << INFO << "Successfully enabled MMU\n";
	kout << INFO << "end enableMMU.\n";


	return 0;