예제 #1
파일: asn1.c 프로젝트: sjudson/crypto_f14
 * Recurse through the given node and free all of the memory that was allocated
 * by asn1parse. Don't free the "data" pointers, since that points to memory that
 * was not allocated by asn1parse.
void asn1free(struct asn1struct *node) {
  if (!node) {

예제 #2
 * Parse the modulus and private exponent from the buffer, which
 * should contain a DER-encoded RSA private key file.  There's a
 * lot more information in the private key file format, but this
 * app isn't set up to use any of it.
 * This, according to PKCS #1 (note that this is not in pkcs #8 format), is:
 * Version
 * modulus (n)
 * public exponent (e)
 * private exponent (d)
 * prime1 (p)
 * prime2 (q)
 * exponent1 (d mod p-1)
 * exponent2 (d mod q-1)
 * coefficient (inverse of q % p)
 * Here, all we care about is n & d.
int parse_private_key( rsa_key *privkey, 
                       const unsigned char *buffer, 
                       int buffer_length )
  struct asn1struct private_key;
  struct asn1struct *version;
  struct asn1struct *modulus;
  struct asn1struct *public_exponent;
  struct asn1struct *private_exponent;

  asn1parse( buffer, buffer_length, &private_key );

  version = ( struct asn1struct * ) private_key.children;
  modulus = ( struct asn1struct * ) version->next;
  // Just read this to skip over it
  public_exponent = ( struct asn1struct * ) modulus->next;
  private_exponent = ( struct asn1struct * ) public_exponent->next;
  privkey->modulus = malloc( sizeof( huge ) );
  privkey->exponent = malloc( sizeof( huge ) );
  load_huge( privkey->modulus, modulus->data, modulus->length );
  load_huge( privkey->exponent, private_exponent->data, private_exponent->length );

  asn1free( &private_key );

  return 0;
예제 #3
int parse_pkcs8_private_key( rsa_key *privkey, 
                             const unsigned char *buffer,
                             int buffer_length,
                             const unsigned char *passphrase )
  struct asn1struct pkcs8_key;
  struct asn1struct private_key;
  struct asn1struct *encryptionId;
  struct asn1struct *salt;
  struct asn1struct *iteration_count;
  struct asn1struct *encrypted_key;
  struct asn1struct *key_type_oid;
  struct asn1struct *priv_key_data;
  digest_ctx initial_hash;
  int counter;
  unsigned char passphrase_hash_in[ MD5_RESULT_SIZE * sizeof( int ) ];
  unsigned char passphrase_hash_out[ MD5_RESULT_SIZE * sizeof( int ) ];
  unsigned char *decrypted_key;
  asn1parse( buffer, buffer_length, &pkcs8_key );
  encryptionId = pkcs8_key.children->children;
  if ( memcmp( OID_pbeWithMD5andDES_CBC, encryptionId->data,
               encryptionId->length ) )
    fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported key encryption algorithm\n" );
    asn1free( &pkcs8_key );
    return 1;
  // TODO support more algorithms
  salt = encryptionId->next->children;
  iteration_count = salt->next;
  encrypted_key = pkcs8_key.children->next;

  // ugly typecasting
  counter = ntohs( *iteration_count->data );

  new_md5_digest( &initial_hash );
  update_digest( &initial_hash, passphrase, strlen( passphrase ) );
  update_digest( &initial_hash, salt->data, salt->length );
  finalize_digest( &initial_hash );
  memcpy( passphrase_hash_out, initial_hash.hash,
    initial_hash.hash_len * sizeof( int ) );
  while ( --counter ) 
    memcpy( passphrase_hash_in, passphrase_hash_out,
      sizeof( int ) * MD5_RESULT_SIZE );
    md5_hash( passphrase_hash_in, 
      sizeof( int ) * MD5_RESULT_SIZE,
      ( unsigned int * ) passphrase_hash_out );
  decrypted_key = ( unsigned char * ) malloc( encrypted_key->length );
  des_decrypt( encrypted_key->data, encrypted_key->length, decrypted_key,
    ( unsigned char * ) passphrase_hash_out + DES_KEY_SIZE, 
    ( unsigned char * ) passphrase_hash_out );
  // sanity check
  if ( decrypted_key[ encrypted_key->length - 1 ] > 8 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Decryption error, bad padding\n");
    asn1free( &pkcs8_key );
    free( decrypted_key );
    return 1;
  asn1parse( decrypted_key,
    encrypted_key->length - decrypted_key[ encrypted_key->length - 1 ],
    &private_key );
  free( decrypted_key );
  key_type_oid = private_key.children->next->children;
  if ( memcmp( OID_RSAPrivateKey, key_type_oid->data, key_type_oid->length ) )
    fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported private key type" );
    asn1free( &pkcs8_key );
    asn1free( &private_key );
  priv_key_data = private_key.children->next->next;
  parse_pkcs8_private_key( privkey, priv_key_data->data, priv_key_data->length, "password" );
  asn1free( &pkcs8_key );
  asn1free( &private_key );

  return 0;
예제 #4
void CRSADlg::OnBnClickedBtnGenrsakey()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    rsa_key  key;
    unsigned char outRSA[4096];
    unsigned long outlenRSA = 4096;

    padding = LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5;

    case eASYMKEY_ALG_1024:
        rsa_byte_len = 1024 / 8;
    case eASYMKEY_ALG_2048:
        rsa_byte_len = 2048 / 8;
    case eASYMKEY_ALG_4096:
        rsa_byte_len = 4096 / 8;

    /* make an RSA-1024 key */
    if ((err = rsa_make_key(NULL, /* PRNG state */
                            prng_idx, /* PRNG idx */
                            rsa_byte_len, /*key byte length*/
                            65537, /* we like e=65537 */
                            &key) /* where to store the key */
        ) != CRYPT_OK)
        printf("rsa_make_key %s", error_to_string(err));

    if ((err = rsa_export((unsigned char*)outRSA, &outlenRSA, PK_PRIVATE, &key)) != CRYPT_OK)
        printf("Export error: %s", error_to_string(err));

        outlenRSA = 0;

     //unsigned char *tmp;
	 //int len = 0;
	 //len = mp_unsigned_bin_size((mp_int *)key.N);
	 //tmp = (unsigned char *) malloc(len);
	 //mp_to_unsigned_bin((mp_int *)key.N, tmp);

	 //   unsigned char *msg;
	 //// N
	 //   msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	 //   *(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	 //   StdCharsToHexChars(tmp, msg, len);
	 //   SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_N, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	 //   if(msg != NULL)
	 //	free(msg);
	 //	msg = NULL;

    struct asn1struct certificate;
    struct RsaKeyBlob ExportKey;
    memset(&ExportKey, 0, sizeof(RsaKeyBlob));

    asn1parse(outRSA, outlenRSA, &certificate);
    ExportKey.m_IndexCount = 0;
    ans1GetKey(0, &certificate, &ExportKey);
    asn1free( &certificate );

    unsigned long len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits;
    unsigned char *msg;
	// N
    msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
    *(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
    StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_N, msg, len);
    SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_N, (LPCTSTR)msg);
    if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_D, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_D, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_p, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_P, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

    // Q
    len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_q, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_Q, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	// DP
    len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_dp, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DP, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

    // DQ
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_dq, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DQ, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	// Qinv
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_qinv, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_Qinv, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;
예제 #5
int main( int argc, char *argv[ ] )
  int certificate_file;
  struct stat certificate_file_stat;
  unsigned char *buffer, *bufptr;
  int buffer_size;
  int bytes_read;
  struct asn1struct certificate;

  if ( argc < 3 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-der|-pem] <certificate file>\n", argv[ 0 ] );
    exit( 0 );

  if ( ( certificate_file = open( argv[ 2 ], O_RDONLY ) ) == -1 )  
    perror( "Unable to open certificate file" );
    return 1;

  // Slurp the whole thing into memory
  if ( fstat( certificate_file, &certificate_file_stat ) )
    perror( "Unable to stat certificate file" );
    return 2;

  buffer_size = certificate_file_stat.st_size;
  buffer = ( char * ) malloc( buffer_size );

  if ( !buffer )
    perror( "Not enough memory" );
    return 3;

  bufptr = buffer;

  while ( bytes_read = read( certificate_file, ( void * ) buffer,       
               certificate_file_stat.st_size ) )
    bufptr += bytes_read;

  if ( !( strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-pem" ) ) )
    // XXX this overallocates a bit, since it sets aside space for markers, etc.
    unsigned char *pem_buffer = buffer;
    buffer = (unsigned char * ) malloc( buffer_size );
    buffer_size = pem_decode( pem_buffer, buffer );
    free( pem_buffer );

  asn1parse( buffer, buffer_size, &certificate );
  asn1show( 0, &certificate );
  asn1free( &certificate );

  return 0;